25th ICTAI 2013: Herndon, VA, USA

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AI Foundations

AI in Domain-Specific Applications

AI in Computer Systems

Machine Learning and Data Mining

Semantic Web, Reasoning and Learning Agents, and Cognitive Modeling

AI and Decision Systems and Recommendations

25th Anniversary Invited Papers

Special Track on SAT/CSP

Session 1.A: Invited Keynote 1

Session 4.A: Invited Keynote 2

Session 1.B: Constraint Reasoning I

Session 2: MUS, Cores, and Max-SAT

Session 3: Complexity Games and Constraint Games

Session 4.B: Constraint Reasoning II

Session 5: Heuristics

Session 6: Encoding and Translation Issues - Meta-models

Session 7: Constraint Reasoning III

and Cormac J. Sreenan