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23rd SAC 2008: Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil
- Roger L. Wainwright, Hisham Haddad:
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, March 16-20, 2008. ACM 2008, ISBN 978-1-59593-753-7
Advances in computer simulation
- Ana L. C. Bazzan, Giuseppe Vizzari
Special track on Advances in Computer Simulation (ACS): editorial message. 1-2 - Isabel Praça
, Maria João Viamonte
, Zita A. Vale
, Carlos Ramos
Agent-based simulation of electronic marketplaces with decision support. 3-7 - Ana L. C. Bazzan, Roberto da Silva
, Silvio R. Dahmen, Alexandre Tavares Baraviera:
Emerging cooperation in a public goods game with competition. 8-12 - Humberto Cesar Brandao de Oliveira, Gustavo Monti Rocha, Mariane Moreira de Souza, Leonardo Aparecido Ciscon, Vanessa Rodrigues Borges, Geraldo Robson Mateus:
A vehicular waiting time heuristic for dynamic vehicle routing problem. 13-17 - Giuseppe Vizzari
, Giorgio Pizzi, Flávio S. Corrêa da Silva:
A framework for execution and 3D visualization of situated cellular agent based crowd simulations. 18-22 - Mariane Moreira de Souza, Humberto Cesar Brandao de Oliveira, Alexandre Marcos Lins de Vasconcelos
, Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira:
A statistical approach for prediction of projects based on simulation. 23-27 - Hugo Conceição, Luís Damas, Michel Ferreira
, João Barros
Large-scale simulation of V2V environments. 28-33 - Igor Walter, Fernando A. C. Gomide:
Electricity market simulation: multiagent system approach. 34-38 - Franziska Klügl
A validation methodology for agent-based simulations. 39-43
Advances in computer simulation: poster papers
- Ruipeng Li, Hai Jiang, Hung-Chi Su:
Coordination schemes in distributed simulation of relativistic particle transport. 44-45 - Priscilla Avegliano, Jaime Simão Sichman
RePart: a reputation-based simulation tool for partnership formation. 46-47 - André L. Martinotto, F. Jornada, L. A. Cassol, V. Gava, Ricardo Vargas Dorneles, C. A. Perotoni:
Generation of continuous random networks by simulated annealing. 48-49
Agent-oriented programming, systems, languages and applications
- Alessandro Ricci
, Eric Platon, Fuyuki Ishikawa, Danny Weyns
Special track on Agent-oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (APSLA): editorial message. 50-51 - Carolina Howard Felicíssimo
, Caroline Chopinaud, Jean-Pierre Briot
, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena:
Contextualizing normative open multi-agent systems. 52-59 - Luca Cernuzzi
, Franco Zambonelli
Profile based comparative analysis for AOSE methodologies evaluation. 60-65 - Alessandro de Luna Almeida, Samir Aknine, Jean-Pierre Briot
Dynamic resource allocation heuristics for providing fault tolerance in multi-agent systems. 66-70 - Gilberto A. Cysneiros Filho, Andrea Zisman:
Traceability and completeness checking for agent-oriented systems. 71-77
Agent-oriented programming, systems, languages and applications: poster papers
- Isabel Praça
, André Andrade, Hugo Morais
, Marílio Cardoso, Carlos Ramos
, Zita A. Vale
A multi-agent system for the support of producer coalition formation in electricity markets. 78-79
Coordination models, languages and applications
- Michael Ignaz Schumacher, Alan Wood:
Special track on Coordination Models, Languages and Architectures: editorial message. 80-81 - Bela Mutschler, Barbara Weber
, Manfred Reichert:
Workflow management versus case handling: results from a controlled software experiment. 82-89 - Daniel Wutke, Daniel Martin, Frank Leymann
Model and infrastructure for decentralized workflow enactment. 90-94 - Yahui Lu, Li Zhang, Jiaguang Sun:
Towards trace semantics for WS-CDL with alignments. 95-99 - Matteo Ceriotti
, Amy L. Murphy, Gian Pietro Picco:
Data sharing vs. message passing: synergy or incompatibility?: an implementation-driven case study. 100-107 - Marcílio Mendonça, Thiago T. Bartolomei, Donald D. Cowan:
Decision-making coordination in collaborative product configuration. 108-113 - David P. Pereira, Ana Cristina Vieira de Melo:
A formal architectural model for exception handling coordination. 114-118 - Rodrigo Ramos, Augusto Sampaio, Alexandre Mota:
Framework composition conformance via refinement checking. 119-125
Coordination models, languages and applications: poster papers
- Gudmund Grov, Robert F. Pointon, Greg Michaelson, Andrew Ireland:
Preserving coordination properties when transforming concurrent system components. 126-127 - Kelly Rosa Braghetto
, João Eduardo Ferreira
, Calton Pu:
Using process algebra to control the execution of business processes. 128-129 - Matteo Vasirani, Sascha Ossowski
Decentralized coordination strategies for the vehicle routing problem. 130-131 - Davide Rossi, Elisa Turrini:
EPML: an executable process modeling language for process-aware applications. 132-133
Constraint satisfation and programming
- Alexandre Goldsztejn
, Claude Michel, Michel Rueher:
An efficient algorithm for a sharp approximation of universally quantified inequalities. 134-139 - Thomas Douillard, Christophe Jermann:
Splitting heuristics for disjunctive numerical constraints. 140-144 - Carlos Olarte
, Frank D. Valencia:
Universal concurrent constraint programing: symbolic semantics and applications to security. 145-150 - Marco Benedetti, Arnaud Lallouet, Jérémie Vautard:
Modeling adversary scheduling with QCSP+. 151-155
Constraint satisfation and programming: poster papers
- Roman Barták
, Ondrej Cepek
Nested temporal networks with alternatives: recognition and tractability. 156-157
Object-oriented programming languages and systems
- Davide Ancona, Alex Buckley:
Special track on Object-Oriented Languages and Systems: editorial message. 158-159 - Muga Nishizawa, Shigeru Chiba:
A small extension to Java for class refinement. 160-165 - J. J. Hallett, Victor Luchangco, Sukyoung Ryu
, Guy L. Steele Jr.:
Integrating coercion with subtyping and multiple dispatch. 166-170 - Peter Pirkelbauer, Sean Parent, Mat Marcus, Bjarne Stroustrup:
Runtime concepts for the C++ standard template library. 171-177 - Jaakko Järvi, John Freeman:
Lambda functions for C++0x. 178-183 - Francesco Logozzo, Manuel Fähndrich:
Pentagons: a weakly relational abstract domain for the efficient validation of array accesses. 184-188
Programming languages
- Chang-Hyun Jo, Marjan Mernik, Barrett R. Bryant:
Special track on Programming Languages: editorial message. 189-190 - Giulio Piancastelli, Alex Benini, Andrea Omicini
, Alessandro Ricci
The architecture and design of a malleable object-oriented prolog engine. 191-197 - Maurizio Cimadamore, Mirko Viroli
Integrating Java and Prolog through generic methods and type inference. 198-205 - Minhaj Ahmad Khan, Henri-Pierre Charles
, Denis Barthou
Optimizing code through iterative specialization. 206-210 - Subhajit Roy, Y. N. Srikant:
Improving flow-insensitive solutions for non-separable dataflow problems. 211-216 - Fabio Mascarenhas, Roberto Ierusalimschy:
Efficient compilation of Lua for the CLR. 217-221 - Tiago Lopes Telecken, Ethan V. Munson, José Valdeni de Lima:
Applying markup language resources in the specification of visual alphabets and visual sentences. 222-227 - Henrique Rebêlo, Sérgio Soares
, Ricardo Massa Ferreira Lima, Leopoldo Ferreira, Márcio Cornélio:
Implementing Java modeling language contracts with AspectJ. 228-233 - Marcio Buss, Daniel Brand, Vugranam C. Sreedhar, Stephen A. Edwards:
Flexible pointer analysis using assign-fetch graphs. 234-239 - Joel E. Denny
, Brian A. Malloy:
IELR(1): practical LR(1) parser tables for non-LR(1) grammars with conflict resolution. 240-245 - Tales Paiva Nogueira
, Luis C. L. Neto, Lincoln S. Rocha, Rossana M. C. Andrade
An adaptation of the collections framework, reflection and object cloning from J2SE to J2ME. 246-250
Programming for separation of concerns
- Yvonne Coady, Corrado Santoro, Emiliano Tramontana, Ian Welch
Special track on Programming for Separation of Concerns: editorial message. 251-252 - Kris Gybels, Charlotte Herzeel, Theo D'Hondt:
Symbiosis in logic-based pointcuts over a history of join points. 253-260 - Ulises Juárez-Martínez, José Oscar Olmedo-Aguirre
Énfasis: a model for local variable crosscutting. 261-265 - Guillaume Pothier, Éric Tanter:
Extending omniscient debugging to support aspect-oriented programming. 266-270 - Mohammed Al-Mansari, Stefan Hanenberg, Rainer Unland:
On to formal semantics for path expression pointcuts. 271-275
Programming for separation of concerns: poster papers
- Márcio de Medeiros Ribeiro
, Pedro Matos Jr., Paulo Borba
A decision model for implementing product lines variabilities. 276-277 - Andrew Camilleri, Lynne Blair, Geoffrey Coulson:
Securing aspect composition. 278-279
Real-time systems
- Paulo Martins, Leandro Buss Becker
Special track on Real-Time Systems: editorial message. 280 - Björn Andersson:
The utilization bound of uniprocessor preemptive slack-monotonic scheduling is 50%. 281-283 - Marcelo Maia Sobral, Leandro Buss Becker
A wireless hybrid contention/TDMA-based MAC for real-time mobile application. 284-288 - Ya-Shu Chen, Li-Pin Chang, Tei-Wei Kuo
Multiprocessor frequency locking for real-time task synchronization. 289-293 - Sherif Fadel Fahmy
, Binoy Ravindran
, E. Douglas Jensen:
Scheduling distributable real-time threads in the presence of crash failures and message losses. 294-301 - Biju K. Raveendran, Sundar Balasubramaniam, S. Gurunarayanan:
Evaluation of priority based real time scheduling algorithms: choices and tradeoffs. 302-307 - Fabiano Cruz, Raimundo S. Barreto
, Lucas C. Cordeiro
Towards a model-driven engineering approach for developing embedded hard real-time software. 308-314 - Leo Ordínez, David Donari, Rodrigo M. Santos
A behavior priority driven approach for resource reservation scheduling. 315-319
Real-time systems: poster papers
- Fábio Rodrigues de la Rocha, Rômulo Silva de Oliveira
Strategies for QoS improvement on the time-interval scheduling. 320-321 - Damien Masson, Serge Midonnet:
Slack time evaluation with RTSJ. 322-323 - Paulo Martins, Alan Burns:
On the meaning of modes in uniprocessor real-time systems. 324-325
Software verification
- Fausto Spoto
Special track on Software Verification: editorial message. 326 - Gerardo Schneider:
Reachability analysis of generalized polygonal hybrid systems. 327-332 - Sa'ed Abed
, Otmane Aït Mohamed, Ghiath Al Sammane:
Reachability analysis using multiway decision graphs in the HOL theorem prover. 333-338 - Hossein Hojjat, Mohammad Reza Mousavi
, Marjan Sirjani:
A framework for performance evaluation and functional verification in stochastic process algebras. 339-346 - Francisco Bavera, Eduardo Bonelli:
Type-based information flow analysis for bytecode languages with variable object field policies. 347-351 - June Andronick, Quang Huy Nguyen:
Certifying an embedded remote method invocation protocol. 352-359 - Clément Ballabriga, Hugues Cassé, Pascal Sainrat:
An improved approach for set-associative instruction cache partial analysis. 360-367 - Elvira Albert, Puri Arenas, Samir Genaim
, Germán Puebla, Damiano Zanardini
Removing useless variables in cost analysis of Java bytecode. 368-375 - Aytekin Vargun, David R. Musser:
Code-carrying theory. 376-383 - Xuandong Li, Xiaokang Qiu
, Linzhang Wang, Bin Lei, W. Eric Wong:
UML state machine diagram driven runtime verification of Java programs for message interaction consistency. 384-389 - Zhenyu Chen, Baowen Xu
, Xiaofang Zhang, Changhai Nie:
A novel approach for test suite reduction based on requirement relation contraction. 390-394
Document engineering
- Rafael Dueire Lins:
Special track on Document Engineering: editorial message. 395-396 - Ergina Kavallieratou
An objective way to evaluate and compare binarization algorithms. 397-401 - Christoph Becker, Andreas Rauber, Volker Heydegger, Jan Schnasse, Manfred Thaller:
A generic XML language for characterising objects to support digital preservation. 402-406 - Songbo Tan, Yuefen Wang, Xueqi Cheng:
An efficient feature ranking measure for text categorization. 407-413 - Daniel Pavelec, Edson J. R. Justino, Leonardo Vidal Batista, Luiz S. Oliveira:
Author identification using writer-dependent and writer-independent strategies. 414-418 - Ricardo O. Abu Hana, Cinthia Obladen de Almendra Freitas, Luiz S. Oliveira, Flávio Bortolozzi
Crime scene classification. 419-423 - Boris Chidlovskii, Loïc Lecerf:
Stacked dependency networks for layout document structuring. 424-428 - Farshideh Einsele, Rolf Ingold
, Jean Hennebert:
A language-independent, open-vocabulary system based on HMMs for recognition of ultra low resolution words. 429-433 - Giorgia de Oliveira Mattos
, Rafael Dueire Lins, Andrei de Araújo Formiga, Fernando Mário Junqueira Martins:
BigBatch: a document processing platform for clusters and grids. 434-441 - Bettina Fazzinga
, Sergio Flesca
, Andrea Tagarelli
, Salvatore Garruzzo, Elio Masciari
A wrapper generation system for PDF documents. 442-446
Document engineering: poster papers
- Atsuhiro Takasu, Kenro Aihara:
Information extraction from scanned documents by stochastic page layout analysis. 447-448 - João Bosco Ferreira Filho, Helder S. Pinho, Riverson Rios, Rossana M. C. Andrade
A strategy for memory traffic management of bitmap fonts for text visualization in mobile devices. 449-450 - Yuanping Zhu, Ruwei Dai, Baihua Xiao, Chunheng Wang:
Perspective rectification of camera-based document images using local linear structure. 451-452
Engineering large-scale distributed systems
- Fabrizio Falchi
, Claudio Lucchese
Special track on Engineering Large-Scale Distributed Systems: editorial message. 453-454 - Alain Mowat, Roman Schmidt, Michael Schumacher, Ion Constantinescu:
Extending peer-to-peer networks for approximate search. 455-459 - John Keeney, Dominic Jones, Dominik Roblek, David Lewis
, Declan O'Sullivan
Knowledge-based semantic clustering. 460-467 - Edson Kageyama, Carlos Maziero, Altair Olivo Santin
A pull-based e-mail architecture. 468-472 - Claudio Gennaro
, Matteo Mordacchini
, Salvatore Orlando
, Fausto Rabitti:
Processing complex similarity queries in peer-to-peer networks. 473-478
Middleware engineering
- Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Praveen Madiraju:
Special track on Middleware Engineering (ME): editorial message. 479-480 - Pravin Pawar, Katarzyna Wac
, Bert-Jan van Beijnum, Pierre Maret, Aart van Halteren
, Hermie J. Hermens:
Context-aware middleware architecture for vertical handover support to multi-homed nomadic mobile services. 481-488 - Po-Chi Shih, Hsi-Min Chen, Yeh-Ching Chung, Chien-Min Wang
, Ruay-Shiung Chang, Ching-Hsien Hsu, Kuo-Chan Huang, Chao-Tung Yang
Middleware of Taiwan UniGrid. 489-493 - Ricardo Jiménez-Peris, Marta Patiño-Martínez
, Ernestina Martel-Jordán
Decentralized web service orchestration: a reflective approach. 494-498 - Francisco Reverbel, Ivan Silva Neto:
Dynamic support to transactional remote invocations over multiple transports. 499-506 - Abdulmalik Al-Gahmi, Jonathan E. Cook:
Towards a service-based middleware layer for runtime environments. 507-511
Middleware engineering: poster papers
- Yung Bok Kim, Marie Kim, Yong Joon Lee:
COSMOS: a middleware platform for sensor networks and a u-healthcare service. 512-513 - Daniel Corrêa Lobato
, Matheus Qualio Barbosa, Renato Bulcão Neto, César A. C. Teixeira, Maria da Graça Campos Pimentel:
Exploiting semantic information on a message exchanging middleware. 514-515
Organizational engineering
- José M. Tribolet
, Robert Winter, Artur Caetano
Special track on Organizational Engineering: editorial message. 516-517 - Christoph Rosenkranz
, Roland Holten, Marcus Laumann:
Designing IC structures by variety engineering. 518-523 - Martin Op't Land
, Jan L. G. Dietz:
Enterprise ontology based splitting and contracting of organizations. 524-531 - Rajiv Ramnath, Jay Ramanathan:
Integrating goal modeling and execution in adaptive complex enterprises. 532-539 - Stefan Reitbauer, Falk Kohlmann, Clemens Eckert, Ken Mansfeldt, Rainer Alt
Redesigning business networks: reference process, network and service map. 540-547 - Robert Winter, Joachim Schelp
Enterprise architecture governance: the need for a business-to-IT approach. 548-552 - Kênia Soares Sousa, Hildeberto Mendonça Filho, Jean Vanderdonckt
, Els Rogier, Joannes Vandermeulen:
User interface derivation from business processes: a model-driven approach for organizational engineering. 553-560 - Michael Rohloff:
An integrated view on business- and IT-architecture. 561-565 - Jaap Gordijn
, Hans Weigand, Manfred Reichert, Roel J. Wieringa:
Towards self-configuration and management of e-service provisioning in dynamic value constellations. 566-571 - Jan L. G. Dietz, Jan A. P. Hoogervorst:
Enterprise ontology in enterprise engineering. 572-579 - Vassilios Peristeras
, Nikos Loutas, Konstantinos A. Tarabanis
Organizational engineering in public administration: the state of the art on eGovernment domain modeling. 580-587
Organizational engineering: poster papers
- Roberto Santana Tapia, Novica Zarvic:
Partnering structure definition for networked businesses. 588-589 - Marco von Mevius:
A novel modeling language for tool-based business process engineering. 590-591 - David Aveiro
, João Mendes, José M. Tribolet
Organizational modeling with a semantic wiki. 592-593
Requirements engineering
- Maria Lencastre:
Special track on Requirements Engineering: editorial message. 594-595 - Haruhiko Kaiya, Tomonori Sato, Akira Osada, Naoyuki Kitazawa, Kenji Kaijiri:
Toward quality requirements analysis based on domain specific quality spectrum. 596-601 - Patrice Chalin, Daniel Sinnig, Kianoush Torkzadeh:
Capturing business transaction requirements in use case models. 602-606