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ISIT 2005: Adelaide, SA, Australia
- Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, ISIT 2005, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 4-9 September 2005. IEEE 2005, ISBN 0-7803-9151-9
- Massimo Franceschetti, Ronald W. J. Meester:
Critical node lifetimes in random networks via the chen-stein method. 1-5 - Aman Kansal, Aditya Ramamoorthy, Mani B. Srivastava, Gregory J. Pottie:
On sensor network lifetime and data distortion. 6-10 - Jillian Cannons, Randall Dougherty, Christopher F. Freiling, Kenneth Zeger:
Network routing capacity. 11-13 - Huiyu Luo, Gregory J. Pottie:
Balanced aggregation trees for routing correlated data in wireless sensor networks. 14-18 - Dragana Bajic, Cedomir Stefanovic, Dejan Vukobratovic:
Search process and probabilistic bifix approach. 19-22 - Jia Yang, Ulrich Speidel:
A T-decomposition algorithm with O(n log n) time and space complexity. 23-27 - M. Brandon Westover, Joseph A. O'Sullivan:
Achievable rates for pattern recognition: binary and Gaussian cases. 28-32 - Joseph A. O'Sullivan, Po-Hsiang Lai:
Pattern recognition system design based on LDPC matrices. 33-36 - Amir Bennatan, David Burshtein:
EXIT charts for non-binary LDPC codes over arbitrary discrete-memoryless channels. 37-41 - Ohad Barak, David Burshtein:
Lower bounds on the spectrum and error rate LDPC code ensembles. 42-46 - Yael Ben-Haim, Simon Litsyn:
Upper bounds on the rate of LDPC codes as a function of minimum distance. 47-51 - Hui Jin, Thomas J. Richardson:
Block Error Iterative Decoding Capacity for LDPC Codes. 52-56 - Natasha Devroye, Patrick Mitran, Vahid Tarokh:
Cognitive multiple access networks. 57-61 - Jian Cao, Edmund M. Yeh:
Distributed rate splitting in Gaussian and discrete memoryless multiple-access channels. 62-66 - Xiaojie Gao, Leonard J. Schulman:
Real-time coding for multiple access channels. 67-71 - Styrmir Sigurjonsson, Young-Han Kim:
On multiple user channels with state information at the transmitters. 72-76 - Leonard H. Grokop, Anant Sahai, Michael Gastpar:
Discriminatory source coding for a noiseless broadcast channel. 77-81 - Hanying Feng, Michelle Effros:
On the rate loss and construction of source codes for broadcast channels. 82-86 - Niklas Wernersson, Mikael Skoglund:
On source decoding based on finite-bandwidth soft information. 87-91 - Jayanth Nayak, Sharadh Ramaswamy, Kenneth Rose:
Correlated source coding for fusion storage and selective retrieval. 92-96 - Ulrich G. Schuster, Helmut Bölcskei, Giuseppe Durisi:
Ultra-wideband channel modeling on the basis of information-theoretic criteria. 97-101 - Andrea Ridolfi, Moe Z. Win:
Power spectra of multipath faded pulse trains. 102-106 - Dana Porrat, Urbashi Mitra:
On synchronization of wideband impulsive systems in multipath. 107-111 - Cheng Luo, Muriel Médard, Lizhong Zheng, Desmond S. Lun:
Multi-tone FSK with feedback. 112-116 - Ulrich Tamm:
On perfect integer codes. 117-120 - Ernst M. Gabidulin, Pierre Loidreau:
On subcodes of codes in rank metric. 121-123 - Asha Rao, Nimalsiri Pinnawala:
New linear codes over Zps via the trace map. 124-126 - Reza Omrani, P. Vijay Kumar:
Improved constructions and bounds for 2-D optical orthogonal codes. 127-131 - Yaron Rachlin, Rohit Negi, Pradeep K. Khosla:
Sensing capacity for Markov random fields. 132-136 - Raghu Mudumbai, João P. Hespanha, Upamanyu Madhow, Gwen Barriac:
Scalable feedback control for distributed beamforming in sensor networks. 137-141 - Ken-ichi Iwata:
On multiple-access communication system for general correlated sources with an array of general independent channels. 142-146 - João Barros, Sergio D. Servetto:
A coding theorem for network information flow with correlated sources. 147-151 - Qing Wang, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, Sergio Verdú:
Universal estimation of divergence for continuous distributions via data-dependent partitions. 152-156 - James L. Massey, Peter C. Massey:
Conservation of mutual and directed information. 157-158 - Siu-Wai Ho, Raymond W. Yeung:
On the discontinuity of the Shannon information measures. 159-163 - Peter Harremoës:
Martingales and information divergence. 164-168 - Andrew Brown, Michael Luby, Amin Shokrollahi:
Repeat-accumulate codes that approach the Gilbert-Varshamov bound. 169-173 - Yifei Zhang, William E. Ryan, Yan Li:
Structured eIRA codes with low floors. 174-178 - Sarah J. Johnson, Steven R. Weller:
Constructions for irregular repeat-accumulate codes. 179-183 - Yong Sun, Angelos D. Liveris, Vladimir Stankovic, Zixiang Xiong:
Near-capacity dirty-paper code designs based on TCQ and IRA codes. 184-188 - Adriel P. Kind, Alex J. Grant:
A tree search method for iterative decoding of underdetermined multiuser systems. 189-193 - Toshiyuki Tanaka:
Structure of replica-symmetric solutions for randomly-spread CDMA. 194-198 - Dongning Guo:
Performance of synchronous multirate CDMA via statistical physics. 199-203 - Chien-Hwa Hwang:
Equivalence of large chip-synchronous and symbol-synchronous CDMA systems. 204-208 - Kwang Taik Kim, Toby Berger:
Sending a lossy version of the innovations process is suboptimal in QG rate-distortion. 209-213 - Frans M. J. Willems, Ton Kalker:
Semantic compaction, transmission, and compression codes. 214-218 - Krishnan Eswaran, Michael Gastpar:
On the quadratic AWGN CEO problem and non-gaussian sources. 219-223 - Stefania Sesia, Giuseppe Caire, Guillaume Vivier:
Lossy transmission over slow-fading AWGN channels: a comparison of progressive and superposition and hybrid approaches. 224-228 - Jan Mietzner, Sabah Badri-Hoeher, Ingmar Land, Peter A. Hoeher:
Trellis-based equalization for sparse ISI channels revisited. 229-233 - Brian M. Kurkoski, Kazuhiko Yamaguchi, Kingo Kobayashi:
On BCJR state metric quantization for turbo equalization. 234-238 - Teng Li, Oliver M. Collins:
A successive decoding strategy for channels with memory. 239-243 - Moshe Laifenfeld, Ari Trachtenberg:
Disjoint identifying-codes for arbitrary graphs. 244-248 - Chao Tian, Vinay A. Vaishampayan, Neil J. A. Sloane:
Constant weight codes: a geometric approach. 249-253 - Carmen Martínez, Ramón Beivide, Jaime Gutierrez, Ernst M. Gabidulin:
On the perfect t-dominating set problem in circulant graphs and codes over gaussian integers. 254-258 - Reza Omrani, Oscar Moreno, P. Vijay Kumar:
Improved Johnson bounds for optical orthogonal codes with λ > 1 and some optimal constructions. 259-263 - Randall Dougherty, Christopher F. Freiling, Kenneth Zeger:
Insufficiency of linear coding in network information flow. 264-267 - Xiaolin Wu, Bin Ma, Nima Sarshar:
Rainbow network problems and multiple description coding. 268-272 - Shuo-Yen Robert Li, Ning Cai, Raymond W. Yeung:
On theory of linear network coding. 273-277 - Supratim Deb, Muriel Médard, Clifford Choute:
On random network coding based information dissemination. 278-282 - Arkady G. D'yachkov, Anthony J. Macula, Thomas E. Renz, Pavel A. Vilenkin, I. K. Ismagilov:
New results on DNA codes. 283-287 - Olgica Milenkovic, Navin Kashyap:
DNA codes that avoid secondary structures. 288-292 - Bruce E. Hajek:
On the value of a well chosen bit to the seller in an auction. 293-296 - Sampath Kannan, Andrew McGregor:
More on reconstructing strings from random traces: insertions and deletions. 297-301 - Xiaofei Huang:
Near perfect decoding of LDPC codes. 302-306 - Jon Feldman, Ralf Koetter, Pascal O. Vontobel:
The benefit of thresholding in LP decoding of LDPC codes. 307-311 - Pirouz Zarrinkhat, Amir H. Banihashemi:
Hybrid decoding of irregular LDPC codes. 312-316 - Alexei Ashikhmin, Vitaly Skachek:
Decoding of expander codes at rates close to capacity. 317-321 - Kegen Yu, Ian J. Oppermann:
Performance of decorrelating receiver in multipath Rician fading channels. 322-326 - Matthew J. M. Peacock, Iain B. Collings, Michael L. Honig:
A relationship between the SINR of MMSE and ALS receivers. 327-331 - Zhenning Shi, Mark C. Reed:
Iterative multiuser detection based on Monte Carlo probabilistic data association. 332-336 - Nicolas Bonneau, Eitan Altman, Mérouane Debbah, Giuseppe Caire:
When to synchronize in uplink CDMA. 337-341 - Daniel Marco, David L. Neuhoff:
Entropy of quantized data at high sampling rates. 342-346 - Paul J. Pelzl, David L. Neuhoff:
A fast, flexible and robust design method for noisy channel scalar quantization. 347-351 - Maxim Raginsky:
A complexity-regularized quantization approach to nonlinear dimensionality reduction. 352-356 - H. Y. Chan, Wai Ho Mow, C. S. Leung:
Index assignment for scalar quantization with M-ary phase shift keying. 357-361 - Jean-Claude Belfiore, Emanuele Viterbo:
Approximating the error probability for the independent rayleigh fading channel. 362 - Michele Franceschini, Gianluigi Ferrari, Riccardo Raheli, Aldo Curtoni:
A novel class of low-complexity SISO algorithms for phase-uncertain communications. 363-367 - Xiaowei Jin, Andrew W. Eckford, Thomas E. Fuja:
Analysis and design of low density parity check codes for non-coherent block fading channels. 368-372 - Hao Zhou, Oliver M. Collins:
Manufacturing training symbols from future bits. 373-377 - Ying Li, Yi-Chan Kao:
Structures of non-GDJ golay sequences. 378-381 - Kenji Yasunaga, Toru Fujiwara:
Relations between the local weight distributions of a linear block code, its extended code, and its even weight subcode. 382-386 - Hiroyoshi Morita, Masahiko Satoh, Adriaan J. de Lind van Wijngaarden:
On multimode polarity-switch codes of rate 1 - 1/n. 387-391 - Takaya Miyazawa, Iwao Sasase:
Mitigation of MAIs by the second encoding scheme in TTFR-based optical CDMA systems. 392-396 - Chris T. K. Ng, Andrea J. Goldsmith:
Capacity gain from transmitter and receiver cooperation. 397-401 - Anant Sahai, Stark C. Draper, Michael Gastpar:
Boosting reliability over AWGN networks with average power constraints and noiseless feedback. 402-406 - Ivana Maric, Roy D. Yates, Gerhard Kramer:
The discrete memoryless compound multiple access channel with conferencing encoders. 407-410 - Lalitha Sankaranarayanan, Gerhard Kramer, Narayan B. Mandayam:
Cooperation vs. hierarchy: an information-theoretic comparison. 411-415 - Young-Han Kim:
Feedback capacity of the first-order moving average Gaussian channel. 416-420 - John B. Moore, Keng T. Tan:
Multinomial representation of majority logic coding. 421-424 - Justin Dauwels:
Computing Bayesian Cramer-Rao bounds. 425-429 - Hugues Mercier, Pierre McKenzie, Stefan Wolf:
Worst-case randomized interactive communication. 430-434 - Nicolas Sendrier:
Encoding information into constant weight words. 435-438 - Arya Mazumdar, Adrish Banerjee, Ajit Kumar Chaturvedi:
On the spread of random interleavers. 439-443 - Masato Inoue, Miho Komiya, Yoshiyuki Kabashima:
An LDPCC decoding algorithm based on bowman-levin approximation -comparison with bp and CCCP-. 444-448 - Jinghu Chen, R. Michael Tanner, Christopher Jones, Yan Li:
Improved min-sum decoding algorithms for irregular LDPC codes. 449-453 - Juntan Zhang, Yige Wang, Marc P. C. Fossorier, Jonathan S. Yedidia:
Replica shuffled iterative decoding. 454-458 - Jason Kwok-San Lee, Jeremy Thorpe:
Memory-efficient decoding of LDPC codes. 459-463 - David Declercq, Marc P. C. Fossorier:
Extended minsum algorithm for decoding LDPC codes over GF(q). 464-468 - Panagiotis Rizomiliotis:
On the design of binary sequences with maximum nonlinear span. 469-473 - Elena V. Konstantinova:
Reconstruction of signed permutations from their distorted patterns. 474-477 - Yasutada Oohama:
Multiterminal random number generation in of separate coding systems. 478-481 - Xiaohu Tang, Parampalli Udaya:
New construction of low correlation zone sequences from hadamard matrices. 482-486 - Ji-Woong Jang, Jong-Seon No, Habong Chung, Xiaohu Tang:
Binary sequence sets with low correlation zone. 487-490 - R. K. Bansal, Jay Deep Sau:
Weakly universal LZ-extended codes for sources with countable alphabet. 491-494 - En-Hui Yang, Lihua Song, Gil I. Shamir, John C. Kieffer:
On the pointwise redundancy of the LZ78 algorithm. 495-499 - Tsutomu Kawabata, You Yanagisawa:
Redundancy of symbol decomposition algorithms for memoryless source. 500-504 - Mitsuharu Arimura, Hiroshi Nagaoka:
An extension of asymptotically sufficient statistic method for pointwise strong universality. 505-509 - Suhas N. Diggavi, David N. C. Tse:
Fundamental limits of diversity-embedded codes over fading channels. 510-514 - Vignesh Sethuraman, Bruce E. Hajek, Krishna R. Narayanan:
Capacity bounds for noncoherent fading channels with a peak constraint. 515-519 - Teng Li, Xiaowei Jin, Oliver M. Collins:
Approaching capacity on correlated fading channels with unknown state. 520-524 - Parastoo Sadeghi, Predrag B. Rapajic, Zarko B. Krusevac:
The effect of memory order on the capacity of finite-state Markov and flat-fading channels. 525-529 - Kaushik Chakraborty:
Capacity of the MIMO optical fading channel. 530-534 - Vladimir I. Levenshtein, Vladimir D. Tonchev:
Optimal conflict-avoiding codes for three active users. 535-537 - Vladimir Rusek, John B. Anderson:
Near BER optimal partial response codes. 538-542 - Yogesh Sankarasubramaniam, Steven W. McLaughlin:
A fixed-rate bit stuffing approach for high efficiency k-constrained codes. 543-547 - Sundararajan Sankaranarayanan, Evangelos Eleftheriou:
Performance of product codes on channels with memory. 548-552 - Leonidas Georgiadis, Leandros Tassiulas:
Most balanced overload response in sensor networks. 553-557 - Vivek F. Farias, Ciamac C. Moallemi, Balaji Prabhakar:
Load balancing with migration penalties. 558-562 - Kamal Jain, Vijay V. Vazirani, Raymond W. Yeung, Gideon Yuval:
On the capacity of multiple unicast sessions in undirected graphs. 563-567 - Jian Ni, Sekhar Tatikonda:
Calculating blocking probabilities for loss networks based on probabilistic graphical models. 568-572 - Cengiz Y. Belentepe, Abraham J. Wyner:
A statistical view of universal stock market portfolios. 573-577 - Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Hong-Chuan Yang:
Minimum estimation and combining generalized selection combining (MEC-GSC). 578-582 - Justin Dauwels, Sascha Korl, Hans-Andrea Loeliger:
Expectation maximization as message passing. 583-586 - Wei Zhang, Michael Lentmaier, Daniel J. Costello Jr., Kamil Sh. Zigangirov:
Braided convolutional codes. 592-596