Very Large Data Bases Conference (VLDB)

Venue statistics

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    frequent authors

      The VLDB Conferences constitute one of the most eminent venues for the timely dissemination of research and development results in the field of database management. This series is perhaps the most international (in terms of participation, technical content, organization, and location) among all comparable events.

      50th VLDB 2024: Guangzhou, China

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 17

      49th VLDB 2023: Vancouver, BC, Canada

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 16

      48th VLDB 2022: Sydney, Australia

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 15

      47th VLDB 2021: Copenhagen, Denmark

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 14

      46th VLDB 2020: Tokyo, Japan

      VLDB 2020 Home Page

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13

      45th VLDB 2019: Los Angeles, CA, USA

      VLDB 2019 Home Page

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 12

      44th VLDB 2018: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

      VLDB 2018 Home Page

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 11

      43rd VLDB 2017: Munich, Germany

      VLDB 2017 Home Page

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 10

      42nd VLDB 2016: New Delhi, India

      VLDB 2016 Home Page

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 9

      41st VLDB 2015: Kohala Coast, Hawaii, USA

      VLDB 2015 Home Page

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 8

      40th VLDB 2014: Hangzhou, China

      VLDB 2014 Home Page

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 7

      39th VLDB 2013: Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy

      VLDB 2013 Home Page

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 6

      38th VLDB 2012: Istanbul, Turkey

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 5

      37th VLDB 2011: Seattle, Washington, USA

      VLDB 2011 Home Page

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 4

      36th VLDB 2010: Singapore

      VLDB 2010 Home Page

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 3

      35th VLDB 2009: Lyon, France

      VLDB 2009 Home Page

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 2

      34th VLDB 2008: Auckland, New Zealand

      VLDB 2008 Home Page

      Proceedings: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 1


      33rd VLDB 2007: Vienna, Austria

      DMSN - Secure Data Management - SWDB-ODBIS - QDB - XSym

      32nd VLDB 2006: Seoul, Korea

      VLDB 2006 Home Page

      BIRTE - ODBIS - DBISP2P - DMSN - Secure Data Management - VDMB - XSym

      31st VLDB 2005: Trondheim, Norway

      Secure Data Management - DBISP2P - DMG - DMSN - ODBIS - TEAA - XSym

      30th VLDB 2004: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

      VLDB 2004 Home Page

      DMSN - DBISP2P 2004 - IIWeb 2004 - Secure Data Management - STDBM 2004 - SWDB 2004 - TES 2004 - XSym 2004

      29th VLDB 2003: Berlin, Germany

      DBISP2P 2003 Home Page

      XML Database Symposium (XSym 2003)

      SWDB 2003

      28th VLDB 2002: Hong Kong, China

      VLDB 2002 Home Page

      27th VLDB 2001: Roma, Italy

      KRDB 2001 (KRDB on DBLP)

      26th VLDB 2000: Cairo, Egypt

      10-Year Award

      25th VLDB 1999: Edinburgh, Scotland

      24th VLDB 1998: New York City, USA

      23rd VLDB 1997: Athens, Greece

      VLDB 1997 Home Page (Aachen) (Athens)

      22nd VLDB 1996: Bombay, India

      21st VLDB 1995: Zurich, Switzerland

      Some pictures from the conference dinner

      International Workshop on Temporal Databases

      20th VLDB 1994: Santiago de Chile, Chile


      19th VLDB 1993: Dublin, Ireland


      18th VLDB 1992: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

      17th VLDB 1991: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

      16th VLDB 1990: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

      15th VLDB 1989: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      14th VLDB 1988: Los Angeles, California, USA

      Dennis McLeod: 1988 VLDB Panel on "Future Directions in DBMS Research": A Brief, Informal Summary. SIGMOD Record 18(1): 27-30 (March 1989)

      13th VLDB 1987: Brighton, England

      12th VLDB 1986: Kyoto, Japan

      11th VLDB 1985: Stockholm, Sweden

      10th VLDB 1984: Singapore

      9th VLDB 1983: Florence, Italy

      8th VLDB 1982: Mexico City, Mexico

      7th VLDB 1981: Cannes, France

      6th VLDB 1980: Montreal, Canada

      5th VLDB 1979: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

      4th VLDB 1978: West Berlin, Germany

      3rd VLDB 1977: Tokyo, Japan

      2nd VLDB 1976: Brussels, Belgium

      1st VLDB 1975: Framingham, Massachusetts

      The long versions of some VLDB'75 papers appeared in TODS 1(1 and 2)