33rd CogSci 2011: Boston, Massachusetts, USA

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Workshops and Tutorials

Keynote: Anjan Chatterjee

Symposium: Finding your way: The cognitive science of navigation

Education and Tutoring Systems

Human Memory


Symposium: More than just logic tasks: New approaches to understanding reasoning

Symposium: Being where? Putting cognition, science and realism together again

Visual perception and memory

Learning and cognitive development

Modeling cognitive development

Concepts and categories

Situated cognition

Symposium: Interactivity and thought

Symposium: The development of spatial cognition during childhood

Instruction and teaching

Acquiring syntactic structure

Cognitive architectures and formal modeling

Processing complex information and inference

Emotions from physical states to social interactions

Symposium: Place holder structure and numerical computation

Spatial representation

Modeling child cognition

Communication and evolution of language

Computational models of language comprehension

Measuring concepts and categories

Perceptual processes


Keynote: Barbara Landau

Symposium: On counterfactuals and cognitive science: Rumelhart Prize Symposium in honor of Judea Pearl

Spatial cognition: Individual differences

Decision making models

Social cognition

Symposium: The potential of quantum probability for modeling cognitive processes

Symposium: Space (and time) for culture

Learning in the classroom

Language processing: From perception to production

Category acquisition

Causal reasoning

Action, gesture and language

Symposium: Executive functioning in children and adolescents with disabilities

Symposium: Fictional worlds and cognitive science

Learning and induction in complex tasks

Structure and evolution of languages

Number processing and representation

Reasoning about spatial and causal properties

Discourse and social interaction in language comprehension

Symposium: New approaches to the problem of conceptual change in the learning of science and math

Spatial cognition: From vision to language

Language acquisition in children

Language comprehension: Anticipating structure and meaning

Learning concepts and categories

Neural networks and dynamic systems

Modeling and testing causal reasoning

Governing Board Symposium


Keynote: Leonard Talmy

Everyday Cognitive Science: Applying methods to explore spatial thinking in related disciplines


Bayesian modeling

Theory of mind in social cognition

Symposium: Moving beyond where and what to how: Using models and fMRI to understand brain-behavior relations

Symposium: Exploring spaces to make the right choice: The cognitive science of search

Modeling human learning

Language acquisition: Learning and using categories

Concepts and categories: Machine learning and artificial intelligence

Modeling attention


Symposium: Computational, neuroscientific, and lifespan perspectives on the exploration-exploitation dilemma

Symposium: Grow your own representations: Computational constructivism

Analogical reasoning

Properties of natural and artificial languages

Artificial intelligence and human behavior

Externally supported cognition

Visual attention

Symposium: Explanation-based mechanisms for learning: An interdisciplinary approach

Spatial navigation

Learning to make decisions

Education in formal settings

Mathematical modeling

Timing and decision making

Making sense of vision
