International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      25th AIED 2024: Recife, Brazil

      24th AIED 2023: Tokyo, Japan

      23rd AIED 2022: Durham, UK

      22nd AIED 2021: Virtual Event / Utrecht, The Netherlands

      21st AIED 2020: Ifrane, Morocco

      20th AIED 2019: Chicago, IL, USA

      19th AIED 2018: London, UK

      18. AIED 2017: Wuhan, China

      17. AIED 2015: Madrid, Spain

      16. AIED 2013: Memphis, TN, USA

      15. AIED 2011: Auckland, New Zealand

      14. AIED 2009: Brighton, UK

      13. AIED 2007: Los Angeles, California, USA

      12. AIED 2005: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      Music Education: An Artificial Intelligence Approach 1993: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK