Mohammad Hajiaghayi

MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi  –  Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi  –  محمد تقی‌ حاجی آقائی

Person information

  • unicode name: محمد تقی‌ حاجی آقائی
  • affiliation: University of Maryland at College Park, Computer Science Department, College Park, MD, USA
  • affiliation (PhD 2005): Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, USA
  • affiliation (former): AT&T Labs, Florham Park, NJ, USA
  • affiliation (former): Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Computer Science, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
  • affiliation (former): University of Waterloo, Department of Computer Science, ON, Canada
  • affiliation (former): Sharif University of Technology, Department of Computer Engineering, Tehran, Iran

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