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24th ECIS 2016: Istanbul, Turkey
- 24th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2016, Istanbul, Turkey, June 12-15, 2016. 2016
Research Papers
- Daniel Schellong, Jan Kemper, Malte Brettel:
Clickstream Data as a Source to Uncover con-Sumer Shopping Types in a Large-Scale Online Setting. Research Paper 1 - Friedrich Born, Julia Krönung:
Individuals Choice Decisions between Media Technologies. Research Paper 2 - Henning Baars, Julian Ereth:
From Data Warehouses to analytical atoms - the Internet of Things as a centrifugal force in Business Intelligence and Analytics. Research Paper 3 - Christian Jentsch, Daniel Beimborn:
It is All about the Game - an Exploratory Study on the Impact of Task characteristics on the Dimensions of Business/IT Shared Understanding. Research Paper 4 - Friedrich Born:
Smitten with Technology - an Attachment Theory Approach. Research Paper 5 - Andreas Janson, Sissy-Josefina Ernst, Matthias Söllner:
How Cultural Values Influence the Appropria-tion of Technology-Mediated Learning. Research Paper 6 - Negin Banaeianjahromi, Kari Smolander:
Understanding obstacles in Enterprise Architecture Development. Research Paper 7 - Amir Mohagheghzadeh, Fredrik Svahn:
Transforming Organizational Resource into Platform boundary Resources. Research Paper 9 - Asunur Cezar, Srinivasan Raghunathan:
Competitive Mobile Marketing and its Impact on the Mobile Eco System. Research Paper 10 - Helena Wenninger, Zach W. Y. Lee, Christy M. K. Cheung, Tommy K. H. Chan, Randy Y. M. Wong:
A literature Analysis about Social Information Contribution and Consumption on Social Networking sites. Research Paper 11 - Carlo Stepcic, Salah Kabanda:
The Institutionalisation of Mobile Payment Technologies in Kenya: Retailers' Pespective. Research Paper 12 - Stefan Hirschmeier, Roman Tilly, Detlef Schoder:
Information Quality Needs throughout the Purchase Process. Research Paper 13 - Priyanka Patel, Sherlock A. Licorish, Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu, Stephen G. MacDonell:
Studying Expectation Violations in Socio-Technical Systems: a Case Study of the Mobile App Community. Research Paper 14 - Kazem Haki, Stephan Aier, Robert Winter:
A Stakeholder Perspective to Study Enterprisewide is Initiatives. Research Paper 15 - Jani Merikivi, Matti Mäntymäki, Antti Salovaara, Lilong Zhang:
Binge Watching television shows: Conceptualization and Measurement. Research Paper 16 - Noora Pinjamaa, Coye Cheshire:
Blogs in a Changing Social Media Environment: Perspectives on the Future of Blogging in Scandinavia. Research Paper 17 - Sergey Kochuguev, Andrey Maslov:
Datagrav: a Framework for Knowledge Sharing using transclusion Enabled Collaboration Media. Research Paper 18 - Markus Mandrella, Simon Trang, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Synthesizing and Integrating Research on IT-based Value Co-Creation: a Meta-Analysis. Research Paper 19 - Tatiana Ermakova, Hanna Krasnova, Benjamin Fabian:
Exploring the Impact of Readability of Privacy Policies on Users' Trust. Research Paper 20 - Özgün Imre:
Reshaping the Stakeholder Model: Insights from Negotiated order Theory. Research Paper 21 - Fei Liu, Bo Sophia Xiao, Eric T. K. Lim, Chee-Wee Tan:
Searching for What I Want: Understanding the Impact of Anticipatory Search control on Search Efficiency. Research Paper 22 - Marten Risius, Janek Benthaus, Fabian Akolk:
Is IT Worth IT? Dismantling the Process of Social Media Related Sales Performance. Research Paper 23 - Elena Gorbacheva, Jo Coldwell-Neilson:
Influencing girls' Interest in Information Technology. Research Paper 24 - Sebastian Zander, Markus Mandrella, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Shifting from Justification to Understanding: the Impact of Environmental uncertainty on the Value of IT-Enabled Collaboration in supply Chains. Research Paper 25 - Aleksandre Asatiani, Esko Penttinen:
Profiling Outsourcers of Professional Services - an Exploratory Study on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Research Paper 26 - Tarun Goyal, Yannick Ouardi, Lorenz Graf-Vlachy, Andreas König:
Political Ideology as a predictor of Online Consumer Review characteristics. Research Paper 27 - Markus Hummel, Christoph Rosenkranz, Roland Holten:
The Role of Shared Understanding in Distributed Scrum Development: an Empirical Analysis. Research Paper 28 - Shahifol Arbi Ismail, Richard Heeks, Brian Nicholson, Aini Aman:
An Institutional Logics Perspective on IT Impact Sourcing: Case Study of a Developing Country Public-Private Partnership. Research Paper 29 - Mikael Gebre-Mariam, Bendik Bygstad:
The Organizational Ripple effect of IT Architecture in Healthcare. Research Paper 30 - Christian Zimmermann:
Framework and Requirements for Reconciling Digital Services and Privacy. Research Paper 31 - Michael Glöckner, André Ludwig, Bogdan Franczyk:
How low Should You Go? - Conceptualization of the Service Granularity Framework. Research Paper 32 - Dominic Wörner, Thomas von Bomhard, Yan-Peter Schreier, Dominik Bilgeri:
The Bitcoin Ecosystem: Disruption beyond Financial Services? Research Paper 33 - Mayla Alimam, Emmanuel Bertin, Noël Crespi:
Improving the Capabilities of Email for Businesses - the Case of Social Tagging. Research Paper 34 - Alexander Eck, Falk Uebernickel:
Untangling Generativity: two Perspectives on Unanticipated Change produced by Diverse Actors. Research Paper 35 - Ferdinand Thies, Michael Wessel, Jan Rudolph, Alexander Benlian:
Personality Matters: How Signaling Personality Traits can Influence the Adoption and diffusion of Crowdfunding Campaigns. Research Paper 36 - Ilya Kozlovskiy, Mariya A. Sodenkamp, Konstantin Hopf, Thorsten Staake:
Energy Informatics for Environmental, Economic and Societal Sustainability: a Case of the Large-Scale Detection of Households with Old heating Systems. Research Paper 37 - Andy Weeger, Melanie Haase:
How Social Capital between Medical and IT Professionals Shapes the Outcomes of Health Information System Implementation Endeavours. Research Paper 38 - Patrick Mikalef, Adamantia G. Pateli:
Developing and Validating a Measurement Instrument of IT-Enabled Dynamic Capabilities. Research Paper 39 - Tino Comes, Gerhard Schwabe:
How to Diminish Advice discounting with Mobile Multimedia Interventions. Research Paper 40 - Ann-Kathrin Hirzel, Michael Leyer, Nick Russell, Alistair Barros, Jürgen Moormann:
Understanding Online Financial Communities: What constitutes a Valuable Information Exchange for Users? Research Paper 41 - Andreas Kiesow, Tim Schomaker, Oliver Thomas:
Transferring continuous Auditing to the Digital Age - the Knowledge Base after three Decades of Research. Research Paper 42 - Hasan Koç, Felix Timm, Sergio España, Tania González, Kurt Sandkuhl:
A method for Context Modelling in Capability Management. Research Paper 43 - Nik Rushdi Hassan:
Doing Information Systems: Informatizing and systematizing from a Practice Lens. Research Paper 44 - Ravinder S. Barn, Balbir Barn:
An Ontological Representation of a Taxonomy for Cybercrime. Research Paper 45 - Richard M. Zahoransky, Julius Holderer, Adrian Lange, Christian Brenig:
Process Analysis as First Step towards Automated Business Security. Research Paper 46 - Uwe Ostermann, Lukas Wiewiorra:
Bring IT on(E)! Personal Preferences and Traits as Influencing Factors to Participate in BYOD Programs. Research Paper 47 - Tony Savarimuthu, Hoa Khanh Dam, Sherlock A. Licorish, Smitha Keertipati, Daniel Avery, Aditya K. Ghose:
Process Compliance in Open Source Software Development - a Study of Python enhancement Proposals (PEPS). Research Paper 48 - Michaela Betz, Stefan Henningsson:
An Approach for Assessing the Benefits of IT Investments in Global supply Chains. Research Paper 49 - Florian Müller, Aleksander Lubarski:
Schools of Thought in Service Modularity. Research Paper 50 - Ana Ortiz de Guinea:
Extending Information Systems Use continuance Research: Competing Perspectives on the effects of Technological Events on the Expectation-Confirmation Model. Research Paper 51 - Matthias Söllner, Paul A. Pavlou:
A longitudinal Perspective on Trust in IT artefacts. Research Paper 52 - Dimitris Karagiannis, Robert Andrei Buchmann, Dominik Bork:
Managing Consistency in Multi-View Enterprise Models: an Approach based on Semantic Queries. Research Paper 53 - Ricardo Duarte, Winnie Picoto:
Applying Configurational Theory to Understand Mobile App Success. Research Paper 54 - Ermira Zifla, Sunil Wattal:
Community Engagement in Peer-to-Peer Business: Evidence from Etsy.Com. Research Paper 55 - Fahri Yetim:
Applicability of a Reflection Model for Communicating Value Sensitive Design Research. Research Paper 56 - Maximilian Brosius, Mohammad Kazem Haki, Stephan Aier:
Themes of Coordination in is Reference Theories. Research Paper 57 - Sara Hofmann:
Becoming Friends with the Government - a Qualitative Analysis of Citizens' Decision to 'like' Government Profiles on Facebook. Research Paper 58 - Johannes Deubener, Vivek K. Velamuri, Dirk Schneckenberg:
A Typology of Freemium Business Models for Mobile Applications. Research Paper 59 - Niklas Leicht, Nicolas Knop, Christoph Müller-Bloch, Jan Marco Leimeister:
When is Crowdsourcing Advantageous? The Case of Crowdsourced Software Testing. Research Paper 60 - Uwe Bretschneider, Ralf Peters:
Detecting Cyberbullying in Online Communities. Research Paper 61 - Lena Waizenegger, Stefan Thalmann, Christina Sarigianni, Andreas Eckhardt, Darl Kolb, Ronald Maier, Ulrich Remus:
From Isolation to Collaboration - How the Increasing diffusion of Mobile Devices has changed Practices of Knowledge Sharing in non-Office Settings. Research Paper 62 - Darius Schlangenotto, Dennis Kundisch:
Read this Paper! A field Experiment on the Role of a Call-to-Action in Paid Search. Research Paper 63 - Alexandra Cetto, Julia Klier, Mathias Klier, Alexander Richter, Katharina Wiesneth:
The Blessing of Giving: Kowledge Sharing and Knowledge seeking in Enterprise Social Networks. Research Paper 64 - Oksana Tokar, Klimentiy Batoroev:
Identifying Opportunities for Future Design Research for mHealth for Mental Health. Research Paper 65 - Stefanie Sohn:
The effects of Perceived Website Complexity - New Insights from the Context of Mobile Online shops. Research Paper 66 - Hamid Belarbi:
Improving Project portfolio Decision Making in Theory and Practice. Research Paper 67 - Christine Bauer, Michael Schiffinger:
Perceived Risks and Benefits of Online Self-Disclosure: affected by Culture? A Meta-Analysis of Cultural differences as moderators of Privacy Calculus in Person-to-Crowd Settings. Research Paper 68 - Julia Klier, Mathias Klier, Georg Lindner:
Social Engagement and Customer Profitability in Online Customer Networks. Research Paper 69 - Felix Lossin, Ilya Kozlovskiy, Mariya A. Sodenkamp, Thorsten Staake:
Incentives to Go Green: an Empirical Investigation of monetary and Symbolic Rewards to MO-Tivate Energy savings. Research Paper 70 - Paolo Neirotti, Danilo Pesce, Emilio Paolucci:
Ict and the Changing Nature of Competition: Evidence from Information Intensive industries in Italy. Research Paper 71 - Sumate Permwonguswa, Jiban Khuntia, Dawn G. Gregg, Gaurav Chandra, Seth Sheiner, Venky Swaminathan:
Development of a Doctor Rating criteria for a Medical Tourism Portal. Research Paper 72 - Sofie Wass, Vivian Vimarlund:
Business Models in Public eHealth. Research Paper 73 - Jannis Beese, Stephan Aier, Kazem Haki, Pouya Aleatrati Khosroshahi:
Drivers and effects of Information Systems Architecture Complexity: a mixed-Methods Study. Research Paper 74 - Christian Brenig, Jonas Schwarz, Nadine Rückeshäuser:
Value of Decentralized consensus Systems - Evaluation Framework. Research Paper 75 - Maximilian Schreieck, Manuel Wiesche, Helmut Krcmar:
Design and Governance of Platform Ecosystems - Key Concepts and Issues for Future Research. Research Paper 76 - Fazillah Mohmad Kamal, NorLaila MdNoor, Hanif Baharin:
'Silence is Golden no More' in family Digital Environment: Understanding the Kinkeeper Role through Mobile Social Messaging System. Research Paper 77 - Kalina S. Staykova, Jan Damsgaard:
Platform Expansion Design as Strategic Choice: the Case of WeChat and KakaoTalk. Research Paper 78 - Antonia Köster:
A Value-based Approach to Understanding the Personal Relevance of Different Communication Features. Research Paper 79 - Jana-Rebecca Rehse, Peter Fettke, Peter Loos:
An Execution-Semantic Approach to Inductive Reference Model Development. Research Paper 80 - Georgi Kerpedzhiev, Martin Lehnert, Maximilian Röglinger:
The Future of Business Process Management in the Future of Work. Research Paper 81 - Andrea Jiménez:
A Capabilities Approach to Innovation: a Case Study of a Technology and Innovation Hub in Zambia. Research Paper 82 - Dominik Morar, Hans-Georg Kemper:
Requirements of Information Systems in Product Development and production regarding additive manufacturing - a Quantitative Exploration. Research Paper 83 - Verena Tiefenbeck, Vojkan Tasic, Samuel Schöb, Thorsten Staake:
Long-lasting effects or Short-Term Spark? On the Persistence of behaviour Change induced by Real-Time feedback on Resource Consumption. Research Paper 84 - Jascha-Alexander Koch:
The phenomenon of Project Overfunding on Online Crowdfunding Platforms - Analyzing the Drivers of Overfunding. Research Paper 85 - Carl-Mikael Lönn, Elin Uppström, Andreas Nilsson:
Designing an M-Government solution: Enabling Collaboration through Citizen Sourcing. Research Paper 86 - Christian Janiesch, Jakob Diebold:
Conceptual Modeling of Event Processing Networks. Research Paper 87 - Johannes Epple:
Contextual Factors Influencing the Purposeful Allocation of Business Intelligence Costs. Research Paper 88 - Kimmo Tarkkanen, Ville Harkke:
Obstacles and Workarounds in Usability Practices during Tendering from is Vendor's Perspective. Research Paper 89 - Thomas Reschenhofer, Bernhard Waltl, Sirma Gjorgievska, Florian Matthes:
A Semantic Meta Model of Spreadsheets. Research Paper 90 - Henner Gimpel, Johannes Huber, Serkan Sarikaya:
Customer Satisfaction in Digital Service Encounters: the Role of Media Richness, Social presence, and Cultural Distance. Research Paper 91 - Marius Schönberger, Thomas Kleinert:
Results of a Qualitative Survey about the AP-Plication of Business Information Systems in German Craft Enterprises - First Findings of an Ongoing Research Project. Research Paper 92 - Christopher Hahn, Jan C. Huntgeburth, Rüdiger Zarnekow:
Leverage Once, EARN Repeatedly - Capabilities for Creating and appropriating Value in Cloud Platform Ecosystems. Research Paper 93 - Arjan de Kok, Remko W. Helms:
Attitude towards the New Way of Working - a longitudinal Study. Research Paper 94 - Michael Adelmeyer, Marc Walterbusch, Kai Seifert, Frank Teuteberg:
Does the Augmentation of Service Level Agreements Affect User Decisions in Cloud Adoption Scenarios? - an Experimental Approach. Research Paper 95 - John Stouby Persson, Jacob Nørbjerg, Peter Axel Nielsen:
Improving ISD Agility in Fast-Moving Software Organizations. Research Paper 96 - Qian Jiang, Dennis D. Fehrenbacher, Axel Schulz:
Effects of Irrelevant Alternatives in Relative Performance Evaluation. Research Paper 97 - Johannes Bendler, Tobias Brandt, Dirk Neumann:
An Open Door May Tempt a Saint - Data Analytics for Spatial Criminology. Research Paper 98 - Jurij Pfeiffer, Matthias von Entress-Fuersteneck, Nils Urbach, Arne Buchwald:
Quantify-me: Consumer Acceptance of Wearable Self-tracking Devices. Research Paper 99 - Michael Beier, Kerstin Wagner:
Social Media Adoption: Barriers to the Strategic Use of Social Media in SMEs. Research Paper 100 - Henri Pirkkalainen, Markus Salo:
Two Decades of the Dark Side in the Information Systems Basket: Suggesting five areas for Future Research. Research Paper 101 - Lisa Kristin Schellhorn:
Developing a Benefits Assessment Framework for Sea Traffic Management Systems. Research Paper 102 - Oliver Heger, Henrik Kampling, Björn Niehaves:
Towards a Theory of Trust-based Acceptance of Affective Technology. Research Paper 103 - Kathrin Eismann, Oliver Posegga, Kai Fischbach:
Collective behaviour, Social Media, and disasters: a Systematic literature Review. Research Paper 104 - Ahmad Ghazawneh:
The Challenges of Designing Digital Services for Multiple Mobile Platforms. Research Paper 105 - Ella Hafermalz, Kai Riemer:
The Work of belonging through Technology in Remote Work: a Case Study in tele-Nursing. Research Paper 106 - Josef-Michael Schwaiger, Markus Lang, Christian Thomas Ritter, Florian Johannsen:
Assessing the accuracy of Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Posts at Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Southern Germany. Research Paper 107 - Brendon Wolff-Piggott, Ulrike Rivett:
An Activity Theory Approach to Affordance Actualisation in mHealth: the Case of Momconnect. Research Paper 108 - Hanna Krasnova, Olga Abramova, Isabelle Notter, Annika Baumann:
Why Phubbing is Toxic for your Relationship: Understanding the Role of Smartphone Jealousy among "Generation y" Users. Research Paper 109 - Michael Klesel, Martin J. Ndicu, Björn Niehaves:
Exploring Psychological Ownership of IT: an Empirical Study. Research Paper 110 - Pelin Atahan, Monica S. Johar, Sumit Sarkar:
Composing offer Sets to Maximize Expected payoffs. Research Paper 111 - Anastasia Griva, Cleopatra Bardaki, Katerina Pramatari, Georgios I. Doukidis:
Mapping Moving Object Events into a Network of Object flows to Support Decisions. Research Paper 112 - Ying Wang, Chee-Wee Tan, Torkil Clemmensen:
Do You Get Better User Experiences when You Customize your Smartphone?: an Experiment with Object and Behavior-based Beliefs and Attitudes. Research Paper 113 - Johana Cabinakova, Christian Zimmermann, Günter Müller:
An Empirical Analysis of Privacy Dashboard Acceptance: the Google Case. Research Paper 114 - Tobias von Rechenberg, Dominik Gutt:
Challenge Accepted! - the Impact of Goal Achievement on subsequent User Effort and the Implications of a Goal's Difficulty. Research Paper 115 - Stephen Smith, Vincent Pang, Kurt Liu, Manolya Kavakli-Thorne, Andrew Edwards, Mehmet A. Orgun, Richard Host:
Adoption of Data-Driven Decision Making in Fire Emergency Management. Research Paper 116 - Mohamed El Mekawy, Lazar Rusu, Erik Perjons:
Business-IT Alignment and organisational Culture Relationships: towards an Integrated View. Research Paper 117 - Hamidreza Shahbaznezhad, Arvind K. Tripathi:
The Art of listening on Social Media Platforms: How firms Follow Users on Social Media Fan pages. Research Paper 118 - Michael Lang, Manuel Wiesche, Helmut Krcmar:
What are the most Important criteria for Cloud Service Provider Selection? A Delphi Study. Research Paper 119 - Ying-Qiu Dong, Sapumal Ahangama, Luyang Han, Cheng-Suang Heng:
Expectation Shortfall in the Highly Specialized B2B IT Innovation. Research Paper 120 - Daniel Braunnagel, Thomas Falk, Benjamin Wehner, Susanne Leist:
Bpm Adoption in Small and Medium-Sized Companies in Bavaria. Research Paper 121 - Leena Ventä-Olkkonen, Arto Lanamäki, Netta Iivari, Kari Kuutti:
Using with Discretion: identifying Emergent Practices around Interactive Public displays. Research Paper 122 - François de Corbière, Hirotoshi Takeda, Johanna Habib, Frantz Rowe, Daniel Thiel:
A simulation Approach for Analyzing the in-fluence of Information Quality on the de-Ployment of a Green supply Chain. Research Paper 123 - Hendrik Brakemeier, Thomas Widjaja, Peter Buxmann:
Calculating with Different Goals in Mind - the Moderating Role of the regulatory Focus in the Privacy Calculus. Research Paper 124 - Manfred Geiger, Lena Waizenegger, Ulrich Remus, Stephen C. Wingreen:
From pragmatist to Passenger - a Q Methodological Study of connectivity Types. Research Paper 125 - Michaela Sprenger, Tobias Mettler
On the Utility of E-Health Business Model Design Patterns. Research Paper 126 - Mark Schriek, Oktay Türetken, Uzay Kaymak:
A Maturity Model for Care pathways. Research Paper 127 - Adrian Engelbrecht, Jin Gerlach, Thomas Widjaja:
Understanding the Anatomy of Data-Driven Business Models - towards an Empirical Taxonomy. Research Paper 128 - Azadeh Savoli, Henri Barki:
A Multilevel Perspective on IT Affordances. Research Paper 129 - Sebastian Lins, Heiner Teigeler, Ali Sunyaev:
Towards a bright Future: Enhancing diffusion of continuous Cloud Service Auditing by Third Parties. Research Paper 130 - Annika Baumann, Benjamin Fabian, Stefan Lessmann, Lars Holzberg:
Twitter and the Political Landscape - a Graph Analysis of German Politicians. Research Paper 132 - Patrick Winter, Paul Alpar, Christina Kunert:
Can Mobile Apps Defend Print Media? Research Paper 133 - Thorsten Schoormann, Dennis Behrens, Erik Kolek, Ralf Knackstedt:
Sustainability in Business Models - a literature-Review-based Design-Science-Oriented Research Agenda. Research Paper 134 - Richard L. Baskerville, Jan Pries-Heje:
Discovering the significance of Scientific Design Practice: New-Science Wrapped in Old-Science? Research Paper 135 - Polyxeni Vassilakopoulou,