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IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, Volume 2021
Volume 2021, 2021
- Michel Abdalla, David Pointcheval, Azam Soleimanian:
2-Step Multi-Client Quadratic Functional Encryption from Decentralized Function-Hiding Inner-Product. 1 - Dingfeng Ye:
Can Lattice Signature be as Efficient as Lattice Encryption? 2 - Mahdi Mahdavi Oliaee, Zahra Ahmadian:
Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption for Arithmetic circuits. 3 - Ismail San:
LLMonPro: Low-Latency Montgomery Modular Multiplication Suitable for Verifiable Delay Functions. 4 - Kobi Gurkan, Philipp Jovanovic, Mary Maller, Sarah Meiklejohn, Gilad Stern, Alin Tomescu:
Aggregatable Distributed Key Generation. 5 - Wyatt Howe
, Andrei Lapets:
Privacy-Preserving Privacy Profile Proposal Protocol. 6 - Zi-Yuan Liu, Yi-Fan Tseng, Raylin Tso, Cheng-Yi Lee:
Notes on a lattice-based proxy-oriented identity-based encryption with keyword search. 7 - M. R. Mirzaee Shamsabad, Seyed Mojtaba Dehnavi:
A Family of Nonlinear MDS Diffusion Layers over 픽24n. 8 - Julia Khamis, Ori Rottenstreich:
Demand-aware Channel Topologies for Off-chain Blockchain Payments. 9 - Seyit Camtepe, Jarek Duda, Arash Mahboubi, Pawel Morawiecki, Surya Nepal, Marcin Pawlowski, Josef Pieprzyk:
Compcrypt - Lightweight ANS-based Compression and Encryption. 10 - Kwang Ho Kim, Jong Hyok Choe, Sihem Mesnager:
Complete solution over $\GF{p^n}$ of the equation Xpk+1+X+a=0. 11 - Enric Florit, Benjamin Smith:
Automorphisms and isogeny graphs of abelian varieties, with applications to the superspecial Richelot isogeny graph. 12 - Enric Florit, Benjamin Smith:
An atlas of the Richelot isogeny graph. 13 - (Withdrawn) Efficient Multilinear Map from Graded Encoding Scheme. 14
- Macarena C. Martínez-Rodríguez
, Ignacio M. Delgado-Lozano, Billy Bob Brumley:
SoK: Remote Power Analysis. 15 - Geoffroy Couteau, Pooya Farshim, Mohammad Mahmoody:
Black-Box Uselessness: Composing Separations in Cryptography. 16 - Dan Boneh, Elette Boyle, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Niv Gilboa, Yuval Ishai:
Lightweight Techniques for Private Heavy Hitters. 17 - Yuhao Yang, Xiujie Huang:
Comments on "On the Design of Conditional Privacy Preserving Batch Verification-Based Authentication Scheme for Internet of Vehicles Deployment". 18 - Kaushik Nath, Palash Sarkar:
Kummer versus Montgomery Face-off over Prime Order Fields. 19 - Stéphanie Delaune, Patrick Derbez
, Mathieu Vavrille:
Catching the Fastest Boomerangs - Application to SKINNY. 20 - Patrick Derbez
, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Victor Mollimard:
Fake Near Collisions Attacks. 21 - Patrick Derbez
, Pierre-Alain Fouque:
Increasing Precision of Division Property. 22 - Nicholas Stifter, Aljosha Judmayer, Philipp Schindler, Andreas Kern, Walid Fdhila:
What is Meant by Permissionless Blockchains? 23 - Pedro Hecht:
PQC: R-Propping of Burmester-Desmedt Conference Key Distribution System. 24 - Thien Duc Nguyen, Phillip Rieger, Hossein Yalame, Helen Möllering, Hossein Fereidooni, Samuel Marchal, Markus Miettinen, Azalia Mirhoseini, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Thomas Schneider, Shaza Zeitouni:
FLGUARD: Secure and Private Federated Learning. 25 - Slim Bettaieb, Loïc Bidoux, Olivier Blazy, Yann Connan, Philippe Gaborit:
A Gapless Code-Based Hash Proof System based on RQC and its Applications. 26 - Sfirnaciuc Emilia, Vasilescu Miruna-Elena, Emil Simion:
E-voting protocols in context of COVID19. 27 - Victor Lomné, Thomas Roche:
A Side Journey to Titan. 28 - Thomas Schneider, Oleksandr Tkachenko:
EPISODE: Efficient Privacy-PreservIng Similar Sequence Queries on Outsourced Genomic DatabasEs. 29 - Jonathan Lee, Srinath T. V. Setty, Justin Thaler, Riad S. Wahby:
Linear-time zero-knowledge SNARKs for R1CS. 30 - Alexandru-Stefan Gheorghies, Darius-Marian Lazaroi, Emil Simion:
A Comparative Study of Cryptographic Key Distribution Protocols. 31 - Pouriya Alikhani, Nicolas Brunner, Claude Crépeau, Sébastien Designolle, Raphaël Houlmann, Weixu Shi, Hugo Zbinden:
Experimental relativistic zero-knowledge proofs. 32 - Zi-Yuan Liu, Yi-Fan Tseng, Raylin Tso, Masahiro Mambo, Yu-Chi Chen:
Quantum-resistant Anonymous IBE with Traceable Identities. 33 - Nishanth Chandran, Divya Gupta, Akash Shah:
Circuit-PSI with Linear Complexity via Relaxed Batch OPPRF. 34 - Ori Rottenstreich:
Sketches for Blockchains. 35 - Niluka Amarasinghe, Xavier Boyen, Matthew McKague:
The Cryptographic Complexity of Anonymous Coins: A Systematic Exploration. 36 - Aein Rezaei Shahmirzadi, Dusan Bozilov, Amir Moradi:
New First-Order Secure AES Performance Records. 37 - Luke Champine:
Streaming Merkle Proofs within Binary Numeral Trees. 38 - Jung Hee Cheon, Yongha Son, Donggeon Yhee:
Practical FHE parameters against lattice attacks. 39 - Any Muanalifah, Sergei Sergeev:
On the tropical discrete logarithm problem and security of a protocol based on tropical semidirect product. 40 - Panos Kampanakis, Peter Panburana, Michael Curcio, Chirag Shroff, Md. Mahbub Alam:
Post-Quantum LMS and SPHINCS+ Hash-Based Signatures for UEFI Secure Boot. 41 - Alexander Russell, Qiang Tang, Moti Yung, Hong-Sheng Zhou, Jiadong Zhu:
Correcting Subverted Random Oracles. 42 - Madhurima Mukhopadhyay, Palash Sarkar:
Combining Montgomery Multiplication with Tag Tracing for the Pollard's Rho Algorithm in Prime Order Fields. 43 - Ishtiyaque Ahmad, Yuntian Yang, Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi, Trinabh Gupta:
Aloha: Metadata-private voice communication over fully untrusted infrastructure. 44 - Alberto Ibarrondo, Hervé Chabanne, Melek Önen:
Banners: Binarized Neural Networks with Replicated Secret Sharing. 45 - Jose Maria Bermudo Mera, Angshuman Karmakar, Tilen Marc, Azam Soleimanian:
Efficient Lattice-Based Inner-Product Functional Encryption. 46 - Misni Harjo Suwito, Yoshifumi Ueshige, Kouichi Sakurai:
Evolution of Bulletin Board & its application to E-Voting - A Survey. 47 - Sohyun Jeon, Hyang-Sook Lee, Jeongeun Park:
Efficient Lattice Gadget Decomposition Algorithm with Bounded Uniform Distribution. 48 - Mark D. Aagaard, Nusa Zidaric:
ASIC Benchmarking of Round 2 Candidates in the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standardization Process: (Preliminary Results). 49 - Joshua Deaton, Jintai Ding:
The Distinguishing Attack on HFE. 50 - Jintai Ding, Zheng Zhang, Joshua Deaton:
How Much can F5 Really Do. 51 - Rémi Géraud-Stewart, David Naccache:
Elementary Attestation of Cryptographically Useful Composite Moduli. 52 - Madalina Bolboceanu, Zvika Brakerski, Devika Sharma:
On Algebraic Embedding for Unstructured Lattices. 53 - David W. Archer, Shahla Atapoor, Nigel P. Smart:
The Cost of IEEE Arithmetic in Secure Computation. 54 - Jan Sebastian Götte, Björn Scheuermann:
Tech Report: Inerial HSMs Thwart Advanced Physical Attacks. 55 - Zhongfeng Niu:
The Study of Modulo 2n. 56 - Tamer Mour:
Correlation Intractability vs. One-wayness. 57 - Peter Kietzmann, Lena Boeckmann, Leandro Lanzieri, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch:
A Performance Study of Crypto-Hardware in the Low-end IoT. 58 - Chethan Kamath, Karen Klein, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Michael Walter:
On the Cost of Adaptivity in Graph-Based Games. 59 - Ran Canetti, Rosario Gennaro, Steven Goldfeder, Nikolaos Makriyannis, Udi Peled:
UC Non-Interactive, Proactive, Threshold ECDSA with Identifiable Aborts. 60 - Stefan Maftei, Marius Supuran, Emil Simion:
A Note on IBE Performance of a Practical Application. 61 - Dominique Unruh:
Compressed Permutation Oracles (And the Collision-Resistance of Sponge/SHA3). 62 - Monir Azraoui, Solenn Brunet, Sébastien Canard, Aïda Diop, Lélia Eveillard, Alicia Filipiak, Adel Hamdi, Flavie Misarsky, Donald Nokam Kuate, Marie Paindavoine, Quentin Santos, Bastien Vialla:
CYBERCRYPT: Learn Basic Cryptographic Concepts while Playing. 63 - Peter Pessl, Lukas Prokop:
Fault Attacks on CCA-secure Lattice KEMs. 64 - Dorin-Marian Ionita, Emil Simion:
FPGA Offloading for Diffie-Hellman Key Exchangeusing Elliptic Curves. 65 - Mohamed Fadl Idris, Je Sen Teh, Jasy Liew Suet Yan, Wei-Zhu Yeoh:
A Deep Learning Approach for Active S-box Prediction of Lightweight Block Ciphers. 66 - Michiel Van Beirendonck, Jan-Pieter D'Anvers, Ingrid Verbauwhede:
Analysis and Comparison of Table-based Arithmetic to Boolean Masking. 67 - Carsten Baum, Cyprien Delpech de Saint Guilhem, Daniel Kales, Emmanuela Orsini, Peter Scholl, Greg Zaverucha
Banquet: Short and Fast Signatures from AES. 68 - Amanda Cristina Davi Resende, Davis Railsback, Rafael Dowsley, Anderson C. A. Nascimento, Diego F. Aranha:
Fast Privacy-Preserving Text Classification based on Secure Multiparty Computation. 69 - Aysajan Abidin, Mohieddine El Soussi, Jac Romme, Pepijn Boer, Dave Singelée, Christian Bachmann
Secure, Accurate, and Practical Narrow-Band Ranging System. 70 - Jorai Rijsdijk, Lichao Wu, Guilherme Perin, Stjepan Picek:
Reinforcement Learning for Hyperparameter Tuning in Deep Learning-based Side-channel Analysis. 71 - Servio Paguada, Lejla Batina, Igor Armendariz:
Toward Practical Autoencoder-based Side-Channel Analysis Evaluations. 72 - Michal Wronski:
Application of Velusqrt algorithm to Huff's and general Huff's curves. 73 - Mahdi Sedaghat, Bart Preneel:
Cross-Domain Attribute-Based Access Control Encryption. 74 - Kamil Otal:
A Generalization of the Subfield Construction. 75 - Kang Yang, Pratik Sarkar, Chenkai Weng, Xiao Wang:
QuickSilver: Efficient and Affordable Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Circuits and Polynomials over Any Field. 76 - Rémi Géraud-Stewart, David Naccache:
Magnetic RSA. 77 - Nikolaj I. Schwartzbach:
An Incentive-Compatible Smart Contract for Decentralized Commerce. 78 - Kalle Ngo, Elena Dubrova, Qian Guo, Thomas Johansson:
A Side-Channel Attack on a Masked IND-CCA Secure Saber KEM. 79 - Jan-Pieter D'Anvers, Emmanuela Orsini, Frederik Vercauteren:
Error Term Checking: Towards Chosen Ciphertext Security without Re-encryption. 80 - Hendrik Waldner, Tilen Marc, Miha Stopar, Michel Abdalla:
Private Stream Aggregation from Labeled Secret Sharing Schemes. 81 - Jaskaran V. Singh, Nicholas Hopper:
Grades of Trust in Multiparty Computation. 82 - Michael Troncoso, Britta Hale:
The Bluetooth CYBORG: Analysis of the Full Human-Machine Passkey Entry AKE Protocol. 83 - Gilles Macario-Rat, Jacques Patarin:
Ariadne Thread and Salt: New Multivariate Cryptographic Schemes with Public Keys in Degree 3. 84 - Suhri Kim:
Complete Analysis of Implementing Isogeny-based Cryptography using Huff Form of Elliptic Curves. 85 - Mic Bowman, Debajyoti Das, Avradip Mandal, Hart Montgomery:
On Elapsed Time Consensus Protocols. 86 - Boyuan Feng, Lianke Qin, Zhenfei Zhang, Yufei Ding, Shumo Chu:
ZEN: Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Neural Networks. 87 - Marc Fischlin, Arno Mittelbach:
An Overview of the Hybrid Argument. 88 - Gabrielle Beck, Julia Len, Ian Miers, Matthew Green:
Fuzzy Message Detection. 89 - Bei Wang, Yi Ouyang, Honggang Hu, Songsong Li:
A New Twofold Cornacchia-Type Algorithm for 4-GLV Decompositions and Its Applications. 90 - Ilaria Chillotti, Marc Joye, Pascal Paillier:
Programmable Bootstrapping Enables Efficient Homomorphic Inference of Deep Neural Networks. 91 - Dieaa I. Nassr
, M. Anwar, Hatem M. Bahig:
New Public Key Cryptosystem (First Version). 92 - Evgenios M. Kornaropoulos, Charalampos Papamanthou, Roberto Tamassia:
Response-Hiding Encrypted Ranges: Revisiting Security via Parametrized Leakage-Abuse Attacks. 93 - Sivanarayana Gaddam, Atul Luykx, Rohit Sinha, Gaven J. Watson:
Reducing HSM Reliance in Payments through Proxy Re-Encryption. 94 - Easwar Vivek Mangipudi, Donghang Lu, Aniket Kate:
Collusion-Deterrent Threshold Information Escrow. 95 - Kelong Cong, Daniele Cozzo, Varun Maram, Nigel P. Smart:
Gladius: LWR based efficient hybrid public key encryption with distributed decryption. 96 - Mridul Nandi:
A New and Improved Reduction Proof of Cascade PRF. 97 - Lukas Kölsch, Björn Kriepke, Gohar M. Kyureghyan:
Image sets of perfectly nonlinear maps. 98 - Melissa Chase, Esha Ghosh, Saeed Mahloujifar:
Property Inference from Poisoning. 99 - Sourav Das, Vinith Krishnan, Irene Miriam Isaac, Ling Ren:
SPURT: Scalable Distributed Randomness Beacon with Transparent Setup. 100 - Daniel Heinz, Thomas Pöppelmann:
Combined Fault and DPA Protection for Lattice-Based Cryptography. 101 - Madalina Chirita, Alexandru-Mihai Stroie, Andrei-Daniel Safta, Emil Simion:
A Note on Advanced Encryption Standard with Galois/Counter Mode Algorithm Improvements and S-Box Customization. 102 - Elena Andreeva, Amit Singh Bhati, Damian Vizár:
RUP Security of the SAEF Authenticated Encryption mode. 103 - Shivam Bhasin, Jan-Pieter D'Anvers, Daniel Heinz, Thomas Pöppelmann, Michiel Van Beirendonck:
Attacking and Defending Masked Polynomial Comparison for Lattice-Based Cryptography. 104 - Majid Salimi:
A New Efficient Identity-Based Encryption Without Pairing. 105 - Aram Jivanyan, Jesse Lancaster, Arash Afshar, Parnian Alimi:
MERCAT: Mediated, Encrypted, Reversible, SeCure Asset Transfers. 106 - Seny Kamara, Tarik Moataz, Andrew Park, Lucy Qin:
A Decentralized and Encrypted National Gun Registry. 107 - Sara Ricci, Lukas Malina, Petr Jedlicka, David Smekal, Jan Hajny, Peter Cíbik, Patrik Dobias:
Implementing CRYSTALS-Dilithium Signature Scheme on FPGAs. 108 - Amin Rezaei, Hai Zhou:
Sequential Logic Encryption Against Model Checking Attack. 109 - Kenji Yasunaga:
Replacing Probability Distributions in Security Games via Hellinger Distance. 110 - Evgnosia-Alexandra Kelesidis:
A note on Post Quantum Onion Routing. 111 - (Withdrawn) Full-Resilient Memory-Optimum Multi-Party Non-Interactive Key Exchange. 112
- Ahmad Akmal Aminuddin Mohd Kamal, Keiichi Iwamura:
Improvement of Secure Multi-Party Multiplication of (k, n) Threshold Secret Sharing Using Only N=k Servers (Revised Version). 113 - Michel Abdalla, Björn Haase, Julia Hesse:
Security Analysis of CPace. 114 - Mila Anastasova, Reza Azarderakhsh, Mehran Mozaffari Kermani:
Fast Strategies for the Implementation of SIKE Round 3 on ARM Cortex-M4. 115 - Nael Rahman, Vladimir Shpilrain:
MAKE: a Matrix Action Key Exchange. 116 - Arash Mirzaei, Amin Sakzad, Jiangshan Yu, Ron Steinfeld:
FPPW: A Fair and Privacy Preserving Watchtower For Bitcoin. 117 - Nicolas Alhaddad, Mayank Varia, Haibin Zhang:
High-Threshold AVSS with Optimal Communication Complexity. 118 - Eleftheria Makri, Dragos Rotaru, Frederik Vercauteren, Sameer Wagh:
Rabbit: Efficient Comparison for Secure Multi-Party Computation. 119 - Aner Ben-Efraim, Kelong Cong, Eran Omri, Emmanuela Orsini, Nigel P. Smart, Eduardo Soria-Vazquez:
Large Scale, Actively Secure Computation from LPN and Free-XOR Garbled Circuits. 120 - Yaron Gvili, Sarah Scheffler, Mayank Varia:
BooLigero: Improved Sublinear Zero Knowledge Proofs for Boolean Circuits. 121 - Aner Ben-Efraim, Olga Nissenbaum, Eran Omri, Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky:
PSImple: Practical Multiparty Maliciously-Secure Private Set Intersection. 122 - Yue Qin, Chi Cheng, Xiaohan Zhang, Yanbin Pan, Lei Hu, Jintai Ding:
A Systematic Approach and Analysis of Key Mismatch Attacks on CPA-Secure Lattice-Based NIST Candidate KEMs. 123 - Özgün Özerk, Can Elgezen, Ahmet Can Mert, Erdinç Öztürk, Erkay Savas:
Efficient Number Theoretic Transform Implementation on GPU for Homomorphic Encryption. 124 - Kris Shrishak, Haya Schulmann:
Privacy Preserving and Resilient RPKI. 125 - Ramachandran Anantharaman, Virendra R. Sule:
Observability attack on stream generators. 126 - Cong Deng, Xianghong Tang, Lin You, Gengran Hu:
Cuproof: A Novel Range Proof with Constant Size. 127 - Debrup Chakraborty, Avijit Dutta, Samir Kundu:
Designing Tweakable Enciphering Schemes Using Public Permutations. 128 - Weiqiong Cao, Hongsong Shi, Hua Chen, Wei Wei:
Lattice-based weak curve fault attack on ECDSA. 129 - Bei Wang, Songsong Li, Yi Ouyang, Honggang Hu:
Ready-Made Short Basis for GLV+GLS on High Degree Twisted Curves. 130 - Sikha Pentyala, Rafael Dowsley, Martine De Cock:
Privacy-Preserving Video Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks. 131 - Xiling Li, Rafael Dowsley, Martine De Cock:
Privacy-Preserving Feature Selection with Secure Multiparty Computation. 132 - Ravital Solomon, Ghada Almashaqbeh:
smartFHE: Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts from Fully Homomorphic Encryption. 133 - Marco Baldi, Jean-Christophe Deneuville, Edoardo Persichetti, Paolo Santini:
Cryptanalysis of a code-based signature scheme without trapdoors. 134 - Masayuki Abe, Miguel Ambrona, Andrej Bogdanov, Miyako Ohkubo, Alon Rosen:
Acyclicity Programming for Sigma-Protocols. 135 - Dmitry Schelkunov:
An approach for designing fast public key encryption systems using white-box cryptography techniques. 136 - Chris Brzuska, Eric Cornelissen, Konrad Kohbrok:
Cryptographic Security of the MLS RFC, Draft 11. 137 - Johannes Roth, Evangelos G. Karatsiolis, Juliane Krämer:
Classic McEliece Implementation with Low Memory Footprint. 138