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SIGCSE 2019: Minneapolis, MN, USA
- Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Sarah Heckman, Jian Zhang:
Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA, February 27 - March 02, 2019. ACM 2019, ISBN 978-1-4503-5890-3
Opening Keynote
- Freeman A. Hrabowski:
Pursuing the Dream: A 50-Year Perspective on American Society, Technology, and Inclusion in Computing. 1
Paper Session: Data
- Debzani Deb
, M. Muztaba Fuad
, Keith Irwin:
A Module-based Approach to Teaching Big data and Cloud Computing Topics at CS Undergraduate Level. 2-8 - Jessen T. Havill:
Embracing the Liberal Arts in an Interdisciplinary Data Analytics Program. 9-14 - Thomas C. Bressoud, Gavin Thomas:
A Novel Course in Data Systems with Minimal Prerequisites. 15-21
Paper Session: Collaboration and Communication
- Lee Dee Miller, Leen-Kiat Soh, Markeya S. Peteranetz
Investigating the Impact of Group Size on Non-Programming Exercises in CS Education Courses. 22-28 - Janet Davis, Samuel A. Rebelsky:
Developing Soft and Technical Skills Through Multi-Semester, Remotely Mentored, Community-Service Projects. 29-35 - Lisa L. Lacher, Cydnee Biehl:
Does Social Sensitivity Impact Virtual Teams? 36-42
Paper Session: Enrollment & Retention
- Daniel T. Fokum, Daniel N. Coore, Eyton Ferguson, Gunjan Mansingh, Carl Beckford:
Student Performance in Computing Courses in the face of Growing Enrollments. 43-48 - Beth A. Quinn
, Wendy M. DuBow
, David Sul:
Understanding Who Enrolls in Introductory Computing Courses at Community Colleges. 49-55 - Heather M. Wright, N. Burçin Tamer:
Can Sending First and Second Year Computing Students to Technical Conferences Help Retention? 56-62
Paper Session: Tools 1
- Michael Kölling
, Neil C. C. Brown
, Hamza Hamza, Davin McCall:
Stride in BlueJ - Computing for All in an Educational IDE. 63-69 - Jacob Bailey
, Craig B. Zilles:
uAssign: Scalable Interactive Activities for Teaching the Unix Terminal. 70-76 - Christopher Berns, Grace Chin, Joel Savitz, Jason Kiesling, Fred G. Martin
MYR: A Web-Based Platform for Teaching Coding Using VR. 77-83
Paper Session: Practice & Problems
- Antti Leinonen
, Henrik Nygren
, Nea Pirttinen, Arto Hellas, Juho Leinonen
Exploring the Applicability of Simple Syntax Writing Practice for Learning Programming. 84-90 - Anderson Thomas, Troy Stopera, Pablo Frank-Bolton, Rahul Simha:
Stochastic Tree-Based Generation of Program-Tracing Practice Questions. 91-97 - Rui Zhi
, Thomas W. Price
, Samiha Marwan, Alexandra Milliken, Tiffany Barnes, Min Chi:
Exploring the Impact of Worked Examples in a Novice Programming Environment. 98-104
Paper Session: Process & Performance
- Ben Stephenson
Coding Demonstration Videos for CS1. 105-111 - Soohyun Nam Liao, Daniel Zingaro, Christine Alvarado, William G. Griswold
, Leo Porter
Exploring the Value of Different Data Sources for Predicting Student Performance in Multiple CS Courses. 112-118 - Lisa Yan, Nick McKeown, Chris Piech:
The PyramidSnapshot Challenge: Understanding Student Process from Visual Output of Programs. 119-125
Paper Session: Autograders
- Margaret Ellis
, Clifford A. Shaffer
, Stephen H. Edwards:
Approaches for Coordinating eTextbooks, Online Programming Practice, Automated Grading, and More into One Course. 126-132 - Evan Maicus, Matthew Peveler, Stacy Patterson, Barbara Cutler:
Autograding Distributed Algorithms in Networked Containers. 133-138 - Matthew Peveler, Evan Maicus, Barbara Cutler:
Comparing Jailed Sandboxes vs Containers Within an Autograding System. 139-145
Paper Session: Capstones & Projects
- Steven Swanson
Trial by Flyer: Building Quadcopters From Scratch in a Ten-Week Capstone Course. 146-152 - Yekaterina Kharitonova, Yi Luo, Jeho Park:
Redesigning a Software Development Course as a Preparation for a Capstone: An Experience Report. 153-159 - Stefan C. Christov, Mark E. Hoffman:
Experiential Learning of Software Project Management and Software Development via Course Collaboration. 160-166
Special Session: Propagating Educational Innovations
- Heather Bort, David P. Bunde, Zack Butler, Christopher Lynnly Hovey
, Cynthia Bagier Taylor:
Propagating Educational Innovations. 167-168
Panel: Rethinking Debugging as Productive Failure for CS Education
- Yasmin B. Kafai, David DeLiema, Deborah A. Fields, Gary Lewandowski, Colleen M. Lewis:
Rethinking Debugging as Productive Failure for CS Education. 169-170
Special Session: Process Skills in Computer Science
- Helen H. Hu, Chris Mayfield, Clifton Kussmaul
Special Session: Process Skills in Computer Science. 171-172
Panel: Cybersecurity Program Accreditation: Benefits and Challenges
- Rajendra K. Raj
, Vijay Anand, David S. Gibson, Siddharth Kaza, Andrew Phillips:
Cybersecurity Program Accreditation: Benefits and Challenges. 173-174
SIGCSE@50 - Hot Topics in the SIGCSE Community
- Austin Cory Bart, Clifford A. Shaffer
What Have We Talked About? 175-180 - Melinda McDaniel, John Cigas, Briana B. Morrison, Henry M. Walker:
CS Education Then and Now: Recollections and Reflections. 181-182
First Timer's Lunch Keynote & 2019 SIGCSE Award for Lifetime Service to the Computer Science Education Community
- Gloria Childress Townsend:
A Top-Ten List for 50-50. 183
Paper Session: Databases
- Nada Basit, Abdeltawab M. Hendawi, Joseph Chen, Alexander Sun:
A Learning Platform for SQL Injection. 184-190 - Cynthia Bagier Taylor, Saheel Sakharkar:
');DROP TABLE textbooks;-: An Argument for SQL Injection Coverage in Database Textbooks. 191-197 - Toni Taipalus
, Piia M. H. Perälä:
What to Expect and What to Focus on in SQL Query Teaching. 198-203
Paper Session: Software Engineering
- Jorge Melegati
, Rafael Chanin, Xiaofeng Wang, Afonso Sales, Rafael Prikladnicki:
Perceived Benefits and Challenges of Learning Startup Methodologies for Software Engineering Students. 204-210 - Stacey Watson, Heather Richter Lipford:
Motivating Students Beyond Course Requirements with a Serious Game. 211-217 - Stan Kurkovsky
, Stephanie Ludi, Linda Clark:
Active Learning with LEGO for Software Requirements. 218-224
Paper Session: Advanced Topics
- Nicholas Lytle
, Mark Floryan, Tiffany Barnes:
Effects of a Pathfinding Program Visualization on Algorithm Development. 225-231 - Jean-François Lalande, Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Pierre Graux
, Guillaume Hiet, Wojciech Mazurczyk
, Habiba Chaoui
, Pascal Berthomé:
Teaching Android Mobile Security. 232-238 - Amit Shesh:
Allowing and Fully Supporting Multiple Programming Languages in a Computer Graphics Course: An Experience. 239-245
Paper Session: Feedback
- Alan de Oliveira Santana, Eduardo Aranha:
An Approach to Generate Virtual Tutors for Game Programming Classes. 246-252 - Lisa Yan, Annie Hu, Chris Piech:
Pensieve: Feedback on Coding Process for Novices. 253-259 - Bob Edmison, Stephen H. Edwards:
Experiences Using Heat Maps to Help Students Find Their Bugs: Problems and Solutions. 260-266
Paper Session: Active Learning
- Tyler Greer, Qiang Hao, Mengguo Jing, Bradley Barnes:
On the Effects of Active Learning Environments in Computing Education. 267-272 - Yeajin Ham, Brandon Myers:
Supporting Guided Inquiry with Cooperative Learning in Computer Organization. 273-279 - Aman Yadav
, Clif Kussmaul
, Chris Mayfield, Helen H. Hu
POGIL in Computer Science: Faculty Motivation and Challenges. 280-285
Paper Session: Gender
- Rebecca N. Wright, Sally J. Nadler, Thu D. Nguyen, Cynthia N. Sanchez Gomez, Heather M. Wright:
Living-Learning Community for Women in Computer Science at Rutgers. 286-292 - William H. Bares, Bill Z. Manaris, Renée McCauley, Christine Moore:
Achieving Gender Balance through Creative Expression. 293-299 - Amir Kamil
, James Juett, Andrew DeOrio:
Gender-balanced TAs from an Unbalanced Student Body. 300-306
Paper Session: Curriculum Issues 1
- Austin Cory Bart, Allie Sarver, Michael Friend, Larry Cox II:
PythonSneks: An Open-Source, Instructionally-Designed Introductory Curriculum with Action-Design Research. 307-313 - Chris Proctor
, Maxwell Bigman, Paulo Blikstein:
Defining and Designing Computer Science Education in a K12 Public School District. 314-320 - Daisy W. Rutstein, Yuning Xu, Kevin W. McElhaney, Marie A. Bienkowski:
Developing Implementation Measures for K-12 Computer Science Curriculum Materials. 321-327
Panel: Including Embedded Systems in CS: Why? When? and How?
- Bill Siever, Roger D. Chamberlain, Elliott Forbes, Ingrid Russell:
Including Embedded Systems in CS: Why? When? and How? 328-329
Special Session: Where Are We Now? Results from a National Study of Computer Science Teachers and Teaching
- Eric R. Banilower, Evelyn M. Gordon:
Where Are We Now?: Results from a National Study of Computer Science Teachers and Teaching. 330-331
Panel: The New NSF Requirement for Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) Plans: Community Advice and Resources
- Tracy Camp, Wendy M. DuBow
, Diane Levitt, Linda J. Sax, Valerie Taylor, Colleen M. Lewis:
The New NSF Requirement for Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) Plans: Community Advice and Resources. 332-333
Special Session: Shaping Curricular Guidelines for Associate-Degree Cybersecurity Programs
- Cara Tang, Cindy S. Tucker, Christian Servin, Markus Geissler, Melissa C. Stange:
Shaping Curricular Guidelines for Associate-Degree Cybersecurity Programs. 334-335
Special Session: SIGCSE Reads 2019: Discussion and Q & A
- Rebecca Bates, Valerie Summet, Nanette Veilleux, Judy Goldsmith, Naomi Kritzer:
SIGCSE Reads 2019: Discussion and Q & A. 336-337
- Brett A. Becker
, Keith Quille
50 Years of CS1 at SIGCSE: A Review of the Evolution of Introductory Programming Education Research. 338-344
Paper Session: Camps
- Quinn Burke
, Cinamon Sunrise Bailey:
Camp or College? 345-350 - Yesheng Chen, Zhen Chen, Shyamala Gumidyala, Annabella Koures, Seoyeon Lee, James Msekela, Halle Remash, Nolan Schoenle, Sarah Dahlby Albright, Samuel A. Rebelsky:
A Middle-School Code Camp Emphasizing Digital Humanities. 351-357 - Caelin Bryant, Yesheng Chen, Zhen Chen, Jonathan Gilmour, Shyamala Gumidyala, Beatriz Herce-Hagiwara, Annabella Koures, Seoyeon Lee, James Msekela, Anh Thu Pham, Halle Remash, Marli Remash, Nolan Schoenle, Jonah Zimmerman, Sarah Dahlby Albright, Samuel A. Rebelsky:
A Middle-School Camp Emphasizing Data Science and Computing for Social Good. 358-364
Paper Session: Story & Video
- Mia Minnes
, Christine Alvarado, Max Geislinger, Joyce Fang:
Podcast Highlights: Targeted Educational Videos From Repurposed Lecture-capture Footage. 365-371 - Ana I. González-Tablas
, Pablo Martín-González:
Student-Generated Videos for Promoting Better Attitudes towards Cryptography. 372-378 - Jennifer Parham-Mocello, Shannon Ernst, Martin Erwig
, Lily Shellhammer, Emily Dominguez:
Story Programming: Explaining Computer Science Before Coding. 379-385
Paper Session: Games & Gamification
- Darina Dicheva, Keith Irwin, Christo Dichev:
OneUp: Engaging Students in a Gamified Data Structures Course. 386-392 - John Anvik
, Vincent Côté, Jace Riehl:
Program Wars: A Card Game for Learning Programming and Cybersecurity Concepts. 393-399 - Rafael Guerra de Pontes, Dalton Dario Serey Guerrero, Jorge C. A. de Figueiredo:
Analyzing Gamification Impact on a Mastery Learning Introductory Programming Course. 400-406
Paper Session: Testing 1
- Ayaan M. Kazerouni
, Clifford A. Shaffer
, Stephen H. Edwards, Francisco Servant
Assessing Incremental Testing Practices and Their Impact on Project Outcomes. 407-413 - Maurício Finavaro Aniche, Felienne Hermans, Arie van Deursen
Pragmatic Software Testing Education. 414-420 - Lilian Passos Scatalon, Jeffrey C. Carver, Rogério Eduardo Garcia
, Ellen Francine Barbosa:
Software Testing in Introductory Programming Courses: A Systematic Mapping Study. 421-427
Paper Session: Computation Thinking 1
- Ashok R. Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning, Mark Savignano:
The Zones of Proximal Flow Tutorial: Designing Computational Thinking Cliffhangers. 428-434 - Lori L. Pollock, Chrystalla Mouza, Kevin R. Guidry
, Kathleen L. Pusecker:
Infusing Computational Thinking Across Disciplines: Reflections & Lessons Learned. 435-441 - Markeya S. Peteranetz
, Leen-Kiat Soh, Elizabeth Ingraham:
Building Computational Creativity in an Online Course for Non-Majors. 442-448
Paper Session: Assessment 1
- Daniel Coore, Daniel Fokum:
Facilitating Course Assessment with a Competitive Programming Platform. 449-455 - Eric N. Wiebe
, Jennifer E. London, Osman Aksit
, Bradford W. Mott, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, James C. Lester:
Development of a Lean Computational Thinking Abilities Assessment for Middle Grades Students. 456-461 - Paul Denny, Sathiamoorthy Manoharan
, Ulrich Speidel, Giovanni Russello, Angela Chang:
On the Fairness of Multiple-Variant Multiple-Choice Examinations. 462-468
Paper Session: Teaching Practice 1
- Amy J. Ko, Thomas D. LaToza, Stephen Hull, Ellen A. Ko, William Kwok, Jane Quichocho, Harshitha Akkaraju, Rishin Pandit:
Teaching Explicit Programming Strategies to Adolescents. 469-475 - Sue Sentance
, Jane Waite
, Maria Kallia
Teachers' Experiences of using PRIMM to Teach Programming in School. 476-482 - Christopher Lynnly Hovey
, Lecia Barker
, Vaughan Nagy:
Survey Results on Why CS Faculty Adopt New Teaching Practices. 483-489
Panel: Broadening Participation in Computing: Putting Our Work in Context
- Jennifer M. Blaney, Linda J. Sax, David F. Feldon
, Ann Q. Gates:
Broadening Participation in Computing: Putting Our Work in Context. 490-491
Special Session: AI for K-12 Guidelines Initiative
- David S. Touretzky
, Fred Martin
, Deborah W. Seehorn, Cynthia Breazeal, Tess Posner:
Special Session: AI for K-12 Guidelines Initiative. 492-493
Panel: The Reality of Inclusion
- Jamie Payton, Jamika D. Burge, Jill Denner:
The Reality of Inclusion: The Role of Relationships, Identity, and Academic Culture in Inclusive and Equitable Practices for Broadening Participation in Computing Education. 494-495
Special Session: ACM Task Force on Data Science Education
- Andrea Danyluk, Paul M. Leidig, Lillian N. Cassel, Christian Servin:
ACM Task Force on Data Science Education: Draft Report and Opportunity for Feedback. 496-497
Panel: CS Principles Higher Education Pathways
- Crystal Furman, Owen L. Astrachan, Daniel D. Garcia, David R. Musicant, Jennifer Rosato
CS Principles Higher Education Pathways. 498-499
SIGCSE@50 - Computing Education Research
- Mark Guzdial
, Colleen M. Lewis, Lauren E. Margulieux, Greg L. Nelson, Leo Porter
Negotiating Varied Research Goals in Computing Education Research. 500-501
Morning Keynote & 2019 SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education
- Mark Guzdial
Computing Education as a Foundation for 21st Century Literacy. 502-503
Paper Session: Online
- Meen Chul Kim
, Thomas H. Park, Ruixue Liu, Andrea Forte:
Understanding Learning Curves and Trajectories in CSS Layout. 504-510 - Michael Whitney, Bryan Dallas:
Captioning Online Course Videos: An Investigation into Knowledge Retention and Student Perception. 511-517 - Randy W. Connolly:
Facing Backwards While Stumbling Forwards: The Future of Teaching Web Development. 518-523
Paper Session: Mistakes and Errors
- Tobias Kohn:
The Error Behind The Message: Finding the Cause of Error Messages in Python. 524-530 - James Prather, Raymond Pettit, Brett A. Becker
, Paul Denny, Dastyni Loksa, Alani L. Peters, Zachary Albrecht, Krista Masci:
First Things First: Providing Metacognitive Scaffolding for Interpreting Problem Prompts. 531-537 - Rebecca Smith, Scott Rixner:
The Error Landscape: Characterizing the Mistakes of Novice Programmers. 538-544
Paper Session: Instruments 1
- Ana Liz Souto O. de Araujo, Wilkerson de L. Andrade
, Dalton Dario Serey Guerrero, Monilly Ramos Araujo de Melo:
How Many Abilities Can We Measure in Computational Thinking?: A Study on Bebras Challenge. 545-551 - Ryan Bockmon, Stephen Cooper, Jonathan Gratch, Mohsen Dorodchi:
(Re)Validating Cognitive Introductory Computing Instruments. 552-557 - Adrienne Decker, Monica M. McGill
A Topical Review of Evaluation Instruments for Computing Education. 558-564
Paper Session: Testing 2
- Dee A. B. Weikle, Michael O. Lam
, Michael S. Kirkpatrick:
Automating Systems Course Unit and Integration Testing: Experience Report. 565-570 - Gordon Fraser, Alessio Gambi, Marvin Kreis, José Miguel Rojas
Gamifying a Software Testing Course with Code Defenders. 571-577 - Kevin Buffardi
, Pedro Valdivia, Destiny Rogers:
Measuring Unit Test Accuracy. 578-584
Paper Session: Teaching Practice 2
- Joe Michael Allen, Frank Vahid, Alex D. Edgcomb, Kelly Downey, Kris Miller:
An Analysis of Using Many Small Programs in CS1. 585-591 - Devon J. Merrill, Steven Swanson
Reducing Instructor Workload in an Introductory Robotics Course via Computational Design. 592-598 - Christopher Lynnly Hovey
, Lecia Barker
, Margaret Luebs:
Frequency of Instructor- and Student-Centered Teaching Practices in Introductory CS Courses. 599-605
Paper Session: Assessment 2
- Sam Saarinen, Shriram Krishnamurthi
, Kathi Fisler
, Preston Tunnell Wilson:
Harnessing the Wisdom of the Classes: Classsourcing and Machine Learning for Assessment Instrument Generation. 606-612 - Peter Ohmann:
An Assessment of Oral Exams in Introductory CS. 613-619 - Brian Harrington, Jingyiran Li, Mohamed Moustafa, Marzieh Ahmadzadeh, Nick Cheng:
On the Effect of Question Ordering on Performance and Confidence in Computer Science Examinations. 620-626
Paper Session: CS1 1
- June Mark, Kelsey Klein:
Beauty and Joy of Computing: 2016-17 Findings from an AP CS Principles course. 627-633 - Tom McKlin
, Dana Linnell Wanzer
, Taneisha Lee, Brian Magerko, Doug Edwards, Sabrina Grossman, Jason Freeman
Implementing EarSketch: Connecting Classroom Implementation to Student Outcomes. 634-640 - Yolanda A. Rankin, Jakita Owensby Thomas, India Irish:
Food for Thought: Supporting African American Women's Computational Algorithmic Thinking in an Intro CS Course. 641-646
Panel: This is What Diversity Looks Like
- Joseph Carroll-Miranda
, Patricia Ordóñez Franco, Edusmildo Orozco, Milagros Bravo, Michelle Borrero
, Luis López, Gerriann Houser, Eliud Gerena, Dale Reed, Brenda Santiago, Agustin Corchado, Andreshka Santana:
This is What Diversity Looks Like: Making CS Curriculum Culturally Relevant for Spanish-speaking Communities. 647-648
Panel: Civic Engagement Across the Computing Curriculum
- Mark H. Goadrich, Michael Goldweber, Matthew C. Jadud, Sarah Monisha Pulimood, Samuel A. Rebelsky:
Civic Engagement Across the Computing Curriculum. 649-650
Special Session: Exploring our Privilege: Activities and Discussions
- Miranda C. Parker, Jason T. Black, Helen H. Hu, Colleen M. Lewis:
Exploring our Privilege: Activities and Discussions. 651-652
Special Session: Computing Curricula 2020: Introduction and Community Engagement
- Alison Clear, Allen S. Parrish, John Impagliazzo, Ming Zhang:
Computing Curricula 2020: Introduction and Community Engagement. 653-654
Special Session: A Discussion of Research Practice Partnerships in CS Education
- Leigh Ann DeLyser
, Joshua Elder, Alan Peterfreund, Stacey Sexton:
Special Session: A Discussion of Research Practice Partnerships in CS Education. 655-656
SIGCSE@50 - Equity
- Jean J. Ryoo, Gail Chapman, Julie Flapan, Joanna Goode, Jane Margolis, Christine Ong, Cynthia Estrada, Max Skorodinsky, Tiera Tanksley, Jamika D. Burge, Ryoko Yamaguchi, Frieda McAlear, Allison Scott, Alexis Martin, Sonia Koshy, Kamau Bobb, Lien Diaz:
Going Beyond the Platitudes of Equity: Developing a Shared Vision for Equity in Computer Science Education. 657-658
Paper Session: Professional Tools & Practice
- Ryan Rybarczyk, Lingma Acheson:
Interactive Peer-Led Code Reviews In CS2 Curricula. 659-665 - David Liu,