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CVPR 1998: Santa Barbara, CA, USA
- 1998 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR '98), June 23-25, 1998, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. IEEE Computer Society 1998, ISBN 0-8186-8497-6
- Masanobu Yamamoto, Akitsugu Sato, Satoshi Kawada, Takuya Kondo, Yoshihiko Osaki:
Incremental Tracking of Human Actions from Multiple Views. 2-7 - Christoph Bregler, Jitendra Malik:
Tracking People with Twists and Exponential Maps. 8-15 - Christopher Rasmussen, Gregory D. Hager:
Joint Probabilistic Techniques for Tracking Multi-Part Objects. 16-21 - W. Eric L. Grimson, Chris Stauffer, R. Romano, L. Lee:
Using Adaptive Tracking to Classify and Monitor Activities in a Site. 22-29
Face Detection and Recognition
- Brendan J. Frey, Antonio Colmenarez, Thomas S. Huang:
Mixtures of Local Linear Subspaces for Face Recognition. 32-37 - Henry A. Rowley, Shumeet Baluja, Takeo Kanade:
Rotation Invariant Neural Network-Based Face Detection. 38-44 - Henry Schneiderman, Takeo Kanade:
Probabilistic Modeling of Local Appearance and Spatial Relationships for Object Recognition. 45-51 - Athinodoros S. Georghiades, David J. Kriegman, Peter N. Belhumeur:
Illumination Cones for Recognition under Variable Lighting: Faces. 52-58
Pattern Analysis, 2D and Low-Level Vision
- Graham D. Finlayson, Steven D. Hordley:
A Theory of Selection for Gamut Mapping Color Constancy. 60-65 - Hong Li, Albert M. Vossepoel:
Generation of the Euclidean Skeleton from the Vector Distance Map by a Bisector Decision Rule. 66-71 - Song Chun Zhu:
Stochastic Computation of Medial Axis in Markov Random Fields. 72-79 - Clark F. Olson:
Variable-Scale Smoothing and Edge Detection Guided by Stereoscopy. 80-85 - Florian Röhrbein, Christoph Zetzsche:
Exploitation of Natural Image Statistics by Biological Vision Systems: 1/f2 Power Spectra and Self-Similar Bandpass Decompositions. 86-91 - Jayant Shah:
Minimax Entropy and Learning by Diffusion. 92-97 - Pedro F. Felzenszwalb, Daniel P. Huttenlocher:
Image Segmentation Using Local Variation. 98-104 - David Slater, Glenn Healey:
What is the Spectral Dimensionality of Illumination Functions in Outdoor Scenes? 105-110 - Jean-Philippe Tarel, David B. Cooper:
A New Complex Basis for Implicit Polynomial Curves and its Simple Exploitation for Pose Estimation and Invariant Recognition. 111-117 - Davi Geiger, Hsing-Kuo Pao, Nava Rubin:
Salient and Multiple Illusory Surfaces. 118-124 - Hiroshi Ishikawa, Davi Geiger:
Segmentation by Grouping Junctions. 125-131 - Baba C. Vemuri, Li Wang, Yunmei Chen:
A Coupled PDE Model of Nonlinear Diffusion for Image Smoothing and Segmentation. 132-137 - Benoit Huet, Edwin R. Hancock:
Fuzzy Relational Distance for Large-Scale Object Recognition. 138-143 - Bruce A. Draper, Kyungim Baek:
Bagging in Computer Vision. 144-149 - Clark F. Olson:
A Probabilistic Formulation for Hausdorff Matching. 150-156 - Gouda I. Salama, A. Lynn Abbott:
Moment Invariants and Quantization Effects. 157-163 - Wen-Yi Zhao, Rama Chellappa, Nagaraj Nandhakumar:
Empirical Performance Analysis of Linear Discriminant Classifiers. 164-169
Motion, Real-Time and Active Vision
- Long Quan, Yuichi Ohta:
A New Linear Method for Euclidean Motion/Structure from Three Calibrated Affine Views. 172-177 - Tiziano Tommasini, Andrea Fusiello, Emanuele Trucco, Vito Roberto:
Making Good Features Track Better. 178-183 - Mariette Maurizot, Patrick Bouthemy, Bernard Delyon:
2D Fluid Motion Analysis from a Single Image. 184-189 - Min C. Shin, Dmitry B. Goldgof, Kevin W. Bowyer:
An Objective Comparison Methodology of Edge Detection Algorithms Using a Structure from Motion Task. 190-195 - Aaron F. Bobick, Yuri A. Ivanov:
Action Recognition Using Probabilistic Parsing. 196-202 - John Oliensis:
Computing the Camera Heading from Multiple Frames. 203-210 - Gideon P. Stein, Amnon Shashua:
Direct Estimation of Motion and Extended Scene Structure from a Moving Stereo Rig. 211-218 - Jianbo Ma, Narendra Ahuja:
Dense Shape and Motion from Region Correspondences by Factorization. 219-224 - Xiaolin Feng, Pietro Perona:
Scene Segmentation from 3D Motion. 225-231 - Stan Birchfield:
Elliptical Head Tracking Using Intensity Gradients and Color Histograms. 232-237 - Todd Williamson, Charles E. Thorpe:
A Specialized Multibaseline Stereo Technique for Obstacle Detection. 238-244 - Tamer F. Rabie, Demetri Terzopoulos:
Stereo and Color Analysis for Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance. 245-252 - Xilin Yi, Octavia I. Camps:
3D Object Depth Recovery from Highlights Using Active Sensor and Illumination Control. 253-259 - Gopal Sarma Pingali, Yves Jean, Ingrid Carlbom:
Real-Time Tracking for Enhanced Tennis Broadcasts. 260-265 - Christopher K. Eveland, Kurt Konolige, Robert C. Bolles:
Background Modeling for Segmentation of Video-Rate Stereo Sequences. 266-271
- David J. Fleet, Michael J. Black, Allan D. Jepson:
Motion Feature Detection Using Steerable Flow Fields. 274-281 - Stefano Soatto, Roger W. Brockett:
Optimal Structure from Motion: Local Ambiguities and Global Estimates. 282-288 - Daniel D. Morris, James M. Rehg:
Singularity Analysis for Articulated Object Tracking. 289-296
Medical Image Analysis
- Yusuf Sinan Akgul, Chandra Kambhamettu, Maureen Stone:
Extraction and Tracking of the Tongue Surface from Ultrasound Image Sequences. 298-303 - Mei Chen, Takeo Kanade, Henry A. Rowley, Dean Pomerleau:
Anomaly Detection through Registration. 304-310 - Jian Chen, Yoshinobu Sato, Shinichi Tamura:
Orientation Space Filtering for Multiple Orientation Line Segmentation. 311-317
Deformable Models and Shape
- Dimitris Samaras, Dimitris N. Metaxas:
Incorporating Illumination Constraints in Deformable Models. 322-329 - Timothy N. Jones, Dimitris N. Metaxas:
Image Segmentation Based on the Integration of Pixel Affinity and Deformable Models. 330-337 - Yongmei Wang, Lawrence H. Staib:
Boundary Finding with Correspondence Using Statistical Shape Models. 338-345 - Mi-Suen Lee, Gérard G. Medioni:
Inferring Segmented Surface Description from Stereo Data. 346-352
Images and Video
- James Davis:
Mosaics of Scenes with Moving Objects. 354-360 - Nuno Vasconcelos, Andrew Lippman:
A Spatiotemporal Motion Model for Video Summarization. 361-366 - John R. Kender, Boon-Lock Yeo:
Video Scene Segmentation via Continuous Video Coherence. 367-373 - James H. Elder, Richard M. Goldberg:
Image Editing in the Contour Domain. 374-381
Shape Analysis
- Glenn Healey, Lizhi Wang:
Segmenting 3-D Surfaces Using Multicolored Illumination. 384-389 - Weichuan Yu, Konstantinos Daniilidis, Gerald Sommer:
Rotated Wedge Averaging Method for Junction Classification. 390-395 - Erik Roeland van Dop, Paul P. L. Regtien:
Fitting Undeformed Superquadrics to Range Data: Improving Model Recovery and Classification. 396-401 - Kyoung Mu Lee, C.-C. Jay Kuo:
Direct Shape from Texture Using a Parametric Surface Model and an Adaptive Filtering Technique. 402-407 - Vittorio Murino, Andrea Trucco:
Edge/Region-Based Segmentation and Reconstruction of Underwater Acoustic Images by Markov Random Fields. 408-413 - Ronen Basri, Dan Roth, David W. Jacobs:
Clustering Appearances of 3D Objects. 414-420 - Tomás Pajdla, Václav Hlavác:
Camera Calibration and Euclidean Reconstruction from Known Observer Translations. 421-426 - Heung-Yeung Shum, Mei Han, Richard Szeliski:
Interactive Construction of 3D Models from Panoramic Mosaics. 427-433 - Simon Baker, Richard Szeliski, P. Anandan:
A Layered Approach to Stereo Reconstruction. 434-441 - Tat-Jen Cham, Roberto Cipolla:
A Statistical Framework for Long-Range Feature Matching in Uncalibrated Image Mosaicing. 442-447 - Thomas Jelonek, Frank P. Ferrie:
From Parametric Warping to the Cooperation of Local Features and Global Models. 448-454 - Isidore Rigoutsos:
Well-Behaved, Tunable 3D-Affine Invariants. 455-460 - Michael Daum, Gregory Dudek:
On 3-D Surface Reconstruction Using Shape from Shadows. 461-468 - Benny Rousso, Erez Shilat:
Varying Focal Length Self-Calibration and Pose Estimation from Two Images . 469-474 - Andreas Ruf, Gabriela Csurka, Radu Horaud:
Projective Translations and Affine Stereo Calibration. 475-481 - David Liebowitz, Andrew Zisserman:
Metric Rectification for Perspective Images of Planes. 482-488 - Ioannis Stamos, Peter K. Allen:
Interactive Sensor Planning. 489-494
Digital and Video Libraries, Applications
- Liang Zhao, Chuck Thorpe:
Qualitative and Quantitative Car Tracking from a Range Image Sequence. 496-501 - Ge Cong, Bahram Parvin:
Shape from Equal Thickness Contours. 502-507 - Marco La Cascia, John Isidoro, Stan Sclaroff:
Head Tracking via Robust Registration in Texture Map Images. 508-514 - Qinfen Zheng, Sandor Z. Der, Rama Chellappa:
Model-Based Target Recognition in Pulsed Ladar Imagery. 515-520 - Arnon Amir, Michael Lindenbaum:
Ground from Figure Discrimination. 521-527 - Nebojsa Jojic, Jin Gu, Ivan Mak, Helen C. Shen, Thomas S. Huang:
Computer Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis of Dressed Humans. 528-534 - Michael C. Burl, Pietro Perona:
Using Hierarchical Shape Models to Spot Keywords in Cursive Handwriting Data. 535-540 - Eric Paquet, Marc Rioux:
A Content-Based Search Engine for VRML Databases. 541-546 - Chahab Nastar, Matthias Mitschke, Christophe Meilhac:
Efficient Query Refinement for Image Retrieval. 547-552 - Ingemar J. Cox, Matthew L. Miller, Thomas P. Minka, Peter N. Yianilos:
An Optimized Interaction Strategy for Bayesian Relevance Feedback. 553-558 - Ullas Gargi, Rangachar Kasturi, Sameer K. Antani:
Performance Characterization and Comparison of Video Indexing Algorithms. 559-565 - Nuno Vasconcelos, Andrew Lippman:
A Bayesian Framework for Semantic Content Characterization. 566-571 - Carlo Colombo, Alberto Del Bimbo, Pietro Pala:
Retrieval of Commercials by Video Semantics. 572-577 - Yihong Gong, Guido Proietti, Christos Faloutsos:
Image Indexing and Retrieval Based on Human Perceptual Color Clustering. 578-583
Real-Time and Active Vision
- Arrigo Benedetti, Pietro Perona:
Real-Time 2-D Feature Detection on a Reconfigurable Computer. 586-593 - Lambert E. Wixson, Jayakrishnan Eledath, Michael W. Hansen, Robert Mandelbaum, Deepam Mishra:
Image Alignment for Precise Camera Fixation and Aim. 594-600 - Trevor Darrell, Gaile G. Gordon, Michael Harville, John Woodfill:
Integrated Person Tracking Using Stereo, Color, and Pattern Detection. 601-608
Physics-Based Vision
- David W. Jacobs, Peter N. Belhumeur, Ronen Basri:
Comparing Images under Variable Illumination. 610-617 - Kristin J. Dana, Shree K. Nayar:
Histogram Model for 3D Textures. 618-624 - Lawrence B. Wolff, Andrew J. Lundberg, Renjie Tang:
Image Understanding from Thermal Emission Polarization. 625-631
2D and Low-Level Vision
- Aparna Lakshmi Ratan, W. Eric L. Grimson, William M. Wells III:
Object Detection and Localization by Dynamic Template Warping. 634-640 - Jeremy S. De Bonet, Paul A. Viola:
Texture Recognition Using a Non-Parametric Multi-Scale Statistical Model. 641-647 - Yuri Boykov, Olga Veksler, Ramin Zabih:
Markov Random Fields with Efficient Approximations. 648-655 - Trevor Darrell:
A Radial Cumulative Similarity Transform for Robust Image Correspondence. 656-662
- Horst Bischof, Ales Leonardis:
Robust Recognition of Scaled Eigenimages through a Hierarchical Approach. 664-670 - Andrew E. Johnson, Martial Hebert:
Efficient Multiple Model Recognition in Cluttered 3-D Scenes. 671-677 - Thomas K. Leung, Michael C. Burl, Pietro Perona:
Probablistic Affine Invariants for Recognition. 678-684 - Octavia I. Camps, Chien-Yuan Huang, Tapas Kanungo:
Hierarchical Organization of Appearance-Based Parts and Relations for Object Recognition. 685-691
Recognition, Medical Image Analysis, and Physics-Based Vision
- Antonio M. López, Joan Serrat:
Creaseness Measures for CT and MR Image Registration. 694-699 - Yasuyo Kita, Ralph Highnam, Michael Brady:
Correspondence between Different View Breast X-Rays Using a Simulation of Breast Deformation. 700-707 - Xiaolan Zeng, Lawrence H. Staib, Robert T. Schultz, James S. Duncan:
Volumetric Layer Segmentation Using Coupled Surfaces Propagation. 708-715 - Adam W. Hoover, Michael H. Goldbaum:
Fuzzy Convergence. 716-721 - Karl Krissian, Grégoire Malandain, Nicholas Ayache, Régis Vaillant, Yves Trousset:
Model-Based Multiscale Detection of 3D Vessels. 722-727 - Leonid V. Tsap, Dmitry B. Goldgof, Sudeep Sarkar:
Nonrigid Motion Analysis Based on Dynamic Refinement of Finite Element Models. 728-734 - Hai Tao, Thomas S. Huang:
Connected Vibrations: A Modal Analysis Approach for Non-Rigid Motion Tracking. 735-740 - Isaac Cohen, Isabelle Herlin:
Curves Matching Using Geodesic Paths. 741-746 - James M. Coughlan, Alan L. Yuille, Camper English, Daniel Snow:
Efficient Optimization of a Deformable Template Using Dynamic Programming. 747-752 - Pei-hsiu Suen, Glenn Healey:
Analyzing the Bidirectional Texture Function. 753-758 - Toshikazu Wada, Takashi Matsuyama:
Appearance Based Behavior Recognition by Event Driven Selective Attention. 759-764 - Shishir Shah, J. K. Aggarwal:
Multiple Feature Integration for Robust Object Localization. 765-771 - Michael A. Greenspan:
The Sample Tree: A Sequential Hypothesis Testing Approach to 3D Object Recognition. 772-779 - Sudeep Sarkar:
Learning to Form Large Groups of Salient Image Features. 780-786 - Yoram Gdalyahu, Daphna Weinshall:
Automatic Hierarchical Classification of Silhouettes of 3D Objects. 787-793 - Richard Mann, Allan D. Jepson:
Towards the Computational Perception of Action. 794-799 - Yanxi Liu, Frank Dellaert:
A Classification Based Similarity Metric for 3D Image Retrieval . 800-805
Face Recognition, Vision and Graphics
- Takahiro Otsuka, Jun Ohya:
Recognizing Abruptly Changing Facial Expressions from Time-Sequential Face Images. 808-813 - Anastasios Tefas, Constantine Kotropoulos, Ioannis Pitas:
Variants of Dynamic Link Architecture Based on Mathematical Morphology for Frontal Face Authentication. 814-819 - Michael J. Jones, Tomaso A. Poggio:
Hierarchical Morphable Models. 820-826 - Chengjun Liu, Harry Wechsler:
Probabilistic Reasoning Models for Face Recognition. 827-832 - Syed A. Rizvi, P. Jonathon Phillips, Hyeonjoon Moon:
A Verification Protocol and Statistical Performance Analysis for Face Recognition Algorithms. 833-838