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Sally A. McKee
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2020 – today
- 2022
- [j28]Alexandra Poulos, Sally A. McKee, Jon C. Calhoun:
Posits and the state of numerical representations in the age of exascale and edge computing. Softw. Pract. Exp. 52(2): 619-635 (2022)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j27]Jun Zhang, Rui Hou, Wei Song, Sally A. McKee, Zhen Jia, Chen Zheng, Mingyu Chen, Lixin Zhang, Dan Meng:
RAGuard: An Efficient and User-Transparent Hardware Mechanism against ROP Attacks. ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim. 15(4): 50:1-50:21 (2019) - [j26]Zhen Jia, Wanling Gao, Yingjie Shi, Sally A. McKee, Zhenyan Ji, Jianfeng Zhan, Lei Wang, Lixin Zhang:
Understanding Processors Design Decisions for Data Analytics in Homogeneous Data Centers. IEEE Trans. Big Data 5(1): 81-94 (2019) - [e4]Rudolf Eigenmann, Chen Ding, Sally A. McKee:
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA, June 26-28, 2019. ACM 2019, ISBN 978-1-4503-6079-1 [contents] - [i4]Chen Zheng, Lei Wang, Sally A. McKee, Lixin Zhang, Hainan Ye, Jianfeng Zhan:
XOS: An Application-Defined Operating System for Data Center Servers. CoRR abs/1901.00825 (2019) - 2018
- [j25]Boyan Zhao, Rui Hou, Jianbo Dong, Michael C. Huang, Sally A. McKee, Qianlong Zhang, Yueji Liu, Ye Li, Lixin Zhang, Dan Meng:
Venice: An Effective Resource Sharing Architecture for Data Center Servers. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 36(1): 2:1-2:26 (2018) - [j24]Jacob Lidman, Sally A. McKee:
Verifying Reliability Properties Using the Hyperball Abstract Domain. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 40(1): 3:1-3:29 (2018) - [c92]Chen Zheng, Lei Wang, Sally A. McKee, Lixin Zhang, Hainan Ye, Jianfeng Zhan:
XOS: An Application-Defined Operating System for Datacenter Computing. IEEE BigData 2018: 398-407 - [c91]Frederick A. Ware, Javier Bueno, Liji Gopalakrishnan, Brent Haukness, Chris Haywood, Toni Juan, Eric Linstadt, Sally A. McKee, Steven C. Woo, Kenneth L. Wright, Craig Hampel, Gary Bronner:
Architecting a hardware-managed hybrid DIMM optimized for cost/performance. MEMSYS 2018: 327-340 - [c90]Matthias Jung, Sally A. McKee, Chirag Sudarshan, Christoph Dropmann, Christian Weis, Norbert Wehn:
Driving into the memory wall: the role of memory for advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous driving. MEMSYS 2018: 377-386 - 2017
- [j23]Darko Zivanovic, Milan Pavlovic, Milan Radulovic, Hyunsung Shin, Jongpil Son, Sally A. McKee, Paul M. Carpenter, Petar Radojkovic, Eduard Ayguadé:
Main Memory in HPC: Do We Need More or Could We Live with Less? ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim. 14(1): 3:1-3:26 (2017) - [c89]Jun Zhang, Rui Hou, Junfeng Fan, Ke Liu, Lixin Zhang, Sally A. McKee:
RAGuard: A Hardware Based Mechanism for Backward-Edge Control-Flow Integrity. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2017: 27-34 - [c88]Frederick A. Ware, Liji Gopalakrishnan, Eric Linstadt, Sally A. McKee, Thomas Vogelsang, Kenneth L. Wright, Craig Hampel, Gary Bronner:
Do superconducting processors really need cryogenic memories?: the case for cold DRAM. MEMSYS 2017: 183-188 - 2016
- [c87]Carlos Sanchez, Peter Gavin, Daniel Moreau, Magnus Själander, David B. Whalley, Per Larsson-Edefors, Sally A. McKee:
Redesigning a tagless access buffer to require minimal ISA changes. CASES 2016: 19:1-19:10 - [c86]Liuhang Zhang, Rui Hou, Sally A. McKee, Jianbo Dong, Lixin Zhang:
P-Socket: optimizing a communication library for a PCIe-based intra-rack interconnect. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2016: 145-153 - [c85]Jianbo Dong, Rui Hou, Michael C. Huang, Tao Jiang, Boyan Zhao, Sally A. McKee, Haibin Wang, Xiaosong Cui, Lixin Zhang:
Venice: Exploring server architectures for effective resource sharing. HPCA 2016: 507-518 - [c84]Biwei Xie, Xu Liu, Sally A. McKee, Jianfeng Zhan, Zhen Jia, Lei Wang, Lixin Zhang:
Understanding Data Analytics Workloads on Intel(R) Xeon Phi(R). HPCC/SmartCity/DSS 2016: 206-215 - [c83]Yisong Chang, Ke Zhang, Sally A. McKee, Lixin Zhang, Mingyu Chen, Liqiang Ren, Zhiwei Xu:
Extending On-chip Interconnects for rack-level remote resource access. ICCD 2016: 56-63 - [c82]Bhavishya Goel, Sally A. McKee:
A Methodology for Modeling Dynamic and Static Power Consumption for Multicore Processors. IPDPS 2016: 273-282 - [c81]Martin K. Brown, Zachary Yannes, Michael Lustig, Mazdak Sanati, Sally A. McKee, Gary S. Tyson, Steven K. Reinhardt:
Agave: A benchmark suite for exploring the complexities of the Android software stack. ISPASS 2016: 157-158 - [c80]Ke Zhang, Lei Yu, Yisong Chang, Ran Zhao, Hongxia Zhang, Lixin Zhang, Mingyu Chen, Sally A. McKee:
Co-DIMM: Inter-Socket Data Sharing via a Common DIMM Channel. MEMSYS 2016: 133-141 - [c79]Zehan Cui, Tianyue Lu, Sally A. McKee, Mingyu Chen, Haiyang Pan, Yuan Ruan:
Twin-Load: Bridging the Gap between Conventional Direct-Attached and Buffer-on-Board Memory Systems. MEMSYS 2016: 164-176 - 2015
- [j22]Tao Jiang, Rui Hou, Jianbo Dong, Lin Chai, Sally A. McKee, Bin Tian, Lixin Zhang, Ninghui Sun:
Adapting Memory Hierarchies for Emerging Datacenter Interconnects. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 30(1): 97-109 (2015) - [c78]Wei Wei, Dejun Jiang, Sally A. McKee, Jin Xiong, Mingyu Chen:
Exploiting Program Semantics to Place Data in Hybrid Memory. PACT 2015: 163-173 - [c77]Milan Radulovic, Darko Zivanovic, Daniel Ruiz, Bronis R. de Supinski, Sally A. McKee, Petar Radojkovic, Eduard Ayguadé:
Another Trip to the Wall: How Much Will Stacked DRAM Benefit HPC? MEMSYS 2015: 31-36 - [i3]Zehan Cui, Tianyue Lu, Haiyang Pan, Sally A. McKee, Mingyu Chen:
Twin-Load: Building a Scalable Memory System over the Non-Scalable Interface. CoRR abs/1505.03476 (2015) - 2014
- [c76]Xiaoyu Fu, Rui Ren, Sally A. McKee, Jianfeng Zhan, Ninghui Sun:
Digging deeper into cluster system logs for failure prediction and root cause diagnosis. CLUSTER 2014: 103-112 - [c75]Jacob Lidman, Sally A. McKee, Daniel J. Quinlan, Chunhua Liao:
An Automated Performance-Aware Approach to Reliability Transformations. Euro-Par Workshops (1) 2014: 523-534 - [c74]Zehan Cui, Sally A. McKee, Zhongbin Zha, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen:
DTail: a flexible approach to DRAM refresh management. ICS 2014: 43-52 - [c73]Tao Jiang, Qianlong Zhang, Rui Hou, Lin Chai, Sally A. McKee, Zhen Jia, Ninghui Sun:
Understanding the behavior of in-memory computing workloads. IISWC 2014: 22-30 - [c72]Zhen Jia, Jianfeng Zhan, Lei Wang, Rui Han, Sally A. McKee, Qiang Yang, Chunjie Luo, Jingwei Li:
Characterizing and subsetting big data workloads. IISWC 2014: 191-201 - [c71]Bhavishya Goel, J. Rubén Titos Gil, Anurag Negi, Sally A. McKee, Per Stenström:
Performance and Energy Analysis of the Restricted Transactional Memory Implementation on Haswell. IPDPS 2014: 615-624 - [c70]Zhicheng Yao, Xiufeng Sui, Tianni Xu, Jiuyue Ma, Juan Fang, Sally A. McKee, Binzhang Fu, Yungang Bao:
QBLESS: A case for QoS-aware bufferless NoCs. IWQoS 2014: 93-98 - [e3]Pedro Trancoso, Diana Franklin, Sally A. McKee:
Computing Frontiers Conference, CF'14, Cagliari, Italy - May 20 - 22, 2014. ACM 2014, ISBN 978-1-4503-2870-8 [contents] - [i2]Zhen Jia, Jianfeng Zhan, Lei Wang, Rui Han, Sally A. McKee, Qiang Yang, Chunjie Luo, Jingwei Li:
Characterizing and Subsetting Big Data Workloads. CoRR abs/1409.0792 (2014) - 2013
- [c69]Alen Bardizbanyan, Peter Gavin, David B. Whalley, Magnus Själander, Per Larsson-Edefors, Sally A. McKee, Per Stenström:
Improving data access efficiency by using a tagless access buffer (TAB). CGO 2013: 28:1-28:11 - 2012
- [j21]Bhavishya Goel, Sally A. McKee, Magnus Själander:
Techniques to Measure, Model, and Manage Power. Adv. Comput. 87: 7-54 (2012) - [j20]Zhen Fang, Lixin Zhang, John B. Carter, Sally A. McKee, Ali Ibrahim, Michael A. Parker, Xiaowei Jiang:
Active memory controller. J. Supercomput. 62(1): 510-549 (2012) - [c68]Pascal Schleuniger, Sally A. McKee, Sven Karlsson:
Design Principles for Synthesizable Processor Cores. ARCS 2012: 111-122 - [c67]Jacob Lidman, Daniel J. Quinlan, Chunhua Liao, Sally A. McKee:
ROSE: : FTTransform - A source-to-source translation framework for exascale fault-tolerance research. DSN Workshops 2012: 1-6 - [c66]Allen D. Malony, Helen D. Karatza, William J. Knottenbelt, Sally A. McKee:
Topic 2: Performance Prediction and Evaluation. Euro-Par 2012: 52-53 - [c65]Per Larsen, Razya Ladelsky, Jacob Lidman, Sally A. McKee, Sven Karlsson, Ayal Zaks:
Parallelizing more Loops with Compiler Guided Refactoring. ICPP 2012: 410-419 - [c64]Magnus Själander, Sally A. McKee, Peter Brauer, David Engdal, András Vajda:
An LTE Uplink Receiver PHY benchmark and subframe-based power management. ISPASS 2012: 25-34 - 2011
- [j19]Valentina Salapura, José E. Moreira, Sally A. McKee:
Guest Editors' Introduction. Int. J. Parallel Program. 39(1): 1-2 (2011) - [c63]Josef Weidendorfer, Tilman Küstner, Sally A. McKee:
Performance optimization by dynamic code transformation. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2011: 7 - [c62]Michael Gschwind, Valentina Salapura, Catherine Trammell, Sally A. McKee:
SoftBeam: Precise tracking of transient faults and vulnerability analysis at processor design time. ICCD 2011: 404-410 - [c61]Magnus Själander, Sally A. McKee, Bhavishya Goel, Peter Brauer, David Engdal, András Vajda:
Power-Aware Resource Scheduling in Base Stations. MASCOTS 2011: 462-465 - [e2]David K. Lowenthal, Bronis R. de Supinski, Sally A. McKee:
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Supercomputing, 2011, Tucson, AZ, USA, May 31 - June 04, 2011. ACM 2011, ISBN 978-1-4503-0102-2 [contents] - [r1]Sally A. McKee, Robert W. Wisniewski:
Memory Wall. Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing 2011: 1110-1116 - 2010
- [c60]Mohamed Zahran, Sally A. McKee:
Global management of cache hierarchies. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2010: 131-140 - [c59]Roberto Gioiosa, Sally A. McKee, Mateo Valero:
Designing OS for HPC Applications: Scheduling. CLUSTER 2010: 78-87 - [c58]Karan Singh, Matthew Curtis-Maury, Sally A. McKee, Filip Blagojevic, Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos, Bronis R. de Supinski, Martin Schulz:
Comparing Scalability Prediction Strategies on an SMP of CMPs. Euro-Par (1) 2010: 143-155 - [c57]Bhavishya Goel, Sally A. McKee, Roberto Gioiosa, Karan Singh, Major Bhadauria, Marco Cesati:
Portable, scalable, per-core power estimation for intelligent resource management. Green Computing Conference 2010: 135-146 - [c56]Major Bhadauria, Sally A. McKee:
An approach to resource-aware co-scheduling for CMPs. ICS 2010: 189-199
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j18]Karan Singh, Major Bhadauria, Sally A. McKee:
Real time power estimation and thread scheduling via performance counters. SIGARCH Comput. Archit. News 37(2): 46-55 (2009) - [j17]Major Bhadauria, Sally A. McKee, Karan Singh, Gary S. Tyson:
Data Cache Techniques to Save Power and Deliver High Performance in Embedded Systems. Trans. High Perform. Embed. Archit. Compil. 2: 65-84 (2009) - [c55]Paul E. West, Yuval Peress, Gary S. Tyson, Sally A. McKee:
Core monitors: monitoring performance in multicore processors. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2009: 31-40 - [c54]Major Bhadauria, Vincent M. Weaver, Sally A. McKee:
Accomodating Diversity in CMPs with Heterogeneous Frequencies. HiPEAC 2009: 248-262 - [c53]Matthew A. Watkins, Sally A. McKee, Lambert Schaelicke:
Revisiting Cache Block Superloading. HiPEAC 2009: 339-354 - [c52]Vincent M. Weaver, Sally A. McKee:
Code density concerns for new architectures. ICCD 2009: 459-464 - [c51]Md. Mafijul Islam, Sally A. McKee, Per Stenström:
Cancellation of loads that return zero using zero-value caches. ICS 2009: 493-494 - [c50]Karan Singh, Major Bhadauria, Sally A. McKee:
Prediction-based power estimation and scheduling for CMPs. ICS 2009: 501-502 - [c49]Major Bhadauria, Vincent M. Weaver, Sally A. McKee:
PARSEC: hardware profiling of emerging workloads for CMP design. ICS 2009: 509-510 - [c48]Major Bhadauria, Vincent M. Weaver, Sally A. McKee:
Understanding PARSEC performance on contemporary CMPs. IISWC 2009: 98-107 - [c47]Greg Bronevetsky, Daniel Marques, Keshav Pingali, Sally A. McKee, Radu Rugina:
Compiler-enhanced incremental checkpointing for OpenMP applications. IPDPS 2009: 1-12 - [c46]Jiangtian Li, Xiaosong Ma, Karan Singh, Martin Schulz, Bronis R. de Supinski, Sally A. McKee:
Machine learning based online performance prediction for runtime parallelization and task scheduling. ISPASS 2009: 89-100 - 2008
- [j16]Ningxiong Xu, Sally A. McKee, Linda K. Nozick, Ruke Ufomata:
Augmenting priority rule heuristics with justification and rollout to solve the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. Comput. Oper. Res. 35(10): 3284-3297 (2008) - [j15]Sally A. McKee:
Guest Editor's Introduction. J. Instr. Level Parallelism 10 (2008) - [j14]Engin Ipek, Sally A. McKee, Karan Singh, Rich Caruana, Bronis R. de Supinski, Martin Schulz:
Efficient architectural design space exploration via predictive modeling. ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim. 4(4): 1:1-1:34 (2008) - [c45]Pedro Ángel Castillo Valdivieso, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Miquel Moretó, Francisco J. Cazorla, Mateo Valero, Antonio Miguel Mora, Juan Luis Jiménez Laredo, Sally A. McKee:
Evolutionary system for prediction and optimization of hardware architecture performance. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 1941-1948 - [c44]Major Bhadauria, Sally A. McKee:
Optimizing thread throughput for multithreaded workloads on memory constrained CMPs. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2008: 119-128 - [c43]Renato J. O. Figueiredo, P. Oscar Boykin, José A. B. Fortes, Tao Li, Jie-Kwon Peir, David Wolinsky, Lizy K. John, David R. Kaeli, David J. Lilja, Sally A. McKee, Gokhan Memik, Alain Roy, Gary S. Tyson:
Archer: A Community Distributed Computing Infrastructure for Computer Architecture Research and Education. CollaborateCom 2008: 70-84 - [c42]Pedro A. Castillo, Antonio Miguel Mora, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Juan Luis Jiménez Laredo, Miquel Moretó, Francisco J. Cazorla, Mateo Valero, Sally A. McKee:
Architecture Performance Prediction Using Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks. EvoWorkshops 2008: 175-183 - [c41]Vincent M. Weaver, Sally A. McKee:
Using Dynamic Binary Instrumentation to Generate Multi-platform SimPoints: Methodology and Accuracy. HiPEAC 2008: 305-319 - [c40]Brian S. White, Sally A. McKee, Daniel J. Quinlan:
A projection-based optimization framework for abstractions with application to the unstructured mesh domain. ICS 2008: 104-113 - [c39]Vincent M. Weaver, Sally A. McKee:
Can hardware performance counters be trusted? IISWC 2008: 141-150 - [c38]Greg Bronevetsky, Daniel Marques, Keshav Pingali, Radu Rugina, Sally A. McKee:
Compiler-enhanced incremental checkpointing for OpenMP applications. PPoPP 2008: 275-276 - [i1]Renato J. O. Figueiredo, P. Oscar Boykin, José A. B. Fortes, Tao Li, Jie-Kwon Peir, David Wolinsky, Lizy Kurian John, David R. Kaeli, David J. Lilja, Sally A. McKee, Gokhan Memik, Alain Roy, Gary S. Tyson:
Archer: A Community Distributed Computing Infrastructure for Computer Architecture Research and Education. CoRR abs/0807.1765 (2008) - 2007
- [j13]Karan Singh, Engin Ipek, Sally A. McKee, Bronis R. de Supinski, Martin Schulz, Rich Caruana:
Predicting parallel application performance via machine learning approaches. Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp. 19(17): 2219-2235 (2007) - [j12]Sally A. McKee:
Guest Editor's Introduction. Int. J. Parallel Program. 35(3): 179-180 (2007) - [j11]Sally A. McKee:
Editorial to special issue on reliable computing. ACM J. Emerg. Technol. Comput. Syst. 3(2): 4 (2007) - [j10]Michael J. Geiger, Sally A. McKee, Gary S. Tyson:
Specializing Cache Structures for High Performance and Energy Conservation in Embedded Systems. Trans. High Perform. Embed. Archit. Compil. 1: 54-73 (2007) - [j9]Sally A. McKee:
Introduction to Part 3. Trans. High Perform. Embed. Archit. Compil. 1: 237-238 (2007) - [j8]Jaydeep Marathe, Frank Mueller, Tushar Mohan, Sally A. McKee, Bronis R. de Supinski, Andy Yoo:
METRIC: Memory tracing via dynamic binary rewriting to identify cache inefficiencies. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 29(2): 12 (2007) - [c37]Matthew A. Watkins, Sally A. McKee, Lambert Schaelicke:
A Phase-Adaptive Approach to Increasing Cache Performance. PACT 2007: 432 - [c36]Matthew Curtis-Maury, Karan Singh, Sally A. McKee, Filip Blagojevic, Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos, Bronis R. de Supinski, Martin Schulz:
Identifying energy-efficient concurrency levels using machine learning. CLUSTER 2007: 488-495 - [c35]Major Bhadauria, Sally A. McKee, Karan Singh, Gary S. Tyson:
Leveraging High Performance Data Cache Techniques to Save Power in Embedded Systems. HiPEAC 2007: 23-37 - [c34]Benjamin C. Lee, David M. Brooks, Bronis R. de Supinski, Martin Schulz, Karan Singh, Sally A. McKee:
Methods of inference and learning for performance modeling of parallel applications. PPoPP 2007: 249-258 - [e1]Per Stenström, Michael F. P. O'Boyle, François Bodin, Marcelo Cintra, Sally A. McKee:
Transactions on High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4050, Springer 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-71527-6 [contents] - 2006
- [c33]Engin Ipek, Sally A. McKee, Rich Caruana, Bronis R. de Supinski, Martin Schulz:
Efficiently exploring architectural design spaces via predictive modeling. ASPLOS 2006: 195-206 - [c32]Nana B. Sam, Sally A. McKee, Prabhakar Kudva:
Rethinking Processor Design: Parameter Correlations. ICECS 2006: 156-159 - [c31]Engin Ipek, José F. Martínez, Bronis R. de Supinski, Sally A. McKee, Martin Schulz:
Dynamic program phase detection in distributed shared-memory multiprocessors. IPDPS 2006 - 2005
- [c30]Martin Schulz, Brian S. White, Sally A. McKee, Hsien-Hsin S. Lee, Jürgen Jeitner:
Owl: next generation system monitoring. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2005: 116-124 - [c29]Michael J. Geiger, Sally A. McKee, Gary S. Tyson:
Drowsy region-based caches: minimizing both dynamic and static power dissipation. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2005: 378-384 - [c28]Engin Ipek, Bronis R. de Supinski, Martin Schulz, Sally A. McKee:
An Approach to Performance Prediction for Parallel Applications. Euro-Par 2005: 196-205 - [c27]Michael J. Geiger, Sally A. McKee, Gary S. Tyson:
Beyond Basic Region Caching: Specializing Cache Structures for High Performance and Energy Conservation. HiPEAC 2005: 102-115 - [c26]Brian S. White, Sally A. McKee, Bronis R. de Supinski, Brian Miller, Daniel J. Quinlan, Martin Schulz:
Improving the computational intensity of unstructured mesh applications. ICS 2005: 341-350 - 2004
- [j7]Annette Bunker, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Sally A. McKee:
Formal hardware specification languages for protocol compliance verification. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 9(1): 1-32 (2004) - [c25]Peter K. Szwed, Daniel Marques, Robert M. Buels, Sally A. McKee, Martin Schulz:
SimSnap: Fast-Forwarding via Native Execution and Application-Level Checkpointing. Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architectures 2004: 65-74 - [c24]Sally A. McKee:
Reflections on the memory wall. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2004: 162 - 2003
- [j6]Venkata K. Pingali, Sally A. McKee, Wilson C. Hsieh, John B. Carter:
Restructuring Computations for Temporal Data Cache Locality. Int. J. Parallel Program. 31(4): 305-338 (2003) - [j5]Bharat Chandramouli, Wilson C. Hsieh, John B. Carter, Sally A. McKee:
A Cost Model For Integrated Restructuring Optimizations. J. Instr. Level Parallelism 5 (2003) - [c23]Jaydeep Marathe, Frank Mueller, Tushar Mohan, Bronis R. de Supinski, Sally A. McKee, Andy Yoo:
METRIC: Tracking Down Inefficiencies in the Memory Hierarchy via Binary Rewriting. CGO 2003: 289-300 - [c22]Martin Schulz, Sally A. McKee:
A Framework for Portable Shared Memory Programming. IPDPS 2003: 54 - [c21]Sally A. McKee, Zhen Fang, Mateo Valero:
An MPEG-4 performance study for non-SIMD, general purpose architectures. ISPASS 2003: 49-57 - [c20]Tushar Mohan, Bronis R. de Supinski, Sally A. McKee, Frank Mueller, Andy Yoo, Martin Schulz:
Identifying and Exploiting Spatial Regularity in Data Memory References. SC 2003: 49 - [c19]Tao Mu, Jie Tao, Martin Schulz, Sally A. McKee:
Interactive Locality Optimization on NUMA Architectures. SOFTVIS 2003: 133-141 - 2002
- [c18]Venkata K. Pingali, Sally A. McKee, Wilson C. Hsieh, John B. Carter:
Computation regrouping: restructuring programs for temporal data cache locality. ICS 2002: 252-261 - 2001
- [j4]Lixin Zhang, Zhen Fang, Michael A. Parker, Binu K. Mathew, Lambert Schaelicke, John B. Carter, Wilson C. Hsieh, Sally A. McKee:
The Impulse Memory Controller. IEEE Trans. Computers 50(11): 1117-1132 (2001) - [c17]Bharat Chandramouli, John B. Carter, Wilson C. Hsieh, Sally A. McKee:
A Cost Framework for Evaluating Integrated Restructuring Optimizations. IEEE PACT 2001: 131-140 - [c16]Zhen Fang, Lixin Zhang, John B. Carter, Wilson C. Hsieh, Sally A. McKee:
Reevaluating Online Superpage Promotion with Hardware Support. HPCA 2001: 63-72 - 2000
- [j3]Sally A. McKee, William A. Wulf, James H. Aylor, Robert H. Klenke, Maximo H. Salinas, Sung I. Hong,