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IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 22
Volume 22, Number 1, January 1973
- Kiyoshi M. Maruyama:
On the Parallel Evaluation of Polynomials. 2-5 - Stephen Sik-Sang Yau, Yu-Cheng Liu:
Error Correction in Redundant Residue Number Systems. 5-11 - Michael L. Dertouzos:
Time Bounds on Space Computations. 12-17 - Shi-Kuo Chang, C. K. Chow:
The Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Objects from Two Orthogonal Projections and its Application to Cardiac Cineangiography. 18-28 - Thomas J. Wright:
A Two-Space Solution to the Hidden Line Problem for Plotting Functions of Two Variables. 28-33 - Shi-Kuo Chang:
The Computation of Window Operations on a Parallel Organized Computer - A Case Study. 34-40 - Dawoud Shenouda Dawoud, Nadia Z. El-Araby:
Parallel Digital Differential Analyzer with Arbitrary Stored Interconnections. 41-46 - Michael J. Y. Williams, James B. Angell:
Enhancing Testability of Large-Scale Integrated Circuits via Test Points and Additional Logic. 46-60 - Edgar C. Tacker, Thomas D. Linton:
Digital and Hybrid Computational Aspects of the Discrete Representation Theorem of Nonlinear Estimation. 61-67 - Martin A. Fischler, Robert A. Elschlager:
The Representation and Matching of Pictorial Structures. 67-92 - William S. Meisel, Demetrios A. Michalopoulos:
A Partitioning Algorithm with Application in Pattern Classification and the Optimization of Decision Trees. 93-103 - S. Lee Hight:
Complex Disjunctive Decomposition of Incompletely Specified Boolean Functions. 103-110 - Joseph W. Carl, Charles F. Hall:
Comments on "The Application of Filtered Transforms to the General Classification Problem". 111 - Chung-Kwong Yuen:
The Printing of Octal Numerals. 111 - Kenneth F. Siler:
B73-1 An Introduction to Cobol Programming. 112 - Lloyd D. Fosdick:
B73-2 Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals. 112
Volume 22, Number 2, February 1973
- Shanker Singh, Ronald Waxman:
Multiple Operand Addition and Multiplication. 113-120 - P. V. Sankar, Sangeeta Chakrabarti, E. V. Krishnamurthy:
Arithmetic Algorithms in a Negative Base. 120-125 - P. V. Sankar, Sangeeta Chakrabarti, E. V. Krishnamurthy:
Deterministic Division Algorithm in a Negative Base. 125-128 - Norman H. Kreitzer, William J. Fitzgerald:
A Video Display System for Image Processing by Computer. 128-134 - Eisuke Kinoshita, Hideo Kosako, Yoshiaki Kojima:
General Division in the Symmetric Residue Number System. 134-142 - Jerome M. Kurtzberg, Raymond D. Villani:
A Balanced Pipelining Approach to Multiprocessing on an Instruction Stream Level. 143-148 - Jack L. Rosenfeld, Raymond D. Villani:
Micromultiprocessing: An Approach to Multiprocessing at the Level of Very Small Tasks. 149-153 - Alvin B. Kaufman:
An Expandable Ferroelectric Random Access Memory. 154-158 - Daniel E. Farmer:
Algorithms for Designing Fault-Detection Experiments ror Sequential Machines. 159-167 - S. Lee Hight, Daniel P. Petersen:
Dissent in a Majority Voting System. 168-171 - Maurus Cappa, V. Carl Hamacher:
An Augmented Iterative Array for High-Speed Binary Division. 172-175 - Donald T. Tang, C. N. Liu:
Distance-2 Cyclic Chaining of Constant-Weight Codes. 176-180 - H. Allen Curtis:
Tan-Like State Assignments ror Synchronous Sequential Machines. 181-187 - Subrata R. Das:
On a New Approach for Finding All the Modified Cut-Sets in an Incompatibility Graph. 187-193 - Kenneth H. O'Keefe:
Modularity in Design: Skit Registers and Counters Used as System Building Blocks. 194-197 - Daniel Hampel:
MultiFunction Threshold Gates. 197-203 - Sikumar Ghosh, Arun K. Choudhury:
Partition of Boolean Functions ror Realization with Multithreshold Threshold Logic Elements. 204-215 - Parveen K. Gupta, Donald L. Dietmeyer:
Fast State Minimization of Incompletely Specified Sequential Machines. 215-217 - Abraham Kandel:
Comments on "Minimization of Fuzzy Functions". 217 - Gary K. Maki, Dwight H. Sawin III:
Comments on "Next-State Equations of Asynchronous Sequential Machines". 218 - Ioan Tomescu:
A Combinatorial Algorithm for Solving Covering Problems. 218-220 - Jerome L. Uhrig:
B73-3 Dynamic Programming and Partial Differential Equations. 221 - P. J. Plauger:
B73-4 High Level Languages - International Computer State of the Art Report. 221-222
Volume 22, Number 3, March 1973
- William C. Carter:
Fault-Tolerant Computing: An Introduction and a Viewpoint. 225-229 - Frederick W. Clegg:
Use of SPOOF's in the Analysis of Faulty Logic Networks. 229-234 - Min-Wen Du, C. Dennis Weiss:
Multiple Fault Detection in Combinational Circuits: Algorithms and Computational Results. 235-240 - Melvin A. Breuer:
Testing for Intermittent Faults in Digital Circuits. 241-246 - Herbert Hecht:
Figure of Merit for Fault-Tolerant Space Computers. 246-251 - Thomas F. Arnold:
The Concept of Coverage and Its Effect on the Reliability Model of a Repairable System. 251-254 - Robert W. Cook, William H. Sisson, Thomas F. Storey, Wing N. Toy:
Design of a Self-Checking Microprogram Control. 255-262 - Douglas A. Anderson, Gernot Metze:
Design of Totally Self-Checking Check Circuits for m-Out-of-n Codes. 263-269 - Willard G. Bouricius, William C. Carter, Edward P. Hsieh, Donald C. Jessep Jr., Aspi B. Wadia:
Modeling of a Bubble-Memory Organization with Self-Checking Translators to Achieve High Reliability. 269-275 - Daniel P. Siewiorek, Edward J. McCluskey:
Switch Complexity in Systems with Hybrid Redundancy. 276-282 - William C. Carter, Keith A. Duke, Donald C. Jessep Jr.:
Lookaside Techniques for Minimum Circuit Memory Translators. 283-289 - Daniel P. Siewiorek, Edward J. McCluskey:
An Iterative Cell Switch Design for Hybrid Redundancy. 290-297 - Mohamed Y. Osman, C. Dennis Weiss:
Shared Logic Realizations of Dynamically Self-Checked and Fault-Tolerant Logic. 298-306 - Ferruccio Barsi, Piero Maestrini:
Error Correcting Properties of Redundant Residue Number Systems. 307-315
Volume 22, Number 4, April 1973
- Earl E. Swartzlander Jr.:
The Quasi-Serial Multiplier. 317-321 - Michael P. Ekstrom:
A Numerical Algorithm for Identifying Spread Functions of Shift-Invariant Imaging Systems. 322-328 - Shalhav Zohar:
New Hardware Realizations of Nonrecursive Digital Filters. 328-338 - Shalhav Zohar:
The Counting Recursive Digital Filter. 338-347 - Akira Maruoka, Namio Honda:
Logical Networks of Flexible Cells. 347-358 - Patrick G. Dowd, David J. Ladd, Gottfried W. R. Luderer, Peter E. Rosenfeld, Ruth L. Salmon:
Stare 2-A Graphical Hard-Copy System. 359-367 - Warren D. Little:
Serial Hybrid Computation and Errors in Hybrid Loops. 367-370 - Arnold K. Griffith:
Edge Detection in Simple Scenes Using a Priori Information. 371-381 - Toomas R. Vilmansen:
Feature Evalution with Measures of Probabilistic Dependence. 381-388 - Allen E. Durling, Thomas E. Bullock:
A Unified Method for the Reconstruction of Sampled Data. 388-396 - Arthur D. Friedman, Premachandran R. Menon:
Restricted Checking Sequences for Sequential Machines. 397-399 - Harry F. Jordan, David C. M. Wood:
On the Distribution of Sums of Successive Bits of Shift-Register Sequences. 400-408 - André Thayse, Marc Davio:
Boolean Differential Calculus and its Application to Switching Theory. 409-420 - Thomas J. Chaney, Charles E. Molnar:
Anomalous Behavior of Synchronizer and Arbiter Circuits. 421-422 - George Epstein:
An Equational Axiomatization for the Disjoint System of Post Algebras. 422-423 - Jay C. Majithia:
A Cellular Array for Binary to BCD Conversion. 423-424 - Efrem G. Mallach:
On the Use of "Importance Weights" in Assessing Subsystem Reliability. 424-425 - G. Robert Redinbo:
Bounds On the Sequency Content of the Circular Functions. 426-427 - Michael B. Scherba, Robert P. Roesser:
Computation of the Transition Matrix of a Linear Sequential Circuit. 427-428 - Kenneth J. Breeding:
B73-5 Computer-Oriented Approaches to Pattern Recognition. 429 - Linder Charlie Hobbs:
B73-6 Computing Terminals: International Computer State of the Art Report. 429-430 - A. C. Roochvarg:
B73-7 Theory of Machines and Computations. 430 - Brian W. Kernighan:
B73-8 Systems Programming. 430-431
Volume 22, Number 5, May 1973
- Shalhav Zohar:
Fast Hardware Fourier Transformation Through Counting. 433-441 - Taylor L. Booth, Richard A. Thompson:
Applying Probability Measures to Abstract Languages. 442-450 - Bjón Dahlberg:
On Symmetric Functions with Redundant Variables-Weighted Functions. 450-458 - Bruce E. Briley:
Some New Results on Average Worst Case Carry. 459-463 - James R. Armstrong:
Design of a Graphic Generator for Remote Terminal Application. 464-468 - Thomas C. Lowe:
Analysis of an Information System Model with Transfer Penalties. 469-480 - Chak-Kuen Wong, P. C. Yue:
The Anticipatory Control of a Cyclically Permutable Memory. 481-488 - Herbert Yu-Pang Chang, Robert C. Dorr, Daniel J. Senese:
The Design of a Microprogrammed Self-Checking Processor of an Electronic Switching System. 489-500 - Herbert Yu-Pang Chang, Gary W. Heimbigner, Daniel J. Senese, Thomas L. Smith:
Maintenance Techniques of a Microprogrammed Self-Checking Control Complex of an Electronic Switching System. 501-512 - Michael R. Paige:
Synthesis of Diagnosable FET Networks. 513-516 - James R. Rowland, Willard M. Holmes:
Dynamic Programming for the Partitioning of Numerical Simulations with Hybrid Computer Applications. 516-523 - Jon G. Bredeson, Paul T. Hulina:
Synthesis of Multiple-Input Change Asynchronous Circuits Using Transition-Sensitive Flip-Flops. 524-531 - Richard Brent, Daniel Kuck, Kiyoshi Maruyama:
The Parallel Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions Without Division. 532-534 - Armen Gabrielian, Seymour Ginsburg:
Structured Storage AFA. 534-537 - Ivan E. Sutherland, Donald R. Oestreicher:
How Big Should a Printed Circuit Board Be? 537-542 - Ulrich Schumann:
Comments on "A Fast Computer Method for Matrix Transposing" and Application to the Solution of Poisson's Equation. 542-543 - Jan-Olof Eklundh:
Author's Reply. 543-544 - Chung-Kwong Yuen:
On the Twiddling Factors. 544-545 - Chittoor V. Ramamoorthy:
B73-9 Introduction to Computer Organization and Data Structures. 545-546 - Erol Gelenbe:
B73-10 Time Sharing Systems. 546 - Michael Faiman:
B73-11 Digital Circuits and Devices. 546-547 - Stephen Y. H. Su:
B73-12 Fault Detection in Digital Circuits. 547
Volume 22, Number 6, June 1973
- Daniel E. Atkins, Harvey L. Garner:
Computer Arithmetic: An Introduction and Overview. 549-551 - Philip M. Spira:
Computation Times of Arithmetic and Boolean Functions in (d, r) Circuits. 552-555 - James E. Robertson, Kishor S. Trivedi:
The Status of Investigations into Computer Hardware Design Based on the Use of Continued Fractions. 555-560 - Milos D. Ercegovac:
Radix-16 Evaluation of Certain Elementary Functions. 561-566 - Algirdas Avizienis:
Arithmetic Algorithms for Error-Coded Operands. 567-572 - Nicholas C. Metropolis:
Analyzed Binary Computing. 573-576 - J. Michael Yohe:
Roundings in Floating-Point Arithmetic. 577-586 - John D. Marasa, David W. Matula:
A Simulative Study of Correlated Error Propagation in Various Finite-Precision Arithmetics. 587-597 - William J. Cody:
Static and Dynamic Numerical Characteristics of Floating-Point Arithmetic. 598-601 - Richard P. Brent:
On the Precision Attainable with Various Floating-Point Number Systems. 601-607 - David H. Jacobsohn:
A Combinatoric Division Algorithm for Fixed-Integer Divisors. 608-610 - Erol Gelenbe:
A Unified Approach to the Evaluation of a Class of Replacement Algorithms. 611-618 - Min-Wen Du, C. Dennis Weiss:
Circuit Structure and Switching Function Verification. 618-625 - Dhirubhai V. Kanani, Kenneth H. O'Keefe:
A Note on Conditional-Sum Addition for Base - 2 Systems. 626 - Sureshchander:
Comments on "Decomposition Method of Determining Maximum Compatibles". 627 - P. K. Sinha Roy, Ching-Lai Sheng:
Authors' Reply. 627
Volume 22, Number 7, July 1973
- Dimitris G. Maritsas:
A High Speed and Accuracy Digital Gaussian Generator of Pseudorandom Numbers. 629-634 - Alexander Keewatin Dewdney, Andrew L. Szilard:
Tours in Machines and Digraphs. 635-639 - H. R. Ramanujam:
Decomposition of Permutation Networks. 639-643 - Edward A. Feustel:
On The Advantages of Tagged Architecture. 644-656 - Ramaswami Dandapani:
Derivation of Minimal Test Sets for Monotonic Logic Circuits. 657-661 - Dhiraj K. Pradhan, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
Fault-Tolerant Asynchronous Networks. 662-669 - Joseph W. Carl, Richard V. Swartwood:
A Hybrid Walsh Transform Computer. 669-672 - Donald D. Givone, Robert P. Roesser:
Minimization of Multidimensional Linear Iterative Circuits. 673-678 - Charles A. Harlow, Sharon A. Eisenbeis:
The Analysis of Radiographic Images. 678-689 - Theodosios Pavlidis:
Waveform Segmentation Through Functional Approximation. 689-697 - Shalhav Zohar:
A/D Conversion for Radix (-2). 698-701 - Teuvo Kohonen, Matti Ruohonen:
Representation of Associated Data by Matrix Operators. 701-702