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ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 31
Volume 31, Number 1, January 2012
- Evangelos Kalogerakis
, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Simon Breslav, Aaron Hertzmann
Learning hatching for pen-and-ink illustration of surfaces. 1:1-1:17 - Hao Li
, Linjie Luo, Daniel Vlasic, Pieter Peers, Jovan Popovic, Mark Pauly
, Szymon Rusinkiewicz
Temporally coherent completion of dynamic shapes. 2:1-2:11 - Iman Sadeghi, Adolfo Muñoz
, Philip Laven
, Wojciech Jarosz
, Francisco J. Serón
, Diego Gutierrez
, Henrik Wann Jensen:
Physically-based simulation of rainbows. 3:1-3:12 - James F. O'Brien
, Hany Farid:
Exposing photo manipulation with inconsistent reflections. 4:1-4:11 - Changsoo Je
, Min Tang, Youngeun Lee, Minkyoung Lee, Young J. Kim
PolyDepth: Real-time penetration depth computation using iterative contact-space projection. 5:1-5:14 - Matthias Nießner, Charles T. Loop, Mark Meyer, Tony DeRose:
Feature-adaptive GPU rendering of Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces. 6:1-6:11 - Lakulish Antani, Anish Chandak, Lauri Savioja, Dinesh Manocha
Interactive sound propagation using compact acoustic transfer operators. 7:1-7:12 - Eakta Jain, Yaser Sheikh, Moshe Mahler
, Jessica K. Hodgins:
Three-dimensional proxies for hand-drawn characters. 8:1-8:16 - Joakim Löw, Joel Kronander, Anders Ynnerman, Jonas Unger:
BRDF models for accurate and efficient rendering of glossy surfaces. 9:1-9:14 - Tyler de Witt, Christian Lessig, Eugene Fiume:
Fluid simulation using Laplacian eigenfunctions. 10:1-10:11 - Piti Irawan, Stephen R. Marschner:
Specular reflection from woven cloth. 11:1-11:20
Volume 31, Number 2, April 2012
- Art Tevs, Alexander Berner, Michael Wand, Ivo Ihrke, Martin Bokeloh, Jens Kerber, Hans-Peter Seidel:
Animation cartography - intrinsic reconstruction of shape and motion. 12:1-12:15 - Daniel G. Aliaga, Yu Hong Yeung
, Alvin J. Law, Behzad Sajadi, Aditi Majumder:
Fast high-resolution appearance editing using superimposed projections. 13:1-13:13 - Yeongho Seol, John P. Lewis, Jaewoo Seo, Byungkuk Choi, Ken Anjyo, Junyong Noh:
Spacetime expression cloning for blendshapes. 14:1-14:12 - Floraine Berthouzoz, Raanan Fattal:
Resolution enhancement by vibrating displays. 15:1-15:14 - Landon Boyd, Robert Bridson:
MultiFLIP for energetic two-phase fluid simulation. 16:1-16:12 - Ijaz Akhter, Tomas Simon, Sohaib Khan, Iain A. Matthews, Yaser Sheikh:
Bilinear spatiotemporal basis models. 17:1-17:12
Volume 31, Number 3, May 2012
- Pradeep Sen
, Soheil Darabi:
On filtering the noise from the random parameters in Monte Carlo rendering. 18:1-18:15 - Yu-Ting Tsai, Zen-Chung Shih:
K-clustered tensor approximation: A sparse multilinear model for real-time rendering. 19:1-19:17 - Tom Malzbender, Ramin Samadani, Steven Scher, Adam Crume, Douglas Dunn, James Davis:
Printing reflectance functions. 20:1-20:11 - Juyong Zhang, Jianmin Zheng
, Chunlin Wu, Jianfei Cai
Variational mesh decomposition. 21:1-21:14 - Vladimir G. Kim, Yaron Lipman, Thomas A. Funkhouser:
Symmetry-guided texture synthesis and manipulation. 22:1-22:14 - Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Patricio D. Simari, Eugene Fiume:
Sparse zonal harmonic factorization for efficient SH rotation. 23:1-23:9 - Marek Krzysztof Misztal, Jakob Andreas Bærentzen
Topology-adaptive interface tracking using the deformable simplicial complex. 24:1-24:12
Volume 31, Number 4, July 2012
- Jane McGonigal:
Keynote: Jane McGonigal. - Jack M. Wang, Samuel R. Hamner, Scott L. Delp
, Vladlen Koltun:
Optimizing locomotion controllers using biologically-based actuators and objectives. 25:1-25:11 - Jie Tan, Greg Turk, C. Karen Liu:
Soft body locomotion. 26:1-26:11 - Marek Vondrak, Leonid Sigal, Jessica K. Hodgins, Odest Chadwicke Jenkins:
Video-based 3D motion capture through biped control. 27:1-27:12 - Sergey Levine, Jack M. Wang, Alexis Haraux, Zoran Popovic, Vladlen Koltun:
Continuous character control with low-dimensional embeddings. 28:1-28:10 - Xiaobai Chen, Abulhair Saparov, Bill Pang, Thomas A. Funkhouser:
Schelling points on 3D surface meshes. 29:1-29:12 - Maks Ovsjanikov, Mirela Ben-Chen, Justin Solomon, Adrian Butscher, Leonidas J. Guibas:
Functional maps: a flexible representation of maps between shapes. 30:1-30:11 - Mathias Eitz, Ronald Richter, Tamy Boubekeur, Kristian Hildebrand, Marc Alexa
Sketch-based shape retrieval. 31:1-31:10 - Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Andrew Adams, Sylvain Paris, Marc Levoy, Saman P. Amarasinghe, Frédo Durand:
Decoupling algorithms from schedules for easy optimization of image processing pipelines. 32:1-32:12 - Eduardo Simoes Lopes Gastal, Manuel M. Oliveira
Adaptive manifolds for real-time high-dimensional filtering. 33:1-33:13 - Manuel Lang, Oliver Wang, Tunç Ozan Aydin, Aljoscha Smolic, Markus H. Gross
Practical temporal consistency for image-based graphics applications. 34:1-34:8 - Peng Guan, Loretta Reiss, David A. Hirshberg, Alexander Weiss, Michael J. Black:
DRAPE: DRessing Any PErson. 35:1-35:10 - Rémi Brouet, Alla Sheffer, Laurence Boissieux, Marie-Paule Cani:
Design preserving garment transfer. 36:1-36:11 - Cem Yuksel, Jonathan M. Kaldor, Doug L. James
, Steve Marschner:
Stitch meshes for modeling knitted clothing with yarn-level detail. 37:1-37:12 - Min H. Kim
, Holly E. Rushmeier
, Julie Dorsey, Todd Alan Harvey, Richard O. Prum
, David S. Kittle, David J. Brady
3D imaging spectroscopy for measuring hyperspectral patterns on solid objects. 38:1-38:11 - Matthew O'Toole, Ramesh Raskar, Kiriakos N. Kutulakos:
Primal-dual coding to probe light transport. 39:1-39:11 - Yue Dong, Xin Tong
, Fabio Pellacini, Baining Guo:
Printing spatially-varying reflectance for reproducing HDR images. 40:1-40:7 - Yuting Ye
, C. Karen Liu:
Synthesis of detailed hand manipulations using contact sampling. 41:1-41:10 - Sang Hoon Yeo, Martin Lesmana, Debanga Raj Neog, Dinesh K. Pai:
Eyecatch: simulating visuomotor coordination for object interception. 42:1-42:10 - Igor Mordatch, Emanuel Todorov, Zoran Popovic:
Discovery of complex behaviors through contact-invariant optimization. 43:1-43:8 - Mathias Eitz, James Hays, Marc Alexa
How do humans sketch objects? 44:1-44:10 - Cloud Shao, Adrien Bousseau, Alla Sheffer, Karan Singh:
CrossShade: shading concept sketches using cross-section curves. 45:1-45:11 - Jingwan Lu
, Fisher Yu, Adam Finkelstein, Stephen DiVerdi:
HelpingHand: example-based stroke stylization. 46:1-46:10 - Moritz Bächer, Bernd Bickel
, Doug L. James
, Hanspeter Pfister
Fabricating articulated characters from skinned meshes. 47:1-47:9 - Ondrej Stava, Juraj Vanek, Bedrich Benes
, Nathan A. Carr, Radomír Mech:
Stress relief: improving structural strength of 3D printable objects. 48:1-48:11 - Yuki Igarashi
, Takeo Igarashi, Jun Mitani:
Beady: interactive beadwork design and construction. 49:1-49:9 - Sören Pirk
, Ondrej Stava, Julian Kratt, Michel Abdul-Massih Said, Boris Neubert, Radomír Mech, Bedrich Benes
, Oliver Deussen:
Plastic trees: interactive self-adapting botanical tree models. 50:1-50:10 - Jaakko Lehtinen, Timo Aila, Samuli Laine, Frédo Durand:
Reconstructing the indirect light field for global illumination. 51:1-51:10 - James Gregson, Michael Krimerman, Matthias B. Hullin, Wolfgang Heidrich:
Stochastic tomography and its applications in 3D imaging of mixing fluids. 52:1-52:10 - Morten Bojsen-Hansen
, Hao Li
, Chris Wojtan
Tracking surfaces with evolving topology. 53:1-53:10 - Vladimir G. Kim, Wilmot Li, Niloy J. Mitra, Stephen DiVerdi, Thomas A. Funkhouser:
Exploring collections of 3D models using fuzzy correspondences. 54:1-54:11 - Evangelos Kalogerakis
, Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Daphne Koller, Vladlen Koltun:
A probabilistic model for component-based shape synthesis. 55:1-55:11 - Yi-Ting Yeh, Lingfeng Yang, Matthew Watson, Noah D. Goodman, Pat Hanrahan:
Synthesizing open worlds with constraints using locally annealed reversible jump MCMC. 56:1-56:11 - Kai Xu, Hao Zhang
, Daniel Cohen-Or, Baoquan Chen:
Fit and diverse: set evolution for inspiring 3D shape galleries. 57:1-57:10 - Wenzel Jakob, Steve Marschner:
Manifold exploration: a Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique for rendering scenes with difficult specular transport. 58:1-58:13 - Bruce Walter, Pramook Khungurn, Kavita Bala
Bidirectional lightcuts. 59:1-59:11 - Jan Novák, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Carsten Dachsbacher, Wojciech Jarosz
Virtual ray lights for rendering scenes with participating media. 60:1-60:11 - Hagit Schechter, Robert Bridson:
Ghost SPH for animating water. 61:1-61:8 - Nadir Akinci, Markus Ihmsen, Gizem Akinci, Barbara Solenthaler
, Matthias Teschner:
Versatile rigid-fluid coupling for incompressible SPH. 62:1-62:8 - Oleksiy Busaryev, Tamal K. Dey, Huamin Wang
, Zhong Ren:
Animating bubble interactions in a liquid foam. 63:1-63:8 - Sunghyun Cho
, Jue Wang
, Seungyong Lee:
Video deblurring for hand-held cameras using patch-based synthesis. 64:1-64:9 - Hao-Yu Wu, Michael Rubinstein, Eugene Shih, John V. Guttag, Frédo Durand, William T. Freeman:
Eulerian video magnification for revealing subtle changes in the world. 65:1-65:8 - Jiamin Bai, Aseem Agarwala, Maneesh Agrawala, Ravi Ramamoorthi:
Selectively de-animating video. 66:1-66:10 - Floraine Berthouzoz, Wilmot Li, Maneesh Agrawala:
Tools for placing cuts and transitions in interview video. 67:1-67:8 - James Tompkin
, Kwang In Kim, Jan Kautz, Christian Theobalt
Videoscapes: exploring sparse, unstructured video collections. 68:1-68:12 - Stelian Coros
, Sebastian Martin, Bernhard Thomaszewski
, Christian Schumacher, Robert W. Sumner, Markus H. Gross
Deformable objects alive! 69:1-69:9 - Jernej Barbic, Funshing Sin
, Eitan Grinspun:
Interactive editing of deformable simulations. 70:1-70:8 - Klaus Hildebrandt, Christian Schulz, Christoph von Tycowicz, Konrad Polthier:
Interactive spacetime control of deformable objects. 71:1-71:8 - Fabian Hahn, Sebastian Martin, Bernhard Thomaszewski
, Robert W. Sumner, Stelian Coros
, Markus H. Gross
Rig-space physics. 72:1-72:8 - Bruno Galerne, Ares Lagae, Sylvain Lefebvre, George Drettakis:
Gabor noise by example. 73:1-73:9 - Xin Sun, Guofu Xie, Yue Dong, Stephen Lin, Weiwei Xu, Wencheng Wang, Xin Tong
, Baining Guo:
Diffusion curve textures for resolution independent texture mapping. 74:1-74:9 - Shuang Zhao
, Wenzel Jakob, Steve Marschner, Kavita Bala
Structure-aware synthesis for predictive woven fabric appearance. 75:1-75:10 - Yahan Zhou, Haibin Huang, Li-Yi Wei, Rui Wang:
Point sampling with general noise spectrum. 76:1-76:11 - Alec Jacobson, Ilya Baran, Ladislav Kavan, Jovan Popovic, Olga Sorkine:
Fast automatic skinning transformations. 77:1-77:10 - Martin Bokeloh, Michael Wand, Hans-Peter Seidel, Vladlen Koltun:
An algebraic model for parameterized shape editing. 78:1-78:10 - Behzad Sajadi, M. Gopi, Aditi Majumder:
Edge-guided resolution enhancement in projectors via optical pixel sharing. 79:1-79:122 - Gordon Wetzstein
, Douglas Lanman, Matthew Hirsch, Ramesh Raskar:
Tensor displays: compressive light field synthesis using multilayer displays with directional backlighting. 80:1-80:11 - Vitor F. Pamplona, Manuel M. Oliveira
, Daniel G. Aliaga, Ramesh Raskar:
Tailored displays to compensate for visual aberrations. 81:1-81:12 - Soheil Darabi, Eli Shechtman, Connelly Barnes, Dan B. Goldman, Pradeep Sen
Image melding: combining inconsistent images using patch-based synthesis. 82:1-82:10 - Brian Summa
, Julien Tierny, Valerio Pascucci
Panorama weaving: fast and flexible seam processing. 83:1-83:11 - Su Xue, Aseem Agarwala, Julie Dorsey, Holly E. Rushmeier
Understanding and improving the realism of image composites. 84:1-84:10 - Hao Pan, Yi-King Choi, Yang Liu
, Wenchao Hu, Qiang Du
, Konrad Polthier, Caiming Zhang, Wenping Wang:
Robust modeling of constant mean curvature surfaces. 85:1-85:11 - Nobuyuki Umetani, Takeo Igarashi, Niloy J. Mitra:
Guided exploration of physically valid shapes for furniture design. 86:1-86:11 - Etienne Vouga, Mathias Höbinger, Johannes Wallner, Helmut Pottmann
Design of self-supporting surfaces. 87:1-87:11 - Alec R. Rivers, Ilan E. Moyer, Frédo Durand:
Position-correcting tools for 2D digital fabrication. 88:1-88:7 - Olivier Bau, Ivan Poupyrev:
REVEL: tactile feedback technology for augmented reality. 89:1-89:11 - Ludovic Hoyet
, Rachel McDonnell
, Carol O'Sullivan
Push it real: perceiving causality in virtual interactions. 90:1-90:9 - Rachel McDonnell
, Martin Breidt, Heinrich H. Bülthoff
Render me real?: investigating the effect of render style on the perception of animated virtual humans. 91:1-91:11 - Krzysztof Templin, Piotr Didyk
, Tobias Ritschel, Karol Myszkowski
, Hans-Peter Seidel:
Highlight microdisparity for improved gloss depiction. 92:1-92:5 - Xuan S. Yang, Linling Zhang, Tien-Tsin Wong, Pheng-Ann Heng
Binocular tone mapping. 93:1-93:10 - Romain Vergne, Pascal Barla, Roland W. Fleming
, Xavier Granier
Surface flows for image-based shading design. 94:1-94:9 - Lukas Hosek, Alexander Wilkie
An analytic model for full spectral sky-dome radiance. 95:1-95:9 - Tyson Brochu, Essex Edwards, Robert Bridson:
Efficient geometrically exact continuous collision detection. 96:1-96:7 - Bin Wang, François Faure, Dinesh K. Pai:
Adaptive image-based intersection volume. 97:1-97:9 - Changxi Zheng, Doug L. James
Energy-based self-collision culling for arbitrary mesh deformations. 98:1-98:12 - Youyi Zheng, Xiang Chen, Ming-Ming Cheng
, Kun Zhou, Shi-Min Hu, Niloy J. Mitra:
Interactive images: cuboid proxies for smart image manipulation. 99:1-99:11 - Sudipta N. Sinha, Johannes Kopf, Michael Goesele
, Daniel Scharstein, Richard Szeliski:
Image-based rendering for scenes with reflections. 100:1-100:10 - Carl Doersch, Saurabh Singh, Abhinav Gupta, Josef Sivic, Alexei A. Efros
What makes Paris look like Paris? 101:1-101:9 - Steven S. An, Doug L. James
, Steve Marschner:
Motion-driven concatenative synthesis of cloth sounds. 102:1-102:10 - Jeffrey N. Chadwick, Changxi Zheng, Doug L. James
Precomputed acceleration noise for improved rigid-body sound. 103:1-103:9 - Steffen Weißmann, Ulrich Pinkall:
Underwater rigid body dynamics. 104:1-104:7 - Richard Tonge, Feodor Benevolenski, Andrey Voroshilov:
Mass splitting for jitter-free parallel rigid body simulation. 105:1-105:8 - Breannan Smith, Danny M. Kaufman, Etienne Vouga, Rasmus Tamstorf
, Eitan Grinspun:
Reflections on simultaneous impact. 106:1-106:12 - Min Tang, Dinesh Manocha, Miguel A. Otaduy
, Ruofeng Tong:
Continuous penalty forces. 107:1-107:9 - Yaron Lipman:
Bounded distortion mapping spaces for triangular meshes. 108:1-108:13 - Ashish Myles, Denis Zorin:
Global parametrization by incremental flattening. 109:1-109:11 - Marcel Campen
, David Bommes
, Leif Kobbelt
Dual loops meshing: quality quad layouts on manifolds. 110:1-110:11 - Daniele Panozzo, Yaron Lipman, Enrico Puppo
, Denis Zorin:
Fields on symmetric surfaces. 111:1-111:12 - Tobias Pfaff, Nils Thürey, Markus H. Gross
Lagrangian vortex sheets for animating fluids. 112:1-112:8 - Christopher Batty, Andres Uribe, Basile Audoly
, Eitan Grinspun:
Discrete viscous sheets. 113:1-113:7 - Zhan Yuan, Yizhou Yu, Wenping Wang:
Object-space multiphase implicit functions. 114:1-114:10 - Powei Feng, Joe D. Warren:
Discrete bi-Laplacians and biharmonic b-splines. 115:1-115:11 - Menglei Chai, Lvdi Wang, Yanlin Weng, Yizhou Yu, Baining Guo, Kun Zhou:
Single-view hair modeling for portrait manipulation. 116:1-116:8 - Thabo Beeler, Bernd Bickel
, Gioacchino Noris, Paul A. Beardsley, Steve Marschner, Robert W. Sumner, Markus H. Gross
Coupled 3D reconstruction of sparse facial hair and skin. 117:1-117:10 - Bernd Bickel
, Peter Kaufmann, Mélina Skouras, Bernhard Thomaszewski
, Derek Bradley, Thabo Beeler, Philip Jackson, Steve Marschner, Wojciech Matusik, Markus H. Gross
Physical face cloning. 118:1-118:10
Volume 31, Number 5, August 2012
- Yotam I. Gingold
, Ariel Shamir, Daniel Cohen-Or:
Micro perceptual human computation for visual tasks. 119:1-119:12 - Sen Wang, Tingbo Hou, John Border, Hong Qin, Rodney L. Miller:
High-quality image deblurring with panchromatic pixels. 120:1-120:11 - Ravi Ramamoorthi, John Anderson, Mark Meyer, Derek Nowrouzezahrai:
A theory of monte carlo visibility sampling. 121:1-121:16 - Tom Cuypers, Tom Haber, Philippe Bekaert, Se Baek Oh, Ramesh Raskar:
Reflectance model for diffraction. 122:1-122:11 - Florian Hecht, Yeon Jin Lee, Jonathan Richard Shewchuk, James F. O'Brien
Updated sparse cholesky factors for corotational elastodynamics. 123:1-123:13