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18th ECC 2019: Naples, Italy
- 17th European Control Conference, ECC 2019, Naples, Italy, June 25-28, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-3-907144-00-8
- Siqi Zhou, Mohamed K. Helwa, Angela P. Schoellig, Andriy Sarabakha, Erdal Kayacan
Knowledge Transfer Between Robots with Similar Dynamics for High-Accuracy Impromptu Trajectory Tracking. 1-8 - Robin Spiess, Felix Berkenkamp, Andreas Krause, Jan Poland:
Learning to Compensate Photovoltaic Power Fluctuations from Images of the Sky by Imitating an Optimal Policy. 9-15 - Benjamin Karg, Sergio Lucia
Learning-based approximation of robust nonlinear predictive control with state estimation applied to a towing kite. 16-22 - Jose R. Salvador, Daniel R. Ramírez
, Teodoro Alamo, David Muñoz de la Peña, G. García-Marín:
Data Driven Control: An Offset Free Approach. 23-28 - Anne Romer, Sebastian Trimpe
, Frank Allgöwer
Data-driven inference of passivity properties via Gaussian process optimization. 29-35 - Amin Rezaeizadeh:
Set Membership Identification and Control of an Iterative Process. 36-41 - Luca Furieri, Yang Zheng, Antonis Papachristodoulou
, Maryam Kamgarpour:
On Separable Quadratic Lyapunov Functions for Convex Design of Distributed Controllers. 42-49 - Hossein Moradian, Solmaz S. Kia
Accelerated Average Consensus Algorithm Using Outdated Feedback. 50-55 - Jannik Hahn, Olaf Stursberg
Robust Distributed MPC for Disturbed Affine Systems Using Predictions of Time-Varying Communication. 56-62 - Michael Schwung, Felix Hagedorn, Jan Lunze:
Networked Event-Based Collision Avoidance of Mobile Objects. 63-70 - James Kennedy, Airlie Chapman, Peter M. Dower:
Generalized Coverage Control for Time-Varying Density Functions. 71-76 - Andrea Camisa
, Giuseppe Notarstefano:
Primal Decomposition and Constraint Generation for Asynchronous Distributed Mixed-Integer Linear Programming. 77-82 - Pietro De Lellis
, Franco Garofalo, Francesco Lo Iudice:
Formation control on Jordan curves based on noisy proximity measurements. 83-88 - Lars Lindemann, Dimos V. Dimarogonas:
Decentralized Control Barrier Functions for Coupled Multi-Agent Systems under Signal Temporal Logic Tasks. 89-94 - Kang Ji, Qian Zhang
, Hui Cheng, Dingli Yu
A Virtual Force Interaction Scheme for Monitoring Complex Unknown Environments by Autonomous Mobile Robots. 95-100 - Ertug Olcay, Boris Lohmann:
Extension of the Cucker-Dong Flocking with a Virtual Leader and a Reactive Control Law. 101-106 - Giulia Michieletto
, Angelo Cenedese
Formation Control for Fully Actuated Systems: a Quaternion-based Bearing Rigidity Approach. 107-112 - Alfredo Pironti:
Asymptotic analysis of the Friedkin-Johnsen model when the matrix of the susceptibility weights approaches the identity matrix. 113-118 - Filip Svoboda, Martin Hromcik:
Active flutter suppression by means of fixed-order H∞ control: results for the Benchmark Active Control Technology (BACT) wing. 119-124 - Ruchir Goswami, Atul G. Kelkar, Jerald M. Vogel, Denny Chaussee:
Feasibility of Using Flush Air Data Sensors for Real-Time Aerodynamic Load Estimation for Use in Aircraft Control. 125-130 - Luca D'Avico, Mara Tanelli, Sergio M. Savaresi:
Combining tire-wear and braking control for aeronautical applications. 131-136 - Paolo Castaldi
, Alessandro Macchelli, Nicola Mimmo:
Detectability Analysis of Faults Affecting Actuators and Sensors of Flexible Space Structures. 137-142 - Jinrae Kim
, Youdan Kim
Impact Time Control Guidance with Finite-Time Convergence Based on Pure Proportional Navigation. 143-148 - Chengfei Yue, Qiang Shen, Cher Hiang Goh, Tong Heng Lee:
Fault Estimation and Fault-Tolerant Steering Law for Single Gimbal Control Moment Gyro Systems. 149-154 - Sergey G. Nersesov, Hashem Ashrafiuon:
The Use of Partial Stability in the Analysis of Interconnected Systems. 155-159 - Omer Tanovic, Alexandre Megretski:
Causally Stable Approximation of Optimal Maps in Maximal Value Constrained Least-Squares Optimization. 160-165 - Michael W. Fisher, Ian A. Hiskens:
Parametric Dependence of Large Disturbance Response for Vector Fields with Event-Selected Discontinuities. 166-173 - Krishna Chaitanya Kosaraju
, Matthijs C. de Jong, Jacquelien M. A. Scherpen:
A novel passivity based controller for a piezoelectric beam. 174-179 - Arijit Sen
, Soumya Ranjan Sahoo
, Mangal Kothari
A Discontinuous Consensus Algorithm with Neighbor Counting. 180-185 - Konstantin Zimenko, Denis V. Efimov, Andrey Polyakov, Artem Kremlev:
On Notions of Output Finite-Time Stability. 186-190 - Christian Klauer, Emilia Ambrosini, Simona Ferrante, Alessandra Pedrocchi:
Co-activation and eEMG-feedback for Restoring Hand-Functions. 191-196 - Miguel Hernández-González, Gustavo Hernandez-Mejia
, Alma Y. Alanis
, Esteban A. Hernández-Vargas
State Estimation for Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Applications to Viral Infections. 197-202 - Luca Merigo, Fabrizio Padula, Nicola Latronico
, Massimiliano Paltenghi, Antonio Visioli:
Optimized tuning of an IMC scheme for depth of hypnosis control. 203-208 - Mark Verjans, Lovis Phlippen, Philipp Schleer, Klaus Radermacher
SEBARES - Design and Evaluation of a Controller for a novel externally guided self-balancing patient rescue aid. 209-214 - Hedyeh Jafari, George Nikolakopoulos, Thomas Gustafsson:
Replicating human brain mechanisms towards balancing. 215-220 - Mohsen A. Bakouri
Physiological Control Approach for Heart Pump. 221-224 - Robert Hult, Mario Zanon, Sébastien Gros, Paolo Falcone
Optimal Coordination of Automated Vehicles at Intersections with Turns. 225-230 - Karl Berntorp:
Bayesian Tire-Friction Learning by Gaussian-Process State-Space Models. 231-236 - Eduard Popp, Mathias Tantau
, Mark Wielitzka, Tobias Ortmaier, Dennis Giebert:
Frequency Domain Identification and Identifiability Analysis of a Nonlinear Vehicle Drivetrain Model. 237-242 - Alexander Katriniok
, Stefan Kojchev, Erjen Lefeber, Henk Nijmeijer:
A Stochastic Model Predictive Control Approach for Driver-Aided Intersection Crossing With Uncertain Driver Time Delay. 243-249 - András Mihály, Péter Gáspár, Hakan Basargan
Maximizing autonomous in-wheel electric vehicle battery state of charge with optimal control allocation. 250-255 - Ivo Batkovic
, Mario Zanon, Mohammad Ali, Paolo Falcone
Real-Time Constrained Trajectory Planning and Vehicle Control for Proactive Autonomous Driving With Road Users. 256-262 - Bart Besselink, Karl Henrik Johansson, Arjan van der Schaft
Contracts as specifications for dynamical systems in driving variable form. 263-268 - Giuseppe Conte, Anna Maria Perdon, Elena Zattoni:
Unknown-Input State Observers with Minimal Order for Linear Impulsive Systems. 269-274 - Giordano Pola, Alessandro Borri
, Pierdomenico Pepe, Pasquale Palumbo, Maria Domenica Di Benedetto:
Symbolic models approximating possibly unstable time-delay systems with application to the artificial pancreas. 275-280 - Sabrina Hadjeras, Carolina Albea-Sanchez
, Fabio Gómez-Estern Aguilar, Francisco Gordillo, Germain Garcia:
Hybrid Control Law for a Three-Level NPC Rectifier. 281-286 - Alberto Mellone
, Giordano Scarciotti
ε-Approximate Output Regulation of Linear Stochastic Systems: a Hybrid Approach. 287-292 - Manuel Mera
, Héctor Ríos
, Francisco Javier Bejarano
State and Mode Estimation for Piecewise Linear Systems. 293-298 - Joseph Lorenzetti, Benoit Landry, Sumeet Singh, Marco Pavone:
Reduced Order Model Predictive Control For Setpoint Tracking. 299-306 - Jeremy Coulson, John Lygeros, Florian Dörfler
Data-Enabled Predictive Control: In the Shallows of the DeePC. 307-312 - Giuliano Costantini, Ramin Rostami, Daniel Görges
Fast Separable Terminal Cost Synthesis for Distributed MPC. 313-318 - Elena Paifelman
, Gianluca Pepe, Antonio Carcaterra
Optimal control with memory effects: theory and application to wings. 319-324 - Moritz Schulze Darup, Dieter Teichrib:
Efficient computation of RPI sets for tube-based robust MPC. 325-330 - Sankaranarayanan Subramanian
, Mohamed Aboelnour, Sebastian Engell:
Robust Tube-enhanced Multi-stage Output Feedback MPC for Linear Systems with Additive and Parametric Uncertainties. 331-336 - Manas Mejari, Dario Piga
, Roland Tóth, Alberto Bemporad:
Kernelized Identification of Linear Parameter-Varying Models with Linear Fractional Representation. 337-342 - Mahsa Doosthosseini, Elsa Hansen, Hosam K. Fathy:
On the Accuracy of Drug-Resistant Cell Population Estimation from Total Cancer Size Measurements. 343-350 - Kévin Colin
, Xavier Bombois, Laurent Bako, Federico Morelli
Informativity: how to get just sufficiently rich for the Identification of MISO FIR Systems with Multisine Excitation? 351-356 - David Arengas, Andreas Kroll:
A Data Selection Method for Large Databases Based on Recursive Instrumental Variables for System Identification of MISO Models. 357-362 - Federico Morelli
, Xavier Bombois, Håkan Hjalmarsson
, Laurent Bako, Kévin Colin
Optimal Experiment Design for the Identification of One Module in the Interconnection of Locally Controlled Systems. 363-368 - Michal Falkowski
, Pawel D. Domanski:
Residual analysis of nested NARIMA models of the atmospheric distillation column. 369-374 - Pantelis Sopasakis, Mathijs Schuurmans, Panagiotis Patrinos
Risk-averse risk-constrained optimal control. 375-380 - Kailai Li, Daniel Frisch, Benjamin Noack, Uwe D. Hanebeck:
Geometry-driven Deterministic Sampling for Nonlinear Bingham Filtering. 381-387 - Samir Aberkane, Vasile Dragan:
On a solution to the problem of time-varying zero-sum LQ stochastic difference game: A Riccati equation approach. 388-393 - Gaetano Tartaglione
, Marco Ariola, Gianmaria De Tommasi
, Francesco Amato:
Annular Finite-Time Stability and Stabilization of Continuous-Time Markov Jump Linear Systems. 394-399 - Dario Piga
, Alessio Benavoli:
Semialgebraic Outer Approximations for Set-Valued Nonlinear Filtering. 400-405 - Olof Troeng, Mattias Fält:
Sparsity-Constrained Optimization of Inputs to Second-Order Systems. 406-410 - Juan E. Machado
, Romeo Ortega, Alessandro Astolfi
, José Arocas-Pérez
, Robert Griñó
, Anton A. Pyrkin
, Alexey A. Bobtsov:
Active Damping of a DC Network with a Constant Power Load: An Adaptive Observer-based Design. 411-416 - Roni Luhtala
, Tommi Reinikka, Henrik Alenius
, Tomi Roinila
, Tuomas Messo:
Adaptive Method for Control Tuning of Grid-Connected Inverter Based on Grid Measurements During Start-Up. 417-422 - Daniel Silva de Castro
, Rafael Fernando Quirino Magossi, Renan F. Bastos
, Vilma A. Oliveira
, Ricardo Q. Machado
Low-Cost Hardware in the Loop Implementation of a Boost Converter. 423-428 - Jérémie Kreiss, Jean-François Trégouët, Romain Delpoux, Jean Yves Gauthier, Xuefang Lin-Shi:
A New Framework for Dealing with Input Constraints on Parallel Interconnection of Buck Converters. 429-434 - Augusto S. Padula, Elian J. Agnoletto, Rodolpho V. A. Neves
, Rafael Fernando Quirino Magossi, Ricardo Q. Machado
, Vilma A. Oliveira
Partial Harmonic Current Distortion Mitigation in Microgrids Using Proportional Resonant Controller. 435-440 - Yashan Xing, Jing Na
, Ramon Costa-Castelló:
Adaptive Online Parameter Estimation Algorithm of PEM Fuel Cells. 441-446 - Sebastian Florin Tudor, Cristian Oara:
Robust Stabilization of Differential-Algebraic Systems Perturbed on Normalized Coprime Factors. 447-452 - Mihalis Tsiakkas, Alexander Lanzon:
Bicoprime Factor Robust Control Synthesis via Reduced Dimension Algebraic Riccati Equations. 453-458 - Stefan Niederberger, Rodolfo Orjuela, Michel Basset:
Robust control design for electrically driven high-pressure pumps using H∞ approach with joint shaping functions. 459-464 - Hao Yang, Rafael M. Morales, Matthew C. Turner:
Robust Principal Component Algorithms for High-Order Fast-Sampled Systems. 465-470 - Francesco Cesarone, Pierdomenico Pepe:
Robustification of sample-and-hold controllers for the consensus problem. 471-476 - Gabriele Maroni
, Simone Formentin, Fabio Previdi:
A robust design strategy for stock trading via feedback control. 477-482 - Rodolphe Sepulchre, Timothy O'Leary, Guillaume Drion, Alessio Franci
Control by neuromodulation: A tutorial. 483-497 - Elene M. Espeland, Byung K. Jung, David A. Anisi
A predictive learning approach to optimal load sharing in energy management systems. 498-504 - Lucas Cassano, Kun Yuan, Ali H. Sayed:
Distributed Value-Function Learning with Linear Convergence Rates. 505-511 - Antonio Acernese, Carmen Del Vecchio
, Luigi Glielmo
, Gianfranco Fenu
, Felice Andrea Pellegrino
A Combined Support Vector Machine and Support Vector Representation Machine Method for Production Control. 512-517 - Xinglin Yu, Yuhu Wu, Xi-Ming Sun:
A Navigation Scheme for a Random Maze using Reinforcement Learning with Quadrotor Vision. 518-523 - Ankush Chakrabarty, Rien Quirynen, Claus Danielson, Weinan Gao
Approximate Dynamic Programming For Linear Systems with State and Input Constraints. 524-529 - Joseph Warrington:
Learning continuous Q-functions using generalized Benders cuts. 530-535 - Alina Eqtami, Antoine Girard:
A Quantitative Approach on Assume-Guarantee Contracts for Safety of Interconnected Systems. 536-541 - Ajay Krishna, Johannes Schiffer, Nima Monshizadeh
, Jörg Raisch:
A consensus-based voltage control for reactive power sharing and PCC voltage regulation in microgrids with parallel-connected inverters. 542-547 - Filippo Fabiani, Andrea Caiti:
Nash equilibrium seeking in potential games with double-integrator agents. 548-553 - Sarnavi Mahesh, Sara Spedicato, Giuseppe Notarstefano:
A Sparse Polytopic LPV Controller for Fully-Distributed Nonlinear Optimal Control. 554-559 - Yitao Yan
, Jie Bao:
A Scenario Approach to Robust Distributed Control for Plantwide Process Systems. 560-565 - Yi-Fan Chung, Solmaz S. Kia
Distributed Minimum Energy Leader-Follower Algorithm for Multi-Agent Systems with an Active Non-Homogenous Leader. 566-571 - Parag Bobade, Dimitra Panagou, Andrew J. Kurdila
Multi-agent adaptive estimation with consensus in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. 572-577 - Ameer K. Mulla:
Leader Selection for Minimum Time Consensus in Networks of Discrete Time Systems. 578-583 - Souradip De
, Soumya Ranjan Sahoo
, Pankaj Wahi:
Consensus Tracking in Multi-Dimensional Systems. 584-589 - Antonio Petitti, Annalisa Milella, Alessandro Rizzo:
A Distributed Strategy to Detect When to Stop the Continuous-Time Average Consensus Protocol. 590-595 - Pietro De Lellis
, Anna DiMeglio, Franco Garofalo, Francesco Lo Iudice:
Partial containment control over signed graphs. 596-601 - Giacomo Baggio, Vaibhav Katewa
, Fabio Pasqualetti
, Sandro Zampieri
The Shannon Capacity of Linear Dynamical Networks. 602-607 - Adedayo K. Babarinde, Li-Min Zhu, Sumeet S. Aphale
Simultaneous Design of Positive Acceleration Velocity and Position Feedback Based Combined Damping and Tracking Control Scheme for Nanopositioners. 608-613 - Oscar B. Cieza, Johann Reger
IDA-PBC for Underactuated Mechanical Systems in Implicit Port-Hamiltonian Representation. 614-619 - Felix Mesmer, Tomas Szabo, Knut Graichen
Feedforward Control of a Hydraulic Clutch Actuation Path. 620-626 - Michael Ringkowski, Oliver Sawodny:
Gaussian Process Based Multi-Rate Observer for the Dynamic Positioning Error of a Measuring Machine. 627-632 - Christian Leisten, Lennard Kaven, Uwe Jassmann
, Dirk Abel:
Model Predictive Torque Control of a Wind Turbine System Test Bench in Hardware-in-the-Loop Operation. 633-638 - Jemma J. Makrygiorgou
, Antonio T. Alexandridis:
Model based Design and Stability Analysis of a Cascaded Controlled Electric Vehicle Motion and Storage System. 639-644 - Youness Braidiz, Wilfrid Perruquetti, Andrei Polyakov, Denis V. Efimov:
On finite-time stability of homogeneous systems with multiplicative bounded function. 645-649 - Siyuan Wang, Andrey Polyakov, Gang Zheng:
Quadrotor Control Design under Time and State Constraints: Implicit Lyapunov Function Approach. 650-655 - Victoria Grushkovskaya, Alexander Zuyev
Stabilization of non-admissible curves for a class of nonholonomic systems. 656-661 - James MacLean, Sumeet S. Aphale
A Linear Integral Resonant Controller for Suppressing Jump-Phenomena in MEMS. 662-667 - Youness Braidiz, Denis V. Efimov, Andrei Polyakov, Wilfrid Perruquetti:
Robust Finite-time stability of homogeneous systems with respect to multiplicative disturbances. 668-673 - Giulia Giordano
, Abhyudai Singh, Franco Blanchini
Analysis of coupled genetic oscillators with delayed positive feedback interconnections. 674-679 - Agostino Guarino
, Davide Fiore
, Mario di Bernardo
In-silico feedback control of a MIMO synthetic Toggle Switch via Pulse-Width Modulation. 680-685 - Irene Zorzan:
Localized Spatial Emergent Behaviour in Bacterial Cells via Band-Detect Network Motif. 686-691 - Christian Cuba Samaniego
, Giulia Giordano
, Elisa Franco:
Practical differentiation using ultrasensitive molecular circuits. 692-697 - Pavol Bokes
, Abhyudai Singh:
Noise induced bimodality in genetic circuits with monostable positive feedback. 698-703 - Carlo Cosentino, Costanzo Manes
, Giovanni Palombo, Pasquale Palumbo:
Noise Propagation in Chemical Reaction Networks: Analysis of a Molecular Subtractor Module. 704-709 - Simone Gelmini
, Simone Formentin, Silvia Carla Strada
, Mara Tanelli, Sergio M. Savaresi:
Automatic driver phone hand-usage detection: A cepstrum-based approach. 710-715 - Simon Mustaki, Anh-Tu Nguyen
, Philippe Chevrel, Mohamed Yagoubi
, François Fauvel:
Comparison of Two Robust Static Output Feedback H2 Design Approaches for Car Lateral Control. 716-723 - Béatrice Pano, Philippe Chevrel, Fabien Claveau:
Anticipatory and Compensatory e-Assistance for Haptic Shared Control of the Steering Wheel. 724-731 - Marco Baur, Luca Bascetta
An experimentally validated LQR approach to autonomous drifting stabilization. 732-737 - Boli Chen
, Simos A. Evangelou
Truncated Battery Power Following Strategy for Energy Management Control of Series Hybrid Electric Vehicles. 738-743 - Balázs Németh
, Tamás Hegedüs, Péter Gáspár:
Model Predictive Control Design for Overtaking Maneuvers for Multi-Vehicle Scenarios. 744-749 - Ismail Belgacem, Hamid Bensalah, Brahim Cherki, Roderick Edwards
The probabilistic convolution regularization of Zeno hybrid systems. 750-757