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Neural Computation, Volume 24
Volume 24, Number 1, January 2012
- Samuel Gershman, Edward Vul, Joshua B. Tenenbaum:
Multistability and Perceptual Inference. 1-24
- Kenneth D. Miller, Francesco Fumarola
Mathematical Equivalence of Two Common Forms of Firing Rate Models of Neural Networks. 25-31
- Jane X. Wang, Michal Zochowski
Interactions of Excitatory and Inhibitory Feedback Topologies in Facilitating Pattern Separation and Retrieval. 32-59 - Michael W. Spratling
Unsupervised Learning of Generative and Discriminative Weights Encoding Elementary Image Components in a Predictive Coding Model of Cortical Function. 60-103 - Michiel Hermans, Benjamin Schrauwen:
Recurrent Kernel Machines: Computing with Infinite Echo State Networks. 104-133 - Karthik H. Shankar, Marc W. Howard:
A Scale-Invariant Internal Representation of Time. 134-193 - Xiaojun Li
, Yide Ma, Zhaobin Wang, Wenrui Yu:
Geometry-Invariant Texture Retrieval Using a Dual-Output Pulse-Coupled Neural Network. 194-216 - Jianjun Tu
, Hanlin He:
Guaranteed Cost Synchronization of Chaotic Cellular Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delay. 217-233 - Ryu Takeda
, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Toru Takahashi, Kazunori Komatani, Tetsuya Ogata
, Hiroshi G. Okuno
Efficient Blind Dereverberation and Echo Cancellation Based on Independent Component Analysis for Actual Acoustic Signals. 234-272 - Halbert White, Jin Seo Cho
Higher-Order Approximations for Testing Neglected Nonlinearity. 273-287
Volume 24, Number 2, February 2012
- Uri Rokni, Haim Sompolinsky:
How the Brain Generates Movement. 289-331
- Sukbin Lim, Mark S. Goldman
Noise Tolerance of Attractor and Feedforward Memory Models. 332-390 - Alfonso Renart
, Mark C. W. van Rossum
Transmission of Population-Coded Information. 391-407 - Justin Dauwels, Theophane Weber, François B. Vialatte
, Toshimitsu Musha, Andrzej Cichocki
Quantifying Statistical Interdependence, Part III: N > 2 Point Processes. 408-454 - Terry Elliott:
Cross-Talk Induces Bifurcations in Nonlinear Models of Synaptic Plasticity. 455-522 - Dimitrije Markovic
, Claudius Gros
Intrinsic Adaptation in Autonomous Recurrent Neural Networks. 523-540 - Jan Potworowski, Wit Jakuczun, Szymon Leski
, Daniel K. Wójcik
Kernel Current Source Density Method. 541-575
Volume 24, Number 3, March 2012
- Norikazu Sugimoto, Masahiko Haruno, Kenji Doya, Mitsuo Kawato:
MOSAIC for Multiple-Reward Environments. 577-606
- Michael Fairbank, Eduardo Alonso
Efficient Calculation of the Gauss-Newton Approximation of the Hessian Matrix in Neural Networks. 607-610
- Kristen Fortney, Douglas B. Tweed:
Computational Advantages of Reverberating Loops for Sensorimotor Learning. 611-634 - Yuya Hattori, Michiyo Suzuki, Zu Soh, Yasuhiko Kobayashi, Toshio Tsuji
Theoretical and Evolutionary Parameter Tuning of Neural Oscillators with a Double-Chain Structure for Generating Rhythmic Signals. 635-675 - Yoram Baram:
Noninvertibility, Chaotic Coding, and Chaotic Multiplexity of Synaptically Modulated Neural Firing. 676-699 - Aykut Erdem
, Marcello Pelillo:
Graph Transduction as a Noncooperative Game. 700-723 - Vladimir Aparin:
Simple Modification of Oja Rule Limits L1-Norm of Weight Vector and Leads to Sparse Connectivity. 724-743 - Ai Miyamoto, Jun Hasegawa, Mei Hong Zheng, Osamu Hoshino:
Diffusive Feedback Influences on Hierarchical Information Processing. 744-770 - Kerstin Bunte
, Michael Biehl
, Barbara Hammer
A General Framework for Dimensionality-Reducing Data Visualization Mapping. 771-804 - Linqiang Pan
, Jun Wang, Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom
Spiking Neural P Systems with Astrocytes. 805-825
Volume 24, Number 4, April 2012
- Charles F. Cadieu, Bruno A. Olshausen:
Learning Intermediate-Level Representations of Form and Motion from Natural Movies. 827-866
- Bryan P. Tripp
Decorrelation of Spiking Variability and Improved Information Transfer Through Feedforward Divisive Normalization. 867-894 - Nir Nossenson, Hagit Messer:
Optimal Sequential Detection of Stimuli from Multiunit Recordings Taken in Densely Populated Brain Regions. 895-938 - Hirokazu Tanaka, John W. Krakauer, Terrence J. Sejnowski:
Generalization and Multirate Models of Motor Adaptation. 939-966 - Dmitriy Shutin, Christoph Zechner
, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni
, H. Vincent Poor
Regularized Variational Bayesian Learning of Echo State Networks with Delay&Sum Readout. 967-995 - Jérémie Cabessa
, Hava T. Siegelmann:
The Computational Power of Interactive Recurrent Neural Networks. 996-1019 - Takashi Kanamaru
, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Rewiring-Induced Chaos in Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks. 1020-1046 - Xiao-Tong Yuan, Shuicheng Yan:
Nondegenerate Piecewise Linear Systems: A Finite Newton Algorithm and Applications in Machine Learning. 1047-1084 - Nicolas Gillis
, François Glineur
Accelerated Multiplicative Updates and Hierarchical ALS Algorithms for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. 1085-1105
- Iahn Cajigas
, Lakshminarayan Srinivasan:
Erratum ("A State-Space Analysis for Reconstruction of Goal-Directed Movements Using Neural Signals" Neural Computation, Volume 18, Number 10, pp. 2465-2494). 1106-1107
Volume 24, Number 5, May 2012
- Todd K. Leen, Robert Friel:
Stochastic Perturbation Methods for Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity. 1109-1146
- C. C. Alan Fung
, K. Y. Michael Wong
, He Wang
, Si Wu:
Dynamical Synapses Enhance Neural Information Processing: Gracefulness, Accuracy, and Mobility. 1147-1185 - Roger Ratcliff, Michael Joshua Frank:
Reinforcement-Based Decision Making in Corticostriatal Circuits: Mutual Constraints by Neurocomputational and Diffusion Models. 1186-1229 - Kentaro Katahira, Kazuo Okanoya, Masato Okada:
Statistical Mechanics of Reward-Modulated Learning in Decision-Making Networks. 1230-1270 - Michael Teichmann
, Jan Wiltschut, Fred H. Hamker
Learning Invariance from Natural Images Inspired by Observations in the Primary Visual Cortex. 1271-1296 - Ramaswamy Savitha, Suresh Sundaram
, N. Sundararajan:
Metacognitive Learning in a Fully Complex-Valued Radial Basis Function Neural Network. 1297-1328 - Hsuan-Tien Lin
, Ling Li:
Reduction from Cost-Sensitive Ordinal Ranking to Weighted Binary Classification. 1329-1367 - Zhiyi Zhang:
Entropy Estimation in Turing's Perspective. 1368-1389
Volume 24, Number 6, June 2012
- Bharath K. Sriperumbudur, Gert R. G. Lanckriet:
A Proof of Convergence of the Concave-Convex Procedure Using Zangwill's Theory. 1391-1407
- Shinsuke Koyama:
On the Relation Between Encoding and Decoding of Neuronal Spikes. 1408-1425 - Michelle Rudolph-Lilith, Mathieu Dubois, Alain Destexhe
Analytical Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Models with Conductance-Based Dynamics and Realistic Postsynaptic Potential Time Course for Event-Driven Simulation Strategies. 1426-1461 - Ke Yuan, Mark A. Girolami
, Mahesan Niranjan
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for State-Space Models with Point Process Observations. 1462-1486 - Lakshminarayan V. Chinta, Douglas B. Tweed:
Adaptive Optimal Control Without Weight Transport. 1487-1518 - Joachim Hass
, J. Michael Herrmann:
The Neural Representation of Time: An Information-Theoretic Perspective. 1519-1552 - Samuel Gershman, Christopher D. Moore, Michael T. Todd, Kenneth A. Norman, Per B. Sederberg:
The Successor Representation and Temporal Context. 1553-1568 - Miki Aoyagi, Kenji Nagata:
Learning Coefficient of Generalization Error in Bayesian Estimation and Vandermonde Matrix-Type Singularity. 1569-1610
Volume 24, Number 7, July 2012
- Karim Chalak
, Halbert White:
Causality, Conditional Independence, and Graphical Separation in Settable Systems. 1611-1668
- Emre Ozgur Neftci
, Bryan A. Toth, Giacomo Indiveri, Henry D. I. Abarbanel:
Dynamic State and Parameter Estimation Applied to Neuromorphic Systems. 1669-1694 - Wenhao Zhang, Si Wu:
Neural Information Processing with Feedback Modulations. 1695-1721 - Abd-Krim Seghouane, Shun-ichi Amari:
Identification of Directed Influence: Granger Causality, Kullback-Leibler Divergence, and Complexity. 1722-1739 - Stuart Yarrow, Edward Challis, Peggy Seriès
Fisher and Shannon Information in Finite Neural Populations. 1740-1780 - Szonya Durant, Johannes M. Zanker:
Variation in the Local Motion Statistics of Real-Life Optic Flow Scenes. 1781-1805 - Bernard M. C. Stienen, Konrad Schindler, Béatrice de Gelder:
A Computational Feedforward Model Predicts Categorization of Masked Emotional Body Language for Longer, but Not for Shorter, Latencies. 1806-1821 - Ali Rodan
, Peter Tiño
Simple Deterministically Constructed Cycle Reservoirs with Regular Jumps. 1822-1852 - Hideitsu Hino, Nima Reyhani, Noboru Murata:
Multiple Kernel Learning with Gaussianity Measures. 1853-1881 - Sohan Seth, José C. Príncipe:
Conditional Association. 1882-1905 - Kailash Nadh, Christian R. Huyck:
A Neurocomputational Approach to Prepositional Phrase Attachment Ambiguity Resolution. 1906-1925 - David J. Miller, Jayaram Raghuram, George Kesidis, Christopher M. Collins:
Improved Generative Semisupervised Learning Based on Finely Grained Component-Conditional Class Labeling. 1926-1966
Volume 24, Number 8, August 2012
- Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Geoffrey E. Hinton:
An Efficient Learning Procedure for Deep Boltzmann Machines. 1967-2006
- Ryan C. Kelly, Robert E. Kass:
A Framework for Evaluating Pairwise and Multiway Synchrony Among Stimulus-Driven Neurons. 2007-2032 - Ueli Rutishauser
, Jean-Jacques E. Slotine, Rodney J. Douglas:
Competition Through Selective Inhibitory Synchrony. 2033-2052 - Philip Sterne:
Information Recall Using Relative Spike Timing in a Spiking Neural Network. 2053-2077 - Eli Shlizerman
, Philip Holmes:
Neural Dynamics, Bifurcations, and Firing Rates in a Quadratic Integrate-and-Fire Model with a Recovery Variable. I: Deterministic Behavior. 2078-2118 - Haruo Hosoya:
Multinomial Bayesian Learning for Modeling Classical and Nonclassical Receptive Field Properties. 2119-2150 - Misha Denil, Loris Bazzani, Hugo Larochelle, Nando de Freitas:
Learning Where to Attend with Deep Architectures for Image Tracking. 2151-2184 - YoonSik Shim, Phil Husbands
Chaotic Exploration and Learning of Locomotion Behaviors. 2185-2222 - Il Memming Park
, Sohan Seth, Murali Rao, José C. Príncipe:
Strictly Positive-Definite Spike Train Kernels for Point-Process Divergences. 2223-2250
Volume 24, Number 9, September 2012
- Matthieu Gilson
, Moritz Bürck, Anthony N. Burkitt, J. Leo van Hemmen:
Frequency Selectivity Emerging from Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity. 2251-2279 - Alexander Mathis
, Andreas V. M. Herz, Martin Stemmler:
Optimal Population Codes for Space: Grid Cells Outperform Place Cells. 2280-2317 - Achilleas Koutsou, Chris Christodoulou
, Guido Bugmann, Jacob Kanev:
Distinguishing the Causes of Firing with the Membrane Potential Slope. 2318-2345 - Mathieu Galtier, Olivier D. Faugeras, Paul C. Bressloff:
Hebbian Learning of Recurrent Connections: A Geometrical Perspective. 2346-2383 - Michael Eickenberg, Ryan J. Rowekamp, Minjoon Kouh
, Tatyana O. Sharpee
Characterizing Responses of Translation-Invariant Neurons to Natural Stimuli: Maximally Informative Invariant Dimensions. 2384-2421 - Jonathan J. Hunt, Michael R. Ibbotson
, Geoffrey J. Goodhill
Sparse Coding on the Spot: Spontaneous Retinal Waves Suffice for Orientation Selectivity. 2422-2433 - Morten Mørup
, Mikkel N. Schmidt
Bayesian Community Detection. 2434-2456 - Jong-Hoon Ahn, In-Young Kim:
Learning the Dynamics of Objects by Optimal Functional Interpolation. 2457-2472 - Ramón Huerta, Shankar Vembu, José M. Amigó
, Thomas Nowotny
, Charles Elkan:
Inhibition in Multiclass Classification. 2473-2507 - Farbound Tai, Hsuan-Tien Lin
Multilabel Classification with Principal Label Space Transformation. 2508-2542
Volume 24, Number 10, October 2012
- Gordon Pipa, Zhe Chen
, Sergio Neuenschwander
, Bruss Lima
, Emery N. Brown:
Mapping of Visual Receptive Fields by Tomographic Reconstruction. 2543-2578
- Tyler P. Lee, Dean V. Buonomano:
Unsupervised Formation of Vocalization-Sensitive Neurons: A Cortical Model Based on Short-Term and Homeostatic Plasticity. 2579-2603 - Terry Elliott, Konstantinos Lagogiannis
The Rise and Fall of Memory in a Model of Synaptic Integration. 2604-2654 - Feraz Azhar, William S. Anderson
Predicting Single-Neuron Activity in Locally Connected Networks. 2655-2677 - Taro Toyoizumi
Nearly Extensive Sequential Memory Lifetime Achieved by Coupled Nonlinear Neurons. 2678-2699 - Takuma Tanaka, Toshio Aoyagi
, Takeshi Kaneko:
Replicating Receptive Fields of Simple and Complex Cells in Primary Visual Cortex in a Neuronal Network Model with Temporal and Population Sparseness and Reliability. 2700-2725 - Laurent U. Perrinet
, Guillaume S. Masson
Motion-Based Prediction Is Sufficient to Solve the Aperture Problem. 2726-2750 - Valero Laparra
, Sandra Jiménez, Gustavo Camps-Valls
, Jesús Malo
Nonlinearities and Adaptation of Color Vision from Sequential Principal Curves Analysis. 2751-2788 - Takashi Takenouchi, Osamu Komori, Shinto Eguchi
An Extension of the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve and AUC-Optimal Classification. 2789-2824
Volume 24, Number 11, November 2012
- Shereen Fouad
, Peter Tiño
Adaptive Metric Learning Vector Quantization for Ordinal Classification. 2825-2851
- Tao Hu, Alexander Genkin, Dmitri B. Chklovskii:
A Network of Spiking Neurons for Computing Sparse Representations in an Energy-Efficient Way. 2852-2872 - Leslie G. Valiant:
The Hippocampus as a Stable Memory Allocator for Cortex. 2873-2899 - Alberto Llera
, Vicenç Gómez
, Hilbert J. Kappen:
Adaptive Classification on Brain-Computer Interfaces Using Reinforcement Signals. 2900-2923 - Nathan F. Lepora
, Kevin N. Gurney:
The Basal Ganglia Optimize Decision Making over General Perceptual Hypotheses. 2924-2945 - N. Andrew Browning:
A Neural Circuit for Robust Time-to-Contact Estimation Based on Primate MST. 2946-2963 - Osamu Hoshino:
Regulation of Ambient GABA Levels by Neuron-Glia Signaling for Reliable Perception of Multisensory Events. 2964-2993 - Varun Raj Kompella, Matthew D. Luciw, Jürgen Schmidhuber:
Incremental Slow Feature Analysis: Adaptive Low-Complexity Slow Feature Updating from High-Dimensional Input Streams. 2994-3024 - Eduardo F. Mendes
, Wenxin Jiang:
On Convergence Rates of Mixtures of Polynomial Experts. 3025-3051 - Shahabeddin Vahdat, Mona Maneshi, Christophe Grova
, Jean Gotman, Theodore E. Milner
Shared and Specific Independent Components Analysis for Between-Group Comparison. 3052-3090 - Elisa Benedetti, Marco Budinich
Neural Relax. 3091-3110
Volume 24, Number 12, December 2012
- G. Bard Ermentrout, Leon Glass, Bart E. Oldeman:
The Shape of Phase-Resetting Curves in Oscillators with a Saddle Node on an Invariant Circle Bifurcation. 3111-3125
- Alan Schoen, Ali Salehiomran, Matthew E. Larkum, Erik P. Cook:
A Compartmental Model of Linear Resonance and Signal Transfer in Dendrites. 3126-3144 - Thibaud O. Taillefumier, Jonathan Touboul, Marcelo Magnasco:
Exact Event-Driven Implementation for Recurrent Networks of Stochastic Perfect Integrate-and-Fire Neurons. 3145-3180 - Ameera X. Patel
, Naomi Murphy
, Denis Burdakov
Tuning Low-Voltage-Activated A-Current for Silent Gain Modulation. 3181-3190 - Kukjin Kang, Shun-ichi Amari:
Self-Consistent Learning of the Environment. 3191-3212 - Yimin Nie, Masami Tatsuno
Information-Geometric Measures for Estimation of Connection Weight Under Correlated Inputs. 3213-3245 - Tobias Strauss, Welf Wustlich, Roger Labahn:
Design Strategies for Weight Matrices of Echo State Networks. 3246-3276 - Guy Ben-Yosef
, Ohad Ben-Shahar
Tangent Bundle Curve Completion with Locally Connected Parallel Networks. 3277-3316 - Adam S. Charles, Pierre Garrigues, Christopher J. Rozell
A Common Network Architecture Efficiently Implements a Variety of Sparsity-Based Inference Problems. 3317-3339 - Guoqiang Zhang, Richard Heusdens:
Linear Coordinate-Descent Message Passing for Quadratic Optimization. 3340-3370 - Guangcan Liu, Shuicheng Yan:
Active Subspace: Toward Scalable Low-Rank Learning. 3371-3394

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