49th Allerton Conference 2011: Monticello, IL, USA

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Coding Theory I

Wireless Communication I

Capacity with Feedback and Side Information

Pricing and Congestion Control

Network Algorithms and Analysis I

Source Coding and Compression

Coding Theory II

Wireless Communication II

Statistical Signal Processing

Dynamic Games and Decision Theory

Network Algorithms and Analysis II

Relay, Two-Way, and Broadcast Channels

Underwater Acoustic Communications I

Detection and Estimation I

MIMO Systems

Multi-Agent Systems and Robot Control

Network Algorithms and Analysis III

Interference Channels I

Underwater Acoustic Communications II

Information and Game Theoretic Security I

Stochastic Systems and Control

Detection and Estimation II

Network Algorithms and Analysis IV

Interference Channels II

Wireless Communication III

Statistics and Information Theory in Signal Processing I


Inference and Learning

Games, Auctions, and Mean Field Limits

LDPC Codes and Iterative Coding Techniques

Wireless Communication IV

Statistics and Information Theory in Signal Processing II

Information and Game Theoretic Security II

Optimization, Consensus and Social Networks

Performance Issues in Cloud Computing

Multi-Terminal Information Theory

Distributed Inference in Sensor Networks I

Wireless Communication V

Pricing/Design/Operations of Power Markets


Data Storage

Information Theory and Circuits

Coding Theory III

Network Coding

Emerging Paradigms for Control and Optimization in Power Grids

Distributed Inference in Sensor Networks II

Multi-Layer Multi-Resolution Games

Wireless Communication VI

Wireless Communication VII

Information Theory

Information Theory and the Biological Sciences

Coding Techniques and Applications

Detection and Estimation III