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WSC 2007: Washington, DC, USA
- Shane G. Henderson, Bahar Biller, Ming-Hua Hsieh, John Shortle, Jeffrey D. Tew, Russell R. Barton:
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, WSC 2007, Washington, DC, USA, December 9-12, 2007. WSC 2007, ISBN 1-4244-1306-0
Opening session: opening session
- Susan Smyth:
Keynote address. 1
Landmark papers: landmark papers 1
- David Goldsman, James O. Henriksen, Pierre L'Ecuyer
, Barry L. Nelson, David H. Withers, Nilay Tanik Argon:
Fortieth anniversary special panel: Landmark papers. 2-13
Landmark papers: landmark papers 2
- David Goldsman, James O. Henriksen, Pierre L'Ecuyer
, Barry L. Nelson, David H. Withers, Nilay Tanik Argon:
Fortieth anniversary special panel: Landmark papers. 14-25
Introductory tutorials: introduction to simulation
- David Goldsman:
Introduction to simulation. 26-37
Introductory tutorials: generating uncertainty effectively
- W. David Kelton:
Representing and generating uncertainty effectively. 38-42
Introductory tutorials: optimization via approximate dynamic programming
- Warren B. Powell:
The optimizing-simulator: merging simulation and optimization using approximate dynamic programming. 43-53
Introductory tutorials: fundamentals of simulation modeling
- Paul J. Sánchez:
Fundamentals of simulation modeling. 54-62
Introductory tutorials: modeling and generating input processes
- Michael E. Kuhl, Emily K. Lada, Natalie M. Steiger, Mary Ann Flanigan Wagner, James R. Wilson:
Introduction to modeling and generating probabilistic input processes for simulation. 63-76
Introductory tutorials: statistical analysis of output data
- Averill M. Law:
Statistical analysis of simulation output data: the practical state of the art. 77-83
Introductory tutorials: designing simulation experiments
- Susan M. Sanchez:
Work smarter, not harder: guidelines for designing simulation experiments. 84-94
Introductory tutorials: agent-based simulation
- Charles M. Macal, Michael J. North:
Agent-based modeling and simulation: desktop ABMS. 95-106
Introductory tutorials: successful practice
- Deborah A. Sadowski:
Tips for successful practice of simulation. 107-112
Advanced tutorials: inside discrete-event simulation software
- Thomas J. Schriber, Daniel T. Brunner:
Inside discrete-event simulation software: how IT works and why IT matters. 113-123
Advanced tutorials: verification and validation
- Robert G. Sargent:
Verification and validation of simulation models. 124-137
Advanced tutorials: multi-agent simulation
- Thomas W. Lucas, Susan M. Sanchez, Felix Martinez, Lisa R. Sickinger, Jonathan W. Roginski
Defense and homeland security applications of multi-agent simulations. 138-149
Advanced tutorials: statistical analysis: state of the art
- Christos Alexopoulos:
Statistical analysis of simulation output: state of the art. 150-161
Advanced tutorials: ranking and selection
- Seong-Hee Kim
, Barry L. Nelson:
Recent advances in ranking and selection. 162-172
Advanced tutorials: real options valuation
- Barry R. Cobb, John M. Charnes:
Real options valuation. 173-182
Advanced tutorials: regression models and experiment designs
- Jack P. C. Kleijnen:
Regression models and experimental designs: a tutorial for simulation analysts. 183-194
Advanced tutorials: tackling the right problem: hard and soft methods
- Michael Pidd:
Making sure you tackle the right problem: linking hard and soft methods in simulation practice. 195-204
Vendor track A - papers: Vanguard Software Corp. and SAIC
- Robert Suggs, Brian Lewis:
Enterprise simulation: a practical application in business planning. 205-209
Vendor track A - papers: applied materials and PMC corporation
- Todd LeBaron, Craig Jacobsen:
The simulation power of automod. 210-218 - Marcelo Zottolo, Edward J. Williams
, Onur M. Ülgen:
Simulation implements demand-driven workforce scheduler for service industry. 219-225
Vendor track A - papers: Imagine That, Inc.
- David Krahl:
ExtendSim 7. 226-232
Simulation 101: simulation 101
- Barry Lawson, Lawrence Leemis:
Simulation 101 software: workshop and beyond. 233-236
Ph.D. plenary: PhD colloquium plenary
- Ray J. Paul:
A researcher's discipline. 237-240
Clinics: aggregating subsystem models
- Jeffrey Scott Miller, Randy Combs, Earnest Foster, Jeffrey D. Tew, Deborah J. Medeiros, Onur M. Ülgen:
Clinic: aggregating subsystem models into an automotive total plant throughput model. 241-249
Clinics: correlated inputs
- Debra A. Elkins, A. Christine LaFleur, Earnest Foster, Jeffrey D. Tew, Bahar Biller, James R. Wilson:
Clinic: correlated inputs in an automotive paint shop fire risk simulation. 250-259
Cross-fertilization 1: cross-fertilization I
- Barry G. Silverman:
Human terrain data: what should we do with it? 260-265
Cross-fertilization 2: cross-fertilization II
- Malvin H. Kalos:
Monte Carlo methods in the physical sciences. 266-271
Cross-fertilization 3: cross-fertilization III
- Glenn Shafer:
Game-theoretic probability and defensive forecasting. 272-280
Analysis methodology A: ranking and selection procedures
- Jun Xu, Feng Yang, Hong Wan:
Controlled sequential bifurcation for software reliability study. 281-288 - Stephen E. Chick, Jürgen Branke
, Christian Schmidt:
New greedy myopic and existing asymptotic sequential selection procedures: preliminary empirical results. 289-296 - Enver Yücesan:
A tournament framework for the ranking and selection problem. 297-302
Analysis methodology A: output analysis
- James M. Calvin
Low bias integrated path estimators. 303-307 - Christos Alexopoulos, Sigrún Andradóttir, Nilay Tanik Argon, David Goldsman:
Replicated batch means for steady-state simulations with initial transients. 308-312 - Samuel Ehrlichman, Shane G. Henderson:
Finite-sample performance guarantees for one-dimensional stochastic root finding. 313-321
Analysis methodology A: experimental designs for simulation
- Feng Yang, Jingang Liu, Mustafa Hayri Tongarlak
, Bruce E. Ankenman, Barry L. Nelson:
Metamodeling for cycle time-throughput-product mix surfaces using progressive model fitting. 322-330 - Ning Zheng, Theodore T. Allen
Subset selection and optimization for selecting binomial systems applied to supersaturated design generation. 331-339 - Russell C. H. Cheng:
Determining efficient simulation run lengths for real time decision making. 340-345
Analysis methodology A: simulation optimization
- Kuo-Hao Chang
, L. Jeff Hong
, Hong Wan:
Stochastic trust region gradient-free method (strong): a new response-surface-based algorithm in simulation optimization. 346-354 - William E. Biles, Jack P. C. Kleijnen, Wim C. M. Van Beers, Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse
Kriging metamodeling in constrained simulation optimization: an explorative study. 355-362 - Alireza Kabirian, Sigurdur Ólafsson:
Allocation of simulation runs for simulation optimization. 363-371
Analysis methodology A: advances in rare-event simulation methodology
- Jose H. Blanchet, Bert Zwart:
Importance sampling of compounding processes. 372-379 - Jose H. Blanchet, Jingchen Liu:
Path-sampling for state-dependent importance sampling. 380-388 - Xiaowei Zhang
, Jose H. Blanchet, Peter W. Glynn:
Efficient suboptimal rare-event simulation. 389-394
Analysis methodology A: rare-event simulation
- Jose H. Blanchet, Jingchen Liu:
Rare-event simulation for a multidimensional random walk with t distributed increments. 395-402 - Pieter-Tjerk de Boer, Pierre L'Ecuyer
, Gerardo Rubino, Bruno Tuffin:
Estimating the probability of a rare event over a finite time horizon. 403-411 - Poul E. Heegaard
, Werner Sandmann:
Ant-based approach for determining the change of measure in importance sampling. 412-420
Analysis methodology A: combining simulation and optimization
- Güzin Bayraksan
, David P. Morton
Sequential sampling for solving stochastic programs. 421-429 - Sujin Kim, Shane G. Henderson:
Non-linear control variates for regenerative steady-state simulation. 430-438 - Mark Broadie, Minsup Han, Assaf Zeevi:
Implications of heavy tails on simulation-based ordinal optimization. 439-447
Analysis methodology A: advances in simulation output analysis
- Tûba Aktaran-Kalayci, David Goldsman, James R. Wilson:
Confidence interval estimation using linear combinations of overlapping variance estimators. 448-454 - Claudia Antonini, Christos Alexopoulos, David Goldsman, James R. Wilson:
Folded standardized time series area variance estimators for simulation. 455-462 - Emily K. Lada, James R. Wilson:
SBatch: a spaced batch means procedure for simulation analysis. 463-471
Analysis methodology A: input modeling
- Kaeyoung Shin, Raghu Pasupathy:
A method for fast generation of bivariate Poisson random vectors. 472-479 - Lanting Lu, Christine S. M. Currie
, Russell C. H. Cheng, John Ladbrook:
Classification analysis for simulation of machine breakdowns. 480-487 - Johann Christoph Strelen, Feras Nassaj:
Analysis and generation of random vectors with copulas. 488-496
Analysis methodology B: recent advances in optimization and analysis
- Geng Deng, Michael C. Ferris
Extension of the direct optimization algorithm for noisy functions. 497-504 - Kathryn Hoad, Stewart Robinson
, Ruth Davies:
Automating DES output analysis: how many replications to run. 505-512 - Loo Hay Lee
, Ek Peng Chew, Suyan Teng:
Finding the pareto set for multi-objective simulation models by minimization of expected opportunity cost. 513-521
Analysis methodology B: recent advances in ranking and selection
- Christopher M. Healey
, David Goldsman, Seong-Hee Kim
Ranking and selection techniques with overlapping variance estimators. 522-529 - Marvin K. Nakayama:
Single-stage multiple-comparison procedure for quantiles and other parameters. 530-534 - E. Jack Chen:
Indifference-zone subset selection procedures: using sample means to improve efficiency. 535-543
Analysis methodology B: recent advances in simulation analysis
- Roy R. Creasey Jr., K. Preston White Jr.:
A Bayesian approach to analysis of limit standards. 544-552 - He Zhang, Wai Kin Chan:
Mathematical programming-based perturbation analysis for GI/G/1 queues. 553-559 - Jamie R. Wieland, Bruce W. Schmeiser:
Derivative estimation with known control-variate variances. 560-567
Modeling methodology A: distributed simulation I
- Malcolm Y. H. Low
, Stephen John Turner
, Ding Ling, Hai L. Peng, Lai Peng Chan, Peter Lendermann, Stephen J. Buckley:
Symbiotic simulation for business process re-engineering in high-tech manufacturing and service networks. 568-576 - Jun Wang, Carl Tropper:
Optimizing time warp simulation with reinforcement learning techniques. 577-584 - Buquan Liu, Yiping Yao, Huaimin Wang:
An efficient algorithm in the HLA time management. 585-593
Modeling methodology A: distributed simulation II
- Simon J. E. Taylor
, Navonil Mustafee
, Steffen Straßburger
, Stephen John Turner, Malcolm Y. H. Low
, John Ladbrook:
The SISO CSPI PDG standard for commercial off-the-shelf simulation package interoperability reference models. 594-602 - Steffen Straßburger
, Thomas Schulze, Marco Lemessi:
Applying CSPI reference models for factory planning. 603-609 - Heath A. James, Kenneth A. Hawick
, Chris Scogings:
User-friendly scheduling tools for large-scale simulation experiments. 610-616
Modeling methodology A: petri nets I
- Gabriel Juhás
, Fedor Lehocki
, Robert Lorenz:
Semantics of petri nets: a comparison. 617-628 - Jörg R. Müller, Eckehard Schnieder:
Duality in high level petri-nets: a basis to do diagnoses. 629-636 - Robert Lorenz, Sebastian Mauser, Gabriel Juhás
How to synthesize nets from languages: a survey. 637-647
Modeling methodology A: petri nets II - related methods and techniques
- Ralph Mueller, Christos Alexopoulos, Leon F. McGinnis:
Automatic generation of simulation models for semiconductor manufacturing. 648-657 - Mark Fleischer:
Transformations for accelerating MCMC simulations with broken ergodicity. 658-666 - Ricki G. Ingalls, Douglas J. Morrice:
Alternative thread scoring methods in qualitative event graphs. 667-675
Modeling methodology A: networks and composition
- David W. Bauer, Ernest H. Page:
Optimistic parallel discrete event simulation of the event-based transmission line matrix method. 676-684 - Weilong Hu, Hessam S. Sarjoughian:
A co-design modeling approach for computer network systems. 685-693 - Arnold H. Buss, Curtis L. Blais:
Composability and component-based discrete event simulation. 694-702
Modeling methodology A: visualization I
- Thomas Nocke, Michael Flechsig, Uwe Böhm:
Visual exploration and evaluation of climate-related simulation data. 703-711 - Helmut Doleisch:
SIMVIS: interactive visual analysis of large and time-dependent 3D simulation data. 712-720 - Wolfgang Aigner, Alessio Bertone, Silvia Miksch, Christian Tominski
, Heidrun Schumann:
Towards a conceptual framework for visual analytics of time and time-oriented data. 721-729
Modeling methodology A: visualization II
- Ivo Kondapaneni
, Pavel Kordík, Pavel Slavík:
Visualization techniques utilizing the sensitivity analysis of models. 730-737 - Zdenek Míkovec
, Ivo Malý, Pavel Slavík, Jan Curín:
Visualization of users' activities in a specific environment. 738-746 - Peter Kemper:
A trace-based visual inspection technique to detect errors in simulation models. 747-755
Modeling methodology A: insights and design strategies in conceptual modeling
- Kara A. Olson, C. Michael Overstreet, E. Joseph Derrick:
Code analysis and CS-XML. 756-761 - Wang Wang, Roger J. Brooks:
Empirical investigations of conceptual modeling and the modeling process. 762-770 - Michael Pidd, Stewart Robinson
Organising insights into simulation practice. 771-775
Modeling methodology A: modeling and manufacturing
- Durk-Jouke van der Zee, Jack G. A. J. van der Vorst:
Guiding principles for conceptual model creation in manufacturing simulation. 776-784 - Edwin Valentin, Alexander Verbraeck
Domain specific model constructs in commercial simulation environments. 785-795 - Edward Huang
, Randeep Ramamurthy, Leon F. McGinnis:
System and simulation modeling using SysML. 796-803
Modeling methodology B: composition between concepts and implementations
- Paul Gustavson, Tram Chase:
Building composable bridges between the conceptual space and the implementation space. 804-814 - Mathias Röhl, Stefan Morgenstern:
Composing simulation models using interface definitions based on web service descriptions. 815-822 - Levent Yilmaz
, Alvin S. Lim, Simon Bowen, Tuncer I. Ören:
Requirements and design principles for multisimulation with multiresolution, multistage multimodels. 823-832
Modeling methodology B: composing and reusing models
- Mathias Röhl, Florian Marquardt, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher:
Exploiting web service techniques for composing simulation models. 833-841 - Andreas Tolk
, Charles D. Turnitsa, Saikou Y. Diallo:
Model-based alignment and orchestration of heterogeneous homeland security applications enabling composition of system of systems. 842-850 - Yonglin Lei, Lili Song, Weiping Wang, Caiyun Jiang:
A metamodel-based representation method for reusable simulation model. 851-858
Modeling methodology B: multi-resolution and composition
- Paul K. Davis, Andreas Tolk
Observations on new developments in composability and multi-resolution modeling. 859-870 - Adelinde M. Uhrmacher, Roland Ewald, Mathias John, Carsten Maus, Matthias Jeschke, Susanne Biermann:
Combining micro and macro-modeling in DEVS for computational biology. 871-880 - Michael Lees
, Brian S. Logan, John King
Multiscale models of bacterial populations. 881-890
Modeling methodology B: optimization/experiments
- Joseph C. Carnahan, Steven A. Policastro
, Erin C. Carson
, Paul F. Reynolds Jr., Robert G. Kelly:
Using flexible points in a developing simulation of selective dissolution in alloys. 891-899 - Lingjia Tang, Paul F. Reynolds Jr.:
Agile optimization for coercion. 900-909 - Isabel R. Santos, Pedro R. Santos:
Simulation metamodels for modeling output distribution parameters. 910-918
Risk analysis: tutorial: Monte Carlo simulation in financial engineering
- Nan Chen, L. Jeff Hong
Monte Carlo simulation in financial engineering. 919-931
Risk analysis: risk management and sensitivity analysis
- Paul Glasserman, Zongjian Liu:
Sensitivity estimates from characteristic functions. 932-940 - Guangwu Liu
, L. Jeff Hong:
Kernel estimation for quantile sensitivities. 941-948 - Hai Lan, Barry L. Nelson, Jeremy Staum:
A confidence interval for tail conditional expectation via two-level simulation. 949-957
Risk analysis: credit risk
- Jörn Dunkel
, Stefan Weber
Efficient Monte Carlo methods for convex risk measures in portfolio credit risk models. 958-966 - Kay Giesecke, Baeho Kim:
Estimating tranche spreads by loss process simulation. 967-975 - Zhiyong Chen, Paul Glasserman:
Approximations and control variates for pricing portfolio credit derivatives. 976-983
Risk analysis: derivative security pricing
- Gang Zhao, Tarik Borogovac, Pirooz Vakili:
Efficient estimation of option price and price sensitivities via structured database Monte Carlo (SDMC). 984-991 - Arunachalam Chockalingam, Kumar Muthuraman:
American option pricing under stochastic volatility: a simulation-based approach. 992-997 - Ming-Hua Hsieh, Yu-fen Chiu:
Monte Carlo methods for valuation of ratchet Equity Indexed Annuities. 998-1003
Risk analysis: portfolio optimization
- Scott T. Nestler:
Non-Gaussian asset allocation in the federal thrift savings plan. 1004-1012 - Martin B. Haugh, Ashish Jain:
Path-wise estimators and cross-path regressions: an application to evaluating portfolio strategies. 1013-1020 - Jingjing Lu, Merrill W. Liechty:
An empirical comparison between nonlinear programming optimization and simulated annealing (SA) algorithm under a higher moments Bayesian portfolio selection framework. 1021-1027
Simulation interoperability/manufacturing: manufacturing simulation interoperability
- Michael Johnstone
, Douglas C. Creighton, Saeid Nahavandi:
Enabling industrial scale simulation/emulation models. 1028-1034 - Deogratias Kibira, Charles R. McLean:
Generic simulation of automotive assembly for interoperability testing. 1035-1043 - Sanjay Jain, Frank Riddick, Andreas Craens, Deogratias Kibira:
Distributed simulation for interoperability testing along the supply chain. 1044-1052
Simulation interoperability: panel: distributed simulation in industry
- Peter Lendermann, Matthias U. Heinicke, Leon F. McGinnis, Charles R. McLean, Steffen Straßburger
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Distributed simulation in industry - a real-world necessity or ivory tower fancy?: panel. 1053-1062
Simulation interoperability: ontology-based interoperability I
- Hyunsoo Lee
, Bikram Sharda, Amarnath Banerjee
Representation and simulation of stochastic petrinet models using xPNML. 1063-1071 - Mike Graul, Perakath C. Benjamin, Arthur Keen, Frank Boydstun:
Simulation-based, ontology driven resource plan development. 1072-1080 - Perakath C. Benjamin, Kumar V. Akella, Ajay Verma:
Using ontologies for simulation integration. 1081-1089
Simulation interoperability: ontology-based interoperability II
- Levent Yilmaz
Using meta-level ontology relations to measure conceptual alignment and interoperability of simulation models. 1090-1099 - Andreas Tolk
, Charles D. Turnitsa:
Conceptual modeling of information exchange requirements based on ontological means. 1100-1107 - Gregory A. Silver, Osama Al-Haj Hassan, John A. Miller
From domain ontologies to modeling ontologies to executable simulation models. 1108-1117
Emergency response/homeland security: disaster decision systems
- Edgar C. Portante, Brian A. Craig, Stephen M. Folga:
NGFAST: a simulation model for rapid assessment of impacts of natural gas pipeline breaks and flow reductions at U.S. state borders and import points. 1118-1126 - Shengnan Wu, Larry J. Shuman, Bopaya Bidanda
, Matthew Kelley, Bryan Lawson, Kenneth M. Sochats, Carey D. Balaban
System implementation issues of dynamic discrete disaster decision simulation system (D4S2): phase I. 1127-1134 - Robert Till:
Simulation of time to first water application for the First Interstate Bank fire. 1135-1138
Emergency response/homeland security: bioterrorist disaster planning
- Jomon Aliyas Paul, Govind Hariharan:
Hospital capacity planning for efficient disaster mitigation during a bioterrorist attack. 1139-1147 - Esengul Tayfur, Kevin M. Taaffe:
Allocation of resources for hospital evacuations via simulation. 1148-1154 - Lisa Patvivatsiri, Elliot J. Montes Jr., Ouyang Xi:
Modeling bioterrorism preparedness with simulation in rural healthcare system. 1155-1160
Emergency response/homeland security: policy analysis for insurgencies and hazardous material entry
- Rakesh Nune, Pamela M. Murray-Tuite:
Comparision of potential paths selected by a malicious entity with hazardous materials: minimization of time vs. minimization of distance. 1161-1167 - Edward G. Anderson Jr.:
An initial simulation model for aiding policy analysis in urban insurgencies. 1168-1176
Emergency response/homeland security: risk assessment for public health and cyber security
- Marjorie Greene, Robert Eek:
A public health application of data analysis for homeland security. 1177-1179 - Michael E. Kuhl, Jason Kistner, Kevin Costantini, Moises Sudit:
Cyber attack modeling and simulation for network security analysis. 1180-1188 - Hamed Nejad, Dongfeng Zhu, Ali Mosleh:
Hierarchical planning and multi-level scheduling for simulation-based probabilistic risk assessment. 1189-1197
Emergent behavior: emergent behavior
- DongFang Shi, Roger J. Brooks:
The range of predictions for calibrated agent-based simulation models. 1198-1206 - Shengping Dong, Bin Hu:
Upgraded cellular automata based group-work interaction simulation. 1207-1215 - Kenneth A. Hawick
, Chris Scogings, Heath A. James:
Spatial emergence of genotypical tribes in an animat simulation model. 1216-1222
Emergent behavior: emergent bahavior model characterizations
- Lance E. Champagne
, Raymond R. Hill:
Agent-model validation based on historical data. 1223-1231 - Ross Gore, Paul F. Reynolds Jr.:
An exploration-based taxonomy for emergent behavior analysis in simulations. 1232-1240 - Brian F. Tivnan:
Modeling organizational adaptation: a replication of Levinthal's model of emergent order. 1241-1246
Public systems applications: panel: mass egress and evacuations
- Douglas A. Samuelson, Austin Zimmerman, Joshua Thorp, Pat McCormick, Matt Parker, Stephen Guerin, Owen Densmore, Tom McCormick:
Agent-based modeling of mass egress and evacuations: panel. 1247-1251
Public systems applications: public systems modeling I
- Simone Appelt, Rajan Batta, Li Lin, Colin G. Drury:
Simulation of passenger check-in at a medium-sized US airport. 1252-1260 - George Hunter, Ben Boisvert, Kris Ramamoorthy:
Advanced National Airspace traffic flow management simulation experiments and validation. 1261-1267 - Arnold Greenland, Erica Layne Morrison, David Connors, John L. Guyton, Michael Sebastiani:
IRS post-filing processes simulation modeling: a comparison of des with econometric microsimulation in tax administration. 1268-1274
Public systems applications: public systems modeling II
- Xiaolin Hu, Yi Sun:
Agent-based modeling and simulation of wildland fire suppression. 1275-1283 - Jiang Wu, Bin Hu:
Modeling and simulation of group behavior in e-government implementation. 1284-1291 - Florentino Rico, Ehsan Salari, Grisselle Centeno:
Emergency departments nurse allocation to face a pandemic influenza outbreak. 1292-1298
Military applications: military keynote
- John C. Deal:
Military keynote address. 1299
Military applications: UAV simulation
- Stephen Hamilton, Timothy Schmoyer, J. A. Drew Hamilton Jr.:
Validating a network simulation testbed for army UAVs. 1300-1305 - Farzad Kamrani, Rassul Ayani:
Simulation-aided path planning of UAV. 1306-1314 - Dustin J. Nowak, Ian C. Price, Gary B. Lamont:
Self organized UAV swarm planning optimization for search and destroy using SWARMFARE simulation. 1315-1323
Military applications: military communications
- Richard O. Chapman, J. A. Drew Hamilton Jr., Daniel Box, Mark Kuhr, Jonathan MacDonald, Stephen Hamilton:
Simulation of army unmanned aerial vehicle communications. 1324-1327 - Yan Gu, Richard Fujimoto:
Applying parallel and distributed simulation to remote network emulation. 1328-1336 - Philipp Hügelmeyer, Ulrich Schade, Thomas Zöller
Application of BML to inter-agent communication in the ITSimBw simulation environment. 1337-1343
Military applications: military modeling
- Darryl K. Ahner, Arnold H. Buss, John Ruck:
Using a low-resolution entity model for shaping initial conditions for high-resolution combat models. 1344-1352 - W. Scott Neal Reilly, Sean L. Guarino, Bret Kellihan:
Model-based measurement of situation awareness. 1353-1360 - Ugur Ziya Yildirim, Ihsan Sabuncuoglu, Barbaros Ç. Tansel:
A simulation model for military deployment. 1361-1369
Military applications: operational use of military simulation
- Jirka Poropudas, Kai Virtanen:
Analyzing air combat simulation results with dynamic Bayesian networks. 1370-1377 - Yanshen Zhu, Serge N. Sala-Diakanda, Luis Rabelo, José A. Sepúlveda, Maria T. Bull
Integration of underwater sonar simulation with a geographical information system. 1378-1386 - Jon Davenport, Charles Neu, William Smith, Susan Heath:
Using discrete event simulation to examine marine training at the Marine Corps Communication-Electronics school. 1387-1394
Military applications: advanced techniques in military simulation
- Feiyan Min, Ping Ma, Ming Yang:
A knowledge-based method for the validation of military simulation. 1395-1402 - Stephanie J. Lackey, Jonathan T. Harris, Linda C. Malone, Denise M. Nicholson:
Blending systems engineering principles and simulation-based design techniques to facilitate military prototype development. 1403-1409 - George P. Cole III, Alan W. Johnson, John O. Miller:
Feasibility study of variance reduction in the logistics composite model. 1410-1416
Military applications: security in military simulation
- Ziliang Zong, Xiao Qin, Xiaojun Ruan, Kiranmai Bellam, Yiming Yang, Adam Manzanares:
A simulation framework for energy efficient data grids. 1417-1423 - Robert Steven Owor, Khalil Dajani, Zephyrinus Okonkwo, John Hamilton:
An elliptical cryptographic algorithm for RF wireless devices. 1424-1429 - Timo Steffens, Philipp Hügelmeyer:
Real-time prediction in a stochastic domain via similarity-based data-mining. 1430-1435
Health care/advanced tutorial: joint healthcare/advanced tutorial session
- Sally C. Brailsford
Advances and challenges in healthcare simulation modeling: tutorial. 1436-1448
Health care: applying simulation to health care
- Jasna Kuljis, Ray J. Paul, Lampros K. Stergioulas:
Can health care benefit from modeling and simulation methods in the same way as business and manufacturing has? 1449-1453 - Tillal Eldabi
, Terry Young
Towards a framework for healthcare simulation. 1454-1460 - Murat M. Gunal
, Michael Pidd:
Interconnected DES models of emergency, outpatient, and inpatient departments of a hospital. 1461-1466
Health care: clinical models
- Bernard M. McGarvey, Nancy J. Dynes, Burch C. Lin, Wesley H. Anderson, James P. Kremidas, James C. Felli:
A discrete event model of clinical trial enrollment at Eli Lilly and company. 1467-1474 - Reza Yaesoubi, Stephen D. Roberts:
Important factors in screening for colorectal cancer. 1475-1482 - Meyer Katzper:
Roles for autonomous physiologic agents; an oxygen supply and demand example. 1483-1486
Health care: health services
- Georgina R. Mellor, Christine S. M. Currie
, Elizabeth L. Corbett
, Russell C. H. Cheng:
Targeted strategies for tuberculosis in areas of high HIV prevalence: a simulation study. 1487-1493 - Hari Balasubramanian, Ritesh Banerjee, Melissa Gregg, Brian T. Denton:
Improving primary care access using simulation optimization. 1494-1500 - Ian W. Gibson:
An approach to hospital planning and design using discrete event simulation. 1501-1509
Health care: outpatient and ED models
- Todd R. Huschka, Brian T. Denton, Serhat Gul
, John W. Fowler
Bi-criteria evaluation of an outpatient procedure center via simulation. 1510-1518 - Ruth Davies:
"See and Treat" or "See" and "Treat" in an emergency department. 1519-1522 - Soemon Takakuwa, Daisuke Katagiri:
Modeling of patient flows in a large-scale outpatient hospital ward by making use of electronic medical records. 1523-1531
Health care: epidemic models
- Georgiy V. Bobashev
, D. Michael Goedecke, Feng Yu, Joshua M. Epstein:
A hybrid epidemic model: combining the advantages of agent-based and equation-based approaches. 1532-1537 - D. Michael Goedecke, Georgiy V. Bobashev
, Feng Yu:
A stochastic equation-based model of the value of international air-travel restrictions for controlling pandemic flu. 1538-1542 - Jon Parker:
A flexible, large-scale, distributed agent based epidemic model. 1543-1547
Health care: spatial epidemic models
- Catherine Dibble, Stephen Wendel, Kristofor Carle:
Simulating pandemic influenza risks of US cities. 1548-1550 - Douglas J. Roberts, Diglio A. Simoni:
A teragrid-enabled distributed discrete event agent-based epidemiological simulation. 1551-1554 - Steven E. Naron, Segev Wasserkrug:
Utilizing model characteristics to obtain efficient parallelization in the context of agent based epidemiological models. 1555-1561
Health care: hospital strategic management
- Marshall Ashby, Martin J. Miller, David M. Ferrin, Tanner Flynn:
Simulating the patient move: transitioning to a replacement hospital. 1562-1565 - David M. Ferrin, Marty J. Miller, Diana L. McBroom:
Maximizing hospital finanacial impact and emergency department throughput with simulation. 1566-1573 - Martin J. Miller, David M. Ferrin, Marshall Ashby, Tanner Flynn, Niloo Shahi:
Merging six emergency departments into one: a simulation approach. 1574-1578
Health care: improving health care operations
- Joshua Bosire
, Shengyong Wang, Tejas Gandhi, Krishnaswami Srihari:
Comparing simulation alternatives based on quality expectations. 1579-1585 - Erik Michael Wilhelm Kolb, Taesik Lee, Jordan Peck:
Effect of coupling between emergency department and inpatient unit on the overcrowding in emergency department. 1586-1593
Manufacturing applications: productivity improvement
- Duilio Curcio, Francesco Longo
, Giovanni Mirabelli:
Manufacturing process management using a flexible modeling and simulation approach. 1594-1600 - José Arnaldo Barra Montevechi, Alexandre Ferreira de Pinho
, Fabiano Leal
, Fernando Augusto Silva Marins
Application of design of experiments on the simulation of a process in an automotive industry. 1601-1609 - Charles R. Harrell, Bruce D. Gladwin:
Productivity improvement in appliance manufacturing. 1610-1614
Manufacturing applications: lean manufacturing
- Gerald W. Evans
, Suraj M. Alexander:
Using multi-criteria modeling and simulation to achieve lean goals. 1615-1623 - Silvanus T. Enns:
"Pull" replenishment performance as a function of demand rates and setup times under optimal settings. 1624-1632 - Jun Duanmu, Kevin M. Taaffe:
Measuring manufacturing throughput using takt time analysis and simulation. 1633-1640
Manufacturing applications: automation and material handling
- Ahad Ali, Robert de Souza:
Modeling and simulation of hard disk dive final assembly using a HDD template. 1641-1650 - Ardavan Asef-Vaziri:
Evaluation of operational policies in the design phase of material handling networks. 1651-1654 - Marcelo Moretti Fioroni, Luiz Augusto Gago Franzese
, Caio Eduardo Zanin
, José Fúria, Luciano de Toledo Perfetti, Donizeti Leonardo, Nilson Laudelino da Silva:
Simulation of continuous behavior using discrete tools: ORE conveyor transport. 1655-1662
Manufacturing applications: resource planning
- Hoay Hoon Ong:
Establishing man-machine ratio using simulation. 1663-1666 - Berna Dengiz, Onder Belgin
Paintshop production line optimization using response surface methodology. 1667-1672 - Marcus Johansson, Björn Johansson
, Anders Skoogh
, Swee Leong, Frank Riddick, Y. Tina Lee, Guodong Shao, Pär Klingstam:
A test implementation of the core manufacturing simulation data specification. 1673-1681
Manufacturing applications: warehousing and distribution
- Shih Y. Chin, José H. C. G. Júnior:
Modeling and simulation of retrieving process. 1682-1690 - Seza Orçun, Sila Çetinkaya, Reha Uzsoy
Determining safety stocks in the presence of workload-dependent lead times. 1691-1698 - David Claudio
, Jie Zhang, Ying Zhang:
A hybrid inventory control system approach applied to the food industry. 1699-1707
Semiconductor manufacturing: modeling and analysis of semiconductor manufacturing
- Oliver Rose:
Improved simple simulation models for semiconductor wafer factories. 1708-1712 - Rene Driessel, Lars Mönch:
Simulation framework for complex manufacturing systems with automated material handling. 1713-1721 - Jennifer McNeill Bekki, John W. Fowler
, Gerald T. Mackulak, Barry L. Nelson:
Using quantiles in ranking and selection procedures. 1722-1728
Semiconductor manufacturing: semiconductor manufacturing performance improvement
- Gary W. Godding, Hessam S. Sarjoughian, Karl G. Kempf:
Application of combined discrete-event simulation and optimization models in semiconductor enterprise manufacturing systems. 1729-1736 - Chao Qi, Appa Iyer Sivakumar, Stanley B. Gershwin
Simulation experimental investigation on job release control in semiconductor wafer fabrication. 1737-1746 - Ryo Hirade, Rudy Raymond
, Hiroyuki Okano:
Sensitivity analysis on causal events of WIP bubbles by a log-driven simulator. 1747-1754
Semiconductor manufacturing: semiconductor manufacturing equipment modeling
- Robert Unbehaun, Oliver Rose:
Predicting cluster tool behavior with slow down factors. 1755-1760 - Peter J. Byrne, Cathal Heavey, Kamil Erkan Kabak
An analysis of tool capabilities in the photolithography area of an ASIC fab. 1761-1767 - Mickaël Bureau, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
, Claude Yugma, Leon Vermariën, Jean-Bernard Maria:
Simulation results and formalism for global-local scheduling in semiconductor manufacturing facilities. 1768-1773
Semiconductor manufacturing: AMHS modeling approaches and distributed simulation
- Sheng Xu, Leon F. McGinnis:
Hierarchical distributed simulation for 300mm wafer fab. 1774-1780 - Dima Nazzal
, Ahmed El-Nashar:
Survey of research in modeling conveyor-based automated material handling systems in wafer fabs. 1781-1788 - Ahmed El-Nashar, Khaled S. El-Kilany:
Reusable tool for 300mm intrabay AMHS modeling and simulation. 1789-1797
Simulation-based scheduling: applied simulation-based scheduling
- Adham Shahin, Simaan M. AbouRizk
, Yasser Mohamed, Siri Fernando:
A simulation-based framework for quantifying the cold regions weather impacts on construction schedules. 1798-1804 - Wilhelm Dangelmaier, Kiran R. Mahajan, Mark Aufenanger, Thomas Seeger:
Simulation assisted match-up rescheduling of flexible production systems subject to execution exceptions. 1805-1813 - Roberto Revetria, Flavio Tonelli
Reflective simulation for on-line workload planning and control. 1814-1819
Simulation-based scheduling: simulation-based scheduling algorithms
- Ningxiong Xu, Linda K. Nozick, Orr Bernstein, Dean A. Jones:
Stochastic rollout and justification to solve the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. 1820-1827 - Adeline T. H. Ang, Appa Iyer Sivakumar:
Online multiobjective single machine dynamic scheduling with sequence-dependent setups using simulation-based genetic algorithm with desirability function. 1828-1834 - George Jiri Mejtsky:
A metaheuristic algorithm for simultaneous simulation optimization and applications to traveling salesman and job shop scheduling with due dates. 1835-1843
Simulation-based scheduling: user friendliness
- Marcus Andersson, Henrik Grimm, Anna Persson, Amos H. C. Ng:
A web-based simulation optimization system for industrial scheduling. 1844-1852 - Juhani Heilala
, Jari Montonen
, Arttu Salmela, Pasi Järvenpää:
Modeling and simulation for customer driven manufacturing system design and operations planning. 1853-1862 - Neelesh Kale, Marcelo Zottolo, Onur M. Ülgen, Edward J. Williams
Simulation improves end-of-line sortation and material handling pickup scheduling at appliance manufacturer. 1863-1868
Transportation and supply chain applications: information modeling for supply chain simulation
- Manuel D. Rossetti
, Shikha Nangia:
An object-oriented framework for simulating full truckload transportation networks. 1869-1877 - Elisangela Mieko Kanacilo, Alexander Verbraeck
Assessing tram schedules using a library of simulation components. 1878-1886 - Dayana Cope, Mohamed Fayez, Mansooreh Mollaghasemi, Assem Kaylani:
Supply chain simulation modeling made easy: an innovative approach. 1887-1896
Transportation and supply chain applications: new modeling methods: agent, grid and multi-fidelity
- Liling Ren
, Dawei Chang, Senay Solak, John-Paul Clarke, Earl R. Barnes, Ellis L. Johnson:
Simulating air traffic blockage due to convective weather conditions. 1897-1904 - Andreas Gregoriades
Towards a user-centred road safety management method based on road traffic simulation. 1905-1914 - Nurcin Koyuncu, Seungho Lee, Karthik Vasudevan, Young-Jun Son
, Parag Sarfare:
DDDAS-based multi-fidelity simulation for online preventive maintenance scheduling in semiconductor supply chain. 1915-1923
Transportation and supply chain applications: simulation-based supply chain optimization
- Takayuki Yoshizumi, Hiroyuki Okano:
A simulation-based algorithm for supply chain optimization. 1924-1931 - Christian Almeder
, Margaretha Preusser:
A toolbox for simulation-based optimization of supply chains. 1932-1939 - Hongwei Ding, Wei Wang, Jin Dong, Minmin Qiu, Changrui Ren:
IBM supply-chain network optimization workbench: an integrated optimization and simulation tool for supply chain design. 1940-1946
Transportation and supply chain applications: simulation of complex supply chains
- William J. Sawaya:
Using empirical demand data and common random numbers in an agent-based simulation of a distribution network. 1947-1952 - Susan K. Heath, Douglas J. Morrice:
A comparison of scheduling approaches for a make-to-order electronics manufacturer. 1953-1960 - Lucy Gongtao Chen, Srinagesh Gavirneni
Simulation of scheduled ordering policies in distribution supply chains. 1961-1967
Transportation and supply chain applications: supply chain modeling and analysis
- Alfonso T. Sarmiento
, Luis Rabelo, Ramamoorthy Lakkoju, Reinaldo J. Moraga:
Stability analysis of the supply chain by using neural networks and genetic algorithms. 1968-1976 - Reid L. Kress, Jack Dixon, Thomas M. Insalaco, Richard Rinehart:
A supply chain paradigm to model business pprocesses at the Y-12 National Security Complex. 1977-1985 - Kim Bang Salling
, Steen Leleur
Appraisal of airport alternatives in Greenland by the use of risk analysis and Monte Carlo simulation. 1986-1993
Transportation and supply chain applications: container terminals and warehouses
- Loo Hay Lee
, Ek Peng Chew, Kok Choon Tan, Huei Chuen Huang, Wenquan Lin, Yongbin Han, Tian Heong Chan:
A simulation study on the uses of shuttle carriers in the container yard. 1994-2002 - Byung-Hyun Ha, Eun-Jung Park, Chan-Hee Lee:
A simulation model with a low level of detail for container terminals and its applications. 2003-2011 - Jean Philippe Gagliardi, Jacques Renaud
, Angel B. Ruiz
A simulation model to improve warehouse operations. 2012-2018
Construction engineering and project management: integrated information management
- Ian Flood:
Project planning using an interactive, structured modeling environment. 2019-2027 - Prasant V. Rekapalli, Julio C. Martínez:
A message-based architechture to enable runtime user interaction on concurrent simulation-animations of construction operations. 2028-2031 - Paul A. Fishwick, Zach Ezzell, Nabeel Yousef, David J. Miranda, Haluk M. Akin, Luis C. Rabelo, José A. Sepúlveda:
Ontology-centered integration of project management, cost and resource modeling with analysis, simulation and visualization: a case study of space port operations. 2032-2040 - G. Ryan Anderson, Nilufer Onder, Amlan Mukherjee:
Expecting the unexpected: representing, reasoning about, and assessing construction project contingencies. 2041-2050
Construction engineering and project management: analysis of construction operations I
- Cheng Zhang
, Amin Hammad:
Agent-based simulation for collaborative cranes. 2051-2056 - John-Michael Wong, Kristen Parrish, Iris D. Tommelein
, Bozidar Stojadinovic
Communication and process simulation of set-based design for concrete reinforcement. 2057-2065 - Haitao Yu, Mohamed Al-Hussein
, Reza Nasseri:
Process flowcharting and simulation of house structure components production process. 2066-2072
Construction engineering and project management: analysis of construction operations II
- Anupama Gannoruwa, Janaka Y. Ruwanpura:
Construction noise prediction and barrier optimization using special purpose simulation. 2073-2081 - Sangwon Han, SangHyun Lee
, Mani Golparvar Fard, Feniosky Peña-Mora:
Modeling and representation of non-value adding activities due to errors and changes in design and construction projects. 2082-2089 - Sivakumar Palaniappan, Anil Sawhney
, Howard H. Bashford, Kenneth D. Walsh:
Special purpose simulation template for workflow analysis in construction. 2090-2098
Construction engineering and project management: resource analysis and process optimization
- Mikhail Hanna, Janaka Y. Ruwanpura:
Simulation tool for manpower forecast loading and resource leveling. 2099-2103 - Xiaofeng Zhai, Robert L. K. Tiong, Hans C. Bjornsson, David K. H. Chua:
Simulation-based planning for precast production with two critical resources. 2104-2111 - Jin-Lee Kim:
Permutation-based elitist genetic algorithm using serial scheme for large-sized resource-constrained project scheduling. 2112-2118
Construction engineering and project management: modeling and managing change
- Kabeh Vaziri, Paul Carr, Linda K. Nozick:
Program planning under uncertainty. 2119-2127 - Ivan Ourdev, Simaan M. AbouRizk
, Mohammed Al-Bataineh:
Simulation and uncertainty modeling of project schedules estimates. 2128-2133 - Manjula Dissanayake, Simaan M. AbouRizk
Qualitative simulation of construction performance using fuzzy cognitive maps. 2134-2140
Construction engineering and project management: advanced schedule analysis
- Photios G. Ioannou, Chachrist Srisuwanrat:
Optimal work breaks in deterministic and probabilistic repetitive projects. 2141-2150 - Chachrist Srisuwanrat, Photios G. Ioannou:
Optimal scheduling of probabilistic repetitive projects using completed unit and genetic algorithms. 2151-2158 - Gunnar Lucko:
Flexible modeling of linear schedules for integrated mathematical analysis. 2159-2167
Construction engineering and project management: visualization and interactive simulation
- Amir H. Behzadan, Vineet R. Kamat
Enabling smooth and scalable dynamic 3d visualization of discrete-event construction simulations in outdoor augmented reality. 2168-2176
General applications: special topics I
- Sam Jansen, Anthony McGregor:
Validation of simulated real world TCP stacks. 2177-2186 - Lianjun An, Jun-Jang Jeng, Young M. Lee, Changrui Ren:
Effective workforce lifecycle management via system dynamics modeling and simulation. 2187-2195 - Gareth E. Evans, Jonathan M. Keith
, Dirk P. Kroese
Parallel cross-entropy optimization. 2196-2202
General applications: business performance
- Yifei Tan
, Soemon Takakuwa:
Predicting the impact on business performance of enhanced information system using business process simulation. 2203-2211 - Peer-Olaf Siebers
, Uwe Aickelin
, Helen Celia, Chris W. Clegg:
Using intelligent agents to understand management practices and retail productivity. 2212-2220 - Ming Xie, Wei Wang, Wen Jun Yin, Jin Dong:
IFAO-SIMO: a spatial-simulation based facility network optimization framework. 2221-2226
General applications: business services models
- Young M. Lee, Lianjun An, Sugato Bagchi, Daniel Connors, Shubir Kapoor, Kaan Katircioglu, Wei Wang, Jing Xu:
Discrete event simulation modeling of resource planning and service order execution for service businesses. 2227-2233 - Léa A. Deleris, Sugato Bagchi, Shubir Kapoor, Kaan Katircioglu, Richard Lam, Stephen J. Buckley:
Simulation of adaptive project management analytics. 2234-2240 - Richard B. Lam:
Agent-based simulations of service policy decisions. 2241-2246
General applications: call centers
- Paulo José de Freitas Filho, Geovani Ferreira da Cruz, Rui Seara, Guilherme Steinmann:
Using simulation to predict market behavior for outbound call centers. 2247-2251 - Thomas R. Robbins, Terry P. Harrison, Deborah J. Medeiros:
Partial cross training in call centers with uncertain arrivals and global service level agreements. 2252-2258 - Juan M. Huerta:
A model for contact center analysis and simulation. 2259-2265
General applications: telecommunications
- Denise M. Bevilacqua Masi, Martin J. Fischer, David A. Garbin:
Modeling the performance of low latency queueing for emergency telecommunications. 2266-2275 - David A. Garbin, Patrick V. McGregor, Denise M. Bevilacqua Masi:
Using event simulation to evaluate internet protocol enhancements for special services. 2276-2284 - Angel A. Juan
, Javier Faulin
, Joan Manuel Marquès, Mateo Sorroche:
J-SAEDES: a java-based simulation software to improve reliability and availability of computer systems and networks. 2285-2292
General applications: special topics II
- Claude Dennis Pegden:
SIMIO: a new simulation system based on intelligent objects. 2293-2300 - Abdullah Konak
Combining network reductions and simulation to estimate network reliability. 2301-2305 - Seda Özmutlu, Huseyin Cenk Özmutlu, Buket Buyuk:
Using Monte-Carlo simulation for automatic new topic identification of search engine transaction logs. 2306-2314
Simulation education: panel: what I wish they would have taught me in school
- Charles R. Standridge, Daniel A. Finke
, Carley Jurishica, David M. Ferrin, Catherine M. Harmonosky:
What I wish they would have taught me (or that I would have better remembered!) in school. 2315-2321
Simulation education: using simulation to teach other concepts
- Stijn-Pieter A. van Houten, Alexander Verbraeck
Supporting parametrization of business games for multiple educational settings. 2322-2326 - Ingolf Ståhl:
Teaching simulation to business students summary of 30 years' experience. 2327-2335 - Dan M. Davis, Thomas D. Gottschalk, Laurel K. Davis:
High-performance computing enables simulations to transform education. 2336-2343
Simulation education: education beyond the university walls
- Beverly Biel Kuch:
Developing and implementing a high school simulation course to provide rigor and relevance to the curriculum. 2344-2352 - David Goldsman:
A simulation course for high school students. 2353-2356 - Peter Tag, David Krahl:
Beyond the university: simulation education on the job. 2357-2361
Poster session: general posters
- Fermín Mallor-Gímenez, Cristina Azcárate, Rosa Blanco:
Economic assessment of energy systems with simulation and linear programming. 2362 - Rongzeng Cao, Wei Ding, Bonnie K. Ray:
Mathematical models and simulation for project portfolios optimization. 2363 - Angel A. Juan, Javier Faulin, Joan Manuel Marquès, Pau Fonseca:
Castelldefels project: modeling and simulation of the computer system that gives support to the virtual campus of the Open University Of Catalonia. 2364 - Jairo R. Montoya-Torres, Gloria Rodríguez-Verján:
Comparison of on-line scheduling algorithms: quantifying the effects of shared information using a simple supply chain model. 2365 - Alain de Norman et d'Audenhove, Bruno Miessa de Barros:
Simulation of the pig iron transportation system in Companhia Siderurgica de Tubarão. 2366 - Thomas F. Brady:
Modeling the Indiana coal rail transportation infrastructure. 2367 - Hongmei Chi, Lang Zhao:
A conceptual model to support the integration of inter-organizational healthcare information systems. 2368 - Hongmei Chi, Edward L. Jones:
Effectively generating random test data via cellular automata. 2369 - Christian Dehlendorff
, Murat Kulahci
, Klaus K. Andersen:
Combining Latin hypercube designs and discrete event simulation in a study of a surgical unit. 2370 - Marcelo K. Fugihara, Alain de Norman et d'Audenhove, Neuton T. Karassawa:
Randomless as a critical point: simulation fitting better planning of distribution centers. 2371 - Yariv N. Marmor, David Sinreich:
POD: the structure of simulation software and model reuse. 2372 - Ville Mattila:
Flight time allocation for a fleet of aircraft through reinforcement learning. 2373 - Victorino Sanz, Alfonso Urquia, Sebastián Dormido:
DEVS specification and implementation of SIMAN blocks using Modelica language. 2374 - Shih Y. Chin, Anselmo R. P. Neto, Eduardo V. G. Filho:
Application of the traveling salesman problem heuristics to the reallocation of equipment in a small-size bakery aiming at minimizing bread production time. 2375 - Luminita Stemate, Codrin Pasca, Ivan W. Taylor:
A comparison between system dynamics and agent based modeling and opportunities for cross-fertilization. 2376 - Antuela A. Tako
, Stewart Robinson:
Comparing the use of discrete-event simulation and system dynamics models. 2377 - Andrea Unger, Susanne Biermann, Mathias John, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher, Heidrun Schumann:
Visual support for modeling and simulation of cell biological systems. 2378 - María Guadalupe Villarreal Marroquín, Mauricio Cabrera-Ríos
An adaptive metamodeling-based method for simulation optimization. 2379 - Thomas Wiedemann:
SOA-conform modeling as a high-level standard for discrete modeling and simulation. 2380
Case studies: operations and inventory
- Lorraine Malherbe:
Arena in the petrochemical operations environment. 2381 - Mario Jorge Lima, Guilherme De Aquino Barbosa:
Limitations in the use of mathematical models to support investment decisions. 2382 - Erin Murphy:
A comparison of inventory optimization and discrete-event simulation for supply chain analysis. 2383
Case studies: check-in and check-out simulations
- Diane Wilson, Robert Pryor, S. Annie So, Eric K. Roe:
Security checkpoint optimizer simulation tool for passenger screening prototyping. 2384 - John Osborne, Matthew Duffin:
Checkout: Kroger's store front simulator. 2385 - Gareth Coville:
Passenger simulation modeling to identify optimum customs staffing levels at LAX. 2386
Case studies: successful simulation strategies
- David Ames Holland, Scott C. R. Henry:
Using data mining tools to build integrated discrete-event simulations. 2387 - Marietsa Louise McCreary:
Tips and tricks for using simulation doe to assess the complex interactions of your process. 2388 - Anette van der Merwe:
Stochastic modelling as a decision making tool in an integrated green-brown fields growth program at the Sasol Secunda site, South Africa. 2389
Case studies: modeling innovations and applications I
- Paul D. Babin, Allen G. Greenwood:
Applying variable rate processing to queueing simulation models at Mimeo.com. 2390 - Donna L. Retzlaff-Roberts, Sharon Ezelle:
A simulation case study of patient flow at the University of South Alabama Medical Center. 2391 - Radhesh B. Nair:
How can dynamic disease modeling support strategic marketing at pharmaceutical & biotech companies? 2392
Case studies: modeling innovations and applications II
- John Stocker, Conrado M. Gempesaw II, Kliment Nachkov:
A financial simulation of an international business graduate school. 2393 - Jemba Senkandwa:
Providence Breast Health Center throughput. 2394 - Alain de Norman et d'Audenhove, Rodrigo Cintra Villas Boas:
Manufacturing and distribution integrated solution at Votorantim Cimentos. 2395
Landmark papers from the first 40 years
- Julian Reitman, Donald Ingerman, Jerry Katzke, Jon Shapiro, Kenneth Simon, Burton Smith:
A complete interactive simulation environment GPSS/360-NORDEN (1970). 1 - Marc S. Meketon, Bruce W. Schmeiser:
Overlapping batch means: something for nothing? (1984). 2 - Robert G. Sargent:
A tutorial on verification and validation of simulation models (1984). 3 - Peter W. Glynn:
Stochastic approximation for Monte Carlo optimization (1986). 4 - Pierre L'Ecuyer:
Efficient and portable 32-bit random variate generators (1986). 5 - Perwez Shahabuddin, Victor F. Nicola, Philip Heidelberger, Ambuj Goyal, Peter W. Glynn:
Varaince reduction in mean time to failure simulations (1988). 6 - David Goldsman, Barry L. Nelson, Bruce W. Schmeiser:
Methods for selecting the best system (1991). 7 - Thomas J. Schriber, Daniel T. Brunner:
Inside simulation software: how it works and why it matters (1994). 8 - Phelim Boyle, Mark Broadie, Paul Glasserman:
Recent advances in simulation for security pricing (1995). 9 - A. Alan B. Pritsker, David L. Martin, Janet S. Reust, Mary Ann Flanigan Wagner, O. Patrick Daily, Ann M. Harper, Erick B. Edwards, Leah E. Bennett, James R. Wilson, Michael E. Kuhl, John P. Roberts, Margaret D. Allen, James F. Burdick:
Organ transplantation policy evaluation (1995). 10

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