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56th ACSSC 2022: Pacific Grove, CA, USA
- 56th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, ACSSC 2022, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, October 31 - Nov. 2, 2022. IEEE 2022, ISBN 978-1-6654-5906-8
- Tianyang Bai, Hua Wang, Taesang Yoo, Ozge H. Koymen, Junyi Li:
Reliable Millimeter Wave Beam Prediction with Confidence Measure. 1-5 - Stephen Parsons, Sayed Ahmad Salehi:
Probability Distribution Calculations with Stochastic Circuits. 1-5 - Nitish Vikas Deshpande
, Robert W. Heath Jr.
, Miguel R. Castellanos:
Nonuniform true time delay precoding in wideband MISO systems. 1-5 - Zhan Gao, Elvin Isufi:
Learning Stable Graph Neural Networks via Spectral Regularization. 1-5 - Jeremy Johnston, Luca Venturino, Emanuele Grossi, Marco Lops, Xiaodong Wang:
Radar-enabled backscatter communication. 1-5 - Ozlem Yildiz, Abbas Khalili, Elza Erkip:
Hybrid Beam Alignment for Multi-Path Channels: A Group Testing Viewpoint. 6-10 - Adnan Hanif, Milos Doroslovacki:
Rectenna based Modem for Simultaneous Terahertz Information and Power Transfer. 11-15 - Nariman Torkzaban, Mohammad Ali Khojastepour, John S. Baras:
The Trade-off between Scanning Beam Penetration and Transmission Beam Gain in mmWave Beam Alignment. 16-21 - Ly Van Nguyen, A. Lee Swindlehurst, Duy H. N. Nguyen:
A Variational Bayesian Perspective on MIMO Detection with Low-Resolution ADCs. 22-26 - Hyeon Seok Rou
, Giuseppe Thadeu Freitas de Abreu, Takumi Takahashi:
An Efficient Vector-valued Belief Propagation Decoder for Quadrature Spatial Modulation. 27-31 - Kengo Ando, Hiroki Iimori, Hyeon Seok Rou
, Giuseppe Thadeu Freitas de Abreu, David González González
, Osvaldo Gonsa:
An Iterative Discrete Least Square Estimator with Dynamic Parameterization via Deep-Unfolding. 32-36 - Nurettin Turan, Michael Koller, Benedikt Fesl, Samer Bazzi, Wen Xu, Wolfgang Utschick
GMM-based Codebook Construction and Feedback Encoding in FDD Systems. 37-42 - Bishwadeep Das, Elvin Isufi:
Online Filtering over Expanding Graphs. 43-47 - Alberto Natali, Geert Leus:
A General Convolution Theorem for Graph Data. 48-52 - Samuel Rey, Madeline Navarro, Andrei Buciulea
, Santiago Segarra, Antonio G. Marques
Joint graph learning from Gaussian observations in the presence of hidden nodes. 53-57 - Konstantinos D. Polyzos, Qin Lu, Georgios B. Giannakis:
Active Sampling over Graphs for Bayesian Reconstruction with Gaussian Ensembles. 58-64 - Negar Asadi
, Seyede Fatemeh Ghoreishi:
Input Distribution Estimation in Dynamic Coupled Multidisciplinary Systems. 65-70 - Samy Labsir
, Daniel Medina, Jordi Vilà-Valls, Eric Chaumette:
An Intrinsic McAulay-Seidman Bound for Parameters Evolving on Matrix Lie Groups. 71-75 - Sachini Piyoni Ekanayake, Daphney-Stavroula Zois
Sequential Bayesian Network Structure Learning. 76-80 - Arian Eamaz
, Farhang Yeganegi, Mojtaba Soltanalian
OPeRA: Leveraging the Sample Size and Complexity Trade-Off Towards Efficient One-Bit Phase Retrieval. 81-85 - Po-Chih Chen
, P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Hybrid Convolutional Beamspace for DOA Estimation of Millimeter Wave Sources. 86-90 - Pranav Kulkarni, P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Rational Arrays for DOA Estimation: New Insights and Performance Evaluation. 91-95 - Priyadarshini Dwivedi
, Gyanajyoti Routray, Rajesh M. Hegde:
Hybrid SH-CNN-MP Approach for Super Resolution DOA Estimation. 96-100 - Benjamin Friedlander:
Data-Based Estimation of the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Direction-of-Arrival Estimation. 101-105 - Peter Soliz, Elizabeth Duran-Valdez, Sheraz Saint-Lot, Aswathy Kurup, Anna Bancroft, David S. Schade:
Functional Thermal Video Imaging of the Plantar Foot for Identifying Biomarkers of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. 106-110 - Zongyu Li, Jeffrey A. Fessler:
Uniform Cramér-Rao Lower Bound for Phase Retrieval: An Empirical Study. 111-115 - Yuan-I Chen, Yin-Jui Chang, Yuansheng Sun, Shih-Chu Liao, Samantha R. Santacruz
, Hsin-Chih Yeh:
Generative adversarial network improves the resolution of pulsed STED microscopy. 116-120 - Todd K. Moon, Jacob H. Gunther:
Fast Solutions of Toeplitz Equations over Finite Fields. 121-128 - Todd K. Moon, Jacob H. Gunther:
Soft Linear Algebra Over Noisy GF(q) Matrices. 129-135 - Linda S. DeBrunner, Victor E. DeBrunner:
Hardware Performance of Complex Dot-Product Implementations. 141-144 - Chrisopher B. Nalty, Neehar Peri, Joshua Gleason, Carlos Domingo Castillo, Shuowen Hu, Thirimachos Bourlai, Rama Chellappa:
A Brief Survey on Person Recognition at a Distance. 145-152 - Olivia Shapiro, James Shey, Jennie Hill, Robert Ives, Ryan N. Rakvic, Hau T. Ngo, T. Owens Walker III:
Toward Thermal Imaging Analysis to Characterize Operations of Solid-State Drives via the Temperature Side-Channel. 153-157 - Tobias Monsees, Dirk Wübben, Armin Dekorsy:
Optimum Quantization of Memoryless Channels with N-ary Input. 158-162 - Philipp Mohr
, Gerhard Bauch:
Low-Resolution Horizontal and Vertical Layered Mutual Information Maximizing LDPC Decoding. 163-167 - Semira Galijasevic, Richard D. Wesel:
Optimizing Write Voltages for Independent, Equal-Rate Pages in Flash Memory. 168-174 - Clemens-Konrad Mueller, Volker Kuehn:
Message Alignment for an Information Bottleneck Optimized FFT in OFDM Receivers. 175-180 - Reinhard Wiesmayr, Chris Dick, Jakob Hoydis, Christoph Studer:
DUIDD: Deep-Unfolded Interleaved Detection and Decoding for MIMO Wireless Systems. 181-188 - Akash S. Doshi, Jeffrey G. Andrews:
Combining Contention-Based Spectrum Access and Adaptive Modulation using Deep Reinforcement Learning. 189-193 - Moritz Benedikt Fischer, Sebastian Dörner, Felix Krieg, Sebastian Cammerer, Stephan ten Brink:
Adaptive NN-based OFDM Receivers: Computational Complexity vs. Achievable Performance. 194-199 - Yu Zhang, Ahmed Alkhateeb:
Online Beam Learning for Interference Nulling in Hardware-Constrained mm Wave MIMO Systems. 200-204 - Omid Taghizadeh, Tianyu Yang, Giuseppe Thadeu Freitas de Abreu:
Securing FD C-RAN with Untrusted Radios: Joint Utilization of Jamming and Fronthaul Quantization. 205-209 - Sajani Vithana, Sennur Ulukus:
Rate Distortion Tradeoff in Private Read Update Write in Federated Submodel Learning. 210-214 - Karim Banawan, Ahmed Arafa, Karim G. Seddik:
Timely Multi-Process Estimation with Erasures. 215-219 - Amel Tibhirt, Dirk Slock, Yi Yuan-Wu:
Multi-Cell Multi-User MIMO Imperfect CSI Transceiver Design with Power Method Generalized Eigenvectors. 220-224 - Stephan Blankenstein, Peter Jung
, Igor Bjelakovic, Lars Thiele, Slawomir Stanczak:
A Mobility-Aware Successive Feedback Scheme for 5G and Beyond Multi-User MIMO. 225-229 - Jun Tan, Jie Chen:
Binary Variational (BiV) Channel State Information Coding. 230-234 - Gerald Matz, Thomas Dittrich:
Signature Graphs - Fundamentals, Learning, and Clustering. 235-239 - John Shi, José M. F. Moura:
From DSP to GSP: Sampling in Both Domains. 240-245 - Meiby Ortiz-Bouza
, Selin Aviyente:
Community Detection in Attributed Networks Using Graph Wavelets. 246-250 - Rajat Kumar, Sravanthi Gurugubelli, Sundeep Prabhakar Chepuri:
Identifying Core-Periphery Structures Using Graph Neural Networks. 251-255 - Joseph K. Chege, Mikus J. Grasis, Alla Manina
, Arie Yeredor, Martin Haardt:
Efficient Probability Mass Function Estimation from Partially Observed Data. 256-262 - Ruishan Liu, James Zou:
Data Sculpting: Interpretable Algorithm for End-to-End Cohort Selection. 263-270 - Benjamin Traullé, Stéphanie Bidon, Damien Roque:
A Reversible Jump MCMC to Improve State-Space Exploration in Gaussian Bayesian Blind Deconvolution. 271-275 - Benjamin Jarman, Yotam Yaniv, Deanna Needell:
Online Signal Recovery via Heavy Ball Kaczmarz. 276-280 - Songsri Sirianunpiboon, Stephen D. Howard, Douglas Cochran:
Generalized Coherence Based Cyclic Frequency Estimation. 281-285 - Jared P. Smith, Arnab K. Shaw:
Exploiting Unit Circle Roots for Moving Target Detection in Low-Rank Clutter with Low Sample Support. 286-291 - Jared P. Smith, Arnab K. Shaw:
Moving Target Detection in K-Distributed Clutter using Unit Circle Toeplitz Rectification with Limited Secondary Data. 292-297 - Luning Lin, Zongyu Zhang, Hang Zheng
, Chengwei Zhou, Zhiguo Shi:
DOA Estimation for Joint Sensing and Communication with Nonorthogonal Waveform. 298-302 - Aditya Raj, Golrokh Mirzaei:
End to End Trained Long Term Recurrent Convolutional Network for Subject-level Alzheimer Detection. 303-306 - Yongjian Yu, Jue Wang:
Convexified Coupled Active Contour Segmentation of Clue Cells for Assessing Bacterial Vaginosis with Immunofluorescence Microscopy. 307-311 - Yongjian Yu, Jue Wang:
Dual Resolution Detection and Identification of Circulating Cancer Cells from Immunofluorescence Microscopy. 312-316 - Xiaoxuan Yang, Huanrui Yang, Jingchi Zhang, Hai Helen Li, Yiran Chen:
On Building Efficient and Robust Neural Network Designs. 317-321 - Nadya A. Mohamed, Joseph R. Cavallaro:
FPGA-based DNN Hardware Accelerator for Sensor Network Aggregation Node. 322-327 - Fan Zhang
, Li Yang, Deliang Fan:
Efficient Multi-task Adaption for Crossbar-based In-Memory Computing. 328-333 - Lingyi Huang, Xiao Zang, Yu Gong, Boyang Zhang, Bo Yuan:
VLSI Hardware Architecture of Neural A* Path Planner. 334-338 - Eung-Joo Lee, Alexander Mattingly, Heesung Kwon, Benjamin S. Riggan, Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya:
Real-time Face Tracking Based on a Configurable Ensemble of Detectors. 339-343 - Ahmed Hassan
, Jian Meng, Yu Cao, Jae-sun Seo:
Spatial-temporal Data Compression of Dynamic Vision Sensor Output with High Pixel-level Saliency using Low-precision Sparse Autoencoder. 344-348 - Sandipan Choudhuri, Suli Adeniye, Arunabha Sen, Hemanth Venkateswara:
Domain-Invariant Feature Alignment Using Variational Inference for Partial Domain Adaptation. 349-355 - Zhiyang Wang, Luana Ruiz, Alejandro Ribeiro:
Convolutional Neural Networks on Manifolds: From Graphs and Back. 356-360 - Jacob Benesty, Laura-Maria Dogariu, Constantin Paleologu, Silviu Ciochina:
An Iterative Wiener Filter for Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation. 366-370 - Braden C. Soper, Priyadip Ray, Jose Cadena, Hao Chen, Ryan A. Goldhahn:
Bayesian Multiagent Active Sensing and Localization via Decentralized Posterior Sampling. 371-375 - Jarren T. Worthen, Todd K. Moon, Jacob H. Gunther:
Adaptive Regression Trees for Nonlinear Adaptive Filtering. 376-379 - Priyanka Sinha
, Hamid Krim, Ismail Güvenç
Neural Network Based Tracking of Maneuvering Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. 380-386 - Marvin Geiselhart, Andreas Zunker, Ahmed Elkelesh, Jannis Clausius, Stephan ten Brink:
Graph Search based Polar Code Design. 387-391 - Ziyuan Zhu, Wei Wu, Paul H. Siegel:
Polar Codes with Local-Global Decoding. 392-396 - Heedong Do, Namyoon Lee
, Angel Lozano:
DOF Augmentation via IRS for Line-of-Sight Communication. 397-402 - Emil Björnson, Parisa Ramezani:
Maximum Likelihood Channel Estimation for RIS-Aided Communications with LOS Channels. 403-407 - Friedemann Laue
, Moritz Garkisch, Vahid Jamali
, Robert Schober:
Performance Tradeoff of RIS Beam Training: Overhead vs. Achievable SNR. 408-412 - Sotiris Droulias
, Angeliki Alexiou:
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface: an angular spectrum representation approach. 413-418 - Maha Issa
, Roula Nassif, Elsa Rizk, Ali H. Sayed:
Decentralized Semi-supervised Learning over Multitask Graphs. 419-425 - Nandan Sriranga, Anthony Trezza, Saikiran Bulusu, Donald J. Bucci, Pramod K. Varshney:
Online Identification of Recurring Changepoints. 426-430 - Jean E. Piou:
Comparison Between Deep Learning and Parametric Methods in Target Imaging from Narrowband Radar Data. 431-435 - Kevin Roy, Luis Miguel Lopez-Ramos, Baltasar Beferull-Lozano:
Joint Signal Estimation and Nonlinear Topology Identification from Noisy Data with Missing Entries. 436-440 - Brent Laird, Trac Tran:
Outlier Removal for Fingerprinting Localization Methods. 441-445 - Aprameya Satish
, Alessio Medda:
Acoustic UAV Detection using Spherical Array Beamforming. 446-450 - Geyu Weng
, Amir Akbarian, Behrad Noudoost, Neda Nategh:
Modeling the Relationship between Perisaccadic Neural Responses and Location Information. 451-454 - Lili Zhu, Petros Spachos, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis:
A Fusion of Wavelet-based and Unsupervised Machine Learning Method for Artifacts Removal in Electrodermal Activity Signal. 455-459 - Bahar Karimi, Soheil Zabihi, Mohammad Salimibeni
, Arash Mohammadi:
Autonomous Virtual Cognitive Assessment via NLP and Hand Gesture Recognition. 460-464 - Weinan Wang
, Laleh Najafizadeh:
Imaging Physiological Signals. 465-469 - Wanghan Lv, Kumar Vijay Mishra, Shichao Chen:
Clutter suppression via space-time-range processing in co-pulsing FDA radar. 470-475 - Mehmet Can Hücümenoglu, Robin Rajamäki, Piya Pal:
Geometry of Random Sparse Arrays. 476-480 - Batu K. Chalise, Moeness G. Amin
, Anthony F. Martone, Benjamin H. Kirk:
Effect of Communications Link Impairments on the Sparsity-based Distributed DoA Estimation. 481-485 - Mirza Asif Haider, Md. Waqeeb T. S. Chowdhury, Yimin D. Zhang:
Double-IrsAided Wireless Communications Exploiting Two-Dimensional Sparse Arrays. 486-490 - Allyson J. McKinney, Jay M. McKinney, Christopher F. Barnes:
Covariant Formulation of Single-Pulse Imaging Radar. 491-495 - Peter G. Vouras, Mohamed Kashef Hany, Sudantha Perera, Carnot L. Nogueira, Richard Candell
, Kate A. Remley:
Optimized Sparse Sampling Lattices. 496-503 - Tianrui Tan, Kwan Kit Lee, Amit Ashok, Animesh Datta, Boulat A. Bash:
Robust Adaptive Quantum-Limited Super-Resolution Imaging. 504-508 - Brandon Y. Feng, Mingyang Xie, Christopher A. Metzler:
Imaging Through Turbulence with GANs. 509-513 - Yiming Zhang, Bahman Moraffah, Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola:
Interference Mitigation in Spectrum Sharing Environments Using Time- Frequency Processing and Feature Clustering. 514-518 - Richard Bell, Fredric J. Harris, Peter Gerstoft, Dinesh Bharadia:
High Resolution Spectral Analysis and Signal Segregation Using the Polyphase Channelizer. 519-526 - Michael Baur
, Benedikt Fesl, Michael Koller, Wolfgang Utschick
Variational Autoencoder Leveraged MMSE Channel Estimation. 527-532 - Benedikt Fesl
, Michael Joham, Sha Hu, Michael Koller, Nurettin Turan, Wolfgang Utschick
Channel Estimation based on Gaussian Mixture Models with Structured Covariances. 533-537 - Ahmed Hussain, Mohamed Salah Ibrahim, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
Unsupervised Detection via Artificial Dual-Path Transmission. 538-542 - Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Upamanyu Madhow:
On the design of low-resolution sensing matrices for noncoherent compressive channel estimation. 543-547 - Chen Quan, Yunghsiang S. Han, Baocheng Geng, Pramod K. Varshney:
Reputation and Audit Bit Based Distributed Detection in the Presence of Byzantines. 548-552 - Mert Torun, Hong Cai, Yasamin Mostofi:
Spatial Prediction of Channel Signal Strength Map Using Deep Fully Convolutional Neural Network. 553-558 - Razvan-Andrei Stoica, Omid Taghizadeh, Sheeba Backia Mary Baskaran:
Secret Computing over Multiple Access Channels. 559-563 - Christian Huber
, Thomas Blazek, Chunlei Xu
, Andreas Gaich, Venkata Pathuri Bhuvana, Reinhard Feger:
Radar Signatures based Classification under Strict System Limitations. 564-568 - Ismail R. Alkhouri, Stanley Bak, Alvaro Velasquez, George K. Atia:
On the Coarse Robustness of Classifiers. 569-573 - Michael D. Zoltowski, Mark R. Bell, Steve Rausch
, Patrik B. G. Dammert:
Combatting High Dynamic Range Issues and Extraneous Peaks in Bistatic Passive Radar Exploiting Digital Video Broadcast. 574-579 - Zareen Khan, Wei Jiang, Alexander M. Haimovich, Mark A. Govoni, Timothy Garner, Osvaldo Simeone:
Fast Adaptation of Radar Detection via Online Meta-learning. 580-585 - Kyle Willstatter, Michael D. Zoltowski:
Raised-Cosine Frequency Domain Pulses for Doppler-Tolerant Radar Ambiguity Functions. 586-589 - Steven C. Rausch
, Mark R. Bell, Michael D. Zoltowski, Patrik B. G. Dammert, T. Arthur Terlep:
Bistatic Detection of Weak Targets in the Presence of a Strong Direct-Path Signal. 590-596 - David A. Hague:
A Cyclic Algorithm for Synthesizing Adaptive Frequency Modulated Waveforms. 597-601 - Proloy Das, Patrick L. Purdon:
Extracting common oscillatory time-courses from multichannel recordings: Oscillation Component Analysis. 602-606 - Wan-Chi Hsin
, Uri T. Eden, Emily Patricia Stephen:
Switching Functional Network Models of Oscillatory Brain Dynamics. 607-612 - Yin-Jui Chang, Yuan-I Chen, Hsin-Chih Yeh, Samantha R. Santacruz
Multi-scale dynamics modeling of spike and field potential activity via biologically realistic neural ordinary differential equations. 613-617 - Sahar Khosravi, Anuththara Rupasinghe
, Behtash Babadi:
Granger Causal Inference from Spiking Observations via Latent Variable Modeling. 618-622