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ICIP 2011: Brussels, Belgium
- Benoît Macq, Peter Schelkens:
18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2011, Brussels, Belgium, September 11-14, 2011. IEEE 2011, ISBN 978-1-4577-1304-0
Modern Shape from Shading and Beyond (Special Session)
- Michael Breuß, Oliver Vogel, Ariel Tankus:
Modern shape from shading and beyond. 1-4 - Oliver Vogel, Emiliano Cristiani:
Numerical schemes for advanced reflectance models for Shape from Shading. 5-8 - Michael Breuß, Yong Chul Ju:
Shape from shading with specular highlights: Analysis of the Phong model. 9-12 - Rui Huang, William A. P. Smith:
Shape-from-shading under complex natural illumination. 13-16 - Steffen Herbort, Arne Grumpe, Christian Wöhler:
Reconstruction of non-Lambertian surfaces by fusion of Shape from Shading and active range scanning. 17-20 - Jonathan Balzer:
Shape from specular reflection in calibrated environments and the integration of spatial normal fields. 21-24
Structural Models (Lecture)
- Kumar Raja, Ivan Laptev, Patrick Pérez, Lionel Oisel:
Joint pose estimation and action recognition in image graphs. 25-28 - Yan Tian, Yonghua Jia, Yuan Shi, Yong Liu, Hao Ji, Leonid Sigal:
Inferring 3D body pose using variational semi-parametric regression. 29-32 - Umamahesh Srinivas, Vishal Monga, Raghu G. Raj:
Automatic target recognition using discriminative graphical models. 33-36 - Rui Huang, Nong Sang, Vladimir Pavlovic, Dimitris N. Metaxas:
A Belief Propagation algorithm for bias field estimation and image segmentation. 37-40 - Thomas Weibel, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf, Ronald Rösch:
Planarity-enforcing higher-order graph cut. 41-44 - Donghui Wang, Xiao Deng:
Learning structural conjunction of image content by sparse graphical model. 45-48
Biomedical Image Analysis (Lecture)
- Luca Giancardo, Fabrice Mériaudeau, Thomas P. Kamowski, Yaqin Li, Kenneth W. Tobin, Edward Chaum:
Automatic quality enhancement and nerve fibre layer artefacts removal in retina fundus images by off axis imaging. 49-52 - Guillaume Thibault, Jesús Angulo, Fernand Meyer:
Advanced statistical matrices for texture characterization: Application to DNA chromatin and microtubule network classification. 53-56 - Subrahmanyam Gorthi, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Meritxell Bach Cuadra:
Comparison of energy minimization methods for 3-D brain tissue classification. 57-60 - Hui Wang, Hong Zhang, Nilanjan Ray:
Clump splitting via bottleneck detection. 61-64 - Lasya Priya Kotu, Kjersti Engan, Trygve Eftestøl, Stein Ørn, Leik Woie:
Texture classification of scarred and non-scarred myocardium in cardiac MRI using learned dictionaries. 65-68 - Ehab Essa, Xianghua Xie, Igor Sazonov, Perumal Nithiarasu:
Automatic IVUS media-adventitia border extraction using double interface graph cut segmentation. 69-72
Nonlinear and Linear Filtering (Lecture)
- Jesús Angulo:
Non-linearization of free schrödinger equation and pseudo-morphological complex diffusion operators. 73-76 - Minjie Chen, Mantao Xu, Pasi Fränti:
Adaptive filtering of raster map images using optimal context selection. 77-80 - Chuong T. Nguyen, Jonathan D. Williams, Joseph P. Havlicek, Murad Özaydin:
FM processing with generalized amplitude & phase: Application to modulation domain geometric image transformations. 81-84 - Bernardo Rodrigues Pires, Karanhaar Singh, José M. F. Moura:
Approximating image filters with box filters. 85-88 - Elhanan Elboher, Michael Werman:
Cosine integral images for fast spatial and range filtering. 89-92 - Ha Hoang Kha, Hoang Duong Tuan, Truong Q. Nguyen:
An optimal design of FIR filters with discrete coefficients and image sampling application. 93-96
Image Search and Retrieval (Lecture)
- Daniel Carlos Guimarães Pedronette, Ricardo da Silva Torres:
Exploiting contextual information for rank aggregation. 97-100 - Hongtao Xie, Ke Gao, Yongdong Zhang, Jintao Li:
Local geometric consistency constraint for image retrieval. 101-104 - Zhang Chen, Ling-Yu Duan, Chunyu Wang, Tiejun Huang, Wen Gao:
Generating vocabulary for global feature representation towards commerce image retrieval. 105-108 - Frédéric Precioso, Matthieu Cord, David Gorisse, Nicolas Thome:
Efficient Bag-of-Feature kernel representation for image similarity search. 109-112 - Yuning Jiang, Jingjing Meng, Junsong Yuan:
Grid-based local feature bundling for efficient object search and localization. 113-116
3D Coding and Representation (Lecture)
- Shinya Shimizu, Hideaki Kimata, Shiori Sugimoto, Norihiko Matsuura:
Block-adaptive palette-based prediction for depth map coding. 117-120 - Ilsoon Lim, HoCheon Wey, Jaejoon Lee:
Region-based adaptive bilateral filter in depth map coding. 121-124 - Vincent Jantet, Christine Guillemot, Luce Morin:
Object-based Layered Depth Images for improved virtual view synthesis in rate-constrained context. 125-128 - Gene Cheung, Junichi Ishida, Akira Kubota, Antonio Ortega:
Transform domain sparsification of depth maps using iterative quadratic programming. 129-132 - Dimitri Palaz, Ivana Tosic, Pascal Frossard:
Sparse stereo image coding with learned dictionaries. 133-136 - Shasha Shi, Patrick Gioia, Gérard Madec:
Efficient compression method for integral images using multi-view video coding. 137-140
Error Resilience and Channel Coding for Image & Video Systems (Lecture)
- Ahmed Tashrif Kamal, Bi Song, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury:
Belief consensus for distributed action recognition. 141-144 - Wen Ji, Zhu Li, Yiqiang Chen:
Content-aware utility-fair video streaming in wireless broadcasting networks. 145-148 - Angeliki V. Katsenou, Lisimachos P. Kondi, Konstantinos E. Parsopoulos:
Resource management for wireless visual sensor networks based on individual video characteristics. 149-152 - Eren Soyak, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Tracking-optimized quantization for H.264 compression in transportation video surveillance applications. 153-156 - Krishna Rao Vijayanagar, Joohee Kim:
Dynamic GOP size control for low-delay distributed video coding. 157-160 - Sungjin Lee, Sanghoon Lee, Alan C. Bovik:
Optimal image transmission over Visual Sensor Networks. 161-164
Radar Imaging and Remote Sensing (Lecture)
- Miguel Vega, Javier Mateos, Rafael Molina, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Bayesian TV denoising of SAR images. 165-168 - Koray Kayabol, Aurélie Voisin, Josiane Zerubia:
SAR image classification with non-stationary Multinomial Logistic mixture of amplitude and texture densities. 169-172 - N. Özben Önhon, Müjdat Çetin:
Sparsity-driven image formation and space-variant focusing for SAR. 173-176 - Stefan Uhlmann, Serkan Kiranyaz, Moncef Gabbouj, Turker Ince:
Incremental evolution of collective network of binary classifier for polarimetric SAR image classification. 177-180 - Damien Firmenich, Matthew A. Brown, Sabine Süsstrunk:
Multispectral interest points for RGB-NIR image registration. 181-184 - Bojana Begovic, Vladimir Stankovic, Lina Stankovic:
Contrast enhancement and denoising of Poisson and Gaussian mixture noise for solar images. 185-188
Image & Video Representation - Perception and Quality Models for Images & Video (Poster)
- Michael D. Adams:
An incremental/decremental Delaunay mesh-generation framework for image representation. 189-192 - Zhijun Yao, Zhongyuan Lai, Wenyu Liu:
A symmetric KL divergence based spatiogram similarity measure. 193-196 - Lihe Zhang, Kunyu Zhang, Xiaoli Dong:
Online sparse learning utilizing multi-feature combination for image classification. 197-200 - Shuai Zheng, Kaiqi Huang, Tieniu Tan:
Evaluation framework on translation-invariant representation for cumulative foot pressure image. 201-204 - Meng Sun, Hugo Van hamme:
Image pattern discovery by using the spatial closeness of visual code words. 205-208 - Ling Shao, Di Wu, Xiuli Chen:
Action recognition using Correlogram of Body Poses and spectral regression. 209-212 - Tao Chen, Kim-Hui Yap, Lap-Pui Chau:
A discriminative learning technique for mobile landmark recognition. 213-216 - Abdul Rehman, Zhou Wang:
SSIM-based non-local means image denoising. 217-220 - Bryan W. Scotney, Sonya A. Coleman, Bryan Gardiner:
Biologically motivated feature extraction using the spiral architecture. 221-224 - Zhongyuan Lai, Zhen Zuo, Zhe Wang, Zhijun Yao, Wenyu Liu:
Accurate distortion measurement for B-spline-based shape coding. 225-228 - Matei Mancas, Nicolas Riche, Julien Leroy, Bernard Gosselin:
Abnormal motion selection in crowds using bottom-up saliency. 229-232 - Lin Ma, Songnan Li, King N. Ngan:
Motion trajectory based visual saliency for video quality assessment. 233-236 - Junwu Zhu, Richard M. Dansereau, Chris Joslin:
Perceptual noise shaping in dual-tree complex wavelet transform for image coding. 237-240 - Jianji Wang, Yuehu Liu, Ping Wei, Zhiqiang Tian, Yaochen Li, Nanning Zheng:
Fractal image coding using SSIM. 241-244
Multi-Resolution Methods for Image Processing (Poster)
- Taizo Suzuki, Masaaki Ikehara, Truong Q. Nguyen:
Block-lifting factorization of M-channel biorthogonal filter banks with an arbitrary McMillan degree. 245-248 - Víctor Murray, Marios S. Pattichis, Peter Soliz:
Multiscale directional AM-FM demodulation of images using a 2D optimized method. 249-252 - Xi Zhang:
Design of Q-shift filters with improved vanishing moments for DTCWT. 253-256 - Che-Chun Su, Alan C. Bovik, Lawrence K. Cormack:
Natural scene statistics of color and range. 257-260 - Tao Hong, Nick G. Kingsbury, Michael D. Furman:
Biologically-inspired object recognition system with features from complex wavelets. 261-264 - Jutta Hämmerle-Uhl, Christian Koidl, Andreas Uhl:
Multiple blind re-watermarking with quantisation-based embedding. 265-268 - Fares S. Al-Qunaieer, Hamid R. Tizhoosh, Shahryar Rahnamayan:
Multi-resolution level set image segmentation using wavelets. 269-272 - Raphaël Soulard, Philippe Carré:
Color monogenic wavelets for image analysis. 273-276 - Yang Bai, Hairong Qi:
An effective approach to corner point detection through multiresolution analysis. 277-280 - Seungkyu Lee:
Frequency guided bilateral symmetry Gabor Wavelet Network. 281-284 - Moncef Hidane, Olivier Lezoray, Abderrahim Elmoataz:
A scale-space based hierarchical representation of discrete data. 285-288 - Yihui Cao, Yuan Yuan, Xuelong Li, Pingkun Yan:
Putting images on a manifold for atlas-based image segmentation. 289-292
Image Coding (Poster)
- Mehmet Türkan, Christine Guillemot:
Online dictionaries for image prediction. 293-296 - Tao Ma, Pradhumna Shrestha, Michael Hempel, Dongming Peng, Hamid Sharif:
Low-complexity image coder/decoder with an approaching-entropy quad-tree search code for embedded computing platforms. 297-300 - Jianshu Chao, Eckehard G. Steinbach:
Preserving SIFT features in JPEG-encoded images. 301-304 - Josep Prades-Nebot:
Very low-complexity coding of images using adaptive Modulo-PCM. 305-308 - Han Oh, Ali Bilgin, Michael W. Marcellin:
Visually lossless JPEG2000 at fractional resolutions. 309-312 - Yu Gao, Duncan Chan, Jie Liang:
JPEG XR optimization with graph-based soft decision quantization. 313-316 - Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl:
Efficient wavelet packet basis selection in JPEG2000. 317-320 - Wei Li, James E. Fowler:
Decoder-side dimensionality determination for compressive-projection principal component analysis of hyperspectral data. 321-324 - Christian Feldmann, Johannes Ballé:
Improved entropy coding for component-based image coding. 325-328 - Alberto Signoroni, Mario Pezzoni, Riccardo Leonardi:
3D-PMDC: A parallelized morphological wavelet codec for 3D medical datasets and teleradiology applications. 329-332 - Heiner Kirchhoffer, Detlev Marpe, Christian Bartnik, Anastasia Henkel, Mischa Siekmann, Jan Stegemann, Heiko Schwarz, Thomas Wiegand:
Probability interval partitioning entropy coding using systematic variable-to-variable length codes. 333-336 - Meilin Yang, Mary L. Comer, Edward J. Delp:
An adaptable spatial-temporal error concealment method for Multiple Description Coding based on error tracking. 337-340 - Xi Chen, David S. Taubman:
Coupled distributed arithmetic coding. 341-344
Hardware and GPU Issues in Video / High Dynamic Range Imaging and Shape Estimation (Poster)
- Chih-Rung Chen, Ching-Te Chiu:
Curve-based and image-based JND contrast analysis for inverse tone mapping operators. 345-348 - Lulu He, Sen Wang, Paul Kane, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas:
Hybrid light coding for fast and high-accuracy shape acquisition. 349-352 - SungChan Park, Hyun-Hwa Oh, Jaehyun Kwon, Wonhee Choe, Seong-Deok Lee:
Motion artifact-free HDR imaging under dynamic environments. 353-356 - Jaehyun Im, Sangsik Jang, Seungwon Lee, Joon Ki Paik:
Geometrical transformation-based ghost artifacts removing for high dynamic range image. 357-360 - Tomislav Kartalov, Zoran A. Ivanovski, Ljupcho Panovski:
Fully automated exposure fusion algorithm for mobile platforms. 361-364 - Zhengguo Li, Zijian Zhu, Susanto Rahardja:
Fast movement detection for high dynamic range imaging. 365-368 - Zhenyu Liu, Dongsheng Wang:
One-round renormalization based 2-bin/cycle H.264/AVC CABAC encoder. 369-372 - Fu Li, Guangming Shi, Feng Wu:
An efficient VLSI architecture for 4×4 intra prediction in the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard. 373-376 - Bart Pieters, Jan De Cock, Charles-Frederik Hollemeersch, Jeroen Wielandt, Peter Lambert, Rik Van de Walle:
Ultra High Definition video decoding with Motion JPEG XR using the GPU. 377-380 - Sangjo Lee, Joonho Song, Minsoo Kim, Do Hyung Kim, Shihwa Lee:
H.264/AVC UHD decoder implementation on multi-cluster platform using hybrid parallelization method. 381-384 - Yusuf Adibelli, Mustafa Parlak, Ilker Hamzaoglu:
A novel energy reduction technique for H.264 intra mode decision. 385-388 - Samuele Martelli, Diego Tosato, Marco Cristani, Vittorio Murino:
Fast FPGA-based architecture for pedestrian detection based on covariance matrices. 389-392 - Muhammad Shafique, Adnan Orcun Tüfek, Jörg Henkel:
A high-throughput parallel hardware architecture for H.264/AVC CAVLC encoding. 393-396 - Semeen Rehman, Muhammad Shafique, Florian Kriebel, Jörg Henkel:
Revc: Computationally Reliable Video Coding on unreliable hardware platforms: A case study on error-tolerant H.264/AVC CAVLC entropy coding. 397-400
CT Image Processing Methods (Poster)
- Pedro Serranho, Cristina Maduro, Torcato Santos, José Cunha-Vaz, Rui Bernardes:
Synthetic OCT data for image processing performance testing. 401-404 - Francesco Brun, Georgios Kourousias, Diego Dreossi, Lucia Mancini, Giuliana Tromba:
A comparative evaluation of ring artifacts reduction filters for X-ray computed microtomography images. 405-408 - Xiaoqiang Lu, Yuan Yuan, Pingkun Yan, Xuelong Li:
A novel alternative algorithm for limited angle tomography. 409-412 - Rémi Régnier, Maï K. Nguyen-Verger:
A novel coupled transmission-reflection tomography and the V-line Radon transform. 413-416 - Fengchao Yu, Huafeng Liu, Pengcheng Shi:
Pet image reconstruction: GPU-accelerated particle filter framework. 417-420 - Alex M. T. Opie, Philip J. Bones:
Sensitivity to error of the truncated Hilbert transform technique for interior reconstruction. 421-424 - Wei Yang, Xiaolong Wang, Liang Lin, Chengying Gao:
Interactive CT image segmentation with online discriminative learning. 425-428 - Chao Lu, Jingjing Zhu, James S. Duncan:
An algorithm for simultaneous image segmentation and nonrigid registration, with clinical application in image guided radiotherapy. 429-432 - Xin Chen, Jim Graham, Charles Hutchinson:
Integrated frameworkfor simultaneous segmentation and registration of carpal bones. 433-436 - Philippe Borianne, R. Pernaudat, Gérard Subsol:
Automated delineation of tree-rings in X-Ray Computed Tomography images of wood. 437-440 - Kiet T. Vo, Arcot Sowmya:
Multiscale sparse representation of high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) lung images for diffuse lung disease classification. 441-444 - Itebeddine Ghorbel, Florence Rossant, Isabelle Bloch, Michel Pâques:
Modeling a parallelism constraint in active contours. Application to the segmentation of eye vessels and retinal layers. 445-448 - Jason Tokayer, Antonio Ortega, David Huang:
Sparsity-based retinal layer segmentation of optical coherence tomography images. 449-452 - Xiaofeng Niu, Yongyi Yang, Miles N. Wernick:
Direct reconstruction of parametric images from cardiac gated dynamic spect data. 453-456 - Wenyuan Qi, Xiaofeng Niu, Yongyi Yang:
Effects of piecewise smoothing on cardiac SPECT reconstruction. 457-460 - Valery Naranjo, Roberto Lloréns, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Rafael Verdú Monedero, Jorge Larrey-Ruiz, Juan Morales-Sánchez:
A new 3D paradigm for metal artifact reduction in dental CT. 461-464
Tracking (Poster)
- Gwo-Cheng Chao, Shyh-Kang Jeng, Shung-Shing Lee:
An improved occlusion handling for appearance-based tracking. 465-468 - Hua Fang, Shin-Hyoung Kim, Jong-Whan Jang:
A snake algorithm for automatically tracking multiple objects. 469-472 - LingFeng Wang, Chunhong Pan, Shiming Xiang:
MEAN-shift tracking algorithm with weight fusion strategy. 473-476