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George L. Nemhauser
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- affiliation: Georgia Institute of Technology, H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial & Systems, USA
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2020 – today
- 2024
- [j156]Mohamed El Tonbari, George L. Nemhauser, Alejandro Toriello:
Distributionally robust disaster relief planning under the Wasserstein set. Comput. Oper. Res. 168: 106689 (2024) - 2022
- [j155]Hossein Hashemi Doulabi, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
State-Variable Modeling for a Class of Two-Stage Stochastic Optimization Problems. INFORMS J. Comput. 34(1): 354-369 (2022) - [j154]Edward Yuhang He, Natashia Boland, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Dynamic Discretization Discovery Algorithms for Time-Dependent Shortest Path Problems. INFORMS J. Comput. 34(2): 1086-1114 (2022) - [j153]Merve Bodur, Shabbir Ahmed, Natashia Boland, George L. Nemhauser:
Decomposition of loosely coupled integer programs: a multiobjective perspective. Math. Program. 196(1): 427-477 (2022) - [j152]Edward He, Natashia Boland, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
An exact algorithm for the service network design problem with hub capacity constraints. Networks 80(4): 572-596 (2022) - 2021
- [j151]Ezgi Karabulut, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
Decentralized online integer programming problems with a coupling cardinality constraint. Comput. Oper. Res. 135: 105421 (2021) - [j150]Edward He, Natashia Boland, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Time-Dependent Shortest Path Problems with Penalties and Limits on Waiting. INFORMS J. Comput. 33(3): 997-1014 (2021) - 2020
- [j149]Ezgi Karabulut, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
Decentralized algorithms for distributed integer programming problems with a coupling cardinality constraint. Discret. Optim. 38: 100595 (2020) - [j148]Matías Siebert, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
A linear programming based approach to the Steiner tree problem with a fixed number of terminals. Networks 75(2): 124-136 (2020) - [i5]Matías Siebert, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Directed Steiner Tree Problem. CoRR abs/2002.03055 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j147]Lluís-Miquel Munguía, Shabbir Ahmed, David A. Bader, George L. Nemhauser, Yufen Shao, Dimitri J. Papageorgiou:
Tailoring parallel alternating criteria search for domain specific MIPs: Application to maritime inventory routing. Comput. Oper. Res. 111: 21-34 (2019) - 2018
- [j146]Lluís-Miquel Munguía, Shabbir Ahmed, David A. Bader, George L. Nemhauser, Yufen Shao:
Alternating criteria search: a parallel large neighborhood search algorithm for mixed integer programs. Comput. Optim. Appl. 69(1): 1-24 (2018) - [j145]Chengliang Zhang, George L. Nemhauser, Joel Sokol, Myun-Seok Cheon, Ahmet B. Keha:
Flexible solutions to maritime inventory routing problems with delivery time windows. Comput. Oper. Res. 89: 153-162 (2018) - [j144]Matías Siebert, Kelly Bartlett, Haejoong Kim, Shabbir Ahmed, Junho Lee, Dima Nazzal, George L. Nemhauser, Joel Sokol:
Lot targeting and lot dispatching decision policies for semiconductor manufacturing: optimisation under uncertainty with simulation validation. Int. J. Prod. Res. 56(1-2): 629-641 (2018) - [c20]Edward He, Natashia Boland, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
A Dynamic Discretization Discovery Algorithm for the Minimum Duration Time-Dependent Shortest Path Problem. CPAIOR 2018: 289-297 - [i4]Matías Siebert, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
A Linear Programming Based Approach to the Steiner Tree Problem with a Fixed Number of Terminals. CoRR abs/1812.02237 (2018) - 2017
- [j143]Lluís-Miquel Munguía, Shabbir Ahmed, David A. Bader, George L. Nemhauser, Vikas Goel, Yufen Shao:
A parallel local search framework for the Fixed-Charge Multicommodity Network Flow problem. Comput. Oper. Res. 77: 44-57 (2017) - [j142]Carlos Eduardo de Andrade, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser, Yufen Shao:
A hybrid primal heuristic for finding feasible solutions to mixed integer programs. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 263(1): 62-71 (2017) - [j141]Pierre Le Bodic, George L. Nemhauser:
An abstract model for branching and its application to mixed integer programming. Math. Program. 166(1-2): 369-405 (2017) - [j140]Pierre Le Bodic, George L. Nemhauser:
Erratum to: An abstract model for branching and its application to mixed integer programming. Math. Program. 166(1-2): 407 (2017) - [c19]Gleb Belov, Samuel Esler, Dylan Fernando, Pierre Le Bodic, George L. Nemhauser:
Estimating the size of search trees by sampling with domain knowledge. IJCAI 2017: 473-479 - [c18]Elias B. Khalil, Bistra Dilkina, George L. Nemhauser, Shabbir Ahmed, Yufen Shao:
Learning to Run Heuristics in Tree Search. IJCAI 2017: 659-666 - 2016
- [j139]Shabbir Ahmed, Qie He, Shi Li, George L. Nemhauser:
On the Computational Complexity of Minimum-Concave-Cost Flow in a Two-Dimensional Grid. SIAM J. Optim. 26(4): 2059-2079 (2016) - [c17]Elias Boutros Khalil, Pierre Le Bodic, Le Song, George L. Nemhauser, Bistra Dilkina:
Learning to Branch in Mixed Integer Programming. AAAI 2016: 724-731 - [i3]Shabbir Ahmed, Qie He, Shi Li, George L. Nemhauser:
On the computational complexity of minimum-concave-cost flow in a two-dimensional grid. CoRR abs/1602.08515 (2016) - 2015
- [j138]Qie He, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
Minimum concave cost flow over a grid network. Math. Program. 150(1): 79-98 (2015) - [j137]Pierre Le Bodic, George L. Nemhauser:
How important are branching decisions: Fooling MIP solvers. Oper. Res. Lett. 43(3): 273-278 (2015) - [j136]Yaxian Li, Özlem Ergun, George L. Nemhauser:
A dual heuristic for mixed integer programming. Oper. Res. Lett. 43(4): 411-417 (2015) - [j135]Dimitri J. Papageorgiou, Myun-Seok Cheon, George L. Nemhauser, Joel Sokol:
Approximate Dynamic Programming for a Class of Long-Horizon Maritime Inventory Routing Problems. Transp. Sci. 49(4): 870-885 (2015) - [i2]Pierre Le Bodic, George L. Nemhauser:
An Abstract Model for Branching and its Application to Mixed Integer Programming. CoRR abs/1511.01818 (2015) - 2014
- [j134]Kelly Bartlett, Junho Lee, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser, Joel S. Sokol, Byungsoo Na:
Congestion-aware dynamic routing in automated material handling systems. Comput. Ind. Eng. 70: 176-182 (2014) - [j133]Dimitri J. Papageorgiou, George L. Nemhauser, Joel S. Sokol, Myun-Seok Cheon, Ahmet B. Keha:
MIRPLib - A library of maritime inventory routing problem instances: Survey, core model, and benchmark results. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 235(2): 350-366 (2014) - [j132]Dimitri J. Papageorgiou, Ahmet B. Keha, George L. Nemhauser, Joel S. Sokol:
Two-Stage Decomposition Algorithms for Single Product Maritime Inventory Routing. INFORMS J. Comput. 26(4): 825-847 (2014) - [j131]Rodolfo Carvajal, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser, Kevin C. Furman, Vikas Goel, Yufen Shao:
Using diversification, communication and parallelism to solve mixed-integer linear programs. Oper. Res. Lett. 42(2): 186-189 (2014) - [j130]Byungsoo Na, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser, Joel S. Sokol:
A cutting and scheduling problem in float glass manufacturing. J. Sched. 17(1): 95-107 (2014) - 2013
- [j129]Mike Hewitt, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh, Jin-Hwa Song:
A branch-and-price guided search approach to maritime inventory routing. Comput. Oper. Res. 40(5): 1410-1419 (2013) - [j128]Menal Guzelsoy, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Restrict-and-relax search for 0-1 mixed-integer programs. EURO J. Comput. Optim. 1(1-2): 201-218 (2013) - [j127]Mike Hewitt, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Branch-and-Price Guided Search for Integer Programs with an Application to the Multicommodity Fixed-Charge Network Flow Problem. INFORMS J. Comput. 25(2): 302-316 (2013) - 2012
- [j126]Yaxian Li, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Pricing for production and delivery flexibility in single-item lot-sizing. Comput. Oper. Res. 39(12): 3408-3419 (2012) - [j125]Faramroze G. Engineer, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh, Jin-Hwa Song:
The Fixed-Charge Shortest-Path Problem. INFORMS J. Comput. 24(4): 578-596 (2012) - [j124]Faramroze G. Engineer, Kevin C. Furman, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh, Jin-Hwa Song:
A Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for Single-Product Maritime Inventory Routing. Oper. Res. 60(1): 106-122 (2012) - [j123]Alejandro Toriello, George L. Nemhauser:
The value function of an infinite-horizon single-item lot-sizing problem. Oper. Res. Lett. 40(1): 12-14 (2012) - [j122]Qie He, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
Sell or Hold: A simple two-stage stochastic combinatorial optimization problem. Oper. Res. Lett. 40(2): 69-73 (2012) - [j121]Juan Pablo Vielma, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
Mixed integer linear programming formulations for probabilistic constraints. Oper. Res. Lett. 40(3): 153-158 (2012) - [j120]Dimitri J. Papageorgiou, Alejandro Toriello, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Fixed-Charge Transportation with Product Blending. Transp. Sci. 46(2): 281-295 (2012) - [c16]Mike Hewitt, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Branch-and-Price Guided Search - (Extended Abstract). ISCO 2012: 15-18 - 2011
- [j119]Faramroze G. Engineer, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Dynamic Programming-Based Column Generation on Time-Expanded Networks: Application to the Dial-a-Flight Problem. INFORMS J. Comput. 23(1): 105-119 (2011) - [j118]Amar Kumar Narisetty, Jean-Philippe P. Richard, George L. Nemhauser:
Lifted Tableaux Inequalities for 0-1 Mixed-Integer Programs: A Computational Study. INFORMS J. Comput. 23(3): 416-424 (2011) - [j117]Juan Pablo Vielma, George L. Nemhauser:
Modeling disjunctive constraints with a logarithmic number of binary variables and constraints. Math. Program. 128(1-2): 49-72 (2011) - [j116]Qie He, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
A Probabilistic Comparison of Split and Type 1 Triangle Cuts for Two-Row Mixed-Integer Programs. SIAM J. Optim. 21(3): 617-632 (2011) - 2010
- [j115]Mike Hewitt, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Combining Exact and Heuristic Approaches for the Capacitated Fixed-Charge Network Flow Problem. INFORMS J. Comput. 22(2): 314-325 (2010) - [j114]Juan Pablo Vielma, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
A Note on "A Superior Representation Method for Piecewise Linear Functions". INFORMS J. Comput. 22(3): 493-497 (2010) - [j113]Juan Pablo Vielma, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
Mixed-Integer Models for Nonseparable Piecewise-Linear Optimization: Unifying Framework and Extensions. Oper. Res. 58(2): 303-315 (2010) - [j112]James R. Luedtke, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
An integer programming approach for linear programs with probabilistic constraints. Math. Program. 122(2): 247-272 (2010) - [j111]Gizem Keysan, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Tactical and Operational Planning of Scheduled Maintenance for Per-Seat, On-Demand Air Transportation. Transp. Sci. 44(3): 291-306 (2010) - [c15]William E. Walsh, Craig Boutilier, Tuomas Sandholm, Rob Shields, George L. Nemhauser, David C. Parkes:
Automated Channel Abstraction for Advertising Auctions. AAAI 2010: 887-894 - [e2]Michael Jünger, Thomas M. Liebling, Denis Naddef, George L. Nemhauser, William R. Pulleyblank, Gerhard Reinelt, Giovanni Rinaldi, Laurence A. Wolsey:
50 Years of Integer Programming 1958-2008 - From the Early Years to the State-of-the-Art. Springer 2010, ISBN 978-3-540-68274-5 [contents]
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j110]Yongpei Guan, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
Cutting Planes for Multistage Stochastic Integer Programs. Oper. Res. 57(2): 287-298 (2009) - [j109]James R. Luedtke, George L. Nemhauser:
Strategic Planning with Start-Time Dependent Variable Costs. Oper. Res. 57(5): 1250-1261 (2009) - [j108]Fatma Kilinç-Karzan, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Information-based branching schemes for binary linear mixed integer problems. Math. Program. Comput. 1(4): 249-293 (2009) - [j107]Fatma Kilinç-Karzan, Alejandro Toriello, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Approximating the stability region for binary mixed-integer programs. Oper. Res. Lett. 37(4): 250-254 (2009) - [i1]George L. Nemhauser, Mike Hewitt, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Using Branch-and-Price to Find High Quality Solutions Quickly. Models and Algorithms for Optimization in Logistics 2009 - 2008
- [j106]Jill R. Hardin, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Strong valid inequalities for the resource-constrained scheduling problem with uniform resource requirements. Discret. Optim. 5(1): 19-35 (2008) - [j105]Martin Grötschel, George L. Nemhauser:
George Dantzig's contributions to integer programming. Discret. Optim. 5(2): 168-173 (2008) - [j104]Juan Pablo Vielma, Ahmet B. Keha, George L. Nemhauser:
Nonconvex, lower semicontinuous piecewise linear optimization. Discret. Optim. 5(2): 467-488 (2008) - [j103]Juan Pablo Vielma, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
A Lifted Linear Programming Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Mixed-Integer Conic Quadratic Programs. INFORMS J. Comput. 20(3): 438-450 (2008) - [j102]Daniel G. Espinoza, Renan Garcia, Marcos Goycoolea, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Per-Seat, On-Demand Air Transportation Part I: Problem Description and an Integer Multicommodity Flow Model. Transp. Sci. 42(3): 263-278 (2008) - [j101]Daniel G. Espinoza, Renan Garcia, Marcos Goycoolea, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Per-Seat, On-Demand Air Transportation Part II: Parallel Local Search. Transp. Sci. 42(3): 279-291 (2008) - [c14]Juan Pablo Vielma, George L. Nemhauser:
Modeling Disjunctive Constraints with a Logarithmic Number of Binary Variables and Constraints. IPCO 2008: 199-213 - 2007
- [j100]George L. Nemhauser:
Hooked on IP. Ann. Oper. Res. 149(1): 157-161 (2007) - [j99]Jill R. Hardin, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Analysis of bounds for a capacitated single-item lot-sizing problem. Comput. Oper. Res. 34(6): 1721-1743 (2007) - [j98]Yongpei Guan, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
Sequential pairing of mixed integer inequalities. Discret. Optim. 4(1): 21-39 (2007) - [c13]James R. Luedtke, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
An Integer Programming Approach for Linear Programs with Probabilistic Constraints. IPCO 2007: 410-423 - [p1]Michael O. Ball, Cynthia Barnhart, George L. Nemhauser, Amedeo R. Odoni:
Chapter 1 Air Transportation: Irregular Operations and Control. Transportation 2007: 1-67 - 2006
- [j97]Andrew J. Schaefer, George L. Nemhauser:
Improving airline operational performance through schedule perturbation. Ann. Oper. Res. 144(1): 3-16 (2006) - [j96]Yetkin Ileri, Mokhtar Bazaraa, Ted Gifford, George L. Nemhauser, Joel S. Sokol, Erick D. Wikum:
An optimization approach for planning daily drayage operations. Central Eur. J. Oper. Res. 14(2): 141-156 (2006) - [j95]Ek Peng Chew, Huei Chuen Huang, Ellis L. Johnson, George L. Nemhauser, Joel S. Sokol, Chun How Leong:
Short-term booking of air cargo space. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 174(3): 1979-1990 (2006) - [j94]Ahmet B. Keha, Ismael R. de Farias Jr., George L. Nemhauser:
A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm Without Binary Variables for Nonconvex Piecewise Linear Optimization. Oper. Res. 54(5): 847-858 (2006) - [j93]Yongpei Guan, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser, Andrew J. Miller:
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the stochastic uncapacitated lot-sizing problem. Math. Program. 105(1): 55-84 (2006) - [j92]Yongpei Guan, Shabbir Ahmed, Andrew J. Miller, George L. Nemhauser:
On formulations of the stochastic uncapacitated lot-sizing problem. Oper. Res. Lett. 34(3): 241-250 (2006) - 2005
- [j91]Dieter Vandenbussche, George L. Nemhauser:
The 2-Edge-Connected Subgraph Polyhedron. J. Comb. Optim. 9(4): 357-379 (2005) - [j90]Dieter Vandenbussche, George L. Nemhauser:
A polyhedral study of nonconvex quadratic programs with box constraints. Math. Program. 102(3): 531-557 (2005) - [j89]Dieter Vandenbussche, George L. Nemhauser:
A branch-and-cut algorithm for nonconvex quadratic programs with box constraints. Math. Program. 102(3): 559-575 (2005) - [j88]Andrew J. Schaefer, Ellis L. Johnson, Anton J. Kleywegt, George L. Nemhauser:
Airline Crew Scheduling Under Uncertainty. Transp. Sci. 39(3): 340-348 (2005) - [c12]Yongpei Guan, Shabbir Ahmed, George L. Nemhauser:
Sequential Pairing of Mixed Integer Inequalities. IPCO 2005: 23-34 - 2004
- [j87]Ahmet B. Keha, Ismael R. de Farias Jr., George L. Nemhauser:
Models for representing piecewise linear cost functions. Oper. Res. Lett. 32(1): 44-48 (2004) - [j86]Jay M. Rosenberger, Ellis L. Johnson, George L. Nemhauser:
A Robust Fleet-Assignment Model with Hub Isolation and Short Cycles. Transp. Sci. 38(3): 357-368 (2004) - [e1]George L. Nemhauser, Daniel Bienstock:
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 10th International IPCO Conference, New York, NY, USA, June 7-11, 2004, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3064, Springer 2004, ISBN 3-540-22113-1 [contents] - [r1]Kelly Easton, George L. Nemhauser, Michael A. Trick:
Sports Scheduling. Handbook of Scheduling 2004 - 2003
- [j85]Bram Verweij, Shabbir Ahmed, Anton J. Kleywegt, George L. Nemhauser, Alexander Shapiro:
The Sample Average Approximation Method Applied to Stochastic Routing Problems: A Computational Study. Comput. Optim. Appl. 24(2-3): 289-333 (2003) - [j84]Andrew J. Miller, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
On the polyhedral structure of a multi-item production planning model with setup times. Math. Program. 94(2-3): 375-405 (2003) - [j83]Andrew J. Miller, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
A multi-item production planning model with setup times: algorithms, reformulations, and polyhedral characterizations for a special case. Math. Program. 95(1): 71-90 (2003) - [j82]Ismael R. de Farias Jr., George L. Nemhauser:
A polyhedral study of the cardinality constrained knapsack problem. Math. Program. 96(3): 439-467 (2003) - [j81]Jean-Philippe P. Richard, Ismael R. de Farias Jr., George L. Nemhauser:
Lifted inequalities for 0-1 mixed integer programming: Basic theory and algorithms. Math. Program. 98(1-3): 89-113 (2003) - [j80]Jean-Philippe P. Richard, Ismael R. de Farias Jr., George L. Nemhauser:
Lifted inequalities for 0-1 mixed integer programming: Superlinear lifting. Math. Program. 98(1-3): 115-143 (2003) - [j79]Jay M. Rosenberger, Ellis L. Johnson, George L. Nemhauser:
Rerouting Aircraft for Airline Recovery. Transp. Sci. 37(4): 408-421 (2003) - 2002
- [j78]Ismael R. de Farias Jr., Ellis L. Johnson, George L. Nemhauser:
Facets of the Complementarity Knapsack Polytope. Math. Oper. Res. 27(1): 210-226 (2002) - [j77]Diego Klabjan, George L. Nemhauser:
A Polyhedral Study of Integer Variable Upper Bounds. Math. Oper. Res. 27(4): 711-739 (2002) - [j76]Diego Klabjan, Ellis L. Johnson, George L. Nemhauser, Eric Gelman, Srini Ramaswamy:
Airline Crew Scheduling with Time Windows and Plane-Count Constraints. Transp. Sci. 36(3): 337-348 (2002) - [j75]Jay M. Rosenberger, Andrew J. Schaefer, David Goldsman, Ellis L. Johnson, Anton J. Kleywegt, George L. Nemhauser:
A Stochastic Model of Airline Operations. Transp. Sci. 36(4): 357-377 (2002) - [c11]Jean-Philippe P. Richard, Ismael R. de Farias Jr., George L. Nemhauser:
Lifted Inequalities for 0-1 Mixed Integer Programming: Basic Theory and Algorithms. IPCO 2002: 161-175 - [c10]Ismael R. de Farias Jr., George L. Nemhauser:
A Polyhedral Study of the Cardinality Constrained Knapsack Problem. IPCO 2002: 291-303 - [c9]Kelly Easton, George L. Nemhauser, Michael A. Trick:
Solving the Travelling Tournament Problem: A Combined Integer Programming and Constraint Programming Approach. PATAT 2002: 100-112 - [c8]Jeff Day, George L. Nemhauser, Joel S. Sokol:
Management of Railroad Impedances for Shortest Path-based Routing. ATMOS 2002: 53-65 - 2001
- [j74]Gregory D. Glockner, George L. Nemhauser, Craig A. Tovey:
Dynamic Network Flow with Uncertain Arc Capacities: Decomposition Algorithm and Computational Results. Comput. Optim. Appl. 18(3): 233-250 (2001) - [j73]Diego Klabjan, Ellis L. Johnson, George L. Nemhauser, Eric Gelman, Srini Ramaswamy:
Solving Large Airline Crew Scheduling Problems: Random Pairing Generation and Strong Branching. Comput. Optim. Appl. 20(1): 73-91 (2001) - [j72]Ismael R. de Farias Jr., Ellis L. Johnson, George L. Nemhauser:
Branch-and-cut for combinatorial optimization problems without auxiliary binary variables. Knowl. Eng. Rev. 16(1): 25-39 (2001) - [j71]Alper Atamtürk, George L. Nemhauser, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh:
Valid inequalities for problems with additive variable upper bounds. Math. Program. 91(1): 145-162 (2001) - [j70]Ismael R. de Farias Jr., George L. Nemhauser:
A family of inequalities for the generalized assignment polytope. Oper. Res. Lett. 29(2): 49-55 (2001) - [j69]Diego Klabjan, Ellis L. Johnson, George L. Nemhauser, Eric Gelman, Srini Ramaswamy:
Airline Crew Scheduling with Regularity. Transp. Sci. 35(4): 359-374 (2001) - [c7]Jean-Philippe P. Richard, Ismael R. de Farias Jr., George L. Nemhauser:
A Simplex-Based Algorithm for 0-1 Mixed Integer Programming. Combinatorial Optimization 2001: 158-170 - [c6]Kelly Easton, George L. Nemhauser, Michael A. Trick:
The Traveling Tournament Problem Description and Benchmarks. CP 2001: 580-584 - [c5]