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10th LAK 2020: Frankfurt, Germany
- Christoph Rensing, Hendrik Drachsler
LAK '20: 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Frankfurt, Germany, March 23-27, 2020. ACM 2020, ISBN 978-1-4503-7712-6The conference was reorganized to a virtual event due to the international COVID-19 health crisis.
Blended learning
- Varshita Sher
, Marek Hatala, Dragan Gasevic:
Analyzing the consistency in within-activity learning patterns in blended learning. 1-10 - Fatima Harrak, François Bouchet
, Vanda Luengo, Pierre Gillois:
Evaluating teachers' perceptions of students' questions organization. 11-16 - Steven Van Goidsenhoven
, Daria Bogdanova
, Galina Deeva, Seppe vanden Broucke, Jochen De Weerdt
, Monique Snoeck:
Predicting student success in a blended learning environment. 17-25
Dashboards and visualisations
- Anouschka van Leeuwen, Nikol Rummel
Comparing teachers' use of mirroring and advising dashboards. 26-34 - Katrien Verbert
, Xavier Ochoa
, Robin De Croon
, Raphael A. Dourado, Tinne De Laet
Learning analytics dashboards: the past, the present and the future. 35-40 - Shiva Shabaninejad, Hassan Khosravi
, Marta Indulska
, Aneesha Bakharia
, Pedro T. Isaías
Automated insightful drill-down recommendations for learning analytics dashboards. 41-46
Cognitive psychology
- Melanie E. Peffer, David Quigley, Liza Brusman, Jennifer Avena, Jennifer Knight
Trace data from student solutions to genetics problems reveals variance in the processes related to different course outcomes. 47-52 - Paul Seitlinger, Abida Bibi, Õnne Uus
, Tobias Ley
How working memory capacity limits success in self-directed learning: a cognitive model of search and concept formation. 53-62
Co-designing learning analytics
- Carlos Gerardo Prieto-Alvarez, Roberto Martínez Maldonado, Simon Buckingham Shum
LA-DECK: a card-based learning analytics co-design tool. 63-72 - Yvonne Vezzoli, Manolis Mavrikis, Asimina Vasalou:
Inspiration cards workshops with primary teachers in the early co-design stages of learning analytics. 73-82
Tools & infrastructures
- Hassan Khosravi
, George Gyamii, Barbara E. Hanna, Jason M. Lodge:
Fostering and supporting empirical research on evaluative judgement via a crowdsourced adaptive learning system. 83-88 - Louis Lecailliez, Brendan Flanagan, Mei-Rong Alice Chen, Hiroaki Ogata:
Smart dictionary for e-book reading analytics. 89-93
Participatory design of learning analytics
- Konstantinos Michos
, Charles Lang, Davinia Hernández-Leo, Detra Price-Dennis:
Involving teachers in learning analytics design: lessons learned from two case studies. 94-99 - Rita Prestigiacomo
, Roger Hadgraft
, Jane Hunter
, Lori Lockyer
, Simon Knight
, Elise van den Hoven
, Roberto Martínez Maldonado:
Learning-centred translucence: an approach to understand how teachers talk about classroom data. 100-105
Learning approaches
- Gökhan Akçapinar
, Mei-Rong Alice Chen, Rwitajit Majumdar
, Brendan Flanagan, Hiroaki Ogata:
Exploring student approaches to learning through sequence analysis of reading logs. 106-111 - Leon Fadljevic, Katharina Maitz
, Dominik Kowald
, Viktoria Pammer-Schindler
, Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera
Slow is good: the effect of diligence on student performance in the case of an adaptive learning system for health literacy. 112-117 - Sweety Agrawal, Amar Lalwani:
Decoding the performance in an out-of-context problem during blocked practice. 118-123 - Jakub Kuzilek, Zdenek Zdráhal, Jonas Vaclavek, Viktor Fuglik, Jan Skocilas:
Exploring exam strategies of successful first year engineering students. 124-128
Community of inquiry model
- Elaine Farrow, Johanna D. Moore, Dragan Gasevic:
Dialogue attributes that inform depth and quality of participation in course discussion forums. 129-134 - Yuanyuan Hu
, Claire Donald, Nasser Giacaman, Zexuan Zhu
Towards automated analysis of cognitive presence in MOOC discussions: a manual classification study. 135-140 - Maverick Andre Dionisio Ferreira, Vitor Rolim, Rafael Ferreira Mello
, Rafael Dueire Lins, Guanliang Chen
, Dragan Gasevic:
Towards automatic content analysis of social presence in transcripts of online discussions. 141-150
Self-regulated learning
- Wannisa Matcha, Dragan Gasevic, Jelena Jovanovic, Nora'ayu Ahmad Uzir, Chris W. Oliver, Andrew Murray, Danijela Gasevic:
Analytics of learning strategies: the association with the personality traits. 151-160 - Jelena Jovanovic, Shane Dawson
, Srecko Joksimovic, George Siemens:
Supporting actionable intelligence: reframing the analysis of observed study strategies. 161-170
Curriculum analytics
- Kirsty Kitto
, Nikhil Sarathy, Aleksandr Gromov, Ming Liu, Katarzyna Musial, Simon Buckingham Shum
Towards skills-based curriculum analytics: can we automate the recognition of prior learning? 171-180 - Isabel Hilliger
, Camila Aguirre, Constanza Miranda, Sergio Celis
, Mar Pérez-Sanagustín:
Design of a curriculum analytics tool to support continuous improvement processes in higher education. 181-186
Social learning
- Oleksandra Poquet, Jelena Jovanovic:
Intergroup and interpersonal forum positioning in shared-thread and post-reply networks. 187-196 - Sai Santosh Sasank Peri, Bodong Chen
, Angela Liegey Dougall, George Siemens:
Towards understanding the lifespan and spread of ideas: epidemiological modeling of participation on Twitter. 197-202 - Bodong Chen
, Oleksandra Poquet:
Socio-temporal dynamics in peer interaction events. 203-208
Novel uses of learning analytics
- Yanghee Kim, Sachit Butail, Michael Tscholl, Lichuan Liu, Yunlong Wang:
An exploratory approach to measuring collaborative engagement in child robot interaction. 209-217 - Andrea Duff
, Andrew Zamecnik
, Abelardo Pardo
, Elizabeth Smith:
The SEIRA approach: course embedded activities to promote academic integrity and literacies in first year engineering. 218-223 - Fanjie Li
, Xiao Hu, Ying Que:
Learning with background music: a field experiment. 224-229
Institutional adoption
- Yi-Shan Tsai, Alexander Whitelock-Wainwright, Dragan Gasevic:
The privacy paradox and its implications for learning analytics. 230-239 - Taciana Pontual Falcão
, Rafael Ferreira Mello
, Rodrigo Lins Rodrigues
, Juliana Regueira Basto Diniz, Yi-Shan Tsai, Dragan Gasevic:
Perceptions and expectations about learning analytics from a brazilian higher education institution. 240-249
Video analytics
- Namrata Srivastava
, Sadia Nawaz, Jason M. Lodge, Eduardo Velloso, Sarah M. Erfani, James Bailey:
Exploring the usage of thermal imaging for understanding video lecture designs and students' experiences. 250-259 - David Lang, Guanling Chen, Kathy Mirzaei, Andreas Paepcke:
Is faster better?: a study of video playback speed. 260-269 - Mutlu Cukurova
, Qi Zhou
, Daniel Spikol
, Lorenzo Landolfi
Modelling collaborative problem-solving competence with transparent learning analytics: is video data enough? 270-275
Intelligent tutoring systems
- Yingbin Zhang
, Luc Paquette, Ryan S. Baker, Jaclyn Ocumpaugh, Nigel Bosch
, Anabil Munshi, Gautam Biswas:
The relationship between confusion and metacognitive strategies in Betty's Brain. 276-284 - Louis Faucon, Jennifer K. Olsen, Pierre Dillenbourg:
A bayesian model of individual differences and flexibility in inductive reasoning for categorization of examples. 285-294
Collaborative problem solving
- Hana Vrzakova
, Mary Jean Amon, Angela Stewart, Nicholas D. Duran
, Sidney K. D'Mello:
Focused or stuck together: multimodal patterns reveal triads' performance in collaborative problem solving. 295-304 - Zachari Swiecki, David Williamson Shaffer:
iSENS: an integrated approach to combining epistemic and social network analyses. 305-313 - Mohammed Saqr
, Jalal Nouri:
High resolution temporal network analysis to understand and improve collaborative learning. 314-319
New domains
- Timothy Tuti
, Chris Paton, Niall Winters:
Learning to represent healthcare providers knowledge of neonatal emergency care: findings from a smartphone-based learning intervention targeting clinicians from LMICs. 320-329
Personalised dashboards
- Inge Molenaar
, Anne Horvers, Rick Dijkstra
, Ryan S. Baker:
Personalized visualizations to promote young learners' SRL: the learning path app. 330-339 - Fatemeh Salehian Kia, Stephanie D. Teasley, Marek Hatala, Stuart A. Karabenick, Matthew Kay
How patterns of students dashboard use are related to their achievement and self-regulatory engagement. 340-349
Course recommender systems
- Zachary A. Pardos, Weijie Jiang
Designing for serendipity in a university course recommendation system. 350-359 - Solmaz Abdi, Hassan Khosravi
, Shazia Sadiq
, Dragan Gasevic:
Complementing educational recommender systems with open learner models. 360-365
New methodologies
- Oleksandra Poquet, Liubov Tupikina, Marc Santolini
Are forum networks social networks?: a methodological perspective. 366-375 - Quan Nguyen:
Rethinking time-on-task estimation with outlier detection accounting for individual, time, and task differences. 376-381
Mining study strategies
- Donia Malekian, James Bailey, Gregor E. Kennedy:
Prediction of students' assessment readiness in online learning environments: the sequence matters. 382-391 - Nora'ayu Ahmad Uzir, Dragan Gasevic, Jelena Jovanovic, Wannisa Matcha, Lisa-Angelique Lim, Anthea Fudge
Analytics of time management and learning strategies for effective online learning in blended environments. 392-401 - John Saint
, Dragan Gasevic, Wannisa Matcha, Nora'ayu Ahmad Uzir, Abelardo Pardo
Combining analytic methods to unlock sequential and temporal patterns of self-regulated learning. 402-411
Testing and assessment
- Luca Benedetto
, Andrea Cappelli, Roberto Turrin, Paolo Cremonesi:
R2DE: a NLP approach to estimating IRT parameters of newly generated questions. 412-421 - Sam Saarinen, Evan Cater, Michael L. Littman:
Applying prerequisite structure inference to adaptive testing. 422-427
Prompts and feedback
- Anderson Pinheiro Cavalcanti, Arthur Diego, Rafael Ferreira Mello
, Katerina Mangaroska, André C. A. Nascimento
, Fred Freitas, Dragan Gasevic:
How good is my feedback?: a content analysis of written feedback. 428-437 - Hamideh Iraj
, Anthea Fudge
, Margaret Faulkner
, Abelardo Pardo
, Vitomir Kovanovic
Understanding students' engagement with personalised feedback messages. 438-447 - Yuya Asano, Jaemarie Solyst, Joseph Jay Williams:
Characterizing and influencing students' tendency to write self-explanations in online homework. 448-453
Methodological considerations
- Brendan R. Eagan, Jais Brohinsky, Jingyi Wang, David Williamson Shaffer:
Testing the reliability of inter-rater reliability. 454-461 - Koen Niemeijer
, Remco Feskens, Georg Krempl, Jesse Koops, Matthieu J. S. Brinkhuis
Constructing and predicting school advice for academic achievement: a comparison of item response theory and machine learning techniques. 462-471 - Tomás Effenberger, Radek Pelánek, Jaroslav Cechák:
Exploration of the robustness and generalizability of the additive factors model. 472-479
Multi-modal learning analytics
- Kshitij Sharma, Zacharoula K. Papamitsiou, Jennifer K. Olsen, Michail N. Giannakos:
Predicting learners' effortful behaviour in adaptive assessment using multimodal data. 480-489 - Beata Beigman Klebanov, Anastassia Loukina, John Lockwood, Van Rynald T. Liceralde, John Sabatini
, Nitin Madnani, Binod Gyawali, Zuowei Wang, Jennifer Lentini:
Detecting learning in noisy data: the case of oral reading fluency. 490-495 - Lu Ou, Alejandro Andrade, Rosa Alberto, Gitte van Helden
, Arthur Bakker
Using a cluster-based regime-switching dynamic model to understand embodied mathematical learning. 496-501
- Manuel Valle Torre
, Esther Tan, Claudia Hauff:
edX log data analysis made easy: introducing ELAT: An open-source, privacy-aware and browser-based edX log data analysis tool. 502-511 - Giora Alexandron, Mary Ellen Wiltrout
, Aviram Berg, José A. Ruipérez-Valiente:
Assessment that matters: balancing reliability and learner-centered pedagogy in MOOC assessment. 512-517 - José A. Ruipérez-Valiente, Matt Jenner, Thomas Staubitz
, Xitong Li, Tobias Rohloff, Sherif A. Halawa, Carlos Turro, Yuan Cheng, Jiayin Zhang, Ignacio M. Despujol
, Justin Reich:
Macro MOOC learning analytics: exploring trends across global and regional providers. 518-523
Linking with self-regulated learning theory
- Olga Viberg, Mohammad Khalil
, Martine Baars
Self-regulated learning and learning analytics in online learning environments: a review of empirical research. 524-533 - Joshua D. Quick, Benjamin A. Motz
, Jamie Israel, Jason Kaetzel:
What college students say, and what they do: aligning self-regulated learning theory with behavioral logs. 534-543
Learning analytics past and future
- Guanliang Chen
, Vitor Rolim, Rafael Ferreira Mello
, Dragan Gasevic:
Let's shine together!: a comparative study between learning analytics and educational data mining. 544-553 - Radek Pelánek:
Learning analytics challenges: trade-offs, methodology, scalability. 554-558 - Zacharoula K. Papamitsiou, Michail N. Giannakos, Xavier Ochoa
From childhood to maturity: Are we there yet? Mapping the intellectual progress in learning analytics during the past decade. 559-568
Learning design
- Korah J. Wiley, Yannis Dimitriadis
, Allison Bradford, Marcia C. Linn:
From theory to action: developing and evaluating learning analytics for learning design. 569-578 - Alexander Whitelock-Wainwright, Yi-Shan Tsai, Kayley M. Lyons
, Svetlana Kaliff, Mike Bryant
, Kris Ryan
, Dragan Gasevic:
Disciplinary differences in blended learning design: a network analytic study. 579-588
Text analytics
- Shay A. Geller, Nicholas Hoernle, Kobi Gal
, Avi Segal
, Amy X. Zhang, David R. Karger
, Marc T. Facciotti, Michele Igo:
#Confused and beyond: detecting confusion in course forums using students' hashtags. 589-594 - Yeonji Jung
, Alyssa Friend Wise:
How and how well do students reflect?: multi-dimensional automated reflection assessment in health professions education. 595-604 - Gian Barbosa, Raissa Camelo, Anderson Pinheiro Cavalcanti, Péricles B. C. de Miranda, Rafael Ferreira Mello
, Vitomir Kovanovic
, Dragan Gasevic:
Towards automatic cross-language classification of cognitive presence in online discussions. 605-614
Mathematics learning
- John A. Erickson, Anthony F. Botelho, Steven McAteer, Ashvini Varatharaj, Neil T. Heffernan:
The automated grading of student open responses in mathematics. 615-624 - Preya Shabrina, Ruth Okoilu Akintunde, Mehak Maniktala, Tiffany Barnes, Collin F. Lynch, Teomara Rutherford:
Peeking through the classroom window: a detailed data-driven analysis on the usage of a curriculum integrated math game in authentic classrooms. 625-634 - Ruth Okoilu Akintunde, Preya Shabrina, Veronica Cateté
, Tiffany Barnes, Collin F. Lynch, Teomara Rutherford:
Data-informed curriculum sequences for a curriculum-integrated game. 635-644
Predictive analytics
- Huan Wei, Haotian Li
, Meng Xia
, Yong Wang, Huamin Qu:
Predicting student performance in interactive online question pools using mouse interaction features. 645-654 - Charles Lang, Charlotte Woo, Jeanne Sinclair
Quantifying data sensitivity: precise demonstration of care when building student prediction models. 655-664

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