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Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 16, 1973
Volume 16, Number 1, January 1973
- Gerald S. Shedler:
A Queuing Model of a Multiprogrammed Computer with a Two-Level Storage System. 3-10
- Carter Bays:
The Reallocation of Hash-Coded Tables. 11-14
- James H. Morris Jr.:
Protection in Programming Languages. 15-21 - Yoichi Muraoka, David J. Kuck:
On the Time Required for a Sequence of Matrix Products. 22-26 - E. B. James, Derek Partridge:
Adaptive Correction of Program Statements. 27-37
- Paul L. Richman:
Variable-Precision Exponentiation. 38-40 - C. R. Crawford:
Reduction of a Band-Symmetric Generalized Eigenvalue Problem. 41-44
- Sumner E. Blount, Louis Fein:
The Practical Aspect of Computer Science Education-Discussion. 45-46
- Carter Bays:
A Note on When To Chain Overflow Items Within a Direct-Access Table. 46-47
- M. Stella Atkins:
Mutual Recursion in Algol 60 Using Restricted Compilers. 47-48
- L. J. Gallaher:
A Multidimensional Monte Carlo Quadrature with Adaptive Stratified Sampling [D1] (Algorithm 440). 49-50 - Robert E. Knop:
Random Deviates from the Dipole Distribution [G5] (Algorithm 441). 51 - G. W. Hill, A. W. Davis:
Normal Deviate [S14] (Algorithm 442). 51-52
Volume 16, Number 2, February 1973
- Roy D. Merrill:
Representation of Contours ad Regions for Efficient Computer Search. 69-82
- Stefano Crespi-Reghizzi, Michel A. Melkanoff, Larry Lichten:
The Use of Grammatical Inference for Designing Programming Languages. 83-90 - James F. Gimpel:
A Theory of Discrete Patterns and Their Implementation in SNOBOL4. 91-100
- Jon G. Rokne:
Automatic Errorbounds for Simple Zeros of Analytic Functions. 101-104
- Richard P. Brent
Reducing the Retrieval Time of Scatter Storage Techniques. 105-109
- Robert M. Graham, Gerald J. Clancy Jr., David B. DeVaney:
A Software Design and Evaluation System. 110-116 - Robert Balzer:
An Overview of the ISPL Computer System Design. 117-122
- Fred N. Fritsch, R. E. Shafer, W. P. Crowley:
Solution of the Transcendental Equation w*exp(w)=x [C5] (Algorithm A443). 123-124
Volume 16, Number 3, March 1973
- Richard H. Austing, Gerald L. Engel:
A Computer Science Course Program for Small Colleges. 139-147
- Robert A. Wagner:
Common Phrases and Minimum-Space Text Storage. 148-152
- Yeshiah Feinroth, Ed Franceschini, M. Goldstein:
Telecommunications Using a Front-End Minicomputer. 153-160 - Charles D. Pack:
The Effects of Multiplexing on a Computer-Communications System. 161-168
- Richard W. Conway, Thomas R. Wilcox:
Design and Implementation of a Diagnostic Compiler for PL/I. 169-179
- Herbert E. Salzer:
Gray Code and the +- Sign Sequence when +-f (+-f(+-f(...+-f(x)...))) Is Ordered. 180
- Abraham Bookstein:
On Harrison's Substring Testing Technique. 180-181
- William H. Payne:
Graduate Education: The Ph.D. Glut. 181-182
- Robert A. Wagner:
An Algorithm for Extracting Phrases in a Space-Optimal Fashion [Z] (Algorithm 444). 183-185 - Shi-Kuo Chang:
Binary Pattern Reconstruction from Projections [Z] (Algorithm 445). 185-186 - John Lau:
Binary Pattern Reconstruction from Projections [Z] (Remark on Algorithm 445). Commun. ACM 16(3): 186 (1973)
Volume 16, Number 4, April 1973
- Anthony Hassitt, J. W. Lageschulte, Leonard E. Lyon:
Implementation of High Level Language Machine. 199-212 - John G. Williams:
Asymmetric Memory Hierarchies. 213-222
- Hirondo Kuki, William J. Cody:
A Statistical Study of the Accuracy of Floating Point Number Systems. 223-230
- Walter A. Burkhard, Robert M. Keller:
Some Approaches to Best-Match File Searching. 230-236
- James P. Strong III, Azriel Rosenfeld:
A Region Coloring Technique for Scene Analysis. 237-246
- Juan Rodriguez-Rosell, Jean-Pierre Dupuy:
The Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Working Set Dispatcher. 247-253
- R. Broucke:
Ten Subroutines for the Manipulation of Chebyshev Series [C1] (Algorithm 446). 254-256 - Larry C. Ragland, Donald I. Good:
Greatest Common Divisor of n Integers and Multipliers (Certification of Algorithm 386). 257
Volume 16, Number 5, May 1973
- David Pager:
On the Problem of Communicating Complex Information. 275-281
- David W. Low:
Programming by Questionnaire: An Effective Way To Use Decision Tables. 282-286
- Peter J. H. King, Roger G. Johnson:
Some Comments on the Use of Ambiguous Decision Tables and Their Conversion to Computer Programs. 287-290 - John Salasin:
Hierarchical Storage in Information Retrieval. 291-295
- Derek G. Corneil, C. C. Gotlieb, Y. M. Lee:
Minimal Event-Node Network of Project Precedence Relations. 296-298
- Andrew Mercer, Azriel Rosenfeld:
An Array Grammar Programming System. 299-305
- Edward M. Reingold:
A Nonrecursive List Moving Algorithm. 305-307
- H. Vos:
Coulomb Wave Functions (Remark on Algorithm 300). 308-309 - G. Bayer:
Maxflow (Remark on Algorithm 324). 309 - D. Obradovic:
Minit Algorithm for Linear Programming (Remark on Algorithm 333). 310 - B. Holmgren, D. Obradovic, Å. Kolm:
Minit Algorithm for Linear Programming (Remark on Algorithm 333). 310 - Robert E. Wheeler:
Increasing the Efficiency of Quicksort (Remark on Algorithm 402). 311 - Jo Ann Howell:
Exact Solution of Linear Equations Using Residue Arithmetic (Remark on Algorithm 406). 311 - Arthur H. J. Sale:
A Sparse Matrix Package (Remark on Algorithm 408). 311
- Mohit Kumar Roy:
Reflection-Free Permutations, Rosary Permutations, and Adjacent Transposition Algorithms. 312-313
- Clyde H. McMorrow:
Concerning Music and Computer Composition in Computational Linguistics. 313 - Richard L. Wexelblat:
Another Comment on Computer Music. 313-314
- Robert G. Estell:
A Comment on the Practical Aspects of Computer Science Education. 314
- Roger Fajman, John Borgelt:
WYLBUR: An Interactive Text Editing and Remote Job Entry System. 314-322 - Dennis J. Frailey:
A Practical Approach to Managing Resources and Avoiding Deadlocks. 323-329
Volume 16, Number 6, June 1973
- Richard G. Hamlet:
Efficient Multiprogramming Resource Allocation and Accounting. 337-343 - Erol Gelenbe:
Minimizing Wasted Space in Partitioned Segmentation. 343-349
- J. Carver Hill:
Synchronizing Processors with Memory-Content-Generated Interrupts. 350-351 - Harold S. Stone, Samuel H. Fuller:
On the Near-Optimality of the Shortest-Latency-Time-First Drum Scheduling Discipline. 352-353 - Peter F. Stockhausen:
Adapting Optimal Code Generation for Arithmetic Expressions to the Instruction Sets Available on Present-Day Computers. 353-354
- Robert F. Ling:
A Computer Generated Aid for Cluster Analysis. 355-361
- Ben Shneiderman:
Optimum Data Base Reorganization Points. 362-365
- Horst Strunz:
The Development of Decision Tables via Parsing of Complex Decision Situations. 366-369 - James R. Bell:
Threaded Code. 370-372
- John E. Hopcroft, Robert Endre Tarjan:
Efficient Algorithms for Graph Manipulation [H] (Algorithm 447). 372-378 - Terry Beyer, D. F. Swinehart:
Number of Multiply-Restricted Partitions [A1] (Algorithm 448). 379
- J. Ferguson, P. A. Staley:
Least Squares Piecewise Cubic Curve Fitting. 380-383 - W. D. Hoskins:
Cubic Spline Solutions to Fourth-order Boundary Value Problems. 382-385
- Franz L. Alt, Judith Yuni Kirk:
Computer Photocomposition of Technical Text. 386-391
Volume 16, Number 7, July 1973
- Richard L. Nolan:
Managing the Computer Resource: A Stage Hypothesis. 399-405
- J. C. Huang:
A Note on Information Organization and Storage. 406-410
- Edward W. Kozdrowicki, Dennis W. Cooper:
COKO III: The Cooper-Koz Chess Program. 411-427
- John H. Howard Jr.:
Mixed Solutions for the Deadlock Problem. 427-430 - Erol Gelenbe:
The Distribution of a Program in Primary and Fast Buffer Storage. 431-434
- Robert F. Rosin:
Teaching "About Programming". 435-438 - F. Warren McFarlan, Richard L. Nolan:
Curriculum Recommendations for Graduate Professional Programs in Information Systems: Recommended Addendum on Information Systems Administration. 439-441 - Abraham Kandel:
Computer Science-Seminars for Undergraduates. 442
- Gregor von Bochmann:
Multiple Exits from a Loop Without the GOTO. 443-444 - Patrick A. V. Hall:
Equivalence Between AND/OR Graphs and Context-Free Grammars. 444-445
- Frantisek Fiala:
Solution of Linear Programming Problems in 0-1 Variables [H1] (Algorithm 449). 445-447 - Paul J. Nikolai:
DIFSUB for Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations (Certification of Algorithm 407). 448 - Iain D. G. Macleod, Allan M. Collins:
Hidden-Line Plotting Program (Remark on Algorithm 420). 448 - Brian W. Kernighan:
Minimal Spanning Tree (Remarks on Algorithm 422). Commun. ACM 16(7): 448 (1973)
Volume 16, Number 8, August 1973
- Michael H. Smith:
A Learning Program Which Plays Partnership Dominoes. 462-467 - Bruce J. MacLennan
Fen-An Axiomatic Basis for Program Semantics. 468-474 - David Misunas:
Petri Nets and Speed Independent Design. 474-481
- Marek Machura, Andrzej Mulawa:
Rosenbrock Function Minimization [E4] (Algorithm 450). 482-483 - Richard B. Goldstein:
Chi-Square Quantiles [G1] (Algorithm 451). 483-485 - C. N. Liu, Donald T. Tang:
Enumerating Combinations of m Out of n Objects [G6] (Algorithm 452). 485 - Robert Piessens:
Gaussian Quadrature Formulas for Bromwich's Integral [D1] (Algorithm 453). 486-487 - Joel A. Richardson, J. L. Kuester:
The Complex Method for Constrained Optimization [E4] (Algorithm 454). 487-489 - Gabriela Andrejková
, J. Vinar:
Complex Gamma Function (Remark and Certification on Algorithm 404). 489 - Richara M. De Morgan:
An Efficient Prime Number Generator (Remark on Algorithm 357). 489 - Richard P. Watkins:
Graph Plotter (Remark on Algorithm 412). 489-490 - Albert J. Good:
Clenshaw-Curtis Quadrature (Remark on Algorithm 424). 490 - J. G. Byrne:
Hu-Tucker Minimum Redundancy Alphabetic Coding Method (Remark on Algorithm 428). 490 - Edward J. Williams:
Localization of the Roots of a Polynomial (Remark on Algorithm 429). 490
- Zohar Manna, Stephen Nes, Jean Vuillemin:
Inductive Methods for Proving Properties of Programs. 491-502 - W. Wesley Peterson, Tadao Kasami, Nobuki Tokura:
On the Capabilities of While, Repeat, and Exit Statements. 503-512
- Caxton C. Foster:
A Generalization of AVL Trees. 513-517
Volume 16, Number 9, September 1973
- Jeffrey P. Buzen:
Computational Algorithms for Closed Queueing Networks with Exponential Servers. 527-531
- S. Ganapathy, V. Rajaraman:
Information Theory Applied to the Conversion of Decision Tables to Computer Programs. 532-539
- Alfonso F. Cardenas:
Evaluation and Selection of File Organization - A Model and System. 540-548
- Richard G. Casey:
Design of Tree Structures for Efficient Querying. 549-556
- Juan Rodriguez-Rosell:
Empirical Working Set Behavior. 556-560
- Geoffrey W. Gates, David A. Poplawski:
A Simple Technique for Structured Variable Lookup. 561-565 - Marvin V. Zelkowitz:
Reversible Execution. 566
- Robert E. Barnhill, David T. Pilcher:
Sard Kernels for Certain Bivariate Cubatures. 567-570
- D. B. Hunter, Julia M. Williams:
Analysis of Skew Representations of the Symmetric Group (Algorithm 455). 571-572 - Zdenek Fencl:
Routing Problem (Algorithm 456). Commun. ACM 16(9): 572-574 (1973) - Coenraad Bron, Joep Kerbosch:
Finding All Cliques of an Undirected Graph (Algorithm 457). Commun. ACM 16(9): 575-576 (1973) - Mohit Kumar Roy:
Generation of Permutations in Lexicographic Order (Remark on Algorithm 323). Commun. ACM 16(9): 577 (1973) - E. E. Lawrence:
A Sparse Matrix Package (Remark on Algorithm 408). 578 - Hugh Williamson:
Hidden-Line Plotting Program (Remark on Algorithm 420). 578-579 - H. B. Driessen, E. W. LeM. Hunt:
Localization of the Roots of a Polynomial (Remark on Algorithm 429). Commun. ACM 16(9): 579 (1973)
Volume 16, Number 10, October 1973
- John S. McGeachie:
Multiple Terminals Under User Program Control in a Time-Sharing Environment. 587-590
- Daniel G. Bobrow, Ben Wegbreit:
A Model and Stack Implementation of Multiple Environments. 591-603
- Vincent Y. Lum:
General Performance Analysis of Key-to-Address Transformation Methods Using an Abstract File Concept. 603-612
- Butler W. Lampson:
A Note on the Confinement Problem. 613-615 - Daniel S. Hirschberg:
A Class of Dynamic Memory Allocation Algorithms. 615-618 - Barton G. Prieve:
Using Page Residency To Select the Working Set Parameter. 619-620
- Robert E. Millstein:
Control Structures in Illiac IV Fortran. 621-627
- Charles J. Mifsud, Michael J. Bohlen:
Addendum to a Multiple-Precision Division Algorithm. 628
- P. D. Robers, S. S. Robers:
Discrete Linear L1 Approximation by Interval Linear Programming [E2] (Algorithm 458). 629-631 - Maciej M. Syslo:
The Elementary Circuits of a Graph [H] (Algorithm 459). 632-633 - Paul E. Saylor, James D. Sebastian:
Calculation of Optimum Parameters for Alternating Direction Implicit Procedures [D3] (Algorithm 460). 633-635 - Forbes J. Burkowski, W. D. Hoskins:
Cubic Spline Solutions to a Class of Functional Differential Equations [D2] (Algorithm 461). 635-637 - Thomas G. Donnelly:
Bivariate Normal Distribution [S15] (Algorithm 462). 638