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16th SAC 2001: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- Gary B. Lamont:
Proceedings of the 2001 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), March 11-14, 2001, Las Vegas, NV, USA. ACM 2001, ISBN 1-58113-287-5
- Hal Berghel:
A decade of applied computing. 1-5
AI and Computational Logic - 1
- Dimitrios Kalles
, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos
On verifying game designs and playing strategies using reinforcement learning. 6-11 - Pierre Laroche
, Yann Boniface, René Schott:
A new decomposition technique for solving Markov decision processes. 12-16 - Jian Zhang:
Automatic symmetry breaking method combined with SAT. 17-21 - Walid Chainbi
A belief-goal-role logic for a single-agent system. 22-26
AI and Computational Logic - 2
- Masayuki Okabe, Seiji Yamada:
Interactive document retrieval with relational learning. 27-31 - Matee Serearuno, Tony Holden:
A comparison in training time of the single and multiple-output MLP neural networks. 32-35 - In Lee, Jatinder N. D. Gupta
, Amar D. Amar:
A multi-neural-network learning for lot sizing and sequencing on a flow-shop. 36-40
Bioinformatics - 1
- Igor V. Grigoriev
Computational structural genomics: identifying protein targets for structural studies. 41-45 - Lusheng Wang, Kaizhong Zhang, Louxin Zhang:
Perfect phylogenetic networks with recombination. 46-50 - Xianghong Zhou, Gareth Chelvanayagam, Michael T. Hallett
Identifying the most significant pairwise correlations of residues in different positions of helices: the subset selection problem using least squares optimization. 51-55
Bioinformatics - 2
- Paolo Barone, Paola Bonizzoni
, Gianluca Della Vedova
, Giancarlo Mauri
An approximation algorithm for the shortest common supersequence problem: an experimental analysis. 56-60 - Jonathan H. Badger, Paul E. Kearney:
Picking fruit from the tree of life: comments on taxonomic sampling and quartet methods. 61-67
Computational Sciences
- Damon Shing-Min Liu, Mark Burgin, Walter J. Karplus, Daniel J. Valentino:
Large-scale flow field visualization for aneurysm treatment. 68-72 - Kazuhiro Shimoura:
Self-consistent simulation studying environment for the design of high-speed optical communication lines. 73-76 - L. Jonathan Dowell, Michael Lee Bruno:
Connectivity of random graphs and mobile networks: validation of Monte Carlo simulation results. 77-81
Computer Uses in Education
- Masaya Okada, Hiroyuki Tarumi, Tetsuhiko Yoshimura:
Distributed virtual environment realizing collaborative environment education. 83-88 - Lin Chen, Youwen Ouyang:
Component-centric approach in a web-based home schooling application. 89-93 - Marco Roccetti
, Paola Salomoni:
A web-based synchronized multimedia system for distance education. 94-98 - Ng S. T. Chong, Masao Sakauchi:
Creating and shareing web notes via a standard browser. 99-104
Coordination Models, Languages and Applications - 1
- Andrea Omicini:
Coordination models, languages applications track chair messages. 105-106 - David W. Flater
Debugging agent interactions: a case study. 107-114 - Jie Xing, Munindar P. Singh
Formalization of commitment-based agent interaction. 115-120 - Rajeev R. Raje, Mingyong Qiao, Snehasis Mukhopadhyay:
SIFTER-II: a heterogeneous agent society for information filtering. 121-123
Coordination Models, Languages and Applications - 2
- Hans de Bruin:
Coordingation control with BCOOPL. 124-133 - Carlos Enrique Cuesta Quintero
, Pablo de la Fuente, Manuel Barrio-Solórzano:
Dynamic coordination architecture through the use of reflection. 134-140 - Nelson S. Rosa, George R. Ribeiro-Justo, Paulo R. F. Cunha:
A framework for building non-functional software architectures. 141-147 - Manuel Díaz
, Bartolomé Rubio
, Enrique Soler, José M. Troya:
DIP: a pattern-based approach for task and data parallelism integration. 148-150
Coordination Models, Languages and Applications - 3
- Koenraad De Bosschere, Jean-Marie Jacquet:
Synchronous coordination in the Log coordination model. 151-158 - Andrea Bracciali, Antonio Brogi
, Franco Turini:
Coordinating interaction patterns. 159-165 - Mirko Viroli, Gianluca Moro
, Andrea Omicini:
On observation as a coordination paradigm: an ontology and a formal framework. 166-175
Coordination Models, Languages and Applications - 4
- Dennis Heimbigner:
Adapting publish/subscribe middleware to achieve Gnutella-like functionality. 176-181 - Sergio P. J. Medeiros, Jano Moreira de Souza, Julia Celia M. Strauch, Gustavo da Rocha Barreto Pinto:
Coordination aspects in a spatial group decision support collaborative system. 182-186 - Ronaldo Menezes
Experience with memory management in open Linda systems. 187-196
Database Technology - 1
- Martin Staudt, Jörg-Uwe Kietz, Ulrich Reimer:
Access to heterogeneous data sources for supporting business process execution. 197-206 - Zina Ben-Miled, Srinivasan Sikkupparbathyam, Omran A. Bukhres, Kishan Nagendra, Eric Lynch, Marcelo Areal, Lola Olsen, Chris Gokey, David Kendig, Tom Northcutt, Rosy Cordova, Gene Major, Janine Savage:
Global change master directory: object-oriented active asynchronous transaction management in a federated environment using data agents. 207-214 - Muhammad Abaidullah Anwar
, Takaichi Yoshida:
Integrating OO road network database, cases and knowledge for route finding. 215-219
Database Technology - 2
- Reda Alhajj, Faruk Polat:
Transferring database contents from a conventional information systemto a corresponding existing object oriented information system. 220-224 - Ramon Lawrence, Ken Barker:
Integrating relational database schemas using a standardized dictionary. 225-230 - Sang-Wook Kim, Hee-Sun Won:
Batch-construction of B+-trees. 231-235
Database Technology - 3
- Yuelong Gu, Brajendra Panda, Kazi Asharful Haque:
Design and analysis of data structures for querying image databases. 236-241 - Brajendra Panda, Rajesh Yalamanchili:
Transaction fusion in the wake of information warfare. 242-247 - Sanghyun Park, Sang-Wook Kim, Wesley W. Chu:
Segment-based approach for subsequence searches in sequence databases. 248-252 - Franco Crivellari, Massimo Melucci:
Automatic generation of hypertextbook Webs. 253-257 - Khanh Vu, Kien A. Hua, Duc A. Tran
An efficient core-area detection algorithm for fast noise-free image query processing. 258-263
Database Technology - 4
- Kwang-Taek Song, Hwa-Jin Nam, Jae-Woo Chang:
A cell-based index structure for similarity search in high-dimensional feature spaces. 264-268 - Sara Comai:
Graph-based GUIs for querying XML data: the XML-GL experience. 269-274 - Hasan M. Jamil
A case for parameterized views and relational unification. 275-279 - Fouzia Benchikha, Mahmoud Boufaïda, Lionel Seinturier:
Integration of the viewpoint mechanism in federated databases. 280-284
Database Technology - 5
- Ramzi A. Haraty
, Nashat Mansour, Bassel Daou:
Regression testing of database applications. 285-289 - Baojing Lu, Qinghua Zou, William Perrizo:
A dual copy method for transaction separation with multiversion control for read-only transactions. 290-294 - Binh Thanh Nguyen, A Min Tjoa
Conceptual multidimensional data model based on object oriented metacube. 295-300
Digital Audio and Video
- Ghim Hwee Ong, Chorng-Meng Chew, Yi Cao:
A simple partitioning approach to fractal image compression. 301-305 - Clinton L. Jeffery:
Goal-directed object-oriented programming in unicon. 306-308 - A. Angelopoulos, Evangelos A. Yfantis, A. Popovich, T. Lazarakis:
On motion and noise detection in digital video. 309-311 - Evangelos A. Yfantis:
An algorithm for key-frame determination in digital video. 312-314
Evolutionary Computation and Optimization - 1
- Roger L. Wainwright, Günther R. Raidl:
Evolutionary computation and optimization track. 315 - Cristian Munteanu
, Agostinho C. Rosa:
Evolutionary image enhancement with user behaviour modeling. 316-320 - Bryant A. Julstrom, Günther R. Raidl:
Weight-biased edge-crossover in evolutionary algorithms for wto graph problems. 321-326 - Pablo Galiasso, Roger L. Wainwright:
A hybrid genetic algorithm for the point to multipoint routing problem with single split paths. 327-332
Evolutionary Computation and Optimization - 2
- Karl R. Deerman, Gary B. Lamont, Ruth Pachter:
Linkage-learning genetic algorithm application to the protein structure prediction problem. 333-339 - Gerry V. Dozier:
Evolving robot behavior via interactive evolutionary computation: from real-world to simulation. 340-344 - Fulvio Corno
, Matteo Sonza Reorda
, Giovanni Squillero
Evolving effective CA/CSTP: BIST architectures for sequential circuits. 345-350
Evolutionary Computation and Optimization - 3
- Tao-Yuan Huang, Yung-Yaw Chen:
Diversity-based selection pooling scheme in evolution strategies. 351-355 - Bryant A. Julstrom:
Encoding rectilinear Steiner trees as lists of edges. 356-360 - Carlos M. Fernandes
, Rui Tavares, Cristian Munteanu
, Agostinho C. Rosa:
Using assortative mating in genetic algorithms for vector quantization problems. 361-365
Mobile Computing Systems and Applications - 1
- Dorota M. Huizinga:
Location and storage management in mobile computing systems - track chair message. 366-367 - Jie Li
, Yi Pan, Xiaohua Jia:
Analysis of dynamic movement-based location update scheme. 368-372 - Hiroaki Hagino, Takahiro Hara, Masahiko Tsukamoto, Shojiro Nishio:
Location management of mobile hosts by grouping routers. 373-380 - Hoang Nguyen Minh, Harmen R. van As:
User profile replication with caching for distributed location management in mobile communication networks. 381-386 - Duc A. Tran
, Kien A. Hua, Ning Jiang:
A generalized air-cache design for efficiently boradcasting on multiple physical channels. 387-392
Mobile Computing Systems and Applications - 2
- Ken C. K. Lee, Hong Va Leong
, Antonio Si:
Adaptive semantic data broadcast in a mobile environment. 393-400 - Legand L. Burge III, Suleiman Baajun, Moses Garuba:
A ubiquitous stable storage for mobile computing devices. 401-404 - Nathan N. Vuong, Geoffrey S. Smith, Yi Deng:
Managing security policies in a distributed environment using eXtensible markup language (XML). 405-411
Mobile Computing Systems and Applications - 3
- Kåre J. Lauvset, Dag Johansen, Keith Marzullo:
TOS: kernel support for distributed systems management. 412-419 - Song Ci, Hamid Sharif, Guevara Noubir:
Improving performance of MAC layer by using congestion control/avoidance methods in wireless network. 420-424 - Massimo Ancona, Sandro Locati, Alessio Romagnoli:
Context and location aware textual data input. 425-428
Multimedia and Visualization
- B. Sonah, Mabo Robert Ito:
Considering video characteristics for improved cache performance in VOD systems. 429-433 - Chaman L. Sabharwal, S. R. Subramanya:
Indexing image databases using wavelet and discrete fourier transform. 434-439 - Tadashi Nakano, Kaname Harumoto, Shinji Shimojo
, Shojiro Nishio:
Extending hypertext streaming protocol to realize effective web page transmission via a chaching proxy. 440-445 - Fabio Asturian Zanin, Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville
, Maria Janilce B. Almeida:
ADAPT - a low-cost videoconference model for personal computers running on IP networks. 446-447
Neuro-Fuzzy Applications - 1
- Athanasios V. Vasilakos
, Kostas G. Anagnostakis, Witold Pedrycz:
Application of computational intelligence techniques in active networks. 448-455 - Giuseppe Ascia, Vincenzo Catania, Daniela Panno:
An adaptive fuzzy threshold scheme for high performance shared-memory switches. 456-461 - Stefania Bandini, Sara Manzoni:
Application of fuzzy indexing and retrieval in case based reasoning for design. 462-466 - San-yhi Chen, Li-Fong Lin, Chih-Sheng Chang, Chung-Ju Chang:
The sustainable-cell-rate usage parameter control with adjustable window for high-speed multimedia communications. 467-471
Neuro-Fuzzy Applications - 2
- Patrick Bosc, Ludovic Liétard, Olivier Pivert:
A function-based join for the manipulation of possibilistic relations. 472-476 - Vincenzo Loia, Paolo Luongo:
Genetic-based fuzzy clustering for automatic Web document categorization. 477-478 - Giovanni Mastroleo
, Gisella Facchinetti, Carlo Alberto Magni:
A proposal for modeling real options through fuzzy expert system. 479-481 - Wei Xiang, Sai Cheong Fok
, Fook Fah Yap
A fuzzy neural network approach to model component behavior for virtual prototyping of hydraulic system. 482-483
Parallel and Distributed Computing - 1
- Zhizhang Shen
A routing algorithm for the pyramid structures. 484-488 - Alireza Shahrabi
, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua, Lewis M. Mackenzie:
Unicast-based broadcast: an analysis for the hypercube with adaptive routing. 489-493 - Geyong Min, John D. Ferguson, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua:
Analysis of adaptive wormhole-routed torus networks with IPP input traffic. 494-498 - Aomar Maddi, Fodil Dahamni:
An efficient algorithm for causal messages ordering. 499-503
Parallel and Distributed Computing - 2
- Etsuko Yajima, Takahiro Hara, Masahiko Tsukamoto, Shojiro Nishio:
Scheduling and caching strategies for broadcasting correlated data. 504-510 - Byoung-Soon Jang, Sung Woo Chung, Seong Tae Jhang, Chu Shik Jhon:
Efficient schemes to scale the interconnection network bandwidth in a ring-based multiprocessor system. 510-516 - Sam R. Thangiah, Olena Shmygelska, William Mennell:
An agent architecture for vehicle routing problems. 517-521
Parallel and Distributed Computing - 3
- Li-jie Jin, Fabio Casati, Mehmet Sayal, Ming-Chien Shan:
Load balancing in distributed workflow management system. 522-530 - Ahmed Housni, Michel Tréhel, Mi-Soon Koo, Myong-Soon Park:
A new distributed mutual exclusion algorithm for two groups. 531-538 - Saeri Lee, Hyun-Gyoo Yook, Mi-Soon Koo, Myong-Soon Park:
Processor reordering algorithms toward efficient GEN_BLOCK redistribution. 539-543 - Vinay Gupta, Mohit Modi, Andy D. Pimentel:
Performance evaluation of the LH*lh scalable, distributed data structure for a cluster of workstations. 544-548
Parallel and Distributed Computing - 4
- Chun-Hsi Huang, Xin He:
Finding a hamiltonian paths in tournaments on clusters - a provably communication-efficient approach. 549-553 - Daniel M. Pressel:
Fundamental limitations on the use of prefetching and stream buffers for scientific applications. 554-559 - Claudia Leopold:
Exploiting non-uniform reuse for cache optimization. 560-564
Programming Languages - 1
- Tynan D. Grayson, Ralph A. Grayson, George E. Hedrick:
A web information organization and management system (WIOMS). 565-566 - Tim Wahls, Gary T. Leavens:
Formal semantics of an algorithm for translating model-based specifications to concurrent constraint programs. 567-575 - Jos C. M. Baeten, Harm M. A. van Beek
, Sjouke Mauw:
Specifying internet applications with DiCons. 576-584
Programming Languages - 2
- Walid Chainbi
Using the object paradigm to deal with the agent paradigm: capabilities and limits. 585-589 - Marjan Mernik, Uros Novak, Enis Avdicausevic, Viljem Zumer:
Designa and implementation of simple object description language. 590-595 - En-Hsin Huang, Tzilla Elrad:
Reflective controls for intelligent distributed objects. 595-599
Programming Languages - 3
- Rajeev R. Raje, Sivakumar Chinnasamy:
eLeLePUS - a language for specification of software design patterns. 600-604 - In Sang Chung, Wan Kwon Lee, Gwang Sik Yoon, Yong Rae Kwon:
Program slicing based on specification. 605-609 - Mirko Viroli:
Parametric polymorphism in Java: an efficient implementation for parametric methods. 610-619
Programming Languages - 4
- Byeong-Mo Chang, Jang-Wu Jo, Kwangkeun Yi, Kwang-Moo Choe:
Interprocedural exception analysis for Java. 620-625 - Glenn Altemose, Cindy Norris:
Register pressure responsive software pipelining. 626-631 - Mahmut T. Kandemir:
A dynamic locality optimization algorithm for linear algebra codes. 632-635 - James F. Power, Brian A. Malloy:
Exploiting metrics to facilitate grammar transformation into LALR format. 636-640
Software Engineering and Management - 1
- Chang-Hyun Jo:
A seamless approach to the agent development. 641-647 - Xiaowen Chen, Tim Wahls:
A graphical user interface for executing formal specifications. 648-652 - Chia-Chu Chiang:
A distributed object computing architecture for leveraging software reengineering systems. 653-657 - Chanika Hobatr, Brian A. Malloy:
The design of an OCL query-based debugger for C++. 658-662
Software Engineering and Management - 2
- Jun-Jang Jeng:
Towards a universal service-computing platform via virtual service machine. 663-667 - H. Conrad Cunningham, Jingyi Wang:
Building a layered framework for the table abstraction. 668-674 - Anil Khatri, David C. Rine:
A software reuse reference model approach in developing an automated educational system for patients health care management. 675-678