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CoRR, November 2014
- Abhijit Chandra, Oliva Kar, Kuan-Chuen Wu, Michelle Hall, Jason Gillette:
Prognosis of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction: A Data Driven Approach. - John E. Miller, Michael Bloodgood, Manabu Torii, K. Vijay-Shanker:
Rapid Adaptation of POS Tagging for Domain Specific Uses. - Varun Panaganti:
Generalized Adaptive Dictionary Learning via Domain Shift Minimization. - Ya Le, Eric Bax, Nicola Barbieri, David García-Soriano, Jitesh Mehta, James Li:
Validation of Network Reconciliation. - Ivan Soprunov:
Lattice polytopes in coding theory. - Luis A. A. Meira, Rogério H. B. de Lima:
Fusion Tree Sorting. - Arnaud Sallaberry, Yang-chih Fu, Hwai-Chung Ho, Kwan-Liu Ma:
ContactTrees: A Technique for Studying Personal Network Data. - Emanuel Diamant:
Cognitive image processing: the time is right to recognize that the world does not rest more on turtles and elephants. - Evdokia Nikolova, Nicolás E. Stier Moses:
The Burden of Risk Aversion in Mean-Risk Selfish Routing. - Paul Cuff:
Secrecy in Cascade Networks. - Feng Shi, Jianer Chen, Qilong Feng, Xiaojun Ding, Jianxin Wang:
Algorithms for Maximum Agreement Forest of Multiple General Trees. - Lingyang Chu, Shuhui Wang, Siyuan Liu, Qingming Huang, Jian Pei:
ALID: Scalable Dominant Cluster Detection. - Guodong Shi, Alexandre Proutière, Mikael Johansson, John S. Baras, Karl Henrik Johansson:
Emergent Behaviors over Signed Random Dynamical Networks: State-Flipping Model. - Juei-Chin Shen, Jun Zhang, Khaled Ben Letaief:
User Capacity of Pilot-Contaminated TDD Massive MIMO Systems. - Shu Feng, Gu Chen, Michael Mao Wang, Stevan M. Berber, Xiaohu You:
Probability density derivation and analysis of SINR in massive MIMO systems with MF beamformer. - Atul Kanaujia, Tae Eun Choe, Hongli Deng:
Complex Events Recognition under Uncertainty in a Sensor Network. - Kaoutar Ben Ahmed, Mohammed Bouhorma, Mohamed Ben Ahmed:
Age of Big Data and Smart Cities: Privacy Trade-Off. - Tomasz Brengos, Marino Miculan, Marco Peressotti:
Behavioural equivalences for coalgebras with unobservable moves. - Vincenzo De Florio:
Systems, Resilience, and Organization: Analogies and Points of Contact with Hierarchy Theory. - Deeparnab Chakrabarty, Prateek Jain, Pravesh Kothari:
Provable Submodular Minimization using Wolfe's Algorithm. - Bakthavachalam Elango, Lutz Bornmann, Subramaniam Shankar:
Study of Citation Networks in Tribology Research. - Arash Khabbazibasmenj, Maksym A. Girnyk, Sergiy A. Vorobyov, Mikko Vehkaperä, Lars K. Rasmussen:
On the Optimal Precoding for MIMO Gaussian Wire-Tap Channels. - Maksym A. Girnyk, Frédéric Gabry, Mikko Vehkaperä, Lars K. Rasmussen, Mikael Skoglund:
On the Transmit Beamforming for MIMO Wiretap Channels: Large-System Analysis. - Gowtham Rangarajan Raman:
Detection of texts in natural images. - Philippe Vincent-Lamarre, Alexandre Blondin Massé, Marcos Lopes, Mélanie Lord, Odile Marcotte, Stevan Harnad:
The Latent Structure of Dictionaries. - Bálint Antal, András Hajdu, Zsuzsanna Maros-Szabó, Zsolt Török, Adrienne Csutak, Tünde Petö:
A Two-phase Decision Support Framework for the Automatic Screening of Digital Fundus Images. - Saieed Akbari, Mina Dalirrooyfard, K. Ehsani, R. Sherkati:
A Note on Signed k-Submatching in Graphs. - Paola Bermolen, Matthieu Jonckheere, Federico Larroca, Pascal Moyal:
Estimating the Spatial Reuse with Configuration Models. - Ittai Abraham, Omar Alonso, Vasilis Kandylas, Rajesh Patel, Steven Shelford, Aleksandrs Slivkins:
Using Worker Quality Scores to Improve Stopping Rules. - Ferruccio Guidi:
The Formal System λδ Revised - Stage A: Extending the Applicability Condition. - William Cushing, J. Benton, Patrick Eyerich, Subbarao Kambhampati:
Surrogate Search As a Way to Combat Harmful Effects of Ill-behaved Evaluation Functions. - Paul Honeine:
Entropy of Overcomplete Kernel Dictionaries. - Rati Gelashvili, Mohsen Ghaffari, Jerry Li, Nir Shavit:
On the Importance of Registers for Computability. - Siu On Chan, Ilias Diakonikolas, Rocco A. Servedio, Xiaorui Sun:
Near-Optimal Density Estimation in Near-Linear Time Using Variable-Width Histograms. - Hamed Razavi, Anthony M. Bloch, Christine Chevallereau, J. W. Grizzle:
Restricted Discrete Invariance and Self-Synchronization For Stable Walking of Bipedal Robots. - Akshay Srinivasan, Madhusudhan Venkadesan:
Polynomial mechanics and optimal control. - Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen, Paul Kim Long V. Nguyen, Jason M. Rute:
Algorithmic randomness for Doob's martingale convergence theorem in continuous time. - Yanfei Yan, Ling Liu, Cong Ling, Xiaofu Wu:
Construction of Capacity-Achieving Lattice Codes: Polar Lattices. - Xinquan Chen:
Synchronization Clustering based on a Linearized Version of Vicsek model. - Jian Li, Jeff M. Phillips, Haitao Wang:
$ε$-Kernel Coresets for Stochastic Points. - Changbing Tang, Ang Li, Xiang Li:
When reputation enforces evolutionary cooperation in unreliable MANETs. - Raka Jovanovic, Sabre Kais, Fahhad H. Alharbi:
Cuckoo Search Inspired Hybridization of the Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm Applied to Optimization of Photovoltaic Cells. - Yulong Zou, Jia Zhu, Gongpu Wang, Hua Shao:
Secrecy Outage Probability Analysis of Multi-User Multi-Eavesdropper Wireless Systems. - Yulong Zou, Jia Zhu, Baoyu Zheng:
Outage Analysis of Multi-Relay Selection for Cognitive Radio with Imperfect Spectrum Sensing. - Zubair Nabi:
Censorship is Futile. - Yulong Zou, Benoît Champagne, Wei-Ping Zhu, Lajos Hanzo:
Relay-Selection Improves the Security-Reliability Trade-off in Cognitive Radio Systems. - Mordechai Guri, Gabi Kedma, Assaf Kachlon, Yuval Elovici:
AirHopper: Bridging the Air-Gap between Isolated Networks and Mobile Phones using Radio Frequencies. - Amin Jamali, Seyed Mostafa Safavi Hemami, Mehdi Berenjkoub, Hossein Saidi:
An Adaptive MAC Protocol for Wireless LANs. - Xinqian Xie, Mugen Peng, Yonghui Li, Wenbo Wang, H. Vincent Poor:
Channel Estimation for Two-Way Relay Networks in the Presence of Synchronization Errors. - Alexandros Efentakis, Dieter Pfoser, Yannis Vassiliou:
SALT. A unified framework for all shortest-path query variants on road networks. - Igor Razgon:
On the read-once property of branching programs and CNFs of bounded treewidth. - Alex Verstak, Anurag Acharya, Helder Suzuki, Sean Henderson, Mikhail Iakhiaev, Cliff Chiung-Yu Lin, Namit Shetty:
On the Shoulders of Giants: The Growing Impact of Older Articles. - Andrés Abeliuk, Gerardo Berbeglia, Manuel Cebrián, Pascal Van Hentenryck:
Optimizing Expected Utility in a Multinomial Logit Model with Position Bias and Social Influence. - Remi A. Chou, Matthieu R. Bloch:
Polar Coding for the Broadcast Channel with Confidential Messages and Constrained Randomization. - Tohid Ardeshiri, Tianshi Chen:
Maximum Entropy Property of Discrete-time First Order Stable Spline Kernel. - Andrea Grigorescu, Holger Boche, Rafael F. Schaefer, H. Vincent Poor:
Capacity Region Continuity of the Compound Broadcast Channel with Confidential Messages. - Aasa Feragen, François Lauze, Søren Hauberg:
Geodesic Exponential Kernels: When Curvature and Linearity Conflict. - Nir Elkayam, Meir Feder:
Achievable and Converse bounds over a general channel and general decoding metric. - Corneliu Florea, Constantin Vertan, Laura Florea:
High Dynamic Range Imaging by Perceptual Logarithmic Exposure Merging. - Hussain E. Elkotby, Mai Vu:
Uplink User-Assisted Relaying Deployment in Cellular Networks. - Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert, Marc Feeley:
Simple and Effective Type Check Removal through Lazy Basic Block Versioning. - Carleton Coffrin, Dan Gordon, Paul Scott:
NESTA, The NICTA Energy System Test Case Archive. - T. V. Ananthapadmanabha, K. V. Vijay Girish, A. G. Ramakrishnan:
Detection of transitions between broad phonetic classes in a speech signal. - Zhu Tang, Zhenqian Feng, Wanrong Yu, Baokang Zhao, Chunqing Wu:
Link Reassignment based Snapshot Partition for Polar-orbit LEO Satellite Networks. - Luca Barletta, Gerhard Kramer:
Upper Bound on the Capacity of Discrete-Time Wiener Phase Noise Channels. - Roozbeh Rajabi, Hassan Ghassemian:
Sparsity Constrained Graph Regularized NMF for Spectral Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data. - Alex Alvarado, Erik Agrell:
Four-Dimensional Coded Modulation with Bit-wise Decoders for Future Optical Communications. - (Withdrawn) GC-SROIQ(C) : Expressive Constraint Modelling and Grounded Circumscription for SROIQ.
- Gerhard Wunder, Holger Boche, Thomas Strohmer, Peter Jung:
Sparse Signal Processing Concepts for Efficient 5G System Design. - Joseph Corneli, Alison Pease, Simon Colton, Anna Jordanous, Christian Guckelsberger:
Modelling serendipity in a computational context. - Abdullah Gubbi, Mohammad Fazle Azeem, M. Sharmila Kumari:
Non Binary Local Gradient Contours for Face Recognition. - Or Ordentlich, Ofer Shayevitz:
Is There a Proficiency-Universal Language? - Samah A. M. Ghanem:
Multiple Access Gaussian Channels with Arbitrary Inputs: Optimal Precoding and Power Allocation. - Thomas Powell:
Parametrised bar recursion: A unifying framework for realizability interpretations of classical dependent choice. - Hamid Bagheri:
Synthesis from Formal Partial Abstractions. - Mohammadreza Darabi:
Reduction of CRB in Arbitrary Pre-designed Arrays Using Alter an Element Position. - Andrea Cerone, Matthew Hennessy, Massimo Merro:
Modelling MAC-Layer Communications in Wireless Systems. - Baharan Mirzasoleiman, Amin Karbasi, Rik Sarkar, Andreas Krause:
Distributed Submodular Maximization. - Marek Karpinski, Andrzej Lingas, Dzmitry Sledneu:
A QPTAS for the Base of the Number of Triangulations of a Planar Point Set. - Gregory J. Puleo, Olgica Milenkovic:
Correlation Clustering with Constrained Cluster Sizes and Extended Weights Bounds. - Naghmeh Momeni, Michael G. Rabbat:
Measuring the Generalized Friendship Paradox in Networks with Quality-dependent Connectivity. - Matthew Saltz, Arnau Prat-Pérez, David Dominguez-Sal:
Distributed Community Detection with the WCC Metric. - Jonathan Vitale, Mary-Anne Williams, Benjamin Johnston, Giuseppe Boccignone:
Affective Facial Expression Processing via Simulation: A Probabilistic Model. - Nadezhda Borisova, Grigor Iliev, Elena Karashtranova:
On Detecting Noun-Adjective Agreement Errors in Bulgarian Language Using GATE. - Manfred Kufleitner, Jan Philipp Wächter:
Two-Variable Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse Games over Omega-Terms. - Samah A. M. Ghanem:
Multi-Cell Processing with Limited Cooperation: A Novel Framework to Timely Designs and Reduced Feedback with General Inputs. - Sebastian Schelter, Venu Satuluri, Reza Zadeh:
Factorbird - a Parameter Server Approach to Distributed Matrix Factorization. - Victor Bapst, Amin Coja-Oghlan, Charilaos Efthymiou:
Planting colourings silently. - Mostafa Rahmani, George K. Atia:
A Subspace Method for Array Covariance Matrix Estimation. - Valerii Sopin:
PSPACE = PH. - Allan Grønlund Jørgensen, Kasper Green Larsen:
Towards Tight Lower Bounds for Range Reporting on the RAM. - Mohsen JafariAsbagh, Emilio Ferrara, Onur Varol, Filippo Menczer, Alessandro Flammini:
Clustering memes in social media streams. - Gustavo Gonzalez Granadillo, Christophe Ponchel, Gregory Blanc, Hervé Debar:
Combining Technical and Financial Impacts for Countermeasure Selection. 1-14 - Dmitry Chistikov, Rayna Dimitrova, Rupak Majumdar:
Approximate Counting in SMT and Value Estimation for Probabilistic Programs. - Daniel J. Fremont, Alexandre Donzé, Sanjit A. Seshia, David Wessel:
Control Improvisation. - Valeria Stourm, Eric Bax:
Pigovian Taxes Can Increase Platform Competitiveness: The Case of Online Display Advertising. - Marcelo Firer, Jerry Anderson Pinheiro:
Bounds for complexity of syndrome decoding for poset metrics. - Dileep M. Kalathil, Vivek S. Borkar, Rahul Jain:
A Learning Scheme for Approachability in MDPs and Stackelberg Stochastic Games. - Masahito Hayashi, Himanshu Tyagi, Shun Watanabe:
Secret Key Agreement: General Capacity and Second-Order Asymptotics. - Ahmadreza Baghaie, Roshan M. D'Souza, Zeyun Yu:
State-of-the-Art in Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Image Analysis. - Yan Zhang, Zhaohui Zhu, Jinjin Zhang:
Greatest solutions of equations in $\text{CLL}_R$ and its application. - Xu Yang, Hong Qiao, Zhiyong Liu:
A Weighted Common Subgraph Matching Algorithm. - Xiaolei Huang, Lei Zhang, Tianli Liu, David Chiu, Tingshao Zhu, Xin Li:
Detecting Suicidal Ideation in Chinese Microblogs with Psychological Lexicons. - Seung Woo Shin, Chris Thachuk, Erik Winfree:
Verifying Chemical Reaction Network Implementations: A Pathway Decomposition Approach. - Xiao Liu, Congying Han, Tiande Guo:
A Robust Point Sets Matching Method. - Lu Ma, Mahsa Ghafarianzadeh, Dave Coleman, Nikolaus Correll, Gabe Sibley:
Simultaneous Localization, Mapping, and Manipulation for Unsupervised Object Discovery. - Arjun Bhardwaj, N. S. Narayanaswamy:
An Intuitive Procedure for Converting PDA to CFG, by Construction of Single State PDA. - Yiguang Liu:
A random algorithm for low-rank decomposition of large-scale matrices with missing entries. - Laszlo B. Kish, Zoltan Gingl, Robert Mingesz, Gergely Vadai, Janusz M. Smulko, Claes-Goran Granqvist:
Analysis of an attenuator artifact in an experimental attack by Gunn-Allison-Abbott against the Kirchhoff-law-Johnson-noise (KLJN) secure key exchange system. - Uriel Feige:
NP-hardness of hypercube 2-segmentation. - (Withdrawn) Limitations of state estimation: absolute lower bound of minimum variance estimation/filtering, Gaussianity-whiteness measure (joint Shannon-Wiener entropy), and Gaussianing-whitening filter (maximum Gaussianity-whiteness measure principle).
- Gabriele Lami, Marco Cristoforetti, Giuseppe Jurman, Cesare Furlanello, Tommaso Furlanello:
Entropy Dynamics of Community Alignment in the Italian Parliament Time-Dependent Network. - Mickael Randour, Jean-François Raskin, Ocan Sankur:
Variations on the Stochastic Shortest Path Problem. - Afshin Amighi, Christian Haack, Marieke Huisman, Clément Hurlin:
Permission-Based Separation Logic for Multithreaded Java Programs. - Miao Xu, Rong Jin, Zhi-Hua Zhou:
CUR Algorithm for Partially Observed Matrices. - Lei Zhang, Xiaolei Huang, Tianli Liu, Zhenxiang Chen, Tingshao Zhu:
Using Linguistic Features to Estimate Suicide Probability of Chinese Microblog Users. - Madhav P. Desai:
Inner Loop Optimizations in Mapping Single Threaded Programs to Hardware. - Dániel Marx, Paul Wollan:
An exact characterization of tractable demand patterns for maximum disjoint path problems. - Liang Lu, Steve Renals:
Tied Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis for Speech Recognition. - Loet Leydesdorff, Wouter de Nooy, Lutz Bornmann, Gangan Prathap:
The "Tournaments" Metaphor in Citation Impact Studies: Power-Weakness Ratios (PWR) as a Journal Indicator. - Blesson Varghese, Ozgur Akgun, Ian Miguel, Long Thai, Adam Barker:
Cloud Benchmarking for Performance. - Roland Glantz, Henning Meyerhenke, Alexander Noe:
Algorithms for Mapping Parallel Processes onto Grid and Torus Architectures. - Stephen J. Bensman, Alice L. Daugherty, Lawrence J. Smolinsky, Daniel S. Sage, J. Sylvan Katz:
Power-law distributions, the h-index, and Google Scholar (GS) citations: a test of their relationship with economics Nobelists. - Josep Freixas, Sascha Kurz:
The cost of getting local monotonicity. - Hüseyin Acan, Andrea Collevecchio, Abbas Mehrabian, Nick Wormald:
On the push&pull protocol for rumour spreading. - Morteza Haghir Chehreghani, Mostafa Haghir Chehreghani:
Modeling Transitivity in Complex Networks. - Sebastian Berndt, Klaus Jansen, Kim-Manuel Klein:
Fully Dynamic Bin Packing Revisited. - Raka Jovanovic, Milan Tuba, Stefan Voß:
A Multi-Heuristic Approach for Solving the Pre-Marshalling Problem. - Sateeshkrishna Dhuli, Kumar Gaurav, Yatindra Nath Singh:
Convergence Analysis for Regular Wireless Consensus Networks. - Stefan Klus, Tuhin Sahai:
A Spectral Assignment Approach for the Graph Isomorphism Problem. - Benjamin Hescott, Caleb Malchik, Andrew Winslow:
More Tight Bounds for Active Self-Assembly Using an Insertion Primitive. - Benjamin M. Gyori, Daniel Paulin, Sucheendra K. Palaniappan:
Probabilistic verification of partially observable dynamical systems. - Chad Eckman, Jonathan A. Lindgren, Erin P. J. Pearse, David J. Sacco, Zachariah Zhang:
Iterated geometric harmonics for data imputation and reconstruction of missing data. - Justin Hsu, Zhiyi Huang, Aaron Roth, Zhiwei Steven Wu:
Jointly Private Convex Programming.