DIS 2020: Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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Ability-based Design Research

Activism, Ethics and Resistance

Being with Robots: Intimacy, collaboration and punishment

Co-design: Cases and methods

Crafting and Curating Personal Data

Crafting Textiles

Creativity and Design Support Tools

Designing with Children and Parents

Designing with the Body

Emotions and Collaboration in VR

Encounters in Cultural Public Places

Engaging Communities

Envisioning and Questioning HCI in the Home

Folding, Printing and Exploring Tangible Interactions

Food Futures

Hacking, Crafting and Making

Learning, Education, and Instruction

Making AI Work

Making and Scaling Sustainable Futures

Maps, Navigation and Transportation: Find a way

Matters of Care and Health

Methods, Prototypes and Portfolios

More-than-human: Elephants, cats, dogs, orangutans, and birds

Privacy Practices and Speculations

Removal, Uncertainty, and Gimmicks in Self-tracking

Ridiculous, Absurd, and Fictitious Design

Sensing and Shape-changing

Soundscapes, Odorscapes, and Speech

Tensions and Translations in Design Practice

Tracing Design Research Journeys

Wearables: Garments, costumes and jewelry