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Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Volume 64
Volume 64, Number 1, January 2013
- Blaise Cronin:
Slow Food for thought. 1
- Carole J. Lee, Cassidy R. Sugimoto
, Guo Zhang, Blaise Cronin:
Bias in peer review. 2-17
- Xiaoli Huang, Dagobert Soergel:
Relevance: An improved framework for explicating the notion. 18-35 - Lisa G. O'Connor:
Investors' information sharing and use in virtual communities. 36-47 - John D'Ambra
, Concepción S. Wilson, Shahriar Akter
Application of the task-technology fit model to structure and evaluate the adoption of E-books by Academics. 48-64 - Xiaoli Huang:
Applying a generic function-based topical relevance typology to structure clinical questions and answers. 65-85 - Sungwon Kim
, Seongyun Cho:
Characteristics of Korean personal names. 86-95 - Loet Leydesdorff
, Ping Zhou, Lutz Bornmann:
How can journal impact factors be normalized across fields of science? An assessment in terms of percentile ranks and fractional counts. 96-107 - Pierre Pluye, Roland M. Grad, Carol Repchinsky, Barbara Jovaisas, Janique Johnson-Lafleur, Marie-Eve Carrier, Vera Granikov, Barbara Farrell, Charo Rodríguez, Gillian Bartlett, Carmen G. Loiselle
, France Légaré
Four levels of outcomes of information-seeking: A mixed methods study in primary health care. 108-125 - Leo Egghe:
Theory of the topical coverage of multiple databases. 126-131 - Adrian Mulligan, Louise Hall, Ellen Raphael:
Peer review in a changing world: An international study measuring the attitudes of researchers. 132-161 - Jeremy P. Birnholtz, Shion Guha, Geri Gay, Y. Connie Yuan, Caren Heller:
Cross-campus collaboration: A scientometric and network case study of publication activity across two campuses of a single institution. 162-172 - Elizabeth Foss, Allison Druin, Jason C. Yip, Whitney Ford, Evan Golub, Hilary Browne Hutchinson:
Adolescent search roles. 173-189 - Mariam Daoud, Jimmy Xiangji Huang
Modeling geographic, temporal, and proximity contexts for improving geotemporal search. 190-212
- Denise E. Agosto:
human information interaction: An ecological approach to information behavior by Raya Fidel. cambridge, ma: MIT press, 2012, 348 pp. $35.00 (isbn 978-0-262-01700-8). 213-214
Volume 64, Number 2, February 2013
- Lutz Bornmann:
What is societal impact of research and how can it be assessed? a literature survey. 217-233
- Chaomei Chen
, Zhigang Hu, Jared Milbank, Timothy Schultz:
A visual analytic study of retracted articles in scientific literature. 234-253 - Teun Lucassen, Rienco Muilwijk, Matthijs L. Noordzij
, Jan Maarten Schraagen
Topic familiarity and information skills in online credibility evaluation. 254-264 - Chaoqun Ni
, Cassidy R. Sugimoto
, Jiepu Jiang
Venue-author-coupling: A measure for identifying disciplines through author communities. 265-279 - Yen-Liang Chen, Yi-Hung Liu, Wu-Liang Ho:
A text mining approach to assist the general public in the retrieval of legal documents. 280-290 - Mathew J. Wilson, Max L. Wilson
A comparison of techniques for measuring sensemaking and learning within participant-generated summaries. 291-306 - Fredrik Niclas Piro, Dag W. Aksnes
, Kristoffer Rørstad:
A macro analysis of productivity differences across fields: Challenges in the measurement of scientific publishing. 307-320 - Xiaoling Sun, Hongfei Lin:
Topical community detection from mining user tagging behavior and interest. 321-333 - Petr Heneberg
Lifting the fog of scientometric research artifacts: On the scientometric analysis of environmental tobacco smoke research. 334-344 - Chris Fullwood
, Karen Melrose, Neil Morris, Sarah Floyd:
Sex, blogs, and baring your soul: Factors influencing UK blogging strategies. 345-355 - Jie Lou, Yulin Fang
, Kai H. Lim
, Jerry Zeyu Peng:
Contributing high quantity and quality knowledge to online Q&A communities. 356-371 - Ludo Waltman
, Michael Schreiber:
On the calculation of percentile-based bibliometric indicators. 372-379 - Jeff Naidoo, Jeffrey T. Huber, Pamela Cupp, Qishan Wu:
Modeling the relationship between an emerging infectious disease epidemic and the body of scientific literature associated with it: The case of HIV/AIDS in the United States. 380-391 - Vicente P. Guerrero-Bote
, Carlos Olmeda-Gómez
, Félix de Moya-Anegón
Quantifying the benefits of international scientific collaboration. 392-404 - Guillaume Cabanac
, Thomas Preuss:
Capitalizing on order effects in the bids of peer-reviewed conferences to secure reviews by expert referees. 405-415 - Tom Narock
, Lina Zhou, Victoria Y. Yoon:
Semantic similarity of ontology instances using polarity mining. 416-427
- Frederik T. Verleysen, Tim C. E. Engels:
A label for peer-reviewed books. 428-430
- Alistair Black:
Paper Machines: About Cards & Catalogs, 1548-1929 by Markus Krajewski, translated by Peter Krapp. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011. 215 pp. $30.00 (isbn 978-0-262-01589-9). 431-432
- Michael K. Buckland:
In Memoriam: Yale Mitchell Braunstein, 1945-2012. 433
Volume 64, Number 3, March 2013
- Blaise Cronin:
Thinking about data. 435-436
- Tove Faber Frandsen
, Jeppe Nicolaisen
The ripple effect: Citation chain reactions of a nobel prize. 437-447 - Petr Heneberg
Supposedly uncited articles of Nobel laureates and Fields medalists can be prevalently attributed to the errors of omission and commission. 448-454 - Aaron J. Lercher
Correlation over time for citations to mathematics articles. 455-463 - Seth van Hooland, Ruben Verborgh
, Max De Wilde
, Johannes Hercher
, Erik Mannens
, Rik Van de Walle:
Evaluating the success of vocabulary reconciliation for cultural heritage collections. 464-479 - Frank O. Ostermann
, Martin Tomko
, Ross Purves:
User evaluation of automatically generated keywords and toponyms for geo-referenced images. 480-499 - Laure Soulier, Lamjed Ben Jabeur, Lynda Tamine, Wahiba Bahsoun:
On ranking relevant entities in heterogeneous networks using a language-based model. 500-515 - Sean P. Goggins, Christopher M. Mascaro, Giuseppe Valetto
Group informatics: A methodological approach and ontology for sociotechnical group research. 516-539 - Meikuan Huang, Joshua B. Barbour, Chunke Su, Noshir S. Contractor:
Why do group members provide information to digital knowledge repositories? a multilevel application of transactive memory theory. 540-557 - Charles Cole, Jamshid Beheshti, Andrew Large, Isabelle Lamoureux, Dhary Abuhimed, Mohammed J. AlGhamdi
Seeking information for a middle school history project: The concept of implicit knowledge in the students' transition from Kuhlthau's Stage 3 to Stage 4. 558-573 - Olof Hallonsten
, Daniel Holmberg:
Analyzing structural stratification in the Swedish higher education system: Data contextualization with policy-history analysis. 574-586 - Lutz Bornmann:
How to analyze percentile citation impact data meaningfully in bibliometrics: The statistical analysis of distributions, percentile rank classes, and top-cited papers. 587-595 - Torben Schubert
, Carolin Michels:
Placing articles in the large publisher nations: Is there a "free lunch" in terms of higher impact? 596-611 - Amandine Pras
, Catherine Guastavino
, Maryse Lavoie:
The impact of technological advances on recording studio practices. 612-626 - Shengbo Liu, Chaomei Chen
The differences between latent topics in abstracts and citation contexts of citing papers. 627-639
- Michael Schreiber:
Uncertainties and ambiguities in percentiles and how to avoid them. 640-643
- Niamh M. Hogan, Karl J. Sweeney:
Social networking and scientific communication: A paradoxical return to Mertonian roots? 644-646
- Philip Doty:
How information matters: Networks and public policy innovation - By Kathleen Hale. 647-649
- Lutz Bornmann:
The problem of percentile rank scores used with small reference sets. 650
Volume 64, Number 4, April 2013
- Yuji Tosaka
, Jung-ran Park:
RDA: Resource description & access - a survey of the current state of the art. 651-662
- Cassidy R. Sugimoto
, Mike Thelwall
Scholars on soap boxes: Science communication and dissemination in TED videos. 663-674 - Jens-Erik Mai
The quality and qualities of information. 675-688 - Ahmet Aker, Laura Plaza
, Elena Lloret
, Robert J. Gaizauskas
Do humans have conceptual models about geographic objects? A user study. 689-700 - Steffen Bernius, Matthias Hanauske, Berndt Dugall, Wolfgang König:
Exploring the effects of a transition to open access: Insights from a simulation study. 701-726 - Smaranda Muresan, Judith L. Klavans:
Inducing terminologies from text: A case study for the consumer health domain. 727-744 - Diane Kelly, Cassidy R. Sugimoto
A systematic review of interactive information retrieval evaluation studies, 1967-2006. 745-770 - Xiaozhong Liu:
Generating metadata for cyberlearning resources through information retrieval and meta-search. 771-786 - Jevin D. West
, Michael C. Jensen, Ralph J. Dandrea, Gregory J. Gordon
, Carl T. Bergstrom
Author-level Eigenfactor metrics: Evaluating the influence of authors, institutions, and countries within the social science research network community. 787-801 - Chaoqun Ni
, Debora Shaw, Sean M. Lind, Ying Ding:
Journal impact and proximity: An assessment using bibliographic features. 802-817 - Yuan Lin, Hongfei Lin, Kan Xu, Xiaoling Sun:
Learning to rank using smoothing methods for language modeling. 818-828 - Thomas Heinze, Richard Heidler
, Raphael Heiko Heiberger
, Jan Riebling:
New patterns of scientific growth: How research expanded after the invention of scanning tunneling microscopy and the discovery of Buckminsterfullerenes. 829-843 - Weizhong Zhu, Robert B. Allen:
Document clustering using the LSI subspace signature model. 844-860
- Michael Schreiber:
Empirical evidence for the relevance of fractional scoring in the calculation of percentile rank scores. 861-867
- Brenda Chawner:
Opening standards: The global politics of interoperability - Edited by Laura DeNardis. 868-870
- Leo Egghe:
Note on a possible decomposition of the h-Index. 871
Volume 64, Number 5, May 2013
- Blaise Cronin:
Self-plagiarism: An odious oxymoron. 873
- Barbara Mirel, Jennifer Steiner Tonks, Jean Song, Fan Meng, Weijian Xuan, Rafiqa Ameziane:
Studying PubMed usages in the field for complex problem solving: Implications for tool design. 874-892 - Emilia Apostolova, Daekeun You, Zhiyun Xue, Sameer K. Antani
, Dina Demner-Fushman, George R. Thoma:
Image retrieval from scientific publications: Text and image content processing to separate multipanel figures. 893-908 - Nolan J. Taylor, Alan R. Dennis, Jeff W. Cummings:
Situation normality and the shape of search: The effects of time delays and information presentation on search behavior. 909-928 - Ru He, Jiong Wang, Jin Tian
, Cheng-Tao Chu, Bradley Mauney, Igor Perisic:
Session analysis of people search within a professional social network. 929-950 - Carla Teixeira Lopes
, Cristina Ribeiro
Measuring the value of health query translation: An analysis by user language proficiency. 951-963 - Sue Yeon Syn, Michael B. Spring:
Finding subject terms for classificatory metadata from user-generated social tags. 964-980 - Jessa Lingel, danah boyd:
"Keep it secret, keep it safe": Information poverty, information norms, and stigma. 981-991 - Jeremy Prichard
, Caroline Spiranovic
, Paul A. Watters
, Christopher Lueg
Young people, child pornography, and subcultural norms on the Internet. 992-1000 - Michail Tsikerdekis:
The effects of perceived anonymity and anonymity states on conformity and groupthink in online communities: A Wikipedia study. 1001-1015 - Kim Martin
, Anabel Quan-Haase
Are e-books replacing print books? tradition, serendipity, and opportunity in the adoption and use of e-books for historical research and teaching. 1016-1028 - Robert Capra
, Julia Khanova, Sarah Ramdeen
Work and personal e-mail use by university employees: PIM practices across domain boundaries. 1029-1044 - Vincent Larivière, Cassidy R. Sugimoto
, Pierrette Bergeron:
In their own image? a comparison of doctoral students' and faculty members' referencing behavior. 1045-1054 - Fereshteh Didegah
, Mike Thelwall
Determinants of research citation impact in nanoscience and nanotechnology. 1055-1064 - Xuning Tang, Christopher C. Yang, Min Song
Understanding the evolution of multiple scientific research domains using a content and network approach. 1065-1075
- Loet Leydesdorff
, Tobias Opthof:
Citation analysis with medical subject Headings (MeSH) using the Web of Knowledge: A new routine. 1076-1080
- Elizabeth Aversa:
Introduction to information science - By David Bawden and Lyn Robinson. 1081-1083
- Peter Vinkler:
Quantity and impact through a single indicator. 1084-1085
- Abraham Bookstein:
In memoriam. 1086-1088
Volume 64, Number 6, June 2013
- Blaise Cronin:
Metrics à la mode. 1091
- Ryan Shaw:
Information organization and the philosophy of history. 1092-1103
- Jacques Wainer
, Eduardo Valle
What happens to computer science research after it is published? Tracking CS research lines. 1104-1111 - Núria Ferran-Ferrer
, Julià Minguillón
, Mario Pérez-Montoro
Key factors in the transfer of information-related competencies between academic, workplace, and daily life contexts. 1112-1121 - Chirag Shah
Effects of awareness on coordination in collaborative information seeking. 1122-1143 - Yalan Yan
, Robert M. Davison
Exploring behavioral transfer from knowledge seeking to knowledge contributing: The mediating role of intrinsic motivation. 1144-1157 - Yan Zhang:
Toward a layered model of context for health information searching: An analysis of consumer-generated questions. 1158-1172 - Julian Warner:
Creativity for Feist. 1173-1192 - Brendan Luyt:
History on Wikipedia: In need of a NWICO (New World Information and Communication Order)? the case of Cambodia. 1193-1202 - Chenliang Li, Aixin Sun
, Anwitaman Datta
TSDW: Two-stage word sense disambiguation using Wikipedia. 1203-1223 - Giovanni Abramo
, Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo
, Fulvio Viel:
Assessing the accuracy of the h- and g-indexes for measuring researchers' productivity. 1224-1234 - Son Hoang Nguyen, Gobinda Chowdhury
Interpreting the knowledge map of digital library research (1990-2010). 1235-1258 - Shinjeng Lin, Iris Xie:
Behavioral changes in transmuting multisession successive searches over the web. 1259-1283 - Chunjing Xiao
, Fan Zhou, Yue Wu:
Predicting audience gender in online content-sharing social networks. 1284-1297
- Michael Schreiber:
Inconsistencies in the highly cited publications indicator. 1298-1302
- Tomas A. Lipinski:
Digital rights movement: The role of technology in subverting digital copyright - By hector Postigo. 1303-1305
- Lutz Bornmann, Loet Leydesdorff
Statistical tests and research assessments: A comment on Schneider (2012). 1306-1308
Volume 64, Number 7, July 2013
- Blaise Cronin:
Standing on ceremony. 1309-1310
- David Nicholas
, David J. Clark, Ian Rowlands
, Hamid R. Jamali M.
Information on the go: A case study of Europeana mobile users. 1311-1322 - Mikael Laakso
, Bo-Christer Björk:
Delayed open access: An overlooked high-impact category of openly available scientific literature. 1323-1329 - Craig Willis
, Robert M. Losee:
A random walk on an ontology: Using thesaurus structure for automatic subject indexing. 1330-1344 - Kevin E. Dow
, Gary Hackbarth, Jeffrey A. Wong:
Data architectures for an organizational memory information system. 1345-1356 - Christy M. K. Cheung
, Matthew K. O. Lee
, Zach W. Y. Lee
Understanding the continuance intention of knowledge sharing in online communities of practice through the post-knowledge-sharing evaluation processes. 1357-1374 - Isto Huvila:
How a museum knows? Structures, work roles, and infrastructures of information work. 1375-1387 - Juan Gorraiz
, Philip J. Purnell
, Wolfgang Glänzel:
Opportunities for and limitations of the Book Citation Index. 1388-1398 - Zongyang Ma, Aixin Sun
, Gao Cong
On predicting the popularity of newly emerging hashtags in Twitter. 1399-1410 - Polina Panicheva
, John Cardiff
, Paolo Rosso:
Identifying subjective statements in news titles using a personal sense annotation framework. 1411-1422 - Youngok Choi:
Analysis of image search queries on the web: Query modification patterns and semantic attributes. 1423-1441 - Emanuela Riviera:
Scientific communities as autopoietic systems: The reproductive function of citations. 1442-1453 - Gustavo Rodríguez-Bárcenas
, María J. López-Huertas:
Saaty's analytic hierarchies method for knowledge organization in decision making. 1454-1467 - Daniel Torres-Salinas
, Nicolás Robinson-García
, Evaristo Jiménez-Contreras, Francisco Herrera, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar
On the use of biplot analysis for multivariate bibliometric and scientific indicators. 1468-1479 - Star X. Zhao, Fred Y. Ye:
Power-law link strength distribution in paper cocitation networks. 1480-1489 - Guo Zhang, Ying Ding, Stasa Milojevic:
Citation content analysis (CCA): A framework for syntactic and semantic analysis of citation content. 1490-1503 - Quentin L. Burrell:
Formulae for the h-index: A lack of robustness in Lotkaian informetrics? 1504-1514
- Lin Zhang
, Bart Thijs, Wolfgang Glänzel:
What does scientometrics share with other "metrics" sciences? 1515-1518