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Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 31
Volume 31, Number 1, 2019
- Sparsh Mittal:
A survey of techniques for dynamic branch prediction. - Ermeson C. Andrade, Bruno Costa e Silva Nogueira, Gustavo Callou, Gabriel Alves:
Dependability analysis of a cyber-physical system for smart environments. - Putt Sakdhnagool, Amit Sabne, Rudolf Eigenmann:
Comparative analysis of coprocessors. - Yalda Ebadi, Nima Jafari Navimipour:
An energy-aware method for data replication in the cloud environments using a Tabu search and particle swarm optimization algorithm. - Hongzhi Zhao, Yongchang Wang, Ke Xiong, Lihua Song:
An efficient Manhattan-distance-constrained disjoint paths algorithm for incomplete mesh network. - Mostafa Mehrabi, Nasser Giacaman, Oliver Sinnen:
@PT: Unobtrusive parallel programming with Java annotations. - Sukhpal Singh Gill, Inderveer Chana, Maninder Singh, Rajkumar Buyya:
RADAR: Self-configuring and self-healing in resource management for enhancing quality of cloud services. - Edoardo Coronado-Barrientos, Guillermo Indalecio Fernández, Antonio J. García-Loureiro:
AXC: A new format to perform the SpMV oriented to Intel Xeon Phi architecture in OpenCL. - Yasser H. Khalil, Mohammad Alshayeji, Imtiaz Ahmad:
Distributed Whale Optimization Algorithm based on MapReduce. - Yunqi Dong, Wenjun Jiang:
Brand purchase prediction based on time-evolving user behaviors in e-commerce.
Volume 31, Number 2, January 2019
- Jesús Escudero-Sahuquillo, Pedro Javier García:
Trends in High-Performance Interconnection Networks in the Exascale and Big-Data Era (HiPINEB 2017).
- Felix Zahn, Steffen Lammel, Holger Fröning:
On link width scaling for energy-proportional direct interconnection networks. - Mariano Benito, Enrique Vallejo, Cruz Izu, Ramón Beivide:
Non-minimal adaptive routing based on explicit congestion notifications. - Francisco J. Andujar, Juan A. Villar, José L. Sánchez, Francisco J. Alfaro, José Duato, Holger Fröning:
Constructing virtual 5-dimensional tori out of lower-dimensional network cards. - Evangelos Tasoulas, Feroz Zahid, Ernst Gunnar Gran, Kyrre M. Begnum, Bjørn Dag Johnsen, Tor Skeie:
Efficient routing and reconfiguration in virtualized HPC environments with vSwitch-enabled lossless networks. - Pedro Yébenes, Jesús Escudero-Sahuquillo, Pedro Javier García, Francisco J. Quiles, Torsten Hoefler:
Head-of-line blocking avoidance in Slim Fly networks using deadlock-free non-minimal and adaptive routing.
- Ladjel Bellatreche, Carson Kai-Sang Leung, Yinglong Xia, Didier El Baz:
Advances in cloud and big data computing.
- Massimo Marchiori:
Learning the way to the cloud: Big Data Park. - Yudith Cardinale, Joyce El Haddad, Maude Manouvrier, Marta Rukoz:
Fuzzy ACID properties for self-adaptive composite cloud services execution. - Ehsan Ghasemi, Paul Chow:
Accelerating Apache Spark with FPGAs. - Thanh-Nghi Do, François Poulet:
Latent-lSVM classification of very high-dimensional and large-scale multi-class datasets. - Jean-Philippe Attal, Maria Malek, Marc Zolghadri:
Parallel and distributed core label propagation with graph coloring. - Hasna Njah, Salma Jamoussi, Walid Mahdi:
Deep Bayesian network architecture for Big Data mining.
Volume 31, Number 3, February 2019
- Hai Zhuge, Xiaoping Sun:
Semantics, knowledge, and grids at the age of big data and AI.
- Mehmet S. Aktas, Merve Astekin:
Provenance aware run-time verification of things for self-healing Internet of Things applications. - Suyel Namasudra:
An improved attribute-based encryption technique towards the data security in cloud computing. - Jingqiang Chen, Hai Zhuge:
Automatic generation of related work through summarizing citations. - Sandi Gec, Dragi Kimovski, Uros Pascinski, Radu Prodan, Vlado Stankovski:
Semantic approach for multi-objective optimisation of the ENTICE distributed Virtual Machine and container images repository. - Mohamed Jehad Baeth, Mehmet S. Aktas:
Detecting misinformation in social networks using provenance data. - Zolzaya Dashdorj, Erdenebaatar Altangerel:
High-level event identification in social media. - Yan Wu, Wei Xu, Lu Liu, Dejun Miao:
Performance formula-based optimal deployments of multilevel indices for service retrieval. - Qichen Ma, Xiangfeng Luo, Hai Zhuge:
Finding influential users of web event in social media. - Mirela Riveni, Tien-Dung Nguyen, Mehmet S. Aktas, Schahram Dustdar:
Application of provenance in social computing: A case study. - Juan Yang, Michael S. C. Thomas, Hongtao Liu:
Rule extraction from autoencoder-based connectionist computational models.
Volume 31, Number 4, February 2019
- Tyler Crain, Vincent Gramoli, Michel Raynal:
A speculation-friendly binary search tree. - Jeffrey C. Murphy, Bhargav Shivkumar, Amy Pritchard, Grant Iraci, Dhruv Kumar, Sun Hyoung Kim, Lukasz Ziarek:
A survey of real-time capabilities in functional languages and compilers. - Maosheng Zhang, Ruimin Hu, Lin Jiang:
Three-dimensional sound reproduction in vehicle based on data mining technique. - M. Anand, T. Sasikala, M. Anbarasan:
Energy efficient channel aware multipath routing protocol for mobile ad-hoc network. - A. N. Gnana Jeevan, M. A. Maluk Mohamed:
SOGC: Implementing surrogate object garbage collector management for a Mobile Cloud Environment. - Jun Liu, Xiaoyong Li, Kaijun Ren, Junqiang Song:
Parallelizing uncertain skyline computation against n-of-N data streaming model. - Jingcheng Shen, Kentaro Shigeoka, Fumihiko Ino, Kenichi Hagihara:
GPU-based branch-and-bound method to solve large 0-1 knapsack problems with data-centric strategies. - Ravi Reddy Manumachu, Alexey L. Lastovetsky:
Design of self-adaptable data parallel applications on multicore clusters automatically optimized for performance and energy through load distribution. - Xing Fan, Oliver Sinnen, Nasser Giacaman:
Balancing parallelization and asynchronization in event-driven programs with OpenMP.
Volume 31, Number 5, March 2019
- José Daniel García, Diego R. Llanos:
High-level parallel programming in a heterogeneous world.
- Rohit Atre, Zia Ul Huda, Felix Wolf, Ali Jannesari:
Dissecting sequential programs for parallelization - An approach based on computational units. - Ana Moreton-Fernandez, Arturo González-Escribano:
Automatic runtime calculation of communications for data-parallel expressions with periodic conditions. - Ari Rasch, Sergei Gorlatch:
ATF: A generic directive-based auto-tuning framework. - August Ernstsson, Christoph W. Kessler:
Extending smart containers for data locality-aware skeleton programming. - Massimo Torquati, Daniele De Sensi, Gabriele Mencagli, Marco Aldinucci, Marco Danelutto:
Power-aware pipelining with automatic concurrency control. - Anshu S. Anand, R. K. Shyamasundar, Sathya Peri:
STMs in practice: Partial rollback vs pure abort mechanisms. - Miguel Areias, Ricardo Rocha:
Multi-dimensional lock-free arrays for multithreaded mode-directed tabling in Prolog.
Volume 31, Number 6, March 2019
- Pablo Ezzatti, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí, Alfredo Remón, Jens Saak:
Power-aware computing.
- José Ignacio Aliaga, Maria Barreda, M. Asunción Castaño:
Energy-aware strategies for task-parallel sparse linear system solvers. - Hartwig Anzt, Jack J. Dongarra, Goran Flegar, Nicholas J. Higham, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí:
Adaptive precision in block-Jacobi preconditioning for iterative sparse linear system solvers. - Peter Benner, Ernesto Dufrechou, Pablo Ezzatti, Alfredo Remón, Jens Saak:
A GPU-aware mixed-precision solver for low-rank algebraic Riccati equations. - Madhura Kumaraswamy, Anamika Chowdhury, Michael Gerndt, Zakaria Bendifallah, Othman Bouizi, Uldis Locans, Lubomír Ríha, Ondrej Vysocky, Martin Beseda, Jan Zapletal:
Domain knowledge specification for energy tuning. - Azzam Haidar, Heike Jagode, Phil Vaccaro, Asim YarKhan, Stanimire Tomov, Jack J. Dongarra:
Investigating power capping toward energy-efficient scientific applications. - Martin Köhler, Jens Saak:
Frequency scaling and energy efficiency regarding the Gauss-Jordan elimination scheme with application to the matrix-sign-function on OpenPOWER 8. - Juan José Escobar, Julio Ortega Lopera, Antonio Francisco Díaz, Jesús González, Miguel Damas:
Energy-aware load balancing of parallel evolutionary algorithms with heavy fitness functions in heterogeneous CPU-GPU architectures. - Krzysztof Rojek:
Machine learning method for energy reduction by utilizing dynamic mixed precision on GPU-based supercomputers.
Volume 31, Number 7, April 2019
- Zhihua Jiang, Dongning Rao:
Scalable and optimal planning based on Pregel. - André Luís Barroso Almeida, Leonardo de Souza Cimino, José Estevão Eugênio de Resende, Lucas Henrique Moreira Silva, Samuel Queiroz Souza Rocha, Guilherme Aparecido Gregorio, Gustavo Silva Paiva, Saul E. Delabrida, Haroldo Gambini Santos, Marco Antonio Moreira de Carvalho, André Luiz Lins de Aquino, Joubert de Castro Lima:
A general-purpose distributed computing Java middleware. - Pramod Yelmewad, Basavaraj Talawar:
Parallel iterative hill climbing algorithm to solve TSP on GPU. - M. Anbarasan, S. Prakash, M. Anand, Arokiasamy Antonidoss:
Improving performance in mobile ad hoc networks by reliable path selection routing using RPS-LEACH. - Anshu S. Anand, Akash Srivastava, R. K. Shyamasundar:
A deadlock-free lock-based synchronization for GPUs. - Naman Shah, Matthew Malensek, Harshil Shah, Shrideep Pallickara, Sangmi Lee Pallickara:
Scalable network analytics for characterization of outbreak influence in voluminous epidemiology datasets. - Wen Zeng:
A methodology for cost-benefit analysis of information security technologies. - Raza Abbas Haidri, Chittaranjan Padmanabha Katti, Prem Chandra Saxena:
Cost-effective deadline-aware stochastic scheduling strategy for workflow applications on virtual machines in cloud computing. - Ali A. El-Moursy, Amr Saleh Elhelw:
Adaptive TB-LMI: An efficient memory controller and scheduler design.
- Chuan Sun, Wei Liu, Duanfeng Chu, Wushuang Li, Zhenji Lu, Jianyu Wang:
A novel method of symbolic representation in diving data mining: A case study of highways in China.
Volume 31, Number 8, April 2019
- Mohammad Shojafar, Zahra Pooranian, Mehdi Sookhak, Rajkumar Buyya:
Recent advances in cloud data centers toward fog data centers.
- Mohammad Mahdi Tajiki, Behzad Akbari, Nader Mokari, Luca Chiaraviglio:
SDN-based resource allocation in MPLS networks: A hybrid approach. - Qiucheng Miao, Weipeng Jing, Houbing Song:
Differential privacy-based location privacy enhancing in edge computing. - Mohammad Mahdi Tajiki, Mohammad Shojafar, Behzad Akbari, Stefano Salsano, Mauro Conti:
Software defined service function chaining with failure consideration for fog computing. - Mauro Conti, Pallavi Kaliyar, Chhagan Lal:
CENSOR: Cloud-enabled secure IoT architecture over SDN paradigm. - Attiqa Rehman, Syed Sajid Hussain, Zia ur Rehman, Seemal Zia, Shahaboddin Shamshirband:
Multi-objective approach of energy efficient workflow scheduling in cloud environments. - Anum Khurshid, Abdul Nasir Khan, Fiaz Gul Khan, Mazhar Ali, Junaid Shuja, Atta ur Rehman Khan:
Secure-CamFlow: A device-oriented security model to assist information flow control systems in cloud environments for IoTs. - Adnan Khalid, Muhammad Shahbaz, Imran Ahmed Khan:
Intelligent use of fog devices in edge-cloud paradigm to assist in E-polling. - Mahboobeh Haghparast, Noorhidawati Abdullah, Fariza Hanum Nasaruddin:
Fog learning for cultivating critical thinking in information seeking process. - Nader Sohrabi Safa, Carsten Maple, Mahboobeh Haghparast, Tim Watson, Mehrdad Dianati:
An opportunistic resource management model to overcome resource-constraint in the Internet of Things.
Volume 31, Number 9, May 2019
- Lin Mei, Zhiguo Yan, Jie Shao:
Special issue on multimodal information learning and analytics on cross-media big data.
- Yuanchao Zhang, Jingwei Gao, Qiao Li:
Study on tire-ice traction using a combined neural network and secondary development finite element modeling method. - Qinghua Wu, Zhixin Zhu, Xuesong Yan, Wenyin Gong:
An improved particle swarm optimization algorithm for AVO elastic parameter inversion problem. - Guang Yang, Shuofeng Yu:
Synthesized fault diagnosis method reasoned from rough set-neural network and evidence theory. - Xinwei Zhang, Shaohua Dong, Yanhui Liu:
p-hub median location optimization of hub-and-spoke air transport networks in express enterprise. - Xiang Yong, Cui Yan, Weiyao, Xu Qiang:
A study on the construction of evaluative system of Smart City based on entropy-weighted matter-element model method. - Qiansheng Zhao, Zi Chen, Chang Liu, Nianxue Luo:
Extracting and classifying typhoon disaster information based on volunteered geographic information from Chinese Sina microblog. - Yan Wang, Mengnan Wu:
A novel systematic algorithm paradigm for the electric vehicle data anomaly detection based on association data mining. - Jian Ji, Chuanchao Huang, Ya Cao, Sen Hu:
The network structure of Chinese finance market through the method of complex network and random matrix theory. - Yan Zhang, Haitao Pu:
Environmental indicators of sustainable computing applications for Smart City. - Xu Guo:
Performance analysis of Israeli-Jalfon's algorithm using probabilistic model checking. - Xi'na Ma, Jingyuan Zhao, Peng Guo:
The urban computing on the distribution of inhalable particulate matters to Smart City-based residential groups. - Wenhao Xie, Gongqian Liang, Qiao Guo:
A new improved FSVM algorithm based on SVDD. - Zejun Li, Jingjing Wang, Zhongheng Shi, Yan Zou:
Relieve the congestion by shuttle bus in rush hours using aggregation clustering algorithm on group travel pattern. - Zhipeng Lv, Ming Wu, Lan Liu, Haitao Liu, Zhenhao Song, Lijing Sun:
Energy router with virtual inertia control schemes and concurrency operation. - Bo Yang:
Analysis on profit model of multi-information products logistics using evolutionary game algorithm. - Guo Yue, Getachew Nathan Girma:
Research on the mass media effects to the learning efficiency based on social agents. - Qian Guo:
Research on index weight of logistics integration based on cloud models. - Cheng Wang, Zhuo Hu, Ming Xie, Yuxiang Bian:
Sustainable facility location-allocation problem under uncertainty. - Juan Li, Bin Chen:
Modeling for information spreading basing on dynamics. - Zhanjun Liu, Zhaoyi Li, Yuxia Cheng, Xiaoge Huang, Qianbin Chen:
A full-duplex relay selection strategy based on potential game in cognitive cooperative networks. - Qingguo Shen, Qinghua Chen, Jing Gong, Feng Zhou:
Networking of multi-domain unified communications systems: Structure design and performance evaluation. - Hong Chen, WenZhe Hu:
Research on exchange rate pass-through effect based on artificial intelligence approach.
Volume 31, Number 10, May 2019
Special Issue Papers
- Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Gunasekaran Manogaran, Mai Mohamed, Ehab Rushdy:
Internet of things in smart education environment: Supportive framework in the decision-making process. - Bi Zhang, Wei Li:
Intelligent air quality detection based on genetic algorithm and neural network: An urban China case study. - Ge Ke, Qijie Jiang:
Application of Internet of Things technology in the construction of wisdom museum. - Shunli Zhang, Guohua Geng, Jian Zhao:
Fast parallel image reconstruction for cone-beam FDK algorithm. - Liqiang Gao, Xiong Hu, Wei Liu, Dejian Sun:
Study on wear mechanism of gear pump end plate of combined harvester based on CFD fluid analysis. - Wenqi Liu, Mingyu Fan, Guangwei Wang:
Adaptive flow abnormity identification based on information entropy. - Bin Li, Jian Li, Shilin Yan, Linfeng Ju, Xu He:
Impacts of porous material fluid bulk properties on noise attenuation performance of cylinder shell structure based on finite element model. - Yu-Long Zhou, Ren-Jie Han, Qian Xu, Qi-Jie Jiang, Wei-Ke Zhang:
Long short-term memory networks for CSI300 volatility prediction with Baidu search volume. - Lunlong Zhong, Zhongjun Qu, Félix Mora-Camino:
A model-based flight qualities evaluation approach for civil aircraft. - Zigang Lu, Zhinong Wei, Yonghui Sun:
Power system dynamic state estimation considering correlation of measurement error from PMU and SCADA. - Xiao-Yi Li, Jiaqi Li, Xiaolin Tian:
A suspected lunar volcano identification algorithm based on convolutional neural network by the rapid location of light shadow impacts. - Wangshu Su, Jinzheng Ren:
Risk propagation model based on social life and credit activities multilayers fusion network. - Danwen Bao, Zhiwei Di, Tianxuan Zhang:
A reliability-based method for optimizing airport collection and distribution network.