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IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, Volume 2022
Volume 2022, 2022
- Akiko Inoue, Tetsu Iwata, Kazuhiko Minematsu:
Analyzing the Provable Security Bounds of GIFT-COFB and Photon-Beetle. 1 - (Withdrawn) Polynomial-Time Key Recovery Attack on the Lau-Tan Cryptosystem Based on Gabidulin Codes. 2
- Rutchathon Chairattana-Apirom, Anna Lysyanskaya:
Compact Cut-and-Choose: Boosting the Security of Blind Signature Schemes, Compactly. 3 - Fabrice Benhamouda, Tancrède Lepoint, Michele Orrù, Mariana Raykova:
Publicly verifiable anonymous tokens with private metadata bit. 4 - Josef Pieprzyk, Marcin Pawlowski, Pawel Morawiecki, Arash Mahboubi, Jarek Duda, Seyit Camtepe:
Pseudorandom Bit Generation with Asymmetric Numeral Systems. 5 - Vadim Lyubashevsky, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen, Maxime Plançon:
Efficient Lattice-Based Blind Signatures via Gaussian One-Time Signatures. 6 - Benedikt Wagner, Lucjan Hanzlik, Julian Loss:
PI-Cut-Choo! Parallel Instance Cut and Choose for Practical Blind Signatures. 7 - Jiahui Liu, Qipeng Liu, Luowen Qian:
Beating Classical Impossibility of Position Verification. 8 - Abhiram Kothapalli, Bryan Parno:
Algebraic Reductions of Knowledge. 9 - Christian Matt, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Søren Eller Thomsen:
Formalizing Delayed Adaptive Corruptions and the Security of Flooding Networks. 10 - Alfredo Rial, Ania M. Piotrowska:
Security Analysis of Coconut, an Attribute-Based Credential Scheme with Threshold Issuance. 11 - Ferucio Laurentiu Tiplea, Sorin Iftene, George Teseleanu, Anca-Maria Nica:
Security of Identity-based Encryption Schemes from Quadratic Residues. 12 - Runsong Wang, Xuelian Li, Juntao Gao, Hui Li, Baocang Wang:
Quantum Rotational Cryptanalysis for Preimage Recovery of Round-Reduced Keccak. 13 - Hyunji Kim, Sejin Lim, Yeajun Kang, Won-Woong Kim, Hwajeong Seo:
Transformer encoder-based Crypto-Ransomware Detection for Low-Power Embedded Processors. 14 - Jiaxin Pan, Benedikt Wagner:
Lattice-based Signatures with Tight Adaptive Corruptions and More. 15 - Roberto La Scala, Sergio Polese, Sharwan K. Tiwari, Andrea Visconti:
An algebraic attack to the Bluetooth stream cipher E0. 16 - Shingo Sato, Keita Emura, Atsushi Takayasu:
Keyed-Fully Homomorphic Encryption without Indistinguishability Obfuscation. 17 - Ahmet Ramazan Agirtas, Oguz Yayla:
Pairing-based Accountable Subgroup Multi-signatures with Verifiable Group Setup. 18 - Fukang Liu, Gaoli Wang, Willi Meier, Santanu Sarkar, Takanori Isobe:
Algebraic Meet-in-the-Middle Attack on LowMC. 19 - Sisi Duan, Haibin Zhang:
PACE: Fully Parallelizable BFT from Reproposable Byzantine Agreement. 20 - Sisi Duan, Haibin Zhang, Boxin Zhao:
WaterBear: Information-Theoretic Asynchronous BFT Made Practical. 21 - Xiuju Huang, Jiashuo Song, Zichen Li:
Dynamic Group Signature Scheme on Lattice with Verifier-local Revocation. 22 - Nicolai Müller, David Knichel, Pascal Sasdrich, Amir Moradi:
Transitional Leakage in Theory and Practice - Unveiling Security Flaws in Masked Circuits. 23 - Jean-Philippe Bossuat, Juan Ramón Troncoso-Pastoriza, Jean-Pierre Hubaux:
Bootstrapping for Approximate Homomorphic Encryption with Negligible Failure-Probability by Using Sparse-Secret Encapsulation. 24 - Mostafizar Rahman, Dhiman Saha, Goutam Paul:
Boomeyong: Embedding Yoyo within Boomerang and its Applications to Key Recovery Attacks on AES and Pholkos. 25 - Andrada-Teodora Ciulei, Marian-Codrin Cretu, Emil Simion:
Preparation for Post-Quantum era: a survey about blockchain schemes from a post-quantum perspective. 26 - Bingyong Guo, Yuan Lu, Zhenliang Lu, Qiang Tang, Jing Xu, Zhenfeng Zhang:
Speeding Dumbo: Pushing Asynchronous BFT Closer to Practice. 27 - Elette Boyle, Itai Dinur, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai, Nathan Keller, Ohad Klein:
Locality-Preserving Hashing for Shifts with Connections to Cryptography. 28 - Amit Choudhari, Sylvain Guilley, Khaled Karray:
CRYScanner: Finding cryptographic libraries misuse. 29 - Jinyu Lu, Guoqiang Liu, Yunwen Liu, Bing Sun, Chao Li, Li Liu:
Improved Neural Distinguishers with (Related-key) Differentials: Applications in SIMON and SIMECK. 30 - Pierre-Alain Fouque, Paul Kirchner, Thomas Pornin, Yang Yu:
BAT: Small and Fast KEM over NTRU Lattices. 31 - Denis Firsov, Sven Laur, Ekaterina Zhuchko:
Formal Analysis of Non-Malleability for Commitments in EasyCrypt. 32 - Jonathan Godin, Philippe Lamontagne:
Deletion-Compliance in the Absence of Privacy. 33 - Varun Madathil, Chris Orsini, Alessandra Scafuro, Daniele Venturi:
From Privacy-Only to Simulatable OT: Black-Box, Round-Optimal, Information-theoretic. 34 - Vipul Goyal, Justin Raizes, Pratik Soni:
Time-Traveling Simulators Using Blockchains and Their Applications. 35 - Melissa Azouaoui, Olivier Bronchain, Clément Hoffmann, Yulia Kuzovkova, Tobias Schneider, François-Xavier Standaert:
Systematic Study of Decryption and Re-Encryption Leakage: the Case of Kyber. 36 - Dmitrii I. Koshelev:
Subgroup membership testing on elliptic curves via the Tate pairing. 37 - Antonio de la Piedra, Marloes Venema, Greg Alpár:
ABE Squared: Accurately Benchmarking Efficiency of Attribute-Based Encryption. 38 - Ambili K. N, Jimmy Jose:
Outsourced CP-ABE with Whitebox Accountability in IoT Systems. 39 - Ambili K. N, Jimmy Jose:
Ensuring Accountability and Outsourced Decryption in IoT Systems using Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption. 40 - Ambili K. N, Jimmy Jose:
Reinforcing Lightweight Authenticated Encryption Schemes against Statistical Ineffective Fault Attack. 41 - Ambili K. N, Jimmy Jose:
Inapplicability of Differential Fault Attacks against Cellular Automata based Lightweight Authenticated Cipher. 42 - Konstantinos Chalkias, Panagiotis Chatzigiannis, Yan Ji:
Broken Proofs of Solvency in Blockchain Custodial Wallets and Exchanges. 43 - Atakan Arslan, Muhammed Ali Bingöl:
Security and Privacy Analysis of Recently Proposed ECC-Based RFID Authentication Schemes. 44 - Dahmun Goudarzi, Thomas Prest, Matthieu Rivain, Damien Vergnaud:
Probing Security through Input-Output Separation and Revisited Quasilinear Masking. 45 - Keita Emura, Kaisei Kajita, Ryo Nojima, Kazuto Ogawa, Go Ohtake:
Membership Privacy for Asynchronous Group Messaging. 46 - Stefano Tessaro, Chenzhi Zhu:
Short Pairing-Free Blind Signatures with Exponential Security. 47 - Nadia Heninger:
RSA, DH, and DSA in the Wild. 48 - Maria Eichlseder, Ahmet Can Mert, Christian Rechberger, Markus Schofnegger:
Small MACs from Small Permutations. 49 - Asep Muhamad Awaludin, Harashta Tatimma Larasati, Howon Kim:
High-Speed and Unified ECC Processor for Generic Weierstrass Curves over GF(p) on FPGA. 50 - Weikeng Chen, Thang Hoang, Jorge Guajardo, Attila A. Yavuz:
Titanium: A Metadata-Hiding File-Sharing System with Malicious Security. 51 - Sourav Das, Zhuolun Xiang, Ling Ren:
Balanced Quadratic Reliable Broadcast and Improved Asynchronous Verifiable Information Dispersal. 52 - Aron Gohr:
Brute Force Cryptanalysis. 53 - Luca De Feo, Nadia El Mrabet, Aymeric Genêt, Novak Kaluderovic, Natacha Linard de Guertechin, Simon Pontié, Élise Tasso:
SIKE Channels. 54 - Xiaokang Dai, Wenyuan Wu, Yong Feng:
Key lifting : a more efficient weak MKFHE scheme in the plain model against rational adversary. 55 - Itay Tsabary, Alex Manuskin, Ittay Eyal:
LedgerHedger: Gas Reservation for Smart-Contract Security. 56 - Morgane Guerreau, Ange Martinelli, Thomas Ricosset, Mélissa Rossi:
The Hidden Parallelepiped Is Back Again: Power Analysis Attacks on Falcon. 57 - Daniel Heinz, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Georg Land, Thomas Pöppelmann, Peter Schwabe, Amber Sprenkels:
First-Order Masked Kyber on ARM Cortex-M4. 58 - Kaiyi Zhang, Hongrui Cui, Yu Yu:
SPHINCS-α: A Compact Stateless Hash-Based Signature Scheme. 59 - Paul Frixons, María Naya-Plasencia, André Schrottenloher:
Quantum Boomerang Attacks and Some Applications. 60 - Nicu Neculache, Vlad-Andrei Petcu, Emil Simion:
A remark on the NIST 800-22 Binary Matrix Rank Test. 61 - Daniel Escudero:
An Introduction to Secret-Sharing-Based Secure Multiparty Computation. 62 - Kang Yang, Xiao Wang:
Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs to Multiple Verifiers. 63 - Françoise Levy-dit-Vehel, Maxime Roméas:
A Framework for the Design of Secure and Efficient Proofs of Retrievability. 64 - Nimrod Aviram, Benjamin Dowling, Ilan Komargodski, Kenneth G. Paterson, Eyal Ronen, Eylon Yogev:
Practical (Post-Quantum) Key Combiners from One-Wayness and Applications to TLS. 65 - Anghel Florin, Asandoaiei David, Tabacaru Robert:
A remark on the Discrete Fourier Transform statistical test. 66 - Jakub Klemsa, Melek Önen:
Parallel Operations over TFHE-Encrypted Multi-Digit Integers. 67 - Yevgeniy Dodis, Harish Karthikeyan, Daniel Wichs:
Updatable Public Key Encryption in the Standard Model. 68 - Yevgeniy Dodis, Harish Karthikeyan, Daniel Wichs:
Small-Box Cryptography. 69 - Marshall Ball, Dana Dachman-Soled, Julian Loss:
(Nondeterministic) Hardness vs. Non-Malleability. 70 - Erik Aronesty, David Cash, Yevgeniy Dodis, Daniel H. Gallancy, Christopher Higley, Harish Karthikeyan, Oren Tysor:
Encapsulated Search Index: Public-Key, Sub-linear, Distributed, and Delegatable. 71 - Keita Emura:
Generic Construction of Public-key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search Revisited: Stronger Security and Efficient Construction. 72 - Seiya Nuta, Jacob C. N. Schuldt, Takashi Nishide:
Forward-Secure Public Key Encryption without Key Update from Proof-of-Stake Blockchain. 73 - Charlotte Bonte, Ilia Iliashenko, Jeongeun Park, Hilder V. L. Pereira, Nigel P. Smart:
FINAL: Faster FHE instantiated with NTRU and LWE. 74 - Easwar Vivek Mangipudi, Udit Desai, Mohsen Minaei, Mainack Mondal, Aniket Kate:
Uncovering Impact of Mental Models towards Adoption of Multi-device Crypto-Wallets. 75 - Ertem Nusret Tas, David Tse, Fisher Yu, Sreeram Kannan:
Babylon: Reusing Bitcoin Mining to Enhance Proof-of-Stake Security. 76 - Onur Günlü, Matthieu R. Bloch, Rafael F. Schaefer:
Multiple Noisy Private Remote Source Observations for Secure Function Computation. 77 - Onur Günlü, Matthieu R. Bloch, Rafael F. Schaefer:
Secure Lossy Function Computation with Multiple Private Remote Source Observations. 78 - Thijs Veugen:
Lightweight Secure Integer Comparison. 79 - Yu Long Chen, Stefano Tessaro:
Better Security-Efficiency Trade-Offs in Permutation-Based Two-Party Computation. 80 - Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Alexandra Henzinger, Dmitry Kogan:
Single-Server Private Information Retrieval with Sublinear Amortized Time. 81 - Carsten Baum, Robin Jadoul, Emmanuela Orsini, Peter Scholl, Nigel P. Smart:
Feta: Efficient Threshold Designated-Verifier Zero-Knowledge Proofs. 82 - Mathieu Baudet, Alberto Sonnino, Mahimna Kelkar, George Danezis:
Zef: Low-latency, Scalable, Private Payments. 83 - Lucjan Hanzlik, Julian Loss, Benedikt Wagner:
Token meets Wallet: Formalizing Privacy and Revocation for FIDO2. 84 - Axin Wu, Jian Weng, Weiqi Luo, Anjia Yang, Jia-Nan Liu, Zike Jiang:
Cross-Domain Identity-based Matchmaking Encryption. 85 - Luke Pearson, Joshua Brian Fitzgerald, Héctor Masip, Marta Bellés-Muñoz, Jose Luis Muñoz-Tapia:
PlonKup: Reconciling PlonK with plookup. 86 - The DFINITY Team:
The Internet Computer for Geeks. 87 - Stefania Andries, Andrei-Daniel Miron, Andrei Cristian, Emil Simion:
A survey on the security protocols employed by mobile messaging applications. 88 - Kamil Kluczniak:
NTRU-ν-um: Secure Fully Homomorphic Encryption from NTRU with Small Modulus. 89 - Francesca Falzon, Evangelia Anna Markatou, Zachary Espiritu, Roberto Tamassia:
Attacks on Encrypted Range Search Schemes in Multiple Dimensions. 90 - Thomas Häner, Mathias Soeken:
The multiplicative complexity of interval checking. 91 - N. Nalla Anandakumar, M. Sazadur Rahman, Mridha Md Mashahedur Rahman, Rasheed Kibria, Upoma Das, Farimah Farahmandi, Fahim Rahman, Mark M. Tehranipoor:
Rethinking Watermark: Providing Proof of IP Ownership in Modern SoCs. 92 - Andrej Bogdanov, Miguel Cueto Noval, Charlotte Hoffmann, Alon Rosen:
Public-Key Encryption from Continuous LWE. 93 - Nir Drucker, Tomer Pelleg:
Timing leakage analysis of non-constant-time NTT implementations with Harvey butterflies. 94 - Huy Quoc Le, Dung Hoang Duong, Willy Susilo, Josef Pieprzyk:
Spatial Encryption Revisited: From Delegatable Multiple Inner Product Encryption and More. 95 - Karim Eldefrawy, Nicholas Genise, Rutuja Kshirsagar, Moti Yung:
On Regenerating Codes and Proactive Secret Sharing: Relationships and Implications. 96 - Dingfeng Ye, Jun Xu, Guifang Huang, Lei Hu:
Lattice Signature can be as Simple as Lattice Encryption. 97 - Sarah Arpin, Mingjie Chen, Kristin E. Lauter, Renate Scheidler, Katherine E. Stange, Ha T. N. Tran:
Orienteering with one endomorphism. 98 - Pedro Geraldo M. R. Alves, Jheyne N. Ortiz, Diego F. Aranha:
Performance of Hierarchical Transforms in Homomorphic Encryption: A case study on Logistic Regression inference. 99 - Funda Özdemir, Çetin Kaya Koç:
Development of Cryptography since Shannon. 100 - Mingxing Hu, Zhen Liu:
Lattice-Based Linkable Ring Signature in the Standard Model. 101 - Nitin Agrawal, James Bell, Adrià Gascón, Matt J. Kusner:
MPC-Friendly Commitments for Publicly Verifiable Covert Security. 102 - (Withdrawn) E-Tenon: An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Secure Open Data Sharing Scheme for EHR System. 103
- Matthias Fitzi, Xuechao Wang, Sreeram Kannan, Aggelos Kiayias, Nikos Leonardos, Pramod Viswanath, Gerui Wang:
Minotaur: Multi-Resource Blockchain Consensus. 104 - Varun Madathil, Alessandra Scafuro, Kemafor Anyanwu, Sen Qiao, Akash Pateria, Binil Starly:
Preserving Buyer-Privacy in Decentralized Supply Chain Marketplaces. 105 - Soundes Marzougui, Vincent Ulitzsch, Mehdi Tibouchi, Jean-Pierre Seifert:
Profiling Side-Channel Attacks on Dilithium: A Small Bit-Fiddling Leak Breaks It All. 106 - Aydin Abadi, Steven J. Murdoch:
Payment with Dispute Resolution: A Protocol For Reimbursing Frauds' Victims. 107 - Rohon Kundu, Alessandro De Piccoli, Andrea Visconti:
Public Key Compression and Fast Polynomial Multiplication for NTRU using the Corrected Hybridized NTT-Karatsuba Method. 108 - Ananya Appan, Anirudh Chandramouli, Ashish Choudhury:
Perfectly-Secure Synchronous MPC with Asynchronous Fallback Guarantees. 109 - Jan-Pieter D'Anvers, Michiel Van Beirendonck, Ingrid Verbauwhede:
Revisiting Higher-Order Masked Comparison for Lattice-Based Cryptography: Algorithms and Bit-sliced Implementations. 110 - Christina Boura, Rachelle Heim Boissier, Yann Rotella:
Breaking Panther. 111 - Amin Abdulrahman, Vincent Hwang, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Amber Sprenkels:
Faster Kyber and Dilithium on the Cortex-M4. 112 - Theodore Bugnet, Alexei Zamyatin:
XCC: Theft-Resilient and Collateral-Optimized Cryptocurrency-Backed Assets. 113 - Ziaur Rahman, Xun Yi, Ibrahim Khalil:
Blockchain based AI-enabled Industry 4.0 CPS Protection against Advanced Persistent Threat. 114 - Zilin Liu, Anjia Yang, Jian Weng, Tao Li, Huang Zeng, Xiaojian Liang:
GMHL: Generalized Multi-Hop Locks for Privacy-Preserving Payment Channel Networks. 115 - Kosei Sakamoto, Fukang Liu, Yuto Nakano, Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Takanori Isobe:
Rocca: An Efficient AES-based Encryption Scheme for Beyond 5G (Full version). 116 - Zhimei Sui, Joseph K. Liu, Jiangshan Yu, Man Ho Au, Jia Liu:
AuxChannel: Enabling Efficient Bi-Directional Channel for Scriptless Blockchains. 117 - Vitaly Kiryukhin:
Streebog compression function as PRF in secret-key settings. 118 - Ambati Sathvik, Tirunagari Rahul, Anubhab Baksi, Vikramkumar Pudi:
Hardware Implementation of SpoC-128. 119 - Florette Martinez:
Practical Seed Recovery of Fast Cryptographic Pseudo Random Number Generators. 120 - Pierre Civit, Seth Gilbert, Vincent Gramoli, Rachid Guerraoui, Jovan Komatovic, Zarko Milosevic, Adi Seredinschi:
Crime and Punishment in Distributed Byzantine Decision Tasks. 121 - Alexandru Gheorghiu, Tony Metger, Alexander Poremba:
Quantum cryptography with classical communication: parallel remote state preparation for copy-protection, verification, and more. 122 - Subhra Mazumdar, Sushmita Ruj:
CryptoMaze: Privacy-Preserving Splitting of Off-Chain Payments. 123 - Dor Salomon, Itamar Levi:
On the Performance Gap of a Generic C Optimized Assembler and Wide Vector Extensions for Masked Software with an Ascon-{\it{p}} test case. 124 - Brice Colombier, Vlad-Florin Dragoi, Pierre-Louis Cayrel, Vincent Grosso:
Message-recovery Profiled Side-channel Attack on the Classic McEliece Cryptosystem. 125 - Andrei-Alexandru Brebu, Mihai Iacov, Emil Simion:
Storage Security in Cloud Computing: Data Auditing Protocols. 126 - Gyu-Chol Kim, Jae-Yong Sin, Yong-Bok Jong:
CCA secure ElGamal encryption over an integer group where ICDH assumption holds. 127 - Pierre Karpman, Charlotte Lefevre:
Time-Memory tradeoffs for large-weight syndrome decoding in ternary codes. 128 - Michael Gruber, Georg Sigl:
TOFU - Toggle Count Analysis made simple. 129 - Gideon Samid:
A LeVeL Paying Field: Cryptographic Solutions towards Social Accountability and Financial Inclusion. 130 - Yue Qin, Ruoyu Ding, Chi Cheng, Nina Bindel, Yanbin Pan, Jintai Ding:
Light the Signal: Optimization of Signal Leakage Attacks against LWE-Based Key Exchange. 131