32nd SAC 2017: Marrakech, Morocco

Refine list

showing all ?? records

BIO - computational biology and bioinformatics track

BIO - computational biology and bioinformatics track: Poster papers

BIO - computational biology and bioinformatics track: Competition paper

CASM - collective adaptive system and middleware track

CASM - collective adaptive system and middleware track: Poster papers

CIVIA - computational intelligence and video & image analysis track

CIVIA - computational intelligence and video & image analysis track: Poster papers

CoCo - cognitive computing track

CoCo - cognitive computing track: Poster papers

COMBI - advances in computational biomedical imaging track

COMBI - advances in computational biomedical imaging track: Poster papers

HCI - smart human computer interfaces track

HCI - smart human computer interfaces track: Poster papers

HCI - smart human computer interfaces track: Competition paper

IRMAS - intelligent robotics and multi-agent systems track

IRMAS - intelligent robotics and multi-agent systems track: Poster papers

SWA - semantic web and applications track

SWA - semantic web and applications track: Poster papers

SWA - semantic web and applications track: Competition paper

CC - cloud computing track

CC - cloud computing track: Poster papers

DADS - dependable, adaptive, and trustworthy distributed systems track

DADS - dependable, adaptive, and trustworthy distributed systems track: Poster papers

IoT - internet of things track

IoT - internet of things track: Poster papers

IoT - internet of things track: Competition paper

MCA - mobile computing and applications track

MCA - mobile computing and applications track: Poster papers

MCA - mobile computing and applications track: Competition paper

NET - networking track

NET - networking track: Poster papers

SAWCN - selected areas of wireless communications and networking track

SAWCN - selected areas of wireless communications and networking track: Poster papers

WT - web technologies track

WT - web technologies track: Poster papers

WT - web technologies track: Competition paper

BPMEA - business process management & enterprise architecture track