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64th VTC Fall 2006: Montréal, Québec, Canada
- Proceedings of the 64th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Fall 2006, 25-28 September 2006, Montréal, Québec, Canada. IEEE 2006
Propagation Posters
- Konrad Hofbauer, Horst Hering, Gernot Kubin:
A Measurement System and the TUG-EEC-Channels Database for the Aeronautical Voice Radio. 1-5 - Merwise Khalwati, M. Reza Soleymani:
An Efficient Channel Estimation Scheme for OFDM Systems in a Time Varying Environment. 1-6 - Martha L. Clavijo V:
On the Generation of Rayleigh Fading Processes with Accurate Statistical Properties. 1-5 - Pak Kay Tang, Yong Huat Chew, Ling Chuen Ong, M. K. Haldar, Bin Luo:
Small-Scale Transmission Statistics of UWB Signals for Body Area Communications. 1-5 - Shurjeel Wyne
, Nicolai Czink, Johan Karedal, Peter Almers, Fredrik Tufvesson
, Andreas F. Molisch:
A Cluster-Based Analysis of Outdoor-to-Indoor Office MIMO Measurements at 5.2 GHz. 1-5 - Atsuya Ando, Naoki Kita, Wataru Yamada:
2.4/5 GHz Dual-Band Planar Antennas Mounted on WLAN Card for 3-MIMO-OFDM Systems. 1-5 - Nizar Tayem, Hyuck M. Kwon, Seunghyun Min, Dong Hee Kang:
Covariance Matrix Differencing for Coherent Source DOA Estimation Under Unknown Noise Field. 1-5 - Michael Wong, Abdel Razik Sebak:
Dual Band Dual Slot Stripline Omni-Directional Antenna. 1-4 - Hamid Eslami, Ahmed M. Eltawil
A Real-Time Wireless Channel Emulator for MIMO Systems. 1-5 - Konstantinos N. Maliatsos, Panagiotis Loulis, Michail Chronopoulos, Philip Constantinou, Panagiotis I. Dallas, Michail Ikonomou:
The Power Delay Profile of the Mobile Channel for Above the Sea Propagation. 1-5 - Nizar Tayem, Amjad Salameh, Hyuck M. Kwon:
Toeplitz Based Matrix Pencil for Non-Circular Signals. 1-5 - Mohammad Heidari, Kaveh Pahlavan:
A Model for Dynamic Behavior of Ranging Errors in TOA-Based Indoor Geolocation Systems. 1-5 - Yoshichika Ohta, Teruya Fujii:
Delay Spread Prediction for Wideband Mobile Propagation. 1-4 - Abdellah Chehri
, Paul Fortier
, Pierre-Martin Tardif
Frequency Domain Analysis of UWB Channel Propagation in Underground Mines. 1-5 - Guillaume de la Roche
, Xavier Gallon, Jean-Marie Gorce
, Guillaume Villemaud:
2.5D Extensions of the Frequency Domain ParFlow Algorithm for Simulating 802.11b/g Radio Coverage in Multifloored Buildings. 1-5 - Hui Xiao, Alister G. Burr
, Lingyang Song:
A Time-Variant Wideband Spatial Channel Model Based on the 3GPP Model. 1-5 - John F. An, Kuo-Hsin Chen, J. V. Wan:
Experimental Approach of MIMO Channel Measurements Using a MISO Antenna Configuration for Indoor LOS Elliptical Scattering Propagation. 1-5 - Anthony E.-L. Liou, Howard H.-H. Huang, David G. Michelson:
Issues in the Estimation of Ricean K-Factor from Correlated Samples. 1-4
- Pedro Luis Carro, Jesús de Mingo
Polarization Diversity with Genetic Parallel Printed Dipole Antennas for Bluetooth and WiMAX Applications. 1-5 - Yan Q. Bian, Andrew R. Nix:
Throughput and Coverage Analysis of a Multi-Element Broadband Fixed Wireless Access (BFWA) System in the Presence of Co-Channel Interference. 1-5 - Cristian Tohanean, José Picheral
BER Performance Improvement with Joint Angle-Delay-Polarization Estimation of Multipath Channel Parameters. 1-5 - Yann Cocheril
, Rodolphe Vauzelle, Lilian Aveneau
3D Channel Simulations Including Scattering from Non-Gaussian Rough Surfaces. 1-5 - Ji Hwan Choi, Hyun Kyu Chung, Hyunseok Lee, Jongsub Cha, Hyuckjae Lee:
Code-Division Multiplexing Based MIMO Channel Sounder with Loosely Synchronous Codes and Kasami Codes. 1-5
MIMO Channel modeling and measurements
- Nicolai Czink, Pierluigi Cera, Jari Salo, Ernst Bonek, Jukka-Pekka Nuutinen, Juha Ylitalo:
A Framework for Automatic Clustering of Parametric MIMO Channel Data Including Path Powers. 1-5 - Jonas Medbo, Mathias Riback, Jan-Erik Berg:
Validation of 3GPP Spatial Channel Model Including WINNER Wideband Extension Using Measurements. 1-5 - Peter R. King, Stavros Stavrou:
Characteristics of the Land Mobile Satellite MIMO Channel. 1-4 - Alberto Alcocer-Ochoa, Valeri Ya. Kontorovitch, Ramón Parra-Michel:
A MIMO Channel Simulator Applying the Universal Basis. 1-5 - Matthias Pätzold
, Bjørn Olav Hogstad
A Wideband Space-Time MIMO Channel Simulator Based on the Geometrical One-Ring Model. 1-6
Channel modelling and prediction
- Dora Di Napoli, Flaminio Ferrara
, Claudio Gennarelli
, Giovanni Riccio
Building Corner Scattering Prediction Using a UAPO Solution for the Diffraction Contribution. 1-5 - Ong Hwee Woon, Sivanand Krishnan:
Identification of Clusters in UWB Channel Modeling. 1-5 - Sébastien Reynaud, Yann Cocheril
, Rodolphe Vauzelle, Christophe Guiffaut, Alain Reineix:
Hybrid FDTD/UTD Indoor Channel Modeling. Application to Wifi Transmission Systems. 1-5 - Ileana Popescu, Dimitris Nikitopoulos, Philip Constantinou, Ioan Nafornita
Comparison of ANN Based Models for Path Loss Prediction in Indoor Environment. 1-5 - Matt Dillon, Aniruddha Diwan, Vijay Raman, Chris Murphy:
Evaluating the Opportunity for Optimization of Various RF Parameters in IEEE 802.16e Multi-Cell Networks. 1-5
Channel Sounding and Measurements
- Víctor Hinostroza, Sana Salous:
Frequency Selective Fading on Wideband Mobile Radio Channels. 1-4 - Min Lin, Ian J. Wassell:
Impact of Channel Sounder Frequency Offsets on the Estimation of Channel Parameters. 1-5 - Johan Karedal, Anders J. Johansson
, Fredrik Tufvesson
, Andreas F. Molisch:
Shadowing Effects in MIMO Channels for Personal Area Networks. 1-5 - Persefoni Kyritsi, Patrick C. F. Eggers, Romail Gall, Joao Mota Lourenco:
Measurement Based Investigation of Cooperative Relaying. 1-5
Antenna Arrays
- Tomoya Nakanishi, Takashi Yoshida, Akira Ishida, Hiroyuki Uno, Yutaka Saito:
Multiple-Loop Array Antenna with Switched Beam for Short-Range Radars. 1-5 - Bing Bai, Zhenghe Feng:
Correlation Transfer Characteristics of Multiple Element Antennas. 1-5 - Mamadou Abdoulaye Diop, Karim Cheikhrouhou, Sofiène Affes:
Impact of Angular Spread and DOA Estimation on the Performance of Wideband CDMA Array-Receivers. 1-5 - Alireza Shapoury:
Incoherent MLE of Array Antennas with Inordinate Spacing Using Subband Hopping Approach. 1-5 - Ioannis Sarris
, Andrew R. Nix:
A Line-of-Sight Optimised MIMO Architecture for Outdoor Environments. 1-5
Modeling Specific Chan Environements
- Telmo R. Fernandes
, Rafael F. S. Caldeirinha
, Miqdad Al-Nuaimi, Jürgen Richter:
Radiative Energy Transfer Based Model for Radiowave Propagation in Inhomogeneous Forests. 1-5 - Sandra Knorzer, Michael A. Baldauf, Thomas Fügen, Werner Wiesbeck:
Channel Modelling for an OFDM Train Communications System Including Different Antenna Types. 1-5 - Rodolfo Feick
, Reinaldo A. Valenzuela, Luciano Ahumada, Natalia Aldunate:
A Statistical Model for the Dynamics of the Received Signal Envelope in Narrowband Urban Fixed Wireless Links with Applications to Diversity Receivers. 1-5
Propagation Measurements
- Vikas Kukshya, Hariharan Krishnan
Experimental Measurements and Modeling for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) Wireless Channels. 1-5 - Robert J. C. Bultitude, Min Han, Nikhil V. Adnani, Roshdy H. M. Hafez:
Comparison of Expected Performance on B3G Spread Spectrum Mobile Radio Links at 1.9 and 5.8 GHz Based on Propagation Measurements. 1-4 - Akihiro Katayama, Keiji Terasaka, Kenji Higashikatsuragi, I. Matunami, Akihiro Kajiwara:
Ultra-Wideband Impulse-Radio Propagation for In-Vehicle Wireless Link. 1-5
MIMO Posters
- Yue Wu, Chintha Tellambura:
Low-Complexity Optimal Detection for Hybrid Space-Time Block Coding and Spatial Multiplexing. 1-4 - Heunchul Lee, Seokhwan Park, Inkyu Lee:
Orthogonalized Spatial Multiplexing for MIMO Systems. 1-5 - Atsushi Honda, Yuuta Nakaya, Kaoru Yokoo, Ichirou Ida, Shinsuke Hara, Jun-ichi Takada
, Yasuyuki Oishi:
Performance Evaluation of an Antenna Selection MIMO System with RF Switches in Mobile Terminals. 1-5 - Sadegh Farzaneh, Abdel Razik Sebak:
Adaptive Microwave Beamforming Using High Weighting Rate and ULMS Algorithm. 1-5 - Peter Rost, Gerhard P. Fettweis:
A Cooperative Relaying Scheme without the Need for Modulation with Increased Spectral Efficiency. 1-5 - Afif Osseiran, Andrew Logothetis, Slimane Ben Slimane:
Pilot Design Criteria for Single Carrier Frequency Domain Equalization on a Real-Time DSP-Based MIMO Test-Bed. 1-4 - Zhiheng Guo, Lihua Li, Xiaofeng Tao, Ping Zhang:
Performance of Antenna Selection for Low Data Rate in TDD Uplink. 1-5 - Takeshi Onizawa, Atsushi Ohta, Satoru Aikawa:
Experimental Evaluation of Transmit Antenna Selection Implemented in FPGA for MIMO-OFDM. 1-5 - Sang-Yub Lee, Cheol Mun:
Transmit Antenna Selection of Dual Polarized MIMO Systems Applying SCM. 1-5 - Shreeram Sigdel, Witold A. Krzymien:
Interference Suppression Through Adaptive Subset Antenna Transmission in Interference Limited MIMO Wireless Environments. 1-5 - Peter Almers, Telmo Santos, Fredrik Tufvesson
, Andreas F. Molisch, Johan Karedal, Anders J. Johansson
Measured Diversity Gains from MIMO Antenna Selection. 1-6 - Galina Kravtsova, Yuri Karpitski, Joseph R. Cleveland:
Efficient and Low-Complexity Reception Algorithm for Soft Decoded MIMO Communication System. 1-5 - Chiharu Yamazaki, Kenta Okino, Tohru Sunaga, Masanori Kato, Fangwei Tong, Shigeru Kimura:
Experimental Results on Mobility Improvement Effects of Adaptive Antenna Arrays Applied to Mobile Stations in SDMA System. 1-5 - Vimal Sharma, Sangarapillai Lambotharan:
Multiuser Downlink MIMO Beamforming Using an Iterative Optimization Approach. 1-5 - Xiaohui Yang, Dandan He, Lihua Li, Xiaofeng Tao, Ping Zhang:
Multi-Antenna Pre-Processing for TD-SCDMA System. 1-5 - Ronald Y. S. Tee, Osamah Alamri, Lajos Hanzo
Joint Design of Twin-Antenna Assisted Space-Time Multilevel Sphere Packing Aided Coded Modulation. 1-5 - Ming Lei, Hiroshi Harada
Performance Comparison of Multi-Layer STBC OFDM and V-BLAST OFDM. 1-5 - Slimane Ben Slimane, Afif Osseiran:
Relay Communication with Delay Diversity for Future Communication Systems. 1-5 - David Bernier, François Chan:
Adaptive Space-Time Trellis Codes Based on Convolutional Codes. 1-5 - Corneliu Eugen D. Sterian, Yi Wu, Matthias Pätzold
A 32QAM Super-Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Trellis Code for Four Transmit Antennas. 1-5 - Farooq Khan, Cornelius van Rensburg:
An Adaptive Cyclic Delay Diversity Technique for Beyond 3G/4G Wireless Systems. 1-6 - Ren Wu, Ioannis N. Psaromiligkos:
Spatial-Smoothing-Based Direction-of-Arrival, Propagation Delay and Channel Estimation for Antenna-Array DS/CDMA Systems. 1-5 - Leila Musavian
, Mohammad Reza Nakhai, Mischa Dohler, Sonia Aïssa:
Effect of Channel Uncertainty on the Mutual Information of MIMO Multiple Access Channels. 1-5 - Seyed Aidin Bassam, M. E. Kalantari K.:
Antenna Subset Selection with Differential Space-Time Block Coding. 1-4
- Yvon Erhel, Clency Perrine, Dominique Lemur, Alain Bourdillon:
A SIMO System of Digital Transmission Through the Ionospheric Channel. 1-5 - Zhen Wang, Xingzai Lv, Jinkang Zhu:
Information-Theoretic Capacity Analysis in Triangle Cellular Communication System. 1-5 - Qian Yu, Ping Luo, Ronghong Mo:
Unequal Error Protection Scheme for Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Wireless Systems. 1-5 - Mayumi Yamamoto, Makoto Taromaru, Hanae Sadamichi, Atsushi Shimizu:
Performance of Angle Switch Diversity Using ESPAR Antenna for Mobile Reception of Terrestrial Digital TV. 1-5 - Yoshiaki Yokoyama, Minseok Kim, Hiroyuki Arai
Implementation of Systolic RLS Adaptive Array Using FPGA and Its Performance Evaluation. 1-5
Space Time Coding I
- Afzal Lodhi, Fatin Said, Mischa Dohler, A. Hamid Aghvami:
An Error Probability Analysis of STBC MC-CDMA with Frequency-Correlated Subcarriers. 1-5 - Ning Yang, Masoud Salehi
A New Full Rate Space Time Block Code for Three Transmit Antenna Systems. 1-5 - Rym Ouertani, Ahmed Saadani, Ghaya Rekaya-Ben Othman, Jean-Claude Belfiore:
On the Golden Code Performance for MIMO-HSDPA System. 1-5
Multi-User MIMO
- Thomas Fügen, Malgorzata Porebska, Werner Wiesbeck:
Performance of Downlink Spatial-Multiplexing in Realistic Urban Multi-User MIMO Channels. 1-5 - Yusuke Ohwatari, Huu Phu Bui, Yasutaka Ogawa, Toshihiko Nishimura, Takeo Ohgane:
Reduction of the Amount of Channel State Information Feedback in MIMO-OFDM Eigenbeam-Space Division Multiplexing Systems. 1-5 - Nadem Hussein Dawod, Roshdy H. M. Hafez, Ian D. Marsland:
An Uplink SDMA System with Reduced Near-Far Problem and MIMO Channel Correlations. 1-5
Precoding and Tx processing
- Yu Fu, Witold A. Krzymien, Chintha Tellambura:
Transmitter Precoding for Orthogonal Space-Time Block-Coded OFDM in Transmit-Antenna and Path-Correlated Channels. 1-5 - Alireza Ghaderipoor, Chintha Tellambura:
Minimum Distance-Based Limited-Feedback Precoder for MIMO Spatial Multiplexing Systems. 1-4 - Kareem E. Baddour, Chris C. Squires, Tricia J. Willink:
Mobile Channel Prediction with Application to Transmitter Antenna Selection for Alamouti Systems. 1-6 - Kenichi Kobayashi, Tomoaki Ohtsuki
, Toshinobu Kaneko:
MMSE Precoder with Mode Selection for MIMO Systems. 1-5 - Wenwu Xie, Shouyin Liu, Guangming Huang:
Closed-Form Capacity Expression for Transmit Antenna Selection Systems with Correlated Fading Channels. 1-5
Cooperative MIMO
- Allan J. Jardine, John S. Thompson, Steve McLaughlin
MIMO Cooperative Diversity Strategies for Frequency Selective Fading Relay Channels. 1-5 - Dongwoo Lee, Young Seok Jung, Jae Hong Lee:
Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Transmission with Multiple Relays Using Phase Feedback. 1-5 - Abdulkareem Adinoyi, Halim Yanikomeroglu
Spectral Efficiency and User Diversity Gains Through Cooperative Fixed Relays. 1-5
Antenna Selection
- Ramakrishna Yellapantula, Yingwei Yao, Rashid Ansari:
Antenna Selection and Power Control for Limited Feedback MIMO Systems. 1-5 - Quoc Tuan Tran, Shinsuke Hara, Atsushi Honda, Yuuta Nakaya, Ichirou Ida, Yasuyuki Oishi:
A Receiver Side Antenna Selection Method for MIMO-OFDM System. 1-5 - Saeed Kaviani
, Chintha Tellambura:
Closed-Form BER Analysis for Antenna Selection Using Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes. 1-4 - Abdollah Sanei, Ali Ghrayeb
, Yousef R. Shayan:
Antenna Selection for Space-Time Trellis Codes Over Block Rayleigh Fading Channels. 1-5
Beamforming and Array Processing
- Yang-wen Liang, Robert Schober, Wolfgang H. Gerstacker:
Transmit Beamforming for Frequency-Selective Channels. 1-5 - Salma Ait Fares, Tayeb A. Denidni, Sofiène Affes, Charles L. Despins:
Efficient Sequential Blind Beamforming for Wireless Underground Communications. 1-4 - Lin Qu, Wee Ser, Zhenhai Shao, Masayuki Fujise:
An Efficient Adaptive Beamforming Technique with Pattern Control Ability. 1-5 - Pierre-François Morlat, José-Cruz Nuñez Pérez, Guillaume Villemaud, Jacques Verdier, Jean-Marie Gorce
On the Compensation of RF Impairments with Multiple Antennas in SIMO OFDM Systems. 1-5 - Jiansong Chen, Xiaoli Yu:
MMSE V-BLAST for Imperfect MIMO Channels. 1-5 - Zouheir Rezki
, Bogdan Cotruta, David Haccoun, François Gagnon
Finite Diversity Multiplexing Tradeoff Over Spatially Correlated Channels. 1-5 - Jon W. Wallace, Michael A. Jensen:
Communicating on MIMO Channels with Covariance Information: Antenna Correlation and Coupling. 1-5
MIMO Equalization and detection
- Wenjie Jiang, Yusuke Asai, Takeshi Onizawa, Satoru Aikawa:
MMSE Criterion Fast Decision Feedback Equalization Algorithm for Spatial Multiplexing Systems. 1-5 - Koichi Adachi, Masao Nakagawa:
LDPC Coded Iterative Signal Detection Based on QRD-M with CRC Check. 1-5 - Alexander N. Lozhkin:
Iterative (Turbo) and "Single-Shot" Receivers for MIMO Communication Systems: Comparative Analysis. 1-5 - Namshik Kim, Hyuncheol Park:
Improved Lattice Reduction Aided Detections for MIMO Systems. 1-5
Space Time Coding II
- Corneliu Eugen D. Sterian, Yi Wu, Matthias Pätzold
A 16QAM Super-Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Trellis Code for Four Transmit Antennas. 1-5 - Mahdi Hajiaghayi, Chintha Tellambura:
Optimum Design of Differential Unitary Space-Time Modulation. 1-4 - Jeongchang Kim
, Kyungwhoon Cheun
Improved Decoding Algorithms for Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes. 1-5
- Peter J. Voltz, Hui-Yuan Teng, I-Tai Lu, Yongwen Yang, Robert L. Olesen:
Frequency Domain Re-Sampler for Clock Sampling Offset in MIMO ODFM Systems. 1-5 - Liang Zhou, Michiharu Nakamura:
High Performance Space Frequency Interleaved MIMO-OFDM Eigenmode Transmission Systems. 1-5 - Hossein Zamiri-Jafarian, Subbarayan Pasupathy:
MIMO-OFDM Channel Estimation Using Improved LS Algorithm. 1-5 - Jialing Li
, Andrej Stefanov:
Exact Pairwise Error Probability for Block Fading MIMO OFDM Systems. 1-4
MIMO Modulation and Coding
- Yingxue Li:
Coded Bit-Interleaved and Antenna-Switched Modulation with Iterative Decoding. 1-5 - Simon Plass, Armin Dammann
Cellular Cyclic Delay Diversity for Next Generation Mobile Systems. 1-5 - Jaesang Ham, Kyeongyeon Kim, Seijoon Shim, Chungyong Lee:
An Efficient Adaptive Modulation Algorithm for D-STTD System. 1-5 - Fan Wang, Wei Zhao, Yong Xiong:
A Bidirectional Adaptive Sequential Gaussian Approximation for MIMO Systems. 1-4 - Zhihong Hong, Louis Thibault:
Bandwidth Efficient Space-Frequency Codes Based on Cyclic Delay Diversity. 1-5
DSP for MIMO Posters
- Mehrez Souden, Sofiène Affes, Jacob Benesty
A New Approach to Blind Separation of Two Sources with Three Sensors. 1-5 - Yoshitaka Hara, Kazuyoshi Oshima:
Pilot-Based CSI Feedback in TDD/MIMO Systems with Cochannel Interference. 1-5