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AIM 2015: Busan, South Korea
- IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 2015, Busan, South Korea, July 7-11, 2015. IEEE 2015, ISBN 978-1-4673-9107-8
- Jianhua Li, Gen Endo, Edwardo F. Fukushima:
Hand-Eye calibration using stereo camera through pure rotations -fitting circular arc in 3D space with joint angle constraint-. 1-6 - Qujiang Lei, Martijn Wisse:
Unknown object grasping using force balance exploration on a partial point cloud. 7-14 - Marc Priggemeyer, Magdalena Dimartino, Jürgen Rossmann:
Pose estimation and trajectory calculation for autonomous close-range rendezvous and docking. 15-20 - Joko Hariyono, Kang-Hyun Jo:
Detection of pedestrian crossing road using action classification model. 21-24 - Thi-Trang Tran, Cheolkeun Ha:
An efficient approach for circular shape target recovery. 25-28 - Montika Sereewattana, Miti Ruchanurucks, Panjawee Rakprayoon, Supakorn Siddhichai, Shoichi Hasegawa:
Automatic landing for fixed-wing UAV using stereo vision with a single camera and an orientation sensor: A concept. 29-34 - Aleksandar Josifovic, Jonathan R. Corney, J. Bruce C. Davies:
Valve dynamics in multi-cylinder positive displacement pump model. 35-41 - Takashi Kusaka, Takayuki Tanaka, Hidekazu Kajiwara:
Residual correction method for fast calculation of arctangent in embedded systems. 42-47 - Jonathan Chavanne, Paolo Germano, Yoan Civet, Yves Perriard:
Measurement of the mechanical power of an EAP based pump. 48-53 - Shuang Yu, Jan Carlo Barca:
Autonomous formation selection for ground moving multi-robot systems. 54-59 - Luigi Pagliarini, Henrik Hautop Lund:
A modern artificial intelligence Playware art tool for psychological testing of group dynamics. 60-65 - Sungwan Boksuwan, Taworn Benjanarasuth, Hisayuki Aoyama:
A heated needle micromanipulator with hybrid control for heat-caused denaturation in proteins. 66-70 - Tan Zhang, Dan Zhang, Madan M. Gupta, Wenjun Zhang:
Design of a general resilient robotic system based on axiomatic design theory. 71-78 - Christopher Krupke, Jihong Wang, Jonathan Clarke, Xing Luo:
Dynamic modelling of a hybrid wind turbine in connection with compressed air energy storage through a power split transmission device. 79-84 - JongSeung Park, Joo-Ho Lee:
The pin-lock based moving mechanism of wall climbing robot for the Reconfigurable Intelligent Space. 85-90 - Bao Huy Huynh, Tegoeh Tjahjowidodo, Zhaowei Zhong, Youyi Wang, Narasimalu Srikanth:
Nonlinearly enhanced vortex induced vibrations for energy harvesting. 91-96 - Man Cheong Lei, Denny Oetomo:
Kinematic modelling of cable wrapping on rigid-link phenomenon in cable-driven parallel manipulators. 97-103 - Dong-Jun Lee, Minkee Park, Joo-Ho Lee:
Height adjustable Multi-legged Giant Yardwalker for variable presence. 104-109 - Nhat Thanh Doan, Terumitsu Hayashi, Masaki Yamakita:
High speed running of flat foot biped robot with inerter using SLIP model. 110-115 - Sadayoshi Mikami, Tomohisa Fukuda, Sho'ji Suzuki:
Gait design by graph coloring for robots that have legs on their faces. 116-120 - HyunGyu Kim, Dong Gyu Lee, Yanheng Liu, Kyungmin Jeong, TaeWon Seo:
Hexapedal robot for amphibious locomotion on ground and water. 121-126 - Dongwon Yun, Ronald S. Fearing:
VLR: Cockroach millirobot with load decoupling structure. 127-132 - Zhenglong Sun, Shaohui Foong, Luc Marechal, Tee Hui Teo, U-Xuan Tan, Asim Shabbir:
Using heterogeneous sensory measurements in a compliant magnetic localization system for medical intervention. 133-138 - Koutaro Taniguchi, Yong Yu, Tomokazu Noma, Ryota Hayashi, Shuji Matsumoto, Megumi Shimodozono, Kazumi Kawahira:
Research of rehabilitation aid system by DOF constraintable mechanism and NMES for hemiplegic upper limbs. 139-144 - Toshio Koyama, Takanobu Iwai, Takeshi Yoneyama, Hiroyuki Kagawa, Yutaka Hayashi, Mitsutoshi Nakada, Tetsuyou Watanabe:
Silicone retractor with embedded force-sensing function for attachment to surgical suction pipes. 145-150 - Kai Xu, Zhengchen Dai, Jiangran Zhao, Wukun Mei:
Dexterity and functionality enhancement of the SJTU Unfoldable Robotic System. 151-157 - Junkai Lu, Kevin Haninger, Wenjie Chen, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
Design and torque-mode control of a cable-driven rotary series elastic actuator for subject-robot interaction. 158-164 - Elliot Thompson Bean, Oliver Steiner, Andrew McDaid:
A soft robotic exoskeleton utilizing granular jamming. 165-170 - Hoang-Dung Nguyen, Keum-Shik Hong:
Optimizing a hemodynamic model in the human motor cortex. 171-176 - Seojung Min, Jung Kim:
Inertial sensor based inverse dynamics analysis of human motions. 177-182 - Mariapaola D'Imperio, Luca Carbonari, Nahian Rahman, Carlo Canali, Ferdinando Cannella:
KARL: A new bio-inspired modular limb for robotic applications. 183-188 - Fredy Munoz, Gürsel Alici, Weihua Li:
Optimization of multiple arc-shaped magnets for drug delivery in a capsule robot. 189-195 - Weichao Guo, Xinjun Sheng, Jianwei Liu, Lei Hua, Dingguo Zhang, Xiangyang Zhu:
Towards zero training for myoelectric control based on a wearable wireless sEMG armband. 196-201 - Yuki Takabayashi, Yasushi Obata, Ryo Kurazume:
Altitude estimation using particle filter with monopulse radars in a multipath environment. 202-207 - Yanyan Li, Yonghong Tan, Ruili Dong, Haifen Li:
Parameter estimation of sandwich systems with backlash via modified Kalman filter. 208-213 - Cong Li, Bin Yao, Xiaocong Zhu, Qingfeng Wang:
Dual drive system modeling and analysis for synchronous control of an H-type gantry. 214-219 - Qi Guo, Maxime Gautier, Da-Yan Liu, Wilfrid Perruquetti:
Identification of robot dynamic parameters using Jacobi differentiator. 220-225 - Anthony Jubien, Maxime Gautier, Alexandre Janot:
DIDIM-CLIE method for dynamic parameter identification of flexible joint robots. 226-231 - Kok-Meng Lee, Min Li, Chun-Yong Lin:
A novel way-finding method based on geomagnetic field effects and magnetic tensor measurements for visually impaired users. 232-237 - Penglei Dai, Jay Katupitiya:
Force control of a 4WS4WD vehicle for path tracking. 238-243 - Min-Cheol Kim, Jae-Bok Song:
Informed RRT* towards optimality by reducing size of hyperellipsoid. 244-248 - Ling Zhou, Xianghong Cheng, Yixian Zhu, Yuan Lu:
Terrain aided navigation for long-range AUVs using a new bathymetric contour matching method. 249-254 - Kuniaki Kawabata, Liang Ma, Jianru Xue, Sho Yokota, Yasue Mitsukura, Nanning Zheng:
Iterative polynomial-based trajectory extension for mobile robot. 255-260 - Zahra Ziaei, Reza Oftadeh, Jouni Mattila:
Vision-based path coordination for multiple mobile robots with four steering wheels using an overhead camera. 261-268 - Yixian Zhu, Xianghong Cheng, Lei Wang, Ling Zhou:
An intelligent fault-tolerant strategy for AUV integrated navigation systems. 269-274 - Chun Yang, Yingzi Lin, Hongbo Zhang, Haili Lu, Wenjun Zhang:
Number-based human mind state inference in human-machine collaborative systems. 275-280 - Yuji Yamakawa, Kazuki Kuno, Masatoshi Ishikawa:
Human-robot cooperative task realization using high-speed robot hand system. 281-286 - Lihua Xue, Changjun Liu, Yingzi Lin, Wenjun Zhang:
On redundant human-robot interface: Concept and design principle. 287-292 - Francesco Chinello, Monica Malvezzi, Claudio Pacchierotti, Domenico Prattichizzo:
Design and development of a 3RRS wearable fingertip cutaneous device. 293-298 - Udara Manawadu, Masaaki Ishikawa, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Shigeki Sugano:
Analysis of individual driving experience in autonomous and human-driven vehicles using a driving simulator. 299-304 - Ali Kanso, Imad H. Elhajj, Elie A. Shammas, Daniel C. Asmar:
Enhanced teleoperation of UAVs with haptic feedback. 305-310 - Jari Due Jessen, Henrik Hautop Lund:
Playful home training for falls prevention. 311-317 - Shannon A. Rios, Andrew J. Fleming, Yuen Kuan Yong:
Design of a two degree of freedom resonant miniature robotic leg. 318-323 - Hongsheng Zhang, Yunze Li, Yufeng Mao, Shaoping Tian, Yang Liu, Liman Yang:
Optimization design of a novel closed-loop spray cooling system. 324-329 - Dan Zhang, Bin Wei:
Kinematic analysis and optimization for 4PUS-RPU mechanism. 330-335 - Kazuhiro Sayama, Takumi Tamamoto, Koichi Koganezawa:
Multi-joint gripper - control of envelope gripping -. 336-341 - Weiwei Li, Jeffrey A. Weldon, Kai Wang:
Analytical modeling of piezoelectric charge gated thin film transistor for force sensing and energy harvesting. 342-346 - YuKang Liu, Yuming Zhang:
Welder rating system based learning of human welder intelligence in GTAW. 347-352 - Luigi Pagliarini, Henrik Hautop Lund:
Integrating modular mechatronic systems for immersive performances. 353-358 - Sungjin Jo, HyungGi Jo, Hae Min Cho, Euntai Kim:
Pose estimation and 3D environment reconstruction using less reliable depth data. 359-364 - Amirul Syafiq Sadun, Jamaludin Jalani, Jumadi Abdul Sukor:
Adaptive friction compensation for hand grasping and compliant control. 365-370 - Mohammad Masoud Namazi, Mojtaba Mansouri Borujeni, Amir Rashidi, Sayed Morteza Saghaeian Nejad, Jin-Woo Ahn:
Torque ripple reduction of switched reluctance motor drive with adaptive sliding mode control and Particle Swarm Optimization. 371-376 - Hansoo Lee, Eun-Kyeong Kim, Sungshin Kim:
Anomalous propagation echo detection using artificial neural network and doppler velocity features. 377-381 - Xiaoyu Cui, Shaoping Wang, Qian Li, Jian Shi:
Reliability assessment of aircraft power and actuation system based on three-axis control. 382-387 - Qian-nan Wang, Bing Xu, Junhui Zhang:
Optimization design of the inner radius of the sealing surface of slipper. 388-395 - Hengbo Li, Liman Yang, Yunhua Li, Nan Yao, Yuan Ye:
Energy-loss mechanism and load capacity analysis of slipper pair in an aerial axial piston pump. 396-400 - Xiao Li, Shuai Wu, Zongxia Jiao, Tianyi Wang, Wei Li, Chenxiao Jiu:
Design and analysis of a Limited angle torque motor with Dual Halbach Arrays. 401-406 - Bin Li, Lingxiao Quan, Yutong Zhang, Bin Yu, Xiangdong Kong, Qingsheng Guan:
Multi-field interactions simulation analysis of new hydraulic accumulator magnetorheological fluid chamber. 407-411 - Zhiqing Sheng, Yunhua Li:
An improved hybrid suppression method for extraneous force of high-frequency electro-hydraulic loading system. 412-417 - Sang Hun Chung, Jong Min Lee, Seung-Jong Kim, Yoha Hwang, Jinung An:
Intention recognition method for sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit from electromyogram signals for overground lower-limb rehabilitation robots. 418-421 - Hwi-Young Lee, Byung-Woo Ko, Won-Kyung Song, Hogene Kim, Joon-Ho Shin:
Rhythmic auditory stimulation for robot-assisted gait rehabilitation: A preliminary study. 422-426 - Min-Ki Sin, Sang-Hun Kim, Kyu-Jin Cho:
Development of passive upper limb weight-bearing orthosis to enhance voluntary shoulder rotation for activities of daily living. 427-431 - Suin Kim, Kyongkwan Ro, Joonbum Bae:
Real-time estimation of individual muscular forces of the lower limb using wearable sensors. 432-436 - Seung Hyun Lee, Gwanghee Jang, Sang Hyeon Jin, Jinung An:
Neuro-feedback using real-time near infrared spectroscopy enhances brain plasticity during treadmill walking: A pilot study. 437-440 - Sang-Yoep Lee, Useok Jeong, Kyu-Jin Cho:
An application of user-friendly control for a Respiratory Rehabilitation and Assistance Robot. 441-446 - Nader A. Mansour, Ahmed M. R. Fath El-Bab, Samy F. M. Assal:
A novel SMA-based micro tactile display device for elasticity range of human soft tissues: Design and simulation. 447-452 - Dragos Adrian Ciubotariu, Cédric Clévy, Ioan Alexandru Ivan, Philippe Lutz:
Shape behavior analysis of a PMN-PT [001] actuated MOEMS micro-mirror. 453-458 - Zhigang Wu, Yangmin Li:
Design and analysis of a novel 3-D micromanipulator with large range of motion. 459-464 - James C. Peyton Jones, Garrett M. Clayton:
Scanning probe microscope trajectory measurement by scanning a single feature. 465-469 - Shingo Ito, Daniel Neyer, Stefan Pirker, Jürgen Steininger, Georg Schitter:
Atomic force microscopy using voice coil actuators for vibration isolation. 470-475 - Kailun Xi, Yancheng Wang, Deqing Mei, Guanhao Liang, Zichen Chen:
A flexible tactile sensor array based on pressure conductive rubber for three-axis force and slip detection. 476-481 - Jing Yuan, Jinhe Zhang, Song Ding:
Pseudospectral motion planning for autonomous bicycles. 482-487 - Biao Lu, Yongchun Fang, Ning Sun:
Adaptive trajectory tracking control for a four-rope crane. 488-493 - Jia Ma, Linfang Qian, Guangsong Chen:
Parameter estimation of the Lankarani-Nikravesh contact force model using a new modified linear method. 494-499 - Xiaoqi Li, Wei Wang, Jianqiang Yi:
Gait transition based on CPG modulation for quadruped locomotion. 500-505 - Xuesong Shao, Jian Liu, Qing Xu, Qifeng Huang, Wei Xiao, Wei Wang, Chunlong Xing:
Application of a robotic system with mobile manipulator and vision positioning. 506-511 - Tao Wang, Zhixiong Zhou:
Development of integrated hydrostatic-driven electric generator. 512-517 - Ming Lu, Yuewei Hu, Yingguang Wang, Gang Li, Dengyun Wu, Jiyang Zhang:
High precision control design for SGCMG gimbal servo system. 518-523 - Ting Mao, Yun Zhang, Huamin Zhou, Dequn Li, Zhigao Huang, Huang Gao:
Data driven injection molding process monitoring using sparse auto encoder technique. 524-528 - Antoine Weill-Duflos, Abdenbi Mohand-Ousaid, D. Sinan Haliyo, Stéphane Régnier, Vincent Hayward:
Optimizing transparency of haptic device through velocity estimation. 529-534 - Wansun Kim, Hun-Kuk Park, Samjin Choi:
Development of a novel low-cost au-printed SERS paper substrate for point-of-care application. 535-536 - Atsushi Shinnoh, Nak Young Chong, Geunho Lee:
Communication packet loss concealment for pattern generation with robotic swarms. 537-542 - Knut Berg Kaldestad, Ilya Tyapin, Geir Hovland:
Robotic face milling path correction and vibration reduction. 543-548 - Hyun-Chul Yi, Joon-Young Choi:
Performance analysis of Linux-based EtherCAT DC synchronization. 549-552 - Jae-Ho Shin, Samjin Choi:
A fast-flow microfluidic paper-based analytic platform through adhesive OHP film-hollowed channels. 553-554 - Liang Zhang, Peiyi Shen, Jieqiong Ding, Juan Song, Jingwen Liu, Kang Yi:
An improved RGB-D SLAM algorithm based on Kinect sensor. 555-562 - Daewoong Hong, Young-Man Choi, Jaehwa Jeong:
The quantitative analysis for a contact-mode triboelectric energy harvesting device. 563-566 - Jong Ho Han, Jangmyung Lee, Xinjun Sheng, Xiangyang Zhu:
Optimal trajectory control for capturing a mobile sound source. 567-570 - Yang Zhang, Yuquan Leng, Xu He:
A fast video stabilization algorithm with unexpected motion prediction strategy. 571-576 - Hongchul Kim, Changhoon Seo, Young June Shin, Jung Kim, Youn Sik Kang:
Locomotion control strategy of hydraulic lower extremity exoskeleton robot. 577-582 - Jong-Min Yoon, Wook Bahn, Sang-Hoon Lee, Dong-Il Dan Cho:
Discrete-derivative method for adaptive-notch-filter based frequency estimators. 583-588 - Jun Lu, Jianguo Yang, Yinchen Ma:
Research on harmonic compensation for flux and current of permanent magnet synchronous motor. 589-594 - Yanyan Dai, Yoon-Gu Kim, Dongha Lee, Suk-Gyu Lee:
Symmetric caging formation for convex polygon object transportation by multiple mobile robots. 595-600 - Ping He, Zongxia Jiao, Liang Yan, Zimeng Wang, Tianyi Wang, Nan Yao:
Characteristics analysis of heat-fluid-solid coupling field for linear resonant testing platform. 601-606 - Tianyi Wang, Ping He, Liang Yan, Zongxia Jiao, Chin-Yin Chen:
Modeling, simulation and experiment study of electromagnetic performance for E-Type series linear oscillating motor. 607-612 - Wunong Hu, Lei Zhou, Yisong Tian, Zongxia Jiao, Yaoxing Shang, Zengning Song, Liang Yan:
Analysis for the power loss of electro hydrostatic actuator and hydraulic actuator. 613-616 - Liang Yan, Bo Zhu, Zongxia Jiao, Chin-Yin Chen, I-Ming Chen:
A novel dynamic decoupling control algorithm for PMSA by utilizing single neural adaptive controllers. 617-622 - Liang Yan, Tianyu Wang, Zongxia Jiao, Chin-Yin Chen, I-Ming Chen:
Magnetic field analysis of permanent magnet tubular linear machines with multiple movers. 623-628 - Lina Ling, Yunhua Li, Yunze Li, Wei Liu, Juntao Jia:
Temperature estimation of stator winding for permanent magnet synchronous motor used in electro-hydrostatic actuator. 629-634 - Shu-Wei Pu, Hsien-Ting Chang, Jen-Yuan (James) Chang:
Modeling and development of tension force measurement system for cable-driven hand exoskeleton robot. 635-640 - Yoshihiro Kai, Shotaro Kanno, Wenlong Zhang, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
A robot suit with hardware-based safety devices: Frequency response analysis of a velocity-based safety device. 641-646 - Daegeun Park, Kyu-Jin Cho:
Design and Simulation of the Adjustable Weight bearing system to adjust the torque change by the distal joint on 2DOF body limb. 647-651 - Quoc Van Tran, Sehun Kim, Kyunghwan Lee, Sungchul Kang, Jeha Ryu:
Force/torque sensorless impedance control for indirect driven robot-aided gait rehabilitation system. 652-657 - Muhammad Raheel Afzal, Min-Kyun Oh, Jungwon Yoon:
Development of a multimodal biofeedback system for balance training. 658-663 - Elias Brassitos, Steven Dubowsky:
Compact drive system for planetary rovers and space manipulators. 664-669 - Hsiang-Chien Hsieh, Li Chien, Chao-Chieh Lan:
Dimensional synthesis of a lightweight shoulder exoskeleton. 670-675