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IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 52
Volume 52, Number 1, 2005
- Malgorzata E. Wilinska, Ludovic J. Chassin, Helga C. Schaller, Lukas Schaupp, Thomas R. Pieber
, Roman Hovorka
Insulin kinetics in type-1 diabetes: continuous and bolus delivery of rapid acting insulin. 3-12 - Anders Karlsson, Jiangping He, Johannes Swartling, Stefan Andersson-Engels
Numerical simulations of light scattering by red blood cells. 13-18 - Tamara N. Fitzgerald
, Dana H. Brooks, John K. Triedman:
Identification of cardiac rhythm features by mathematical analysis of vector fields. 19-29 - Nurettin Acir, Ibrahim Öztura, Mehmet Kuntalp, Baris Baklan, Cüneyt Güzelis:
Automatic detection of epileptiform events in EEG by a three-stage procedure based on artificial neural networks. 30-40 - Jerzy Wtorek
, Artur Polinski
The contribution of blood-flow-induced conductivity changes to measured impedance. 41-49 - Matthew W. Kay
, Richard A. Gray:
Measuring curvature and velocity vector fields for waves of cardiac excitation in 2-D media. 50-63 - Kaibao Nie, Ginger Stickney, Fan-Gang Zeng:
Encoding frequency Modulation to improve cochlear implant performance in noise. 64-73 - Zoran Nenadic
, Joel W. Burdick:
Spike detection using the continuous wavelet transform. 74-87 - Francesca Patruno, Andrea Aliverti, Raffaele L. Dellacà
, David Burns, Antonio Pedotti:
Redundant system of passive markers for ultrasound scanhead tracking. 88-96 - Maysam Ghovanloo, Khalil Najafi:
A compact large Voltage-compliance high output-impedance programmable current source for implantable microstimulators. 97-105 - Rui Bernardes
, Jorge Dias
, José Cunha-Vaz
Mapping the human blood-retinal barrier function. 106-116 - Nikolay S. Stoykov, Madeleine M. Lowery
, Todd A. Kuiken:
A finite-element analysis of the effect of muscle insulation and shielding on the surface EMG signal. 117-121 - Adrian D. C. Chan, Kevin B. Englehart
Continuous myoelectric control for powered prostheses using hidden Markov models. 121-124 - Ernesto F. Treo, Carmelo J. Felice, Mónica Cecilia Tirado, Max E. Valentinuzzi, Daniel O. Cervantes:
Hematocrit measurement by dielectric spectroscopy. 124-127 - Yasser M. Kadah
, AbdEl-Monem M. El-Sharkawy
, Abou Bakr M. Youssef
Navigator echo motion artifact suppression in synthetic aperture ultrasound imaging. 127-131 - Sverre Grimnes, Ørjan Grøttem Martinsen:
Cole electrical impedance Model-a critique and an alternative. 132-135 - Scott R. Wiese, Paul Anheier, Rafael D. Connemara, Anna T. Mollner, Thomas F. Neils, Joshua A. Kahn, John G. Webster:
Electrocardiographic motion artifact versus electrode impedance. 136-139 - Erratum to "The Effects of Maturation on Early and Late Phases of Phrenic Neurogram During Eupnea". 140
Volume 52, Number 2, 2005
- James L. Reuss
Multilayer modeling of reflectance pulse oximetry. 153-159 - Gilles Duchemin, Pierre Maillet, Philippe Poignet
, Etienne Dombre, François Pierrot
A hybrid position/force control approach for identification of deformation models of skin and underlying tissues. 160-170 - Andrew Hamilton-Wright
, Daniel W. Stashuk:
Physiologically based simulation of clinical EMG signals. 171-183 - Frits F. M. de Mul, Fernando Morales, Andries J. Smit, Reindert Graaff:
A model for post-occlusive reactive hyperemia as measured with laser-Doppler perfusion monitoring. 184-190 - Dhiraj Arora, Mikhail Skliar, Robert B. Roemer:
Minimum-time thermal dose control of thermal therapies. 191-200 - Mika Naganawa
, Yuichi Kimura, Kenji Ishii, Keiichi Oda, Kiichi Ishiwata, Ayumu Matani
Extraction of a plasma time-activity curve from dynamic brain PET images based on independent component analysis. 201-210 - Thilo Hinterberger, Barbara Wilhelm, Jürgen Mellinger, Boris Kotchoubey, Niels Birbaumer
A device for the detection of cognitive brain functions in completely paralyzed or unresponsive patients. 211-220 - Ali Nasiri Amini, Emad S. Ebbini
, Tryphon T. Georgiou
Noninvasive estimation of tissue temperature via high-resolution spectral analysis techniques. 221-228 - Musa H. Asyali, Mikko Juusola
Use of Meixner functions in estimation of Volterra kernels of nonlinear systems with delay. 229-237 - Eugene Demidenko, Alex Hartov, Nirmal Soni, Keith D. Paulsen:
On optimal current patterns for electrical impedance tomography. 238-248 - Nicolás von Ellenrieder
, Carlos H. Muravchik
, Arye Nehorai:
A meshless method for solving the EEG forward problem. 249-257 - Francisco Castells
, José Joaquín Rieta
, José Millet
, Vicente Zarzoso:
Spatiotemporal blind source separation approach to atrial activity estimation in atrial tachyarrhythmias. 258-267 - Marloes Maria Johanna Letteboer, Peter W. A. Willems, Max A. Viergever, Wiro J. Niessen
Brain shift estimation in image-guided neurosurgery using 3-D ultrasound. 268-276 - Massimo Mischi
, Antonius A. C. M. Kalker, Hendrikus H. M. Korsten:
Cardiac image segmentation for contrast agent videodensitometry. 277-286 - Adam P. Goobic, Jinshan Tang
, Scott T. Acton:
Image stabilization and registration for tracking cells in the microvasculature. 287-299 - Mikhail Tregoubov, Niels Birbaumer
On the building of binary spelling interfaces for augmentative communication. 300-305 - Axel Krieger, Robert C. Susil, Cynthia Ménard, Jonathan A. Coleman
, Gabor Fichtinger, Ergin Atalar
, Louis L. Whitcomb
Design of a novel MRI compatible manipulator for image guided prostate interventions. 306-313 - Iasonas F. Triantis
, Andreas Demosthenous, Nick Donaldson
On cuff imbalance and tripolar ENG amplifier configurations. 314-320 - Svein K. Jacobsen, Hans Olav Rolfsnes, Paul R. Stauffer
Characteristics of microstrip muscle-loaded single-arm archimedean spiral antennas as investigated by FDTD numerical computations. 321-330 - Punit Prakash
, Christian A. Salini, John A. Tranquilli, Donald Richard Brown, Edward A. Clancy:
Adaptive whitening in electromyogram amplitude estimation for epoch-based applications. 331-334 - Joseph V. Tranquillo, Dana O. Burwell, Craig S. Henriquez:
Analytical model of extracellular potentials in a tissue slab with a finite bath. 334-338 - Gustavo K. Rohde, Benoit M. Dawant, Shien-Fong Lin:
Correction of motion artifact in cardiac optical mapping using image registration. 338-341
Volume 52, Number 3, 2005
- Aimee L. Betker, Zahra M. K. Moussavi, Tony Szturm:
On modeling center of foot pressure distortion through a medium. 345-352 - Shuzhi Sam Ge
, Zhiling Tian, Tong Heng Lee:
Nonlinear control of a dynamic model of HIV-1. 353-361 - Richard P. Williamson, Brian J. Andrews:
Localized electrical nerve blocking. 362-370 - Maria Elisabetta Ruaro, Paolo Bonifazi
, Vincent Torre:
Toward the neurocomputer: image Processing and pattern recognition with neuronal cultures. 371-383 - Federica Vatta, Paolo Bruno, Paolo Inchingolo:
Multiregion bicentric-spheres models of the head for the simulation of bioelectric phenomena. 384-389 - Maria G. Jafari, Jonathon A. Chambers:
Fetal electrocardiogram extraction by sequential source separation in the wavelet domain. 390-400 - Christian G. Bénar
, Roger N. Gunn
, Christophe Grova
, Benoît Champagne, Jean Gotman:
Statistical maps for EEG dipolar source localization. 401-413 - Lourens J. Waldorp, Hilde M. Huizenga, Arye Nehorai, Raoul P. P. P. Grasman, Peter C. M. Molenaar:
Model selection in spatio-temporal electromagnetic source analysis. 414-420 - Karthikeyan Umapathy, Sridhar Krishnan
, Vijay Parsa, Donald G. Jamieson:
Discrimination of pathological voices using a time-frequency approach. 421-430 - Sunil L. Kukreja, Robert E. Kearney
, Henrietta L. Galiana:
A least-squares parameter estimation algorithm for switched Hammerstein systems with applications to the VOR. 431-444 - Xinshu Xiao
, Ying Li, Ramakrishna Mukkamala
A model order selection criterion with applications to cardio-respiratory-renal systems. 445-453 - Zhishun Wang, Zhenya He, Jiande D. Z. Chen:
Robust time delay estimation of bioelectric signals using least absolute deviation neural network. 454-462 - Hans Koch, Axel Richter, Rainer Kürsten, Markus Zabel:
Composition of approximated body-surface-potential-maps by utilizing a common 12-lead-ECG device. 463-470 - Imam Samil Yetik
, Arye Nehorai, Jeffrey David Lewine, Carlos H. Muravchik
Distinguishing between moving and stationary sources using EEG/MEG measurements with an application to epilepsy. 471-479 - David S. Lalush
, Megan K. Jatko, William Paul Segars:
An observer study methodology for evaluating detection of motion abnormalities in gated myocardial perfusion SPECT. 480-485 - Angelo M. Sabatini, Chiara Martelloni, Sergio Scapellato, Filippo Cavallo
Assessment of walking features from foot inertial sensing. 486-494 - Xiaoliang Zhang, Kâmil Ugurbil, R. Sainati, Wei Chen:
An inverted-microstrip resonator for human head proton MR imaging at 7 tesla. 495-504 - Jacek Nadobny, Waldemar Wlodarczyk, Lothar Westhoff, Johanna Gellermann, Roland Felix, Peter Wust:
A clinical water-coated antenna applicator for MR-controlled deep-body hyperthermia: a comparison of calculated and measured 3-D temperature data sets. 505-519 - Wolfgang Kainz, Jon P. Casamento, Paul S. Ruggera, Dulciana D. Chan, Donald M. Witters:
Implantable cardiac pacemaker electromagnetic compatibility testing in a novel security system Simulator. 520-530 - Norbert Klauke, Godfrey L. Smith, Jonathan M. Cooper
Stimulation of isolated ventricular myocytes within an open architecture microarray. 531-538 - Shaou-Gang Miaou, Shu-Nien Chao:
Wavelet-based lossy-to-lossless ECG compression in a unified vector quantization framework. 539-543 - Denis Sherknies, Jean Meunier, Rosaire Mongrain, Jean-Claude Tardif:
Three-dimensional trajectory assessment of an IVUS transducer from single-plane cineangiograms: a phantom study. 543-549 - Ernesto F. Treo, Carmelo J. Felice, Mónica Cecilia Tirado, Max E. Valentinuzzi, Daniel O. Cervantes:
Comparative analysis of hematocrit measurements by dielectric and impedance techniques. 549-552
Volume 52, Number 4, 2005
- Andreas A. Linninger, Cristian Tsakiris, David C. Zhu, Michalis Xenos
, Peter Roycewicz, Zachary Danziger
, Richard D. Penn:
Pulsatile cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in the human brain. 557-565 - Xiuxia Du, Bijoy K. Ghosh, Philip S. Ulinski:
Encoding and decoding target locations with waves in the turtle visual cortex. 566-577 - Ernesto Pereda
, Dulce M. De la Cruz, Luis De Vera, Julián J. González:
Comparing generalized and phase synchronization in cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory signals. 578-583 - Dirk Hoyer, Bernd Pompe, Ki H. Chon, Henning Hardraht, Carola Wicher, Ulrich Zwiener:
Mutual information function assesses autonomic information flow of heart rate dynamics at different time scales. 584-592 - Edward J. Berbari, Elizabeth A. Bock, Adriana C. Chazaro, Xiang Sun, Leif Sörnmo:
High-resolution analysis of ambulatory electrocardiograms to detect possible mechanisms of premature ventricular beats. 593-598 - Juan Pablo Martínez, Salvador Olmos
Methodological principles of T wave alternans analysis: a unified framework. 599-613 - Alexis L. Motto, Henrietta L. Galiana, Karen A. Brown, Robert E. Kearney:
Automated estimation of the phase between thoracic and abdominal movement signals. 614-621 - Rebecca B. J. Beck
, Caroline J. Houtman, Mark J. O'Malley, Madeleine M. Lowery
, Dick F. Stegeman:
A technique to track individual motor unit action potentials in surface EMG by monitoring their conduction velocities and amplitudes. 622-629 - Gari D. Clifford, Lionel Tarassenko:
Quantifying errors in spectral estimates of HRV due to beat replacement and resampling. 630-638 - William W. Melek, Ziren Lu, Alex Kapps, William D. Fraser:
Comparison of trend detection algorithms in the analysis of physiological time-series data. 639-651 - Carlos Oscar Sánchez Sorzano
, Philippe Thévenaz, Michael Unser
Elastic registration of biological images using vector-spline regularization. 652-663 - Matías de la Fuente
, Jörg A. K. Ohnsorge, Erik Schkommodau, Stefanie Jetzki, Dieter C. Wirtz, Klaus Radermacher
Fluoroscopy-based 3-D reconstruction of femoral bone cement: a new approach for revision total hip replacement. 664-675 - Nicolaos B. Karayiannis, Abdul Sami, James D. Frost Jr., Merrill S. Wise, Eli M. Mizrahi:
Automated extraction of temporal motor activity signals from video recordings of neonatal seizures based on adaptive block matching. 676-686 - Paul A. Hammond, Danish Ali, David R. S. Cumming
A system-on-chip digital pH meter for use in a wireless diagnostic capsule. 687-694 - Jon F. Edd, Liana Horowitz, Boris Rubinsky:
Temperature dependence of tissue impedivity in electrical impedance tomography of cryosurgery. 695-701 - Marie L. Meyer, Yan Lu, Mark D. Markel:
Effects of radiofrequency energy on human chondromalacic cartilage: an assessment of insulation material properties. 702-710 - Rahul Sarpeshkar, Christopher D. Salthouse, Ji-Jon Sit
, Michael W. Baker, Serhii M. Zhak, Timothy Kuan-Ta Lu, Lorenzo Turicchia, Stephanie Balster:
An ultra-low-power programmable analog bionic ear processor. 711-727 - Christoph Braun, Jennifer Ladda, Michaela Burkhardt, Katja Wiech, Hubert Preissl
, Larry E. Roberts:
Objective measurement of tactile mislocalization. 728-735 - Markad V. Kamath, Stephan Hollerbach, Robert Spaziani, Glenn Shine, Adrian R. M. Upton, Gervais Tougas:
Optimal electrical stimulation modality for cortical esophageal evoked potentials: transmural or intraesophageal? 736-739 - Saso Jezernik, Manfred Morari:
Energy-optimal electrical excitation of nerve fibers. 740-743 - Majid Pouladian, M. R. H. Golpayegani, Ali Abbaspour Tehrani-Fard, M. Bubvay-Nejad:
Noninvasive detection of coronary artery disease by arterio-oscillography. 743-747 - Nicolaos B. Karayiannis, Yaohua Xiong, James D. Frost Jr., Merrill S. Wise, Eli M. Mizrahi:
Improving the accuracy and reliability of motion tracking methods used for extracting temporal motor activity signals from video recordings of neonatal seizures. 747-749 - Roy L. Testerman:
Comments on "Accuracy limitations of chronaxie Values".
Volume 52, Number 5, 2005
- Laura Astolfi
, Febo Cincotti
, Claudio Babiloni
, Filippo Carducci
, Alessandra Basilisco, Paolo Maria Rossini, Serenella Salinari, Donatella Mattia
, Sergio Cerutti
, Daniel D. Ben-Dayan Rubin, Lei Ding, Ying Ni, Bin He
, Fabio Babiloni
Estimation of the cortical connectivity by high-resolution EEG and structural equation modeling: Simulations and application to finger tapping data. 757-768 - Javier Rodríguez-Falces, Armando Malanda-Trigueros, Luis Gila-Useros, Ignacio Rodríguez-Carreño
, Javier Navallas-Irujo:
A mathematical analysis of SFAP convolutional models. 769-783 - Ruben A. Filter, Xiaouh Xia, Clive M. Gray
Dynamic HIV/AIDS parameter estimation with application to a vaccine readiness study in Southern Africa. 784-791 - Michael Denker
, Attila Szücs, Reynaldo D. Pinto
, Henry D. I. Abarbanel, Allen I. Selverston:
A network of electronic neural oscillators reproduces the dynamics of the periodically forced pyloric pacemaker group. 792-798 - Mary C. MacLachlan, Joakim Sundnes, Glenn Terje Lines
Simulation of ST segment changes during subendocardial ischemia using a realistic 3-D cardiac geometry. 799-807 - Roberto Chignola
, Roberto Israel Foroni:
Estimating the growth kinetics of experimental tumors from as few as two determinations of tumor size: implications for clinical oncology. 808-815 - Davorka Sel, David Cukjati, Danute Batiuskaite
, Tomaz Slivnik, Lluis M. Mir, Damijan Miklavcic
Sequential finite element model of tissue electropermeabilization. 816-827 - Rezaul K. Begg
, Marimuthu Palaniswami, Brendan Owen:
Support vector machines for automated gait classification. 828-838 - Imam Samil Yetik
, Arye Nehorai, Carlos H. Muravchik
, Jens Haueisen
Line-source modeling and estimation with magnetoencephalography. 839-851 - David M. Simpson, Daniel A. Botero Rosas
, Antonio Fernando C. Infantosi:
Estimation of coherence between blood flow and spontaneous EEG activity in neonates. 852-858 - Yong-Jun Shin
, Denise V. Gobert, Seung-Hoon Sung, Edward J. Powers, Jin Bae Park:
Application of cross time-frequency analysis to postural sway behavior: the effects of aging and visual systems. 859-868 - Luca Mesin
, Dario Farina:
Estimation of M-wave scale factor during sustained contractions at high stimulation rate. 869-877 - Benhur Aysin, Luis F. Chaparro, Ilan Grave, Vladimir Shusterman
Orthonormal-basis partitioning and time-frequency representation of cardiac rhythm dynamics. 878-889 - Jianping Hua, Zixiang Xiong, Qiang Wu, Kenneth R. Castleman:
Wavelet-based compression of M-FISH images. 890-900 - Paul H. Schimpf, Hesheng Liu
, Ceon Ramon, Jens Haueisen
Efficient electromagnetic source imaging with adaptive standardized LORETA/FOCUSS. 901-908 - Shawn P. Davis, Wijaya Martanto
, Mark G. Allen, Mark R. Prausnitz
Hollow metal microneedles for insulin delivery to diabetic rats. 909-915 - Mo Yang
, Xuan Zhang, Yu Zhang
, Cengiz S. Ozkan
Stochastic frequency signature for chemical sensing using noninvasive neuronelectronic interface. 916-922 - Paulo S. Motta, Jack W. Judy:
Multielectrode microprobes for deep-brain stimulation fabricated with a customizable 3-D electroplating process. 923-933 - Meltem Izzetoglu, Ajit Devaraj, Scott C. Bunce, Banu Onaral
Motion artifact cancellation in NIR spectroscopy using Wiener filtering. 934-938 - Pedram Mohseni, Khalil Najafi:
A 1.48-mW low-phase-noise analog frequency modulator for wireless biotelemetry. 938-943 - Zhe Chen, David Dagan Feng, Weidong Cai
, Roger R. Fulton
Performance evaluation of functional medical imaging compression via optimal sampling schedule designs and cluster analysis. 943-945 - Amitava Chatterjee
, Amine Naït-Ali, Patrick Siarry:
An input-delay neural-network-based approach for piecewise ECG signal compression. 945-947 - Tingrui Pan, Matthew S. Stay, Victor H. Barocas, J. David Brown, Babak Ziaie:
Modeling and characterization of a valved glaucoma drainage device with implications for enhanced therapeutic efficacy. 948-951 - Hirokazu Takahashi, Jun Suzurikawa, Masayuki Nakao, Fumio Mase, Kimitaka Kaga:
Easy-to-prepare assembly array of tungsten microelectrodes. 952-956 - Ki H. Chon, He Zhao, Rui Zou, Kihwan Ju:
Multiple time-varying dynamic analysis using multiple sets of basis functions. 956-960
Volume 52, Number 6, 2005
- Simon P. DiMaio, Septimiu E. Salcudean
Needle steering and motion planning in soft tissues. 965-974 - Hermann Scharfetter
, Patricia Brunner, Michael Mayer, Bernhard Brandstätter, Helmut Hinghofer-Szalkay:
Fat and hydration monitoring by abdominal bioimpedance analysis: data interpretation by hierarchical electrical modeling.