13th RTCSA 2007: Daegu, Korea

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Invited Paper Session

Session 1: Resource Sharing

Session 2: Memory Management for Embedded Applications

Session 3: Multiprocessor Scheduling

Session 4: Ubiquitous Wireless Networks

Session 5: Analysis and Design (I)

Session 6: Advanced Embedded System Design Frameworks

Session 7: Analysis and Design (II)

Session 8: Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing

Session 9: Networking and Distributed Systems

Session 10: Power-Aware Design Methodologies

Session 11: Databases

Session 12: Wireless Sensor Networks

Session 13: Uniprocessor Scheduling

Session 14: Compiler Techniques for Embedded Systems

Session 15: Scheduling and Analysis

Session 16: Context Awareness and Privacy

Session 17: Miscellaneous

Session 18: System-on-Chip and Distributed Embedded Systems

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