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15th AMCIS 2009: San Francisco, CA, USA
- Robert C. Nickerson, Ramesh Sharda:
Proceedings of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2009, San Francisco, California, USA, August 6-9, 2009. Association for Information Systems 2009 - Yong Jin Kim, Kichan Nam:
Service Systems and Service Innovation: Toward the Theory of Service Systems. 1 - Martin Matzner, Fábio Alexandrini, Thiago Souza Araujo, Jörg Becker:
Process Modeling in Brazilian Public Administrations: The domain-specific PICTURE approach. 2 - Martin Jayo, Eduardo Henrique Diniz:
Correspondentes Bancarios como Canal de Distribuicao de Servicos Financeiros: o Papel dos "Gestores de Rede". 3 - Adrian Kemmer Cernev, Eduardo Henrique Diniz, Martin Jayo:
Emergência da quinta onda de inovação bancária. 4 - Basanta Tandon, Richard H. Hall, Hong Sheng, Michael G. Hilgers, Michelle J. Boese:
Evaluation of a Learning System to Teach GIS for Civil Engineering. 5 - Jongtae Yu, Chengqi Guo, Jung P. Shim:
Adoption of RFID for Enhanced Food Safety Management: A Qualitative and Explorative Approach. 6 - Michelle J. Boese, Hong Sheng, Mohammed Abdel Salam:
Evaluating the Use of 3D Visualization Technology in Geology Education. 7 - Savanid Vatanasakdakul, Chadi Aoun:
I Don't Like IT: Exploring Challenges in Accounting Information Systems Education. 8 - Jeffrey W. Merhout, Douglas Havelka, Scott N. Hick:
Soft Skills versus Technical Skills: Finding the Right Balance for an IS Curriculum. 9 - Paul Beckman:
Universal Design for Learning: A Field Experiment Comparing Specific Classroom Actions. 10 - Wingyan Chung, Edward A. Fox, Steven D. Sheetz, Seungwon Yang:
LIKES: Educating the Next Generation of Knowledge Society Builders. 11 - Mete Cetiner:
An Advanced Web-based Multimedia Application for Learning Communities. 12 - Elaiza Aquino Benitez, David Pauleen:
Brainfiltering: The Missing Link Between PKM and PIM? 13 - Jörg Becker, Björn Niehaves, Andreas Krause:
Shared Services Strategies and Their Determinants: A Multiple Case Study Analysis in the Public Sector. 14 - Carla Marisa Bonina, Antonio Cordella:
Public Sector Reforms and the Notion of 'Public Value': Implications for eGovernment Deployment. 15 - Jörg Becker, Philipp Bergener, Michael Räckers:
Business Process Assessment and Evaluation in Public Administrations using Activity Based Costing. 16 - Joe Rubleske, Michelle L. Kaarst-Brown:
On the Prospective Value of ICTs to New Service Conception. 17 - Mark O. Lewis, Lars Mathiassen, Arun Rai:
Developing IS Enabled Capabilities for a BPO Vendor: A Case Study. 18 - Mojgan Mohtashami, Vassilka D. Kirova, Thomas J. Marlowe, Fadi P. Deek:
A Comparison of Three Modes of Collaboration for Software Development. 19 - Rauno Pirenen:
Research Framework of Integrative Action. 20 - Michael G. Hilgers, Hong Sheng, Richard H. Hall:
Designing Motorcycles via the Web: Improved Aesthetics and Consumer Preference. 21 - Thomas Y. Lee:
Automatically Learning User Needs from Online Reviews for New Product Design. 22 - Ping Yan, Daniel Dajun Zeng:
Spatial Movement Pattern Discovery with LCS Based Path Similarity Measure. 23 - Oliver Baecker, Harald Weppner, Jochen Strube:
A Profit-Maximizing Method for the Partitioning of Embedded Software Features in Motor Vehicles. 24 - Markus Bick, Tyge-F. Kummer, Martina Maletzky:
Towards a Research Agenda on Cultural Influences on the Acceptance of Ambient Intelligence in Medical Environments. 25 - Shari S. C. Shang, Yu-Hsing Wu:
Can the Exploitation of Information Technology Enable Service Orientation in the Organization? 26 - Chingning Wang:
Linking Shopping and Social Networking: Approaches to Social Shopping. 27 - Jing Zhao, Sherry X. Sun, Huaiqing Wang, Quan Liu:
A Multi-Agent-Based System for eProcurement. 28 - Matt Wimble, John Tripp, Derek Hilton, Brian T. Pentland:
You Can Have Your Pudding: A Service-Oriented Approach to Process Standardization. 29 - Yulia Wati, Chulmo Koo, Jason J. Jung, Dahui Li:
An Empirical Analysis of End-User Satisfaction toward E-Banking in Indonesia (A Comparison Model of ATMs, Internet Banking and Mobile Banking). 30 - Christine Walczyk, Scott J. Warren:
New Faculty Orientation Gets a Facelift. 31 - Bobby Swar, Junghoon Moon, Young Chan Choe, Junyoung Oh:
Determinants of Relationship Quality for IS/IT Outsourcing Success in Public Sector: A Bilateral Perspective. 32 - Artur Siurdyban:
Improving the Company's IQ: How to Use Intelligence as a Paradigm for Designing Business Processes. 33 - Behrooz Sayed-Abbassi:
DICOM Data from a Data Warehouse Design Perspective. 34 - Christian Segin, Michael Schermann, Helmut Krcmar:
Do Project Managers Compensate for Risk Controls? An Exploratory Study on Risk Behavior in IT Projects. 35 - Rodrigo Sandoval-Almazán:
Uso de TIC en la Empresa Mexicana: El correo electronico, la Intranet y el Telefono Celular. 36 - Daniel Rice:
Representing the Impacts of Information on Agent Decision Making in Close Combat Constructive Simulations. 37 - Ahmad Rabaai:
ERP Systems Implementation and Organizational Culture: The Case of Jordan. 38 - Edmir P. V. Prado:
A Survey on the Quality of Brazilian Internet Banking Sites. 39 - Gang Peng:
Online Social Capital and Virtual Team Performance: The Case of OSS Development. 40 - Getachew Berhan, Solomon Negash, Donald L. Amoroso:
Determinants of Business Process Management for Success Project Implementation in Low Income Countries. 41 - Elham Mousavidin, Leiser Silva:
Testimonial Knowledge and Trust in Virtual Communities: A Research in Progress of the Case of Wikipedia. 42 - Ying-Chieh Liu:
An Exploration of Gender Impact in Virtual Teams. 43 - Alan T. Litchfield:
Holistic Pragmatism as a Philosophical Framework in Information Systems Research. 44 - Kaveepan Lertwachara, Gregg Erickson:
A Comparative Study of Online Forums in eCommerce as a Customer Service Tool. 45 - Nancy K. Lankton, D. Harrison McKnight:
Predicting Facebook Continuance Intention: The Roles of Interpersonal and Technology Trust. 46 - Sarah Dickinson, Sadan Kulturel:
Review of Gender Differences in Learning Styles: Suggestions for Information Technology Education. 47 - Nelson King:
Pricing Transparency in Healthcare for the Underserved: A Lesson from the Persian Gulf. 48 - Cindi Khanlarian:
Is IT an Asset? 49 - Miranda Kajtazi:
Information, Meta-Cognitive Understanding and Information Literacy Strategy. 50 - Marijn Janssen, George Kuk:
Critical Success Factors for Formulating Service Delivery Strategies. 51 - Ulrike Hugl, Harald Valkanover:
Managing Information Security: The 'Human Factor' from the Point of View of IT Professionals, Decision Makers and Scientists. 52 - Kennedy D. Gunawardana, Rajeshwaran Rajeshwaran:
Information Systems (CIS) in the Selected Listed Companies in Sri Lanka. 53 - David Green:
The Insiders Threat Assessment: Addressing Insider Threats to Systems, Networks, and Data. 54 - Mike Gallivan:
Unpacking the Journal "Impact Factor" and its Effect on IS Research: Does It Do More Harm than Good? 55 - Burkhardt Funk:
Employing A-B Tests for Optimizing Prices Levels in eCommerce Applications. 56 - Pontus Fryk, Einar Iveroth:
The Emergent View of IT and Organizational Change. 57 - Shady Fraiha:
Alignment and IT Management. 58 - Carsten Felden, Maciej Piechocki, Michal Piechocki:
Business Semantics in Consolidation of Financial Statements. 59 - Sebastian Dudek, Walter Brenner, Falk Uebernickel:
Challenges in IT Supply Chain Management. 60 - Avimanyu Datta, Len Jessup:
The Role of Social Networks and Internet-based Virtual Environment in Social Entrepreneurship: A Conceptual Model. 61 - Joobin Choobineh, Evan E. Anderson, Evelyn J. Barry:
Some Throughput Metrics for (SOA) Application Development. 62 - Sutirtha Chatterjee, Joseph S. Valacich:
A Conceptual Model of Practitioners' Attitude toward Unethical IT Use. 63 - Jesus Carmona, Ned Kock:
Detecting Deception in Web-Based Contracts: Priming Users about the Possible Threats of Adverse Clauses. 64 - Henrik Brocke, Falk Uebernickel, Walter Brenner:
How to Provide the Desirable Business Outcome in International IT Projects: A Cross-Case Analysis. 65 - Nancy Bonner:
Managing Agile Teams: An Inquiring Systems Perspective. 66 - Ian D. Blackman:
Perpetuating Health Care Policy with the Implementation of an Information System. 67 - Jörg Becker, Daniel Beverungen, Ralf Knackstedt, Axel Winkelmann:
eServices in Retail - An Extended Service Blueprinting Approach. 68 - Tal Ben-Zvi:
The Changing Shape of Networks: Lessons for the Auto Industry. 69 - Alireza Atri, Mahboobeh Partovi:
An Expert System for Weed Management in Winter Wheat. 70 - Workshet Debay, Donald L. Amoroso, Solomon Negash:
Transformational Leadership Viewed Through Organizational Culture and Situational Strength: The Organizational Receptivity Perspective. 71 - Carolyn Jacobson, Richard G. Mathieu:
Best Practices in Information Systems Program Assesment. 72 - Fred Niederman:
Using Grounded Theory to Generate Indigenous MIS Theory. 73 - Gary Hackbarth:
Teaching Effectiveness and Efficiency in Project Management: A SIMPROJECT Approach. 74 - Daniel Farkas, Li-Chiou Chen:
A Hands-on Introduction to GIS with a Simple Application to Wi-Fi Security. 75 - Phillip Olla, Jyoti Choudrie:
Emerging Learning Technologies: Integrating Web 2.0, Tablet PC's and Social Learning into Pedagogy. 76 - Gail Corbitt, Heather Czech Matthews:
Teaching Hands-On Enterprise Systems. 77 - Brad Quisenberry:
The Oracle Academy: Software, Training, Resources, and More. 78 - Catherine Dwyer, Elizabeth Avery Gomez:
Sustainability Course Modules for Information Systems and Interdisciplinary Courses. 79 - Geoffrey S. Hubona:
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Using SmartPLS Software: Analyzing Path Models Using Partial Least Squares (PLS) Based SEM. 80 - W. Brett McKenzie, David Bennett:
Alice 3.0: Innovations in Teaching Introductory Computing. 81 - Krishna Kumar:
Microsoft Cloud Compuring/Software+Services. 82 - Joerg Evermann:
Structural Equation Models in IS Theory and Measurement. 83 - Pujan Ziaie, B. G. Jayaram, Mark Bilandzic, Helmut Krcmar:
Introducing a Framework to Capture and Reuse Tacit Knowledge in Software Project Management. 84 - Meira Levy, Irit Hadar, Itzhak Aviv:
Enhancing Knowledge Intensive Business Processes via Knowledge Management Audit. 85 - Hsiu-Hua Chang, Chun-Po Yin, Huey-Wen Chou:
Alignment Between Business and Knowledge Management Strategies: The Key to a Sustainable Competitive Advantage. 86 - Timothy Campos, Deshen Yu, Dean Lane, Malini Balakrishnan-Pant, Jerry N. Luftman:
Improving Collaboration Among Practitioners and Academics. 87 - Andrew Gemino, Steven Alter, Dinesh Batra, Glenn Browne, Keng Siau, Vijay Khatri:
Systems Analysis and Design Research: Past, Present and Future. 88 - Jim Sutter:
Web 2.0. 89 - Kiron Ravindran, Anjana Susarla, Vijay Gurbaxani:
Social Networks and Contract Enforcement in IT Outsourcing. 90 - Martin Gneiser, Julia Heidemann, Mathias Klier, Andrea Landherr, Florian Probst:
Quantifying Users' Interconnectedness in Online Social Networks - An Indispensible Step for Economic Valuation. 91 - Ching-Hui Chang, Jyun-Cheng Wang:
A Study of MIS Scholar Community Development via a Collaboration Network Structures Analysis. 92 - Jörg Becker, Katrin Bergener, Oliver Müller, Felix Müller-Wienbergen:
Documentation of Flexible Business Processes - A Healthcare Case Study. 93 - Ali R. Montazemi, Jeff Pittaway, Karim Keshavjee:
Disenfranchised Patients: A Network Analysis of IS Integration in the Context of Patient-Centered Care. 95 - Taekyung Kim, Jungjoo Jahng, Thiagarajan Ravichandran:
Study on the Innovation of South Korean Mobile Telecommunication Businesses: An Institutional Intervantion Perspective. 96 - Hiroyasu Yuhashi, Junichi Iijima:
How can we manipulate a communication network to create collaboration? 97 - Hurnjin Cho, Jungjoo Jahng:
Factors Affecting Volunteer Participants' Performance in the Virtual Community: The Case of Knowledge Sharing Website. 98 - Haluk Demirkan, Michael Goul, Daniel S. Soper:
Interparty Social Dynamics in the IT Service Level Agreement Negotiation Process: A Preliminary Assessment of Competing Theories. 99 - Mark J. Keith, Haluk Demirkan, Michael Goul:
Service-Oriented Software Development. 100 - Eric S. Kyper, Michael J. Douglas, Rodrigo J. Lievano:
Operational Business Intelligence: Applying Decision Trees to Call Centers. 101 - Zhongming Ma, Olivia R. Liu Sheng, Gautam Pant, Alicia Iriberri:
Can Visible Cues of Search Results Tell Vendors' Reliability? 102 - Cristina Chuva Costa, Paulo Rupino da Cunha
Business Model Design from an ANT Perspective: Contributions and Insights of an Open and Living Theory. 103 - Dirk Riehle:
The Commercial Open Source Business Model. 104 - Kelly A. Lyons, Corrie Playford, Paul R. Messinger, Run H. Niu, Eleni Stroulia:
Business Models in Emerging Online Services. 105 - René Börner, Matthias Goeken:
Identification of Business Services Literature Review and Lessons Learned. 106 - Fuyu Yi, Sandeep Purao, Shawn Clark, Sumita Raghuram:
Surfacing Automation Criteria: A Process Architecture Approach. 107 - Philipp Offermann, Udo Bub:
A Method for Information Systems Development According to SOA. 108 - Michael Niemann, Michael Appel, Nicolas Repp, Ralf Steinmetz:
Towards a Consistent Service Lifecycle Model in Service Governance. 109 - Christiaan P. Katsma, Ton A. M. Spil:
Cyclical Enterprise System Implementations in Healthcare. 110 - Barbara Usher, Lorne Olfman:
An Examination of the Role of IT Governance in the ERP Post-Implementation Phase. 111 - Raquel Benbunan-Fich, Rachel F. Adler, Tamilla Mavlanova:
Patterns of Home Computer Usage among College Students: An Exploratory Study. 112 - Nicholas H. Roberts, Richard Klein:
Increasing Process Improvement through Internet-based eBusiness Innovations. 113 - Vikram S. Bhadauria, RadhaKanta Mahapatra, Rashid Manzar:
Factors Influencing Adoption of Open Source Software - An Exploratory Study. 114 - Manoj A. Thomas, Richard T. Redmond:
From the Client-Server Architecture to the Information Service Architecture. 115 - Meron Sahlemariam, Mulugeta Libsie, Daniel Yacob:
Concept-Based Automatic Amharic Document Categorization. 116 - Nikolai Dahlem, Axel Hahn:
User-Friendly Ontology Creation Methodologies - A Survey. 117 - April H. Reed, Linda V. Knight:
Differing Impact Levels from Risk Factors on Virtual and Co-Located Software Development Projects. 118 - Sabine Madsen, Jan Pries-Heje:
Taking a Closer Look at Uncertainty in IS Projects. 119 - Sarah S. Khan, Ram L. Kumar:
Understanding Managerial Decision Risks in IT Project Management: An Integrated Behavioral Decision Analysis Perspective. 120 - Hanuv Jit Singh Mann, Gerald G. Grant, Inder Jit Singh Mann:
Green IT: An Implementation Framework. 121 - Helen Hasan, Aditya Ghose, Trevor Spedding:
IS Solution for the Global Environmental Challenge: An Australian Initiative. 122 - Koray Erek, Nils-Holger Schmidt, Rüdiger Zarnekow, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Sustainability in Information Systems: Assortment of Current Practices in IS Organizations. 123 - Varol O. Kayhan, Anol Bhattacherjee:
Improving the Quality of Knowledge Assets: Governance Mechanisms and Their Implications. 124 - François de Corbière:
Data Quality and Interorganizational Information Systems: The Role of Electronic Catalogues. 125 - Roger H. Blake, Paul Mangiameli:
Evaluating the Semantic and Representational Consistency of Interconnected Structured and Unstructured Data. 126 - Kilhwan Kim, Dae-Eun Lim, Hyunmin Park, Tae-Sung Kim:
A Sensitivity Analysis on the Impact of Uncertanties of the Supply and Demand of a Workforce on a Recruiting Strategy in an IT Service Company. 127 - Ashish Gupta, Ramesh Sharda, Robert A. Greve:
Overcoming Email Addiction: Understanding the 'Leave Me Alone!' Approach. 128 - Guangzhi Zheng, Vijay K. Vaishnavi:
A Multidimensional and Visual Exploration Approach to Project Prioritization and Selection. 129 - Marianne Corvera Vargas:
Building Language Consensus in Information Systems Development - An Interdisciplinary Approach. 130 - Heinz-Theo Wagner:
ERP Implementation Sucess, Innovation and Social Networks: Linking the Tertius Lungens Approach to Performance. 131 - Danuvasin Charoen:
Challenges and Opportunities of eLearning: A Case Study of Higher Education in Thailand. 132 - Xiaoni Zhang, Vijay V. Raghavan, Ben Martz:
Investigating IS Student Retention Factors. 133 - Jack D. Becker, Marty Thompson:
IT/IS Education Pathways: The Road to Increased IS/IT Enrollments. 134 - Stan Karanasios, Georgios Vardaxoglou, David K. Allen:
Innovation in UK Law Enforcement: The Emergence of Mobile Data. 135 - She-I Chang, Jung-Chu Chou, I-Cheng Chang:
A Study of the Digital Divide Evaluation Model for Government Agencies - A Taiwanese Local Government's Perspective. 136 - Maged Ali, Vishanth Weerakkody, Ramzi El-Haddadeh:
The Impact of National Culture on eGovernment Implementation: A Comparison Case Study. 137 - Ruth A. Guthrie, Louise L. Soe, Elaine K. Yakura:
Support Structures for Women in Information Technology Careers. 138 - Hajer Kefi, Laurice Alexandre-Leclair:
IT Organizational Alignment: Mechanistic versus Organic Patterns and Performance. 139