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NTMS 2011: Paris, France
- 4th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, NTMS 2011, Paris, France, February 7-10, 2011. IEEE 2011, ISBN 978-1-4244-8704-2
- Syed S. Husain, Shin-ichi Isobe, Kaniz Mahdi, LaeYoung Kim, Arnaud Vedrine, Andreas Kunz, Antoine Mouquet, Rajat Ghai, Mario Madella:
3GPP IMS-Based Inter-Device Collaboration. 1-6 - Huaqun Guo, Yongdong Wu, Hongmei Chen, Maode Ma:
A Batch Authentication Protocol for V2G Communications. 1-5 - Ahsan Ikram, Nigel Baker, Michael Knappmeyer, Ralf Tönjes:
A Chemical Model to Enable Context Awareness. 1-5 - Suresh Venugopal, Sravan Desikan:
A Connection Oriented Framework for Effectively Using Multicore in the Enterprise. 1-7 - Salah A. Aly, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, H. Vincent Poor:
A Distributed Data Collection Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks with Persistent Storage Nodes. 1-5 - Sophie Gastellier-Prevost, Gustavo Gonzalez Granadillo, Maryline Laurent
A Dual Approach to Detect Pharming Attacks at the Client-Side. 1-5 - Jochen Rust
, Xinwei Wang, Rainer Laur, Steffen Paul
A High Performance Neurocomputing Algorithm for Prediction Tasks in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Mohamed Lahby
, Leghris Cherkaoui
, Abdellah Adib
A Hybrid Approach for Network Selection in Heterogeneous Multi-Access Environments. 1-5 - Lyes Khoukhi, Ali El Masri, Dominique Gaïti:
A Hybrid Stateless QoS Approach for Wireless Mobile Ad hoc Networks. 1-5 - Usama Mir, Leïla Merghem-Boulahia, Moez Esseghir, Dominique Gaïti:
A Markov Process for Dynamic Spectrum Access. 1-5 - Kaibo Zhou, Gang Liu, Yong Yao, Adrian Popescu:
A Mobility Management Solution for Simultaneous Mobility with mSCTP. 1-5 - Yun Won Chung:
A Multi Tier Group Location Management Scheme for Multi Interface Mobile Station. 1-4 - Patrick Wacht, Thomas Eichelmann, Armin Lehmann
, Ulrich Trick:
A New Approach to Design Graphically Functional Tests for Communication Services. 1-5 - Rajbir Kaur
, Manoj Singh Gaur, Vijay Laxmi
A Novel Attack Model Simulation in DSDV Routing. 1-5 - Jiehui Chen, Mariam B. Salim, Mitsuji Matsumoto:
A Novel Clustering Scheme for Sensor Networks Based on Intra-Cluster Connectivity. 1-4 - Eraldo Silveira e Silva, Jean-Marie Farines, Michel Diaz:
A Path Selection Criterion for Advance Resource Reservation. 1-5 - Young-Hwan Kim, Hae-Ryeon Park, Jung-Bong Suk:
A Scheme of H.264/SVC Video Broadcasting over IEEE 802.11 WLAN. 1-5 - Junpei Kuroiwa, Yukiko Yamauchi, Weihua Sun, Minoru Ito:
A Self-Stabilizing Algorithm for Stable Clustering in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. 1-7 - Grégory Bonnet
, Ihsan Ullah, Guillaume Doyen, Lionel Fillatre, Dominique Gaïti, Igor V. Nikiforov
A Semi-Markovian Individual Model of Users for P2P Video Streaming Applications. 1-5 - Vasco Pereira
, Jorge Sá Silva
, Jorge Granjal
, Ricardo M. Silva, Edmundo Monteiro
, Qiang Pan:
A Taxonomy of Wireless Sensor Networks with QoS. 1-4 - Salekul Islam
, Jean-Charles Grégoire:
Active ISP Involvement in Content-Centric Future Internet. 1-5 - Erwing Ricardo Sanchez, Bartolomeo Montrucchio
, Laura M. Murillo, Maurizio Rebaudengo
Adaptive Fuzzy-MAC for Power Reduction in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Nabil Sahli, Nafaâ Jabeur
, Mohamad Badra:
Agent-Based Approach to Plan Sensors Relocation in a Virtual Geographic Environment. 1-5 - Lajos Lange, Alexander Blotny, Thomas Magedanz:
An Agile Service Platform for Telecommunication Environments. 1-6 - Jahangir Dadkhah Chimeh, Seyed Mahmoud Mousavinejad, Aziz Mahmoodi:
An Algorithm for Restraining the OVSF Codes Shortage in HSDPA. 1-4 - Daniel Catrein, Bernd Lohrer, Christoph Meyer, René Rembarz, Thomas Weidenfeller:
An Analysis of Web Caching in Current Mobile Broadband Scenarios. 1-5 - Yun Won Chung:
An Efficient Paging Scheme for Terminal Mobility Using Personal Mobility Management Information in Interworked Fixed and Mobile Networks. 1-5 - Rong Xie, Fei Tong, Won-Hyuk Yang, Young-Chon Kim:
An Energy Considered Routing Protocol of Free Space Optical Sensor Network. 1-5 - Tara Raafat, Franjo Cecelja
An Ontological Approach to Inter-Operation of Mobile Services. 1-4 - Youssef El Hajj Shehadeh, Dieter Hogrefe:
An Optimal Guard-Intervals Based Mechanism for Key Generation from Multipath Wireless Channels. 1-5 - Hauke Vagts, Christoph Bier, Jürgen Beyerer
Anonymization in Intelligent Surveillance Systems. 1-4 - Shingo Ata, Hiroshi Kitamura, Masayuki Murata
Architectural Design of Unified Multiplex Communications for One-Time Use of IP Addresses. 1-4 - Dario Rossi, Paolo Veglia:
Assessing the Impact of Signaling on the QoE of Push-Based P2P-TV Diffusion Algorithms. 1-5 - Marius Cristea, Bogdan Groza:
Augmenting a Webmail Application with Cryptographic Puzzles to Deflect Spam. 1-5 - Shimi Shilo
, Anthony J. Weiss, Amir Averbuch:
Beamforming with Partial Channel Knowledge. 1-5 - Juan Pablo Timpanaro, Thibault Cholez, Isabelle Chrisment, Olivier Festor
BitTorrent's Mainline DHT Security Assessment. 1-5 - Ismail Amin Ali
, Salah M. Saleh Al-Majeed, Sandro Moiron, Martin Fleury, Mohammed Ghanbari
Broadband Video Streaming with Built-In Resiliency. 1-5 - Marco Araújo
, A. Manuel de Oliveira Duarte
Can WiMAX Be a Viable Alternative for Wireless Broadband Operators in Europe? 1-5 - Nitin Maslekar, Mounir Boussedjra, Joseph Mouzna, Houda Labiod:
C-DRIVE: Clustering Based on Direction in Vehicular Environment. 1-5 - Nikola Zogovic
, Goran Dimic
, Dragana Bajic
Channel Loss Based Energy Consumption Model for Low-Power Wireless Communications. 1-5 - Jun Wang, Victor C. M. Leung
Comparisons of Home Area Network Connection Alternatives for Multifamily Dwelling Units. 1-5 - Xiaofei Zhang, Thi Mai Trang Nguyen, Guy Pujolle:
Cooperative Mobility Management in Multihomed End-to-End Communications. 1-5 - Ahmed Ben Nacef, Sidi-Mohammed Senouci, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, André-Luc Beylot:
COSMIC: A Cooperative MAC Protocol for WSN with Minimal Control Messages. 1-5 - Daniel G. Costa
, Luiz Affonso Guedes
Coverage-Aware Node-Disjoint Multipath Selection in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Antonio Urbano Fullana, Josep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila
, Magdalena Payeras-Capellà
, María Francisca Hinarejos Campos
, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger:
Cross-Layer Secrecy Design on TCP/IP and 802.11 for Energy Saving. 1-5 - Sergio Lujan-Fernandez, Juan Suardíaz Muro
, Andres Cabrera-Lozoya
, Fernando Cerdán
Deeploc: Discreet Indoor People Location Application. 1-5 - Solveig Bjørnestad, Bjørnar Tessem, Lars Nyre:
Design and Evaluation of a Location-Based Mobile News Reader. 1-4 - Wei Chen, Son Tung Nguyen, Sibrecht Bouwstra, Roland Coops, Lindsay Brown, Sidarto Bambang-Oetomo, Loe M. G. Feijs:
Design of Wireless Sensor System for Neonatal Monitoring. 1-5 - Gustavo Marfia
, Marco Roccetti
, Alessandro Cattaneo, Alexandro Sentinelli, Andrea Vitali, Luca Celetto, Mario Gerla:
Digital Fountains + P2P for Future IPTV Platforms: A Test-Bed Evaluation. 1-5 - Ehsan Sheybani:
Dimensionality Reduction and Noise Removal in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Sergio A. de la Campa, Ana B. Rodríguez-Gonzílez, Javier Ramos
, Antonio J. Caamaño
Distributed Detection of Events for Evaluation of Energy Efficiency in Buildings. 1-6 - Kostas Katsalis, Leandros Tassiulas, Yannis Viniotis:
Distributed Resource Allocation Mechanism for SOA Service Level Agreements. 1-6 - Karl-Göran Stenborg, Magnus Herberthson, Robert Forchheimer:
Distribution of Individually Watermarked Content in Peer-to-Peer Networks. 1-4 - Ines Aissa, Mounir Frikha, Sami Tabbane:
Dynamic Spectrum Hole Management in Cognitive Radio. 1-4 - Zinon Zinonos
, Vasos Vassiliou
, Christiana Ioannou, Marios Koutroullos:
Dynamic Topology Control for WSNs in Critical Environments. 1-5 - Konstantin Mikhaylov
, Jouni Tervonen
Energy Efficient Data Restoring after Power-Downs for Wireless Sensor Networks Nodes with Energy Scavenging. 1-5 - Kheira Dari Bekara, Yosra Ben Mustapha, Samia Bouzefrane, Khaled Garri, Maryline Laurent
, Pascal Thoniel:
Ensuring Low Cost Authentication with Privacy Preservation in Federated IMS Environments. 1-5 - Maxweel Carmo, Jorge Sá Silva
Ethernet Access Networks Resources Sharing from a Signalling Perspective. 1-5 - Takeshi Yashiro, M. Fahim Ferdous Khan, Ito So, Masahiro Bessho, Shinsuke Kobayashi, Tomonori Usaka, Noboru Koshizuka, Ken Sakamura:
eTNet: A Smart Card Network Architecture for Flexible Electronic Commerce Services. 1-5 - Bernardo Leal, Luigi Atzori:
Evaluation of Average Communication Interruption Time in MANETs. 1-5 - Mohammed Alshami, Tughrul Arslan, John S. Thompson, Ahmet T. Erdogan
Evaluation of Path Loss Models at WiMAX Cell-Edge. 1-5 - Ahmed H. Zahran
, Cormac J. Sreenan:
Extended Handover Keying and Modified IEEE 802.21 Resource Query Approach for Improving Vertical Handoff Performance. 1-7 - Mounib Khanafer
, Mouhcine Guennoun, Hussein T. Mouftah:
Extending Beacon-Enabled IEEE 802.15.4 to Achieve Efficient Energy Savings: Simulation-Based Performance Analysis. 1-5 - Tarek Gaber
, Ning Zhang:
Fair and Abuse-Free Contract Signing Protocol Supporting Fair License Reselling. 1-7 - Jaehoon Roh, Yungha Ji, Yong Gyoo Lee, Taehyo Ahn:
Femtocell Traffic Offload Scheme for Core Networks. 1-5 - Adrien Brilhault
, Slim Kammoun, Olivier Gutierrez, Philippe Truillet, Christophe Jouffrais
Fusion of Artificial Vision and GPS to Improve Blind Pedestrian Positioning. 1-5 - Vaidyanathan Jairaj, Jaakko Pohjonen, Konstantin Shemyak:
High Performance Implementation of Snow3G Algorithm in Memory Limited Environments. 1-4 - Sang Burm Ryu, Jae Hoon Choi, Junyeong Bok, HuiKyu Lee, Heung-Gyoon Ryu:
High Power Efficiency and Low Nonlinear Distortion for Wireless Visible Light Communication. 1-5 - Keanhong Boey, Máire O'Neill, Roger F. Woods
How Resistant are Sboxes to Power Analysis Attacks? 1-6 - Paul Davern, Noor Nashid, Ahmed H. Zahran
, Cormac J. Sreenan:
HTTP Acceleration over High Latency Links. 1-5 - Zhoubing Xiong, Francesco Sottile
, Maurizio A. Spirito
, Roberto Garello
Hybrid Indoor Positioning Approaches Based on WSN and RFID. 1-5 - Mehmet Soybali, Siddika Berna Örs
, Gökay Saldamli:
Implementation of a PUF Circuit on a FPGA. 1-5 - Bruno Robisson
, Michel Agoyan, Sébastien Le Henaff, Patrick Soquet, Guillaume Phan, Franck Wajsbürt, Pirouz Bazargan-Sabet:
Implementation of Complex Strategies of Security Insecure Embedded Systems. 1-5 - Sandra Frei, Woldemar F. Fuhrmann, Andreas Rinkel, Bogdan V. Ghita
Improvements to Inter System Handover in the EPC Environment. 1-5 - Philipp Winter, Eckehard Hermann, Markus Zeilinger:
Inductive Intrusion Detection in Flow-Based Network Data Using One-Class Support Vector Machines. 1-5 - Olli Mämmelä, Kostas Pentikousis, Petteri Mannersalo:
Information-Centric Multiaccess P2P Networks. 1-4 - Jiejia Chen, Laurent Clavier
, Yong Xi, Alister G. Burr, Nathalie Rolland, Paul-Alain Rolland:
Interference Modeling and Relay Selection Issue for Amplify-and-Forward IR-UWB Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Ahmad AlSa'deh
, Feng Cheng, Sebastian Roschke, Christoph Meinel:
IPv4/IPv6 Handoff on Lock-Keeper for High Flexibility and Security. 1-6 - John DeDourek, Przemyslaw Pochec:
M2ANET: A Mobile Medium Ad Hoc Network. 1-4 - Enyenihi Johnson, Haitham S. Cruickshank, Zhili Sun
Managing Access Control in Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) Environment. 1-5 - Colin O'Flynn:
Message Denial and Alteration on IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Power Radio Networks. 1-5 - Igor B. Shirokov
Microwave Autodyne Sensor for Monitoring of Cardiac Rhythm of Mines Workers. 1-4 - Jeong-Dong Kim, Jiseong Son, Doo-Kwon Baik:
MMOR: A Mapping Method for Ontology Registration to Improve XMDR. 1-5 - Kazi Atiqur Rahman, Kemal E. Tepe:
Mobility Assisted Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Pedro Vale Pinheiro, Fernando Boavida
mobSim - A Network Mobility Simulation Tool for Very Large-Scale Scenarios. 1-5 - Wilawan Rukpakavong
, Iain Phillips, Lin Guan
Neighbour Discovery for Transmit Power Adjustment in IEEE 802.15.4 Using RSSI. 1-4 - Hooman Lal Dehghani, Kamal Shadi, Saeed Golmohammadi:
Non-Line-Of-Sight Error Mitigation Technique for Wireless Localization in Micro-Cell Networks. 1-5 - Hemat K. Maheshwari, Andrew H. Kemp:
On the Enhanced Ranging Performance for IEEE 802.15.4 Compliant WSN Devices. 1-5 - Paul Cotae, Ira S. Moskowitz:
On the Partial Ordering of the Discrete Memoryless Channels Arising in Cooperative Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Syh-Yuan Tan, Swee-Huay Heng
, Bok-Min Goi
On the Security of Two Fuzzy Identity-Based Signature Schemes. 1-5 - Ioana Ciuciu, Gang Zhao, David W. Chadwick
, Quentin Reul
, Robert Meersman, Cristian Vasquez Paulus, Mark Hibbert, Sandra Winfield, Thomas Kirkham:
Ontology Based Interoperation for Securely Shared Services: Security Concept Matching for Authorization Policy Interoperability. 1-5 - Philipp Engel, Florian Gschwandtner, Johannes Martens, Florian Fuchs, Georg Treu:
Optimizing Position Updates for kNN - Is It Worth It? 1-8 - Quoc Cuong To, Tran Khanh Dang
, Josef Küng:
OST-Tree: An Access Method for Obfuscating Spatio-Temporal Data in Location Based Services. 1-5 - Marco Petracca, Francesco Vatalaro
, Annalisa Durantini, Marco Vari
Outdoor Path Loss Measurements of WiMAX at 2.5 GHz in Suburban Environment. 1-5 - Tamer S. Fatayer, Sherif M. Khattab
, Fatma A. Omara:
OverCovert: Using Stack-Overflow Software Vulnerability to Create a Covert Channel. 1-5 - Hani Attar
, Dejan Vukobratovic
, Lina Stankovic
, Vladimir Stankovic
Performance Analysis of Node Cooperation with Network Coding in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-4 - Jiseong Son, Jeong-Dong Kim, Doo-Kwon Baik:
Performance Evaluation of Storage-Independent Model for SPARQL-to-SQL Translation Algorithms. 1-4 - Hiroyuki Hatano, Tomoharu Mizutani, Kazuya Sugiyama, Yoshihiko Kuwahara:
Performance of Localization Algorithm under Corrupted Measurement Data and Lopsided Sensor Arrangement. 1-4 - Kyriakos Stefanidis
, Artemios G. Voyiatzis, Dimitrios N. Serpanos
Performance of the Controlled Randomness Protocol on .NET Compact Framework Embedded Systems. 1-5 - Hussein ElAttar, Hussein Abdelaty, Salwa H. El-Ramly, Mohamed A. Aboul-Dahab:
PHY-MAC Cross-Layer Optimized Design for Power Conservation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1-5 - Carlos A. Astudillo
, Oscar J. Calderón, Jesús H. Ortiz
PM2PLS: Integrating Proxy Mobile IPv6 and MPLS in Wireless Access Networks. 1-5 - Jamila Ben Slimane, Yeqiong Song, Anis Koubaa
, Mounir Frikha, Hugo Cruz-Sanchez:
Pmcmtp's Implementation (in nesC/TinyOS2.x) and Testbed for Its Operation Validation. 1-6 - Jakob Gakkestad, Leif Hanssen:
Powering Wireless Sensor Networks Nodes in Northern Europe Using Solar Cell Panel for Energy Harvesting. 1-5 - André Zúquete
, Carlos Frade:
Pre-Allocation of DHCP Leases: A Cross-Layer Approach. 1-5 - Atsuo Inomata, Taiki Morikawa, Minoru Ikebe, Yoshihiro Okamoto, Satoru Noguchi, Kazutoshi Fujikawa, Hideki Sunahara, Sk. Md. Mizanur Rahman
Proposal and Evaluation of a Dynamic Resource Allocation Method Based on the Load of VMs on IaaS. 1-6 - Tran Khanh Dang
, Josef Küng, Van Quoc Phuong Huynh:
Protecting Privacy While Discovering and Maintaining Association Rules. 1-5 - Süleyman Kardas, Albert Levi
, Ertugrul Murat:
Providing Resistance against Server Information Leakage in RFID Systems. 1-7 - José I. Aznar, Eduardo Viruete Navarro, Julián Fernández-Navajas
, José Ruíz-Mas, Jose Saldana
, Jenifer Murillo:
QMoEs: A Bandwidth Estimation and Monitoring Tool for QoE-Driven Broadband Networks. 1-4 - Jose Saldana
, Jenifer Murillo, Julián Fernández-Navajas
, José Ruíz-Mas, Eduardo Viruete Navarro, José I. Aznar:
QoS and Admission Probability Study for a SIP-Based Central Managed IP Telephony System. 1-6 - Kadan Aljoumaa
, Saïd Assar
, Carine Souveyet:
Reformulating User's Queries for Intentional Services Discovery Using an Ontology-Based Approach. 1-4 - Domenico Vitali, Angelo Spognardi
, Luigi V. Mancini
Replication Schemes in Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Stamatis Karnouskos
, Vladimir Villaseñor Herrera, Muhammad Haroon, Marcus Handte
, Pedro José Marrón
Requirement Considerations for Ubiquitous Integration of Cooperating Objects. 1-5 - Sonia Fourati, Soumaya Hamouda, Sami Tabbane:
RMC-MAC: A Reactive Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Opportunistic Spectrum Access. 1-5 - Mohamed S. El-Mahallawy
, Esam A. A. Hagras, Ahmed Zein Eldin, Mohamed Waleed Fakhr:
Robust Blind and Secure Biometric Watermarking Based on Partial Multi-Map Chaotic Encryption. 1-5 - Konstantin Shemyak, Jussi Kosonen:
Secure Delivery of Equipment Identity from Vendor to Operator. 1-5 - Mohamed Hamdy Eldefrawy, Khaled Alghathbar, Muhammad Khurram Khan
, Hassan M. Elkamchouchi:
Secure Instant Messaging Protocol for Centralized Communication Group. 1-4 - Mohamad Badra:
Securing Communications between Multiple Entities Using a Single TLS Session. 1-4 - Daniela Krüger, Dennis Pfisterer, Carsten Buschmann:
Selective Reprogramming in Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Koji Hasebe, Kei Yamatozaki, Akiyoshi Sugiki, Kazuhiko Kato:
Self-Stabilizing Passive Replication for Internet Service Platforms. 1-6 - Christian Makaya, Benjamin Falchuk, Dana Chee, F. Joe Lin
, Subir Das, Manabu Ito, Satoshi Komorita, Tsunehiko Chiba, Hidetoshi Yokota:
Services Composition Based on Next-Generation Service Overlay Networks Architecture. 1-6 - Wei Wayne Li:
Several Characteristics of Active/Sleep Model in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Vittorio Ottaviani, Alessandro Lentini, Antonio Grillo, Silvia Di Cesare, Giuseppe F. Italiano
Shared Backup & Restore: Save, Recover and Share Personal Information into Closed Groups of Smartphones. 1-5