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IEEE Software, Volume 23, 2006
Volume 23, Number 1, January-February 2006
- Article Summaries. 4
- Warren Harrison:
Content Mismanagement Systems. 5-8
- Letters. 10-12
- Rebecca Wirfs-Brock:
Looking for Powerful Abstractions. 13-15
- Forrest Shull, Carolyn B. Seaman, Marvin V. Zelkowitz:
Victor R. Basili's Contributions to Software Quality. 16-18
- Gail C. Murphy, Christa Schwanninger:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Aspect-Oriented Programming. 20-23 - Nicholas Lesiecki:
Applying AspectJ to J2EE Application Development. 24-32 - Marc Ségura-Devillechaise, Jean-Marc Menaud, Nicolas Loriant, Rémi Douence, Mario Südholt, Thomas Fritz, Egon Wuchner:
Dynamic Adaptation of the Squid Web Cache with Arachne. 34-41 - Bart Verheecke, Wim Vanderperren, Viviane Jonckers:
Unraveling Crosscutting Concerns in Web Services Middleware. 42-50 - William G. Griswold
, Kevin J. Sullivan, Yuanyuan Song, Macneil Shonle, Nishit Tewari, Yuanfang Cai, Hridesh Rajan
Modular Software Design with Crosscutting Interfaces. 51-60 - Elisa L. A. Baniassad, Paul C. Clements, João Araújo
, Ana Moreira
, Awais Rashid
, Bedir Tekinerdogan
Discovering Early Aspects. 61-70 - Adrian M. Colyer, Roberto Kawakami Harrop Galvão, Rod Johnson, Alexandre Vasseur, Danilo Beuche, Cédric Beust:
Point/Counterpoint. 72-75
- Zhaoqing Wang, Harry H. Cheng:
Portable C/C++ Code for Portable XML Data. 76-81 - Yuefeng Zhang, Dhaval Sheth:
Mining Software Repositories for Model-Driven Development. 82-90 - Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim, Alessandra Anacleto, Clênio F. Salviano:
Helping Small Companies Assess Software Processes. 91-98
- Steve McConnell:
Software Construction, Part 1. 99
- Diomidis Spinellis
Project Asset Portability. 100-101
- Olly Gotel:
In Search of the System Concept. 102-103
- Panagiotis Louridas:
Version Control. 104-107
- Laurianne McLaughlin, Barton C. Massey:
In the News. 108-113
- Karl Reed:
EQUITY and the Problem of Return on IT Investment. 114-115
- Bookshelf. 116-118
- Robert L. Glass:
Of Health, Trust, Money ... and Integrity. 119-120
Volume 23, Number 2, March-April 2006
- Article Summaries. 4
- Warren Harrison:
Building References for the Future. 5-7
- Business Lessons for Software Developers. 8
- Rebecca Wirfs-Brock:
Characterizing Classes. 9-11
- Brian A. Malloy, Nicholas A. Kraft, Jason O. Hallstrom, Jeffrey M. Voas:
Improving the Predictable Assembly of Service-Oriented Architectures. 12-15
- Grady Booch:
On Architecture. 16-18
- Ian F. Alexander:
10 Small Steps to Better Requirements. 19-21
- Philippe Kruchten
, J. Henk Obbink, Judith A. Stafford:
The Past, Present, and Future for Software Architecture. 22-30 - Mary Shaw, Paul C. Clements:
The Golden Age of Software Architecture. 31-39 - Christian Lange, Michel R. V. Chaudron
, Johan Muskens:
In Practice: UML Software Architecture and Design Description. 40-46 - Robert L. Nord
, James E. Tomayko:
Software Architecture-Centric Methods and Agile Development. 47-53 - Michael Stal:
Using Architectural Patterns and Blueprints for Service-Oriented Architecture. 54-61 - Jacqueline Floch, Svein O. Hallsteinsen, Erlend Stav
, Frank Eliassen, Ketil Lund, Eli Gjørven:
Using Architecture Models for Runtime Adaptability. 62-70 - Alek Radjenovic, Richard F. Paige:
Architecture Description Languages for High-Integrity Real-Time Systems. 71-79 - Rogério de Lemos
, Paulo Asterio de Castro Guerra, Cecília M. F. Rubira
A Fault-Tolerant Architectural Approach for Dependable Systems. 80-87
- Panagiotis Louridas:
Using Wikis in Software Development. 88-91
- Diomidis Spinellis
Bug Busters. 92-93
- Silvia Teresita Acuña, Natalia Juristo Juzgado, Ana María Moreno
Emphasizing Human Capabilities in Software Development. 94-101
- Anthony M. Orme, Haining Yao, Letha H. Etzkorn:
Coupling Metrics for Ontology-Based Systems. 102-108
- Bookshelf. 109-111
- David Geer:
Software Developer Profession Expanding. 112-115
- Our 2005 Reviewers. 116-118
- R. Geoff Dromey:
Climbing over the "No Silver Bullet" Brick Wall. 118-120
- Steve McConnell:
Software Construction, Part 2.
Volume 23, Number 3, May-June 2006
- Warren Harrison:
Eating Your Own Dog Food. 5-7 - Grady Booch:
The Accidental Architecture. 9-11 - Jane Huffman Hayes, Nancy S. Eickelmann, Elizabeth Ashlee Holbrook:
Security and Software Quality: An Interview with Frank Perry. 12-15 - Joanne M. Atlee, Roel J. Wieringa:
RE 05: Engineering Successful Products. 16-18 - Christof Ebert:
Understanding the product life cycle: four key requirements engineering techniques. 19-25 - Jaap Gordijn
, Eric S. K. Yu, Bas van der Raadt:
E-service design using i* and e3value modeling. 26-33 - Erik Simmons:
The usage model: describing product usage during design and development. 34-41 - Marina Jirotka, Paul Luff
Supporting requirements with video-based analysis. 42-44 - Rebecca Wirfs-Brock:
Refreshing patterns. 45-47 - Todd Little:
Schedule estimation and uncertainty surrounding the cone of uncertainty. 48-54 - Hans van Vliet:
Reflections on software engineering education. 55-61 - Danil Shopyrin:
Multimethods in C++ using recursive deferred dispatching. 62-73 - Jørgen Bøegh:
Certifying software component attributes. 74-81 - Per Runeson
, Carina Andersson, Thomas Thelin, Anneliese Amschler Andrews, Tomas Berling:
What do we know about defect detection methods? [software testing]. 82-90 - Laurianne McLaughlin:
Automated programming the next wave of developer power tools. 91-93 - Nicolás Serrano
, Jose María Sarriegi:
Open source software ERPs: a new alternative for an old need. 94-97 - Diomidis Spinellis
Debuggers and logging frameworks. 98-99 - Johann Rost:
Are "Best Practices" Requirements Documents a Myth? 104-104
Volume 23, Number 4, July-August 2006
- Warren Harrison:
Passwords and Passion. 5-7 - Rebecca Wirfs-Brock:
Designing for Recovery. 11-13 - Grady Booch:
From Small to Gargantuan. 14-15 - Norbert Seyff, Paul Grünbacher
, Neil A. M. Maiden:
Take Your Mobile Device Out from behind the Requirements Desk. 16-18 - Natalia Juristo Juzgado, Ana María Moreno, Wolfgang Strigel:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Software Testing Practices in Industry. 19-21 - Per Runeson
A Survey of Unit Testing Practices. 22-29 - David Talby, Orit Hazzan, Yael Dubinsky, Arie Keren:
Agile Software Testing in a Large-Scale Project. 30-37 - Nikolai Tillmann, Wolfram Schulte:
Unit Tests Reloaded: Parameterized Unit Testing with Symbolic Execution. 38-47 - Thomas Deiß, Andreas Johan Nyberg, Stephan Schulz, Risto Teittinen, Colin Willcock:
Industrial Deployment of the TTCN-3 Testing Technology. 48-54 - Robert L. Glass, Ross Collard, Antonia Bertolino, James Bach, Cem Kaner:
Software Testing and Industry Needs. 55-57 - Panagiotis Louridas:
Static Code Analysis. 58-61 - Diomidis Spinellis:
Choosing a Programming Language. 62-63 - Tim Menzies, Jairus Hihn:
Evidence-Based Cost Estimation for Better-Quality Software. 64-66 - Paolo Donzelli:
A Decision Support System for Software Project Management. 67-75 - Gail C. Murphy, Mik Kersten, Leah Findlater:
How Are Java Software Developers Using the Eclipse IDE? 76-83 - Kai T. Hansen:
Project Visualization for Software. 84-92 - Greg Goth:
In the News. 93-97 - Karl Reed:
Experimental Software Engineering: A New Conference. 98-99 - Fernando Berzal, Stuart James Woodward, Art Sedighi:
Bookshelf. 100-102 - Robert L. Glass:
How Much of the Software Engineering Old Still Remains New? 104, 103
Volume 23, Number 5, September-October 2006
- Warren Harrison:
Technology Transfer and the Tech Broker. 5-7 - Rebecca Wirfs-Brock:
Toward Exception-Handling Best Practices and Patterns. 11-13 - Neil A. M. Maiden:
Servicing Your Requirements. 14-16 - Daniela E. Damian, Deependra Moitra:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Global Software Development: How Far Have We Come? 17-19 - James J. Cusick
, Alpana Prasad:
A Practical Management and Engineering Approach to Offshore Collaboration. 20-29 - Kevin C. Desouza
, Yukika Awazu, Peter Baloh:
Managing Knowledge in Global Software Development Efforts: Issues and Practices. 30-37 - Jyoti M. Bhat, Mayank Gupta, Santhosh N. Murthy:
Overcoming Requirements Engineering Challenges: Lessons from Offshore Outsourcing. 38-44 - Dorina C. Gumm:
Distribution Dimensions in Software Development Projects: A Taxonomy. 45-51 - Vibha Sinha, Bikram Sengupta, Satish Chandra:
Enabling Collaboration in Distributed Requirements Management. 52-61 - Sharad Sharma, Girish Seshagiri:
Point/Counterpoint. 62-65 - Swaminathan Seetharaman, Krishna Murthy B. V. S.:
Test Optimization Using Software Virtualization. 66-69 - Diomidis Spinellis:
Open Source and Professional Advancement. 70-71 - Scott Stribrny, Fran Boehme Mackin:
When Politics Overshadow Software Quality. 72-73 - Carlo Pescio:
Listen to Your Tools and Materials. 74-80 - Tetsuro Motoyama:
Improving Software Development through Three Stages. 81-87 - LiGuo Huang
, Barry W. Boehm:
How Much Software Quality Investment Is Enough: A Value-Based Approach. 88-95 - Danna Voth, Heather Lanir:
In the News. 96-98 - Anthony Akins, Ajit Appari
Bookshelf. 99-101 - Hassan Gomaa:
Real-Time Software Engineering, Part 2. 102 - Andrew Raybould:
Explanation-Oriented Design. 103-104
Volume 23, Number 6, November-December 2006
- Warren Harrison:
Giving Back. 5-7 - Eugene Farmer:
The Gatekeeper's Guide, or How to Kill a Tool. 12-13 - Grady Booch:
Goodness of Fit. 14-15 - Michael J. Lutz, Donald J. Bagert:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Software Engineering Curriculum Development. 16-18 - Timothy C. Lethbridge
, Richard J. LeBlanc, Ann E. Kelley Sobel, Thomas B. Hilburn, Jorge L. Díaz-Herrera:
SE2004: Recommendations for Undergraduate Software Engineering Curricula. 19-25 - Stephen T. Frezza, Mei-Huei Tang, Barry J. Brinkman:
Creating an Accreditable Software Engineering Bachelor's Program. 27-35 - Brendan Quinn, Leonor Barroca
, Bashar Nuseibeh
, Juan Fernández-Ramil, Lucia Rapanotti, Pete Thomas, Michel Wermelinger:
Learning Software Engineering at a Distance. 36-43 - Kal Toth:
Experiences with Open Source Software Engineering Tools. 44-52 - Johan Brichau, Ruzanna Chitchyan
, Siobhán Clarke
, Ellie D'Hondt
, Alessandro Garcia, Michael Haupt, Wouter Joosen, Shmuel Katz, Jacques Noyé, Awais Rashid
, Mario Südholt:
A Model Curriculum for Aspect-Oriented Software Development. 53-61 - Panagiotis Louridas:
SOAP and Web Services. 62-67 - Neil A. M. Maiden:
Improve Your Requirements: Quantify Them. 68-69 - Lisa Crispin:
Driving Software Quality: How Test-Driven Development Impacts Software Quality. 70-71 - Natalia Juristo Juzgado, Ana María Moreno
, Sira Vegas, Martín Solari
In Search of What We Experimentally Know about Unit Testing. 72-80 - Daniel Galin, Motti Avrahami:
Are CMM Program Investments Beneficial? Analyzing Past Studies. 81-87 - Tony Gorschek, Per Garre, Stig Larsson, Claes Wohlin
A Model for Technology Transfer in Practice. 88-95 - Rebecca Wirfs-Brock:
Explaining Your Design. 96-98 - Greg Goth, Bart Massey:
In the News. 99-103 - Anthony Akins, Radu State:
Bookshelf. 104-105 - Robert L. Glass:
Greece vs. Rome: Two Very Different Software Cultures. 111-112 - Annette D. Reilly
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