SIGCSE 2014: Atlanta, GA, USA

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Keynote addresses

Automated assessment


Software engineering: projects

Mathematical perspectives

Special Session

Special session

Engaging students through artistic expression

Research: concept inventories & neo-piagetian theory

Active learning

Big data


Panel session

Special session

Focus on K-12: growing the profession and professional development

Design: courses and curricula

Collecting and analyzing student data I

Tactile computing

Projects and capstone courses

Panel session

Special session


Assessment and evaluation

Classroom management

Focus on K-12: middle school

Soft skills: industry perspectives

Panel session

Peer instruction

Software engineering: courses

Web-based instruction

Recruitment and retention of underrepresented groups

Interdisciplinary courses and curricula

Panel session

Special session

Panel session

Research: predictors, creative thinking, co-linking courses

Focus on K-12: informal education, curriculum, and robots

Focus on K-12: before middle school

Security among the cloud

Panel session

Operating systems and programming languages

Soft skills: academic perspectives

What we say, what they do

Extending frameworks