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- Paul Dalsgaard, Børge Lindberg, Henrik Benner, Zheng-Hua Tan:
EUROSPEECH 2001 Scandinavia, 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 2nd INTERSPEECH Event, Aalborg, Denmark, September 3-7, 2001. ISCA 2001
- Louis C. W. Pols:
Acquiring and implementing phonetic knowledge. - Yrjö Neuvo:
Mobile future. - Susan E. Brennan:
How visual co-presence and joint attention shape speaking.
What do Industry and Universities Expect from Each Other? (Special Session)
- Ilkka Niiniluoto:
Universities and industry: marriage or co-operation between independent partners? 11-12 - Yrjö Neuvo:
Considerations on what industry expects from universities. 13-14 - Gary W. Strong:
A perspective on industry/university relationships in the US. 15-16 - Khalid Choukri:
ELRA contribution to bridge the gap between industry and academia. 17-18
Linguistic Modelling: Language Model Compression
- Giulio Maltese, Paolo Bravetti, H. Crépy, B. J. Grainger, M. Herzog, Francisco Palou:
Combining word- and class-based language models: a comparative study in several languages using automatic and manual word-clustering techniques. 21-24 - Shuntaro Isogai, Katsuhiko Shirai, Hirofumi Yamamoto, Yoshinori Sagisaka:
Multi-class composite n-gram language model using multiple word clusters and word successions. 25-28 - Imed Zitouni, Kamel Smaïli, Jean Paul Haton:
Statistical language model based on a hierarchical approach: MCnv. 29-32 - Edward W. D. Whittaker, Bhiksha Raj:
Quantization-based language model compression. 33-36
Speech Production: Voice Source
- Gerrit Bloothooft, Mieke van Wijck, Peter Pabon:
Relations between vocal registers in voice breaks. 39-42 - Gordon Ramsay:
A quasi-one-dimensional model of aerodynamic and acoustic flow in the time-varying vocal tract: source and excitation mechanisms. 43-46 - Nathalie Henrich, Christophe d'Alessandro, Boris Doval:
Spectral correlates of voice open quotient and glottal flow asymmetry : theory, limits and experimental data. 47-50 - Federico Avanzini, Paavo Alku, Matti Karjalainen:
One-delayed-mass model for efficient synthesis of glottal flow. 51-54
Speech Recognition and Understanding: Pronunciation and Subword Units
- Fang Zheng, Zhanjiang Song, Pascale Fung, William Byrne:
Modeling pronunciation variation using context-dependent weighting and b/s refined acoustic modeling. 57-60 - Issam Bazzi, James R. Glass:
Learning units for domain-independent out-of- vocabulary word modelling. 61-64 - Hideharu Nakajima, Izumi Hirano, Yoshinori Sagisaka, Katsuhiko Shirai:
Pronunciation variant analysis using speaking style parallel corpus. 65-68 - Jan Kneissler, Dietrich Klakow:
Speech recognition for huge vocabularies by using optimized sub-word units. 69-72 - Kyung-Tak Lee, Christian Wellekens:
Dynamic lexicon using phonetic features. 1413-1416 - Ute Ziegenhain, Josef G. Bauer:
Triphone tying techniques combining a-priori rules and data driven methods. 1417-1420 - Louis ten Bosch, Nick Cremelie:
Pronunciation modeling and lexical adaptation in midsize vocabulary ASR. 1421-1424 - Yi Liu, Pascale Fung:
Estimating pronunciation variations from acoustic likelihood score for HMM reconstruction. 1425-1428 - Maximilian Bisani, Hermann Ney:
Breadth-first search for finding the optimal phonetic transcription from multiple utterances. 1429-1432 - Matthias Wolff, Matthias Eichner, Rüdiger Hoffmann:
Improved data-driven generation of pronunciation dictionaries using an adapted word list. 1433-1436 - Karen Livescu, James R. Glass:
Segment-based recognition on the phonebook task: initial results and observations on duration modeling. 1437-1440 - Søren Kamaric Riis, Morten With Pedersen, Kåre Jean Jensen:
Multilingual text-to-phoneme mapping. 1441-1444 - Ming-Yi Tsai, Fu-Chiang Chou, Lin-Shan Lee:
Pronunciation variation analysis with respect to various linguistic levels and contextual conditions for Mandarin Chinese. 1445-1448 - Laura Mayfield Tomokiyo:
Hypothesis-driven accent discrimination. 1449-1452 - Changxue Ma, Mark A. Randolph:
An approach to automatic phonetic baseform generation based on Bayesian networks. 1453-1457 - Hauke Schramm, Peter Beyerlein:
Towards discriminative lexicon optimization. 1457-1460 - Xiaodong He, Yunxin Zhao:
Model complexity optimization for nonnative English speakers. 1461-1464 - Tibor Fegyó, Péter Mihajlik, Péter Tatai, Géza Gordos:
Pronunciation modeling in hungarian number recognition. 1465-1468
Phonetics and Phonology: Prosody and Others
- Marc Swerts, Hanne Kloots, Steven Gillis, Georges De Schutter:
Factors affecting schwa-insertion in final consonant clusters in standard dutch. 75-78 - Leah Hitchcock, Steven Greenberg:
Vowel height is intimately associated with stress accent in spontaneous american English discourse. 79-82 - Dafydd Gibbon:
Finite state prosodic analysis of african corpus resources. 83-86 - Marc Schröder, Roddy Cowie, Ellen Douglas-Cowie, Machiel Westerdijk, Stan C. A. M. Gielen:
Acoustic correlates of emotion dimensions in view of speech synthesis. 87-90 - Hanny den Ouden, Jacques M. B. Terken:
Measuring pitch range. 91-94 - Dafydd Gibbon, Ulrike Gut:
Measuring speech rhythm. 95-98 - Mariapaola D'Imperio:
Tonal alignment, scaling and slope in Italian question and statement tunes. 99-102 - Antti Iivonen:
Pragmatic temporal voice range profile as a tool in the research of speech styles. 103-106 - Wooil Kim, Taeyun Kim, Sungjoo Ahn, Hanseok Ko:
Model based stress decision method. 107-110 - Torbjørn Nordgård, Arne Kjell Foldvik:
Reduction of alternative pronunciations in the norwegian computational lexicon norkompleks. 111-114 - Gorka Elordieta, José Ignacio Hualde:
The role of duration as a correlate of accent in lekeitio basque. 115-118 - Victoria Johansson, Merle Horne, Sven Strömqvist:
Word final aspiration as a phrase boundary cue: data from spontaneous Swedish discourse. 119-122 - Xipeng Shen, Bo Xu:
Study and auto-detection of stress based on tonal pitch range in Mandarin. 123-126 - Noam Amir, Ori Kerret, Dimitry Karlinski:
Classifying emotions in speech: a comparison of methods. 127-130
Speech Perception: First and Second Language Learning
- Dawn M. Behne, Peter E. Czigler, Kirk P. H. Sullivan:
Development of vowel quantity perception in late childhood. 133-136 - Byunggon Yang:
A study on the production-perception link of English vowels produced by native and non-native speakers. 137-140 - Takashi Otake, Yuka Yamaguchi:
Japanese can be aware of syllables and morae: evidence from Japanese-English bilingual children. 141-144 - Daniel E. Callan, Keiichi Tajima, Akiko E. Callan, Reiko Akahane-Yamada, Shinobu Masaki:
Neural processes underlying perceptual learning of a difficult second language phonetic contrast. 145-148 - Masahiko Komatsu, Kazuya Mori, Takayuki Arai, Yuji Murahara:
Human language identification with reduced segmental information: comparison between monolinguals and bilinguals. 149-152
Speech Perception: Miscellaneous
- Santiago Fernández, Sergio Feijóo:
Coarticulatory effects in perception. 155-158 - Sue Harding, Georg F. Meyer:
A case for multi-resolution auditory scene analysis. 159-162 - Lucie Ménard, Jean-Luc Schwartz, Louis-Jean Boë, Sonia Kandel, Nathalie Vallée:
Perceptual identification and normalization of synthesized French vowels from birth to adulthood. 163-166 - Lucie Ménard, Louis-Jean Boë:
Perceptual categorization of maximal vowel spaces from birth to adulthood simulated by an articulatory model. 167-170 - Maxine Eskénazi, Alan W. Black:
A study on speech over the telephone and aging. 171-174 - Marcia Chen, Abeer Alwan:
On the perception of voicing for plosives in noise. 175-178 - Jintao Jiang, Abeer Alwan, Edward T. Auer, Lynne E. Bernstein:
Predicting visual consonant perception from physical measures. 179-182 - William A. Ainsworth, T. Cervera:
Effects of noise adaptation on the perception of voiced plosives in isolated syllables. 371-374 - Makoto Hiroshige, Kenji Araki, Koji Tochinai:
On differential limen of word-based local speechrate variation in Japanese expressed by duration ratio. 375-378 - Wan Tokuma:
A multidimensional scaling study of fricatives; a comparison of perceptual and physical dimensions. 379-382 - Marc Swerts, Emiel Krahmer:
Reconstructing dialogue history. 383-386 - David House, Jonas Beskow, Björn Granström:
Timing and interaction of visual cues for prominence in audiovisual speech perception. 387-390 - Masahiko Komatsu, Shinichi Tokuma, Won Tokuma, Takayuki Arai:
Modelling the perceptual identification of Japanese consonants from LPC cepstral distances. 391-394 - Denis Burnham, Valter Ciocca, Stephanie Stokes:
Auditory-visual perception of lexical tone. 395-398 - Anders Eriksson, Gunilla C. Thunberg, Hartmut Traunmller:
Syllable prominence: a matter of vocal effort, phonetic distinct-ness and top-down processing. 399-402 - Hansjörg Mixdorff, Christina Widera:
Perceived prominence in terms of a linguistically motivated quantitative intonation model. 403-406 - Sarah Hawkins, Noël Nguyen:
Perception of coda voicing from properties of the onset and nucleus of 'led' and 'let'. 407-410 - Lee Lin, Eliathamby Ambikairajah, W. Harvey Holmes:
Auditory filter bank design using masking curves. 411-414 - Dashtseren Erdenebat, Shigeyoshi Kitazawa, Tatsuya Kitamura:
A new feature driven cochlear implant speech processing strategy. 415-418
Noise Robust Recognition: Frontend and Compensation Algorithms (Special Session)
- Qifeng Zhu, Markus Iseli, Xiaodong Cui, Abeer Alwan:
Noise robust feature extraction for ASR using the Aurora 2 database. 185-188 - Daniel P. W. Ellis, Manuel J. Reyes Gomez:
Investigations into tandem acoustic modeling for the Aurora task. 189-192 - Bernt Andrassy, Damjan Vlaj, Christophe Beaugeant:
Recognition performance of the siemens front-end with and without frame dropping on the Aurora 2 database. 193-196 - Bojan Kotnik, Zdravko Kacic, Bogomir Horvat:
A multiconditional robust front-end feature extraction with a noise reduction procedure based on improved spectral subtraction algorithm. 197-200 - Johan de Veth, Laurent Mauuary, Bernhard Noé, Febe de Wet, Jürgen Sienel, Lou Boves, Denis Jouvet:
Feature vector selection to improve ASR robustness in noisy conditions. 201-204 - Dusan Macho, Climent Nadeu:
Comparison of spectral derivative parameters for robust speech recognition. 205-208 - Umit H. Yapanel, John H. L. Hansen, Ruhi Sarikaya, Bryan L. Pellom:
Robust digit recognition in noise: an evaluation using the AURORA corpus. 209-212 - Jon Barker, Martin Cooke, Phil D. Green:
Robust ASR based on clean speech models: an evaluation of missing data techniques for connected digit recognition in noise. 213-217 - Jasha Droppo, Li Deng, Alex Acero:
Evaluation of the SPLICE algorithm on the Aurora2 database. 217-220 - José C. Segura, Ángel de la Torre, M. Carmen Benítez, Antonio M. Peinado:
Model-based compensation of the additive noise for continuous speech recognition. experiments using the Aurora II database and tasks. 221-224 - Andrew C. Morris, Astrid Hagen, Hervé Bourlard:
MAP combination of multi-stream HMM or HMM/ANN experts. 225-228 - Bojan Jarc, Rudolf Babic:
Second order statistics spectrum estimation method for robust speech recognition. 229-232 - Kaisheng Yao, Jingdong Chen, Kuldip K. Paliwal, Satoshi Nakamura:
Feature extraction and model-based noise compensation for noisy speech recognition evaluated on AURORA 2 task. 233-236
Linguistic Modelling: Language Model Adaptation
- Marcello Federico, Nicola Bertoldi:
Broadcast news LM adaptation using contemporary texts. 239-242 - Mirjam Sepesy Maucec, Zdravko Kacic:
Topic detection for language model adaptation of highly-inflected languages by using a fuzzy comparison function. 243-246 - Kallirroi Georgila, Nikos Fakotakis, George K. Kokkinakis:
Efficient stochastic finite-state networks for language modelling in spoken dialogue systems. 247-250 - Karthik Visweswariah, Harry Printz:
Language models conditioned on dialog state. 251-254 - Langzhou Chen, Jean-Luc Gauvain, Lori Lamel, Gilles Adda, Martine Adda-Decker:
Using information retrieval methods for language model adaptation. 255-258
Speech Production: Articulation
- Olov Engwall:
Making the tongue model talk: merging MRI & EMA measurements. 261-264 - Inger Moen, Hanne Gram Simonsen, Morten Huseby, John Grue:
The relationship between intraoral air pressure and tongue/palate contact during the articulation of norwegian /t/ and /d/. 265-268 - Ahmed M. Elgendy, Louis C. W. Pols:
Mechanical versus perceptual constraints as determinants of articulatory strategy. 269-272 - Bryan Gick, Ian Wilson:
Pre-liquid excrescent schwa: what happens when vocalic targets conflict. 273-276 - Slim Ouni, Yves Laprie:
Exploring the null space of the acoustic-to- articulatory inversion using a hypercube codebook. 277-280
Speech Recognition and Understanding: Topic Detection and Information Retrieval
- M. W. Theunissen, Konrad Scheffler, Johan A. du Preez:
Phoneme-based topic spotting on the switchboard corpus. 283-286 - Martin Franz, J. Scott McCarley, Todd Ward, Wei-Jing Zhu:
Topic styles in IR and TDT: effect on system behavior. 287-290 - Geoffrey Zweig, Jing Huang, Mukund Padmanabhan:
Extracting caller information from voicemail. 291-294 - Hong-Kwang Jeff Kuo, Chin-Hui Lee:
A portability study on natural language call steering. 295-298 - Berlin Chen, Hsin-Min Wang, Lin-Shan Lee:
Improved spoken document retrieval by exploring extra acoustic and linguistic cues. 299-302
Phonetics and Phonology: Segmentals and Synthesis
- Kimiko Tsukada:
Native vs non-native production of English vowels in spontaneous speech: an acoustic phonetic study. 305-308 - Silke Goronzy, Marina Sahakyan, Wolfgang Wokurek:
Is non-native pronunciation modelling necessary ? 309-312 - Yves Laprie, Anne Bonneau:
Burst segmentation and evaluation of acoustic cues. 313-316 - Theodor Granser, Sylvia Moosmller:
The schwa in albanian. 317-320 - Simone Ashby, Julie Carson-Berndsen, Gina Joue:
A testbed for developing multilingual phonotactic descriptions. 321-324 - Wing-Nga Fung, Sze-Lok Lau:
A physiological analysis of nasals and nasalization in Chinese. 325-328 - Robert E. Donovan:
A component by component listening test analysis of the IBM trainable speech synthesis system. 329-332 - Shimei Pan, Kathleen R. McKeown, Julia Hirschberg:
Semantic abnormality and its realization in spoken language. 333-336 - Nick Campbell:
TALKING FOREIGN - concatenative speech synthesis and the language barrier. 337-340 - Christian Jensen:
Schwa-assimilation in danish synthetic speech. 341-344 - Masatsune Tamura, Takashi Masuko, Keiichi Tokuda, Takao Kobayashi:
Text-to-speech synthesis with arbitrary speaker's voice from average voice. 345-348 - Tomoki Toda, Hiroshi Saruwatari, Kiyohiro Shikano:
High quality voice conversion based on Gaussian mixture model with dynamic frequency warping. 349-352 - Min Tang, Chao Wang, Stephanie Seneff:
Voice transformations: from speech synthesis to mammalian vocalizations. 353-356 - Juana M. Gutiérrez-Arriola, Juan Manuel Montero, José A. Vallejo, Ricardo de Córdoba, Rubén San Segundo, José Manuel Pardo:
A new multi-speaker formant synthesizer that applies voice conversion techniques. 357-360 - Mikiko Mashimo, Tomoki Toda, Kiyohiro Shikano, Nick Campbell:
Evaluation of cross-language voice conversion based on GMM and straight. 361-364 - Rachel Coulston:
Ejective reduction in chaha is conditioned by more than prosodic position. 365-368
Noise Robust Recognition: Frontend (Special Session)
- Hong Kook Kim, Richard C. Rose, Hong-Goo Kang:
Acoustic feature compensation based on decomposition of speech and noise for ASR in noisy environments. 421-424 - Yan Ming Cheng, Dusan Macho, Yuanjun Wei, Douglas Ealey, Holly Kelleher, David Pearce, William Kushner, Tenkasi Ramabadran:
A robust front-end algorithm for distributed speech recognition. 425-428 - M. Carmen Benítez, Lukás Burget, Barry Y. Chen, Stéphane Dupont, Harinath Garudadri, Hynek Hermansky, Pratibha Jain, Sachin S. Kajarekar, Nelson Morgan, Sunil Sivadas:
Robust ASR front-end using spectral-based and discriminant features: experiments on the Aurora tasks. 429-432 - Bernhard Noé, Jürgen Sienel, Denis Jouvet, Laurent Mauuary, Johan de Veth, Lou Boves, Febe de Wet:
Noise reduction for noise robust feature extraction for distributed speech recognition. 433-436 - Douglas Ealey, Holly Kelleher, David Pearce:
Harmonic tunnelling: tracking non-stationary noises during speech. 437-440
Linguistic Modelling: Semantic Modelling
- David Carter, Ian Gransden:
Resource-limited sentence boundary detection. 443-446 - Andrew N. Pargellis, Eric Fosler-Lussier, Alexandros Potamianos, Chin-Hui Lee:
Metrics for measuring domain independence of semantic classes. 447-450 - Xiaolong Mou, Stephanie Seneff, Victor Zue:
Context-dependent probabilistic hierarchical sublexical modelling using finite state transducers. 451-454