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12th ISMIR 2011: Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Anssi Klapuri, Colby Leider:
Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2011, Miami, Florida, USA, October 24-28, 2011. University of Miami 2011, ISBN 978-0-615-54865-4
- Karin Dressler:
An Auditory Streaming Approach for Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music. 19-24 - Yu-Ren Chien, Hsin-Min Wang, Shyh-Kang Jeng:
An Acoustic-Phonetic Approach to Vocal Melody Extraction. 25-30 - Ryunosuke Daido, Seongjun Hahm, Masashi Ito, Shozo Makino, Akinori Ito:
A System for Evaluating Singing Enthusiasm for Karaoke. 31-36 - Felix Weninger, Martin Wöllmer, Björn W. Schuller:
Automatic Assessment of Singer Traits in Popular Music: Gender, Age, Height and Race. 37-42 - Erdem Unal, Elaine Chew, Panayiotis G. Georgiou, Shrikanth S. Narayanan:
A Preplexity Based Cover Song Matching System for Short Length Queries. 43-48 - Cristina de la Bandera, Ana M. Barbancho, Lorenzo J. Tardón, Simone Sammartino, Isabel Barbancho:
Humming Method for Content-Based Music Information Retrieval. 49-54 - Brian McFee, Gert R. G. Lanckriet:
Large-scale music similarity search with spatial trees. 55-60 - Silvia García-Díez, Marco Saerens, Mathieu Senelle, François Fouss:
A simple-cycles weighted kernel based on harmony structure for similarity retrieval. 61-66 - W. Bas de Haas, José Pedro Magalhães, Remco C. Veltkamp, Frans Wiering:
HarmTrace: Improving Harmonic Similarity Estimation Using Functional Harmony Analysis. 67-72 - Daniel Wolff, Tillman Weyde:
Adapting Metrics for Music Similarity Using Comparative Ratings. 73-78 - Dominik Schnitzer, Arthur Flexer, Markus Schedl, Gerhard Widmer:
Using Mutual Proximity to Improve Content-Based Audio Similarity. 79-84 - Ju-Chiang Wang, Hung-Shin Lee, Hsin-Min Wang, Shyh-Kang Jeng:
Learning the Similarity of Audio Music in Bag-of-frames Representation from Tagged Music Data. 85-90 - Teppo E. Ahonen, Kjell Lemström, Simo Linkola:
Compression-based Similarity Measures in Symbolic, Polyphonic Music. 91-96 - Dmitry Bogdanov, Perfecto Herrera:
How Much Metadata Do We Need in Music Recommendation? A Subjective Evaluation Using Preference Sets. 97-102 - Yajie Hu, Mitsunori Ogihara:
NextOne Player: A Music Recommendation System Based on User Behavior. 103-108 - Jin Ha Lee:
How Similar Is Too Similar?: Exploring Users' Perceptions of Similarity in Playlist Evaluation. 109-114 - Ren Gang, Gregory Bocko, Justin Lundberg, Stephen Roessner, Dave Headlam, Mark F. Bocko:
A Real-Time Signal Processing Framework of Musical Expressive Feature Extraction Using Matlab. 115-120 - Sébastien Fenet, Gaël Richard, Yves Grenier:
A Scalable Audio Fingerprint Method with Robustness to Pitch-Shifting. 121-126 - Hendrik Schreiber, Peter Grosche, Meinard Müller:
A Re-ordering Strategy for Accelerating Index-based Audio Fingerprinting. 127-132 - Qingmei Xiao, Motoyuki Suzuki, Kenji Kita:
Fast Hamming Space Search for Audio Fingerprinting Systems. 133-138 - Guangyu Xia, Dawen Liang, Roger B. Dannenberg, Mark Harvilla:
Segmentation, Clustering, and Display in a Personal Audio Database for Musicians. 139-144 - Sébastien Gulluni, Slim Essid, Olivier Buisson, Gaël Richard:
An Interactive System for Electro-Acoustic Music Analysis. 145-150 - Xavier Serra:
A Multicultural Approach in Music Information Research. 151-156 - Joan Serrà, Gopala K. Koduri, Marius Miron, Xavier Serra:
Assessing the Tuning of Sung Indian Classical Music. 157-162 - Peter van Kranenburg, Dániel Péter Biró, Steven R. Ness, George Tzanetakis:
A Computational Investigation of Melodic Contour Stability in Jewish Torah Trope Performance Traditions. 163-168 - Joren Six, Olmo Cornelis:
Tarsos - a Platform to Explore Pitch Scales in Non-Western and Western Music. 169-174 - Juhan Nam, Jiquan Ngiam, Honglak Lee, Malcolm Slaney:
A Classification-Based Polyphonic Piano Transcription Approach Using Learned Feature Representations. 175-180 - Toru Nakashika, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Yasuo Ariki:
Constrained Spectrum Generation Using A Probabilistic Spectrum Envelope for Mixed Music Analysis. 181-184 - Marc J. Velasco, Edward W. Large:
Pulse Detection in Syncopated Rhythms Using Neural Oscillators. 185-190 - Fu-Hai Frank Wu, Tsung-Chi Lee, Jyh-Shing Roger Jang, Kaichun K. Chang, Chun-Hung Lu, Wen-Nan Wang:
A Two-Fold Dynamic Programming Approach to Beat Tracking for Audio Music with Time-Varying Tempo. 191-196 - Georgina Tryfou, Aki Härmä, Athanasios Mouchtaris:
Tempo Estimation Based on Linear Prediction and Perceptual Modelling. 197-202 - Balaji Thoshkahna, François Xavier Nsabimana, Ramakrishnan R. Kalpathi:
A Transient Detection Algorithm for Audio Using Iterative Analysis of STFT. 203-208 - Jakob Abeßer, Olivier Lartillot:
Modeling Musical Attributes to Characterize Two-Track Recordings with Bass and Drums. 209-214 - Meinard Müller, Sebastian Ewert:
Chroma Toolbox: Matlab Implementations for Extracting Variants of Chroma-Based Audio Features. 215-220 - Ching-Hua Chuan:
A Comparison of Statistical and Rule-Based Models for Style-Specific Harmonization. 221-226 - Sihyun Joo, Sanghun Park, Seokhwan Jo, Chang D. Yoo:
Melody Extraction based on Harmonic Coded Structure. 227-232 - Matthias Mauch, Hiromasa Fujihara, Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Masataka Goto:
Timbre and Melody Features for the Recognition of Vocal Activity and Instrumental Solos in Polyphonic Music. 233-238 - Ferdinand Fuhrmann, Perfecto Herrera:
Quantifying the Relevance of Locally Extracted Information for Musical Instrument Recognition from Entire Pieces of Music. 239-244 - Sebastian Ewert, Meinard Müller:
Score-Informed Voice Separation For Piano Recordings. 245-250 - Balaji Thoshkahna, Ramakrishnan R. Kalpathi:
A Postprocessing Technique for Improved Harmonic/Percussion Separation for Polyphonic Music. 251-256 - Steven K. Tjoa, K. J. Ray Liu:
Factorization of Overlapping Harmonic Sounds Using Approximate Matching Pursuit. 257-262 - Gopala K. Koduri, Marius Miron, Joan Serrà, Xavier Serra:
Computational Approaches for the Understanding of Melody in Carnatic Music. 263-268 - Sertan Sentürk, Parag Chordia:
Modeling Melodic Improvisation in Turkish Folk Music Using Variable-Length Markov Models. 269-274 - Sajjad Abdoli:
Iranian Traditional Music Dastgah Classification. 275-280 - Simon Dixon, Dan Tidhar, Emmanouil Benetos:
The Temperament Police: The Truth, the Ground Truth, and Nothing but the Truth. 281-286 - Frédéric Bimbot, Emmanuel Deruty, Gabriel Sargent, Emmanuel Vincent:
Methodology and Resources for The Structural Segmentation of Music Pieces into Autonomous and Comparable Blocks. 287-292 - Andrew Hankinson, Perry Roland, Ichiro Fujinaga:
The Music Encoding Initiative as a Document-Encoding Framework. 293-298 - Zoltán Juhász:
Low Dimensional Visualization of Folk Music Systems Using the Self Organizing Cloud. 299-304 - Christopher Raphael, Jingya Wang:
New Approaches to Optical Music Recognition. 305-310 - Masataka Goto, Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Hiromasa Fujihara, Matthias Mauch, Tomoyasu Nakano:
Songle: A Web Service for Active Music Listening Improved by User Contributions. 311-316 - Mark Levy:
Improving Perceptual Tempo Estimation with Crowd-Sourced Annotations. 317-322 - Markus Schedl, Peter Knees, Sebastian Böck:
Investigating the Similarity Space of Music Artists on the Micro-Blogosphere. 323-328 - Nicholas J. Bryan, Ge Wang:
Musical Influence Network Analysis and Rank of Sample-Based Music. 329-334 - David M. Weigl, Catherine Guastavino:
User studies in the Music Information Retrieval Literature. 335-340 - Audrey Laplante:
Social Capital and Music Discovery: An Examination of the Ties through Which Late Adolescents Discover New Music. 341-346 - Dan Stowell, Simon Dixon:
MIR in School? Lessons from Ethnographic Observation of Secondary School Music Classes. 347-352 - Mathieu Barthet, Simon Dixon:
Ethnographic Observations of Musicologists at the British Library: Implications for Music Information Retrieval. 353-358 - Vladimir Viro:
Peachnote: Music Score Search and Analysis Platform. 359-362 - Camélia Constantin, Cédric du Mouza, Zoé Faget, Philippe Rigaux:
The Melodic Signature Index for Fast Content-based Retrieval of Symbolic Scores Camelia Constantin. 363-368 - Mika Laitinen, Kjell Lemström:
Dynamic Programming in Transposition and Time-Warp Invariant Polyphonic Content-Based Music Retrieval. 369-374 - Florence Levé, Richard Groult, Guillaume Arnaud, Cyril Séguin, Rémi Gaymay, Mathieu Giraud:
Rhythm Extraction from Polyphony Symbolic Music. 375-380 - George Sioros, Carlos Guedes:
Complexity Driven Recombination of MIDI Loops. 381-386 - Michael Scott Cuthbert, Christopher Ariza, Lisa Friedland:
Feature Extraction and Machine Learning on Symbolic Music using the music21 Toolkit. 387-392 - Phillip B. Kirlin, David D. Jensen:
Probabilistic Modeling of Hierarchical Music Analysis. 393-398 - Jonathan Bragg, Elaine Chew, Stuart M. Shieber:
Neo-Riemannian Cycle Detection with Weighted Finite-State Transducers. 399-404 - Esben Paul Bugge, Kim Lundsteen Juncher, Brian Søborg Mathiasen, Jakob Grue Simonsen:
Using Sequence Alignment and Voting to Improve Optical Music Recognition from Multiple Recognizers. 405-410 - Verena Thomas, Christian Wagner, Michael Clausen:
OCR based post processing of OMR for the recovery of transposing instruments in complex orchestral scores. 411-416 - Masahiro Niitsuma, Yo Tomita:
Classifying Bach's Handwritten C-Clefs. 417-422 - Gabriel Vigliensoni, John Ashley Burgoyne, Andrew Hankinson, Ichiro Fujinaga:
Automatic Pitch Detection in Printed Square Notation. 423-428 - Kerstin Neubarth, Mathieu Bergeron, Darrell Conklin:
Associations between Musicology and Music Information Retrieval. 429-434 - Dingding Wang, Mitsunori Ogihara:
Potential Relationship Discovery in Tag-Aware Music Style Clustering and Artist Social Networks. 435-440 - Charith Gunaratna, Evan Stoner, Ronaldo Menezes:
Using Network Sciences to Rank Musicians and Composers in Brazilian Popular Music. 441-446 - Débora C. Corrêa, Alexandre L. M. Levada, Luciano da F. Costa:
Finding Community Structure in Music Genres Networks. 447-452 - Robert Macrae, Simon Dixon:
Guitar Tab Mining, Analysis and Ranking. 453-458 - Cory McKay, David Bainbridge:
A Musical Web Mining and Audio Feature Extraction Extension to The Greenstone Digital Library Software. 459-464 - Sefki Kolozali, Mathieu Barthet, György Fazekas, Mark B. Sandler:
Knowledge Representation Issues in Musical Instrument Ontology Design. 465-470 - György Fazekas, Mark B. Sandler:
The Studio Ontology Framework. 471-476 - Ruofeng Chen, Ming Li:
Music Structural Segmentation by Combining Harmonic and Timbral Information. 477-482 - Gabriel Sargent, Frédéric Bimbot, Emmanuel Vincent:
A Regularity-Constrained Viterbi Algorithm and Its Application to The Structural Segmentation of Songs. 483-488 - Matthias Mauch, Mark Levy:
Structural Change on Multiple Time Scales as a Correlate of Musical Complexity. 489-494 - Yannis Panagakis, Constantine Kotropoulos, Gonzalo R. Arce:
l1-Graph Based Music Structure Analysis. 495-500 - Peter Foster, Anssi Klapuri, Mark D. Plumbley:
Causal Prediction of Continuous-Valued Music Features. 501-506 - Benjamin Martin, Pierre Hanna, Ta Vinh Thong, Myriam Desainte-Catherine, Pascal Ferraro:
Exemplar-based Assignment of Large Missing Audio Parts using String Matching on Tonal Features. 507-512 - Zhiyao Duan, Bryan Pardo:
Aligning Semi-Improvised Music Audio with Its Lead Sheet. 513-518 - Cynthia C. S. Liem, Alan Hanjalic:
Expressive Timing from Cross-Performance and Audio-based Alignment Patterns: An Extended Case Study. 519-524 - Takuma Otsuka, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Tetsuya Ogata, Hiroshi G. Okuno:
Incremental Bayesian Audio-to-Score Alignment with Flexible Harmonic Structure Models. 525-530 - Kenta Okumura, Shinji Sako, Tadashi Kitamura:
Stochastic Modeling of a Musical Performance with Expressive Representations from the Musical Score. 531-536 - Brian McFee, Gert R. G. Lanckriet:
The Natural Language of Playlists. 537-542 - Bernhard Niedermayer, Sebastian Böck, Gerhard Widmer:
On the Importance of "Real" Audio Data for MIR Algorithm Evaluation at the Note-Level - A Comparative Study. 543-548 - Jacquelin A. Speck, Erik M. Schmidt, Brandon G. Morton, Youngmoo E. Kim:
A Comparative Study of Collaborative vs. Traditional Musical Mood Annotation. 549-554 - Jordan Bennett Louis Smith, John Ashley Burgoyne, Ichiro Fujinaga, David De Roure, J. Stephen Downie:
Design and creation of a large-scale database of structural annotations. 555-560 - Andreas F. Ehmann, Mert Bay, J. Stephen Downie, Ichiro Fujinaga, David De Roure:
Music Structure Segmentation Algorithm Evaluation: Expanding on MIREX 2010 Analyses and Datasets. 561-566 - Steven R. Ness, Shawn Trail, Peter F. Driessen, W. Andrew Schloss, George Tzanetakis:
Music Information Robotics: Coping Strategies for Musically Challenged Robots. 567-572 - Trevor Knight, Finn Upham, Ichiro Fujinaga:
The potential for automatic assessment of trumpet tone quality. 573-578 - Spencer S. Topel, Michael A. Casey:
Elementary Sources: Latent Component Analysis for Music Composition. 579-584 - Alison Mattek, Michael A. Casey:
Cross-Modal Aesthetics from A Feature Extraction Perspective: A Pilot Study. 585-590 - Thierry Bertin-Mahieux, Daniel P. W. Ellis, Brian Whitman, Paul Lamere:
The Million Song Dataset. 591-596 - Julián Urbano, Diego Martín, Mónica Marrero, Jorge Morato:
Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval: Evaluation Power and Stability. 597-602 - Nicola Orio, David Rizo, Riccardo Miotto, Markus Schedl, Nicola Montecchio, Olivier Lartillot:
MusiCLEF: a Benchmark Activity in Multimodal Music Information Retrieval. 603-608 - Julián Urbano:
Information Retrieval Meta-Evaluation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Music Domain. 609-614 - Meinard Müller, Peter Grosche, Nanzhu Jiang:
A Segment-Based Fitness Measure for Capturing Repetitive Structures of Music Recordings. 615-620 - Jeffrey J. Scott, Youngmoo E. Kim:
Analysis of Acoustic Features for Automated Multi-Track Mixing. 621-626 - Nicola Montecchio, Arshia Cont:
Accelerating The Mixing Phase In Studio Recording Productions By Automatic Audio Alignment. 627-632 - John Ashley Burgoyne, Jonathan Wild, Ichiro Fujinaga:
An Expert Ground Truth Set for Audio Chord Recognition and Music Analysis. 633-638 - Matt McVicar, Yizhao Ni, Tijl De Bie, Raúl Santos-Rodriguez:
Leveraging Noisy Online Databases for Use in Chord Recognition. 639-644 - Kazuyoshi Yoshii, Masataka Goto:
A Vocabulary-Free Infinity-Gram Model for Nonparametric Bayesian Chord Progression Analysis. 645-650 - Taemin Cho, Juan Pablo Bello:
A Feature Smoothing Method for Chord Recognition Using Recurrence Plots. 651-656 - Joakim Andén, Stéphane Mallat:
Multiscale Scattering for Audio Classification. 657-662 - Rémi Foucard, Slim Essid, Mathieu Lagrange, Gaël Richard:
Multi-scale temporal fusion by boosting for music classification. 663-668 - Sander Dieleman, Philemon Brakel, Benjamin Schrauwen:
Audio-based Music Classification with a Pretrained Convolutional Network. 669-674 - Rudolf Mayer, Andreas Rauber:
Music Genre Classification by Ensembles of Audio and Lyrics Features. 675-680 - Mikael Henaff, Kevin Jarrett, Koray Kavukcuoglu, Yann LeCun:
Unsupervised Learning of Sparse Features for Scalable Audio Classification. 681-686 - Hélène Papadopoulos, Matthieu Kowalski:
Sparse Signal Decomposition on Hybrid Dictionaries Using Musical Priors. 687-692 - Yoko Anan, Kohei Hatano, Hideo Bannai, Masayuki Takeda:
Music Genre Classification using Similarity Functions. 693-698 - Caio Miguel Marques, Ivan Rizzo Guilherme, Rodrigo Y. M. Nakamura, João P. Papa:
New Trends in Musical Genre Classification Using Optimum-Path Forest. 699-704 - Emanuele Coviello, Riccardo Miotto, Gert R. G. Lanckriet:
Combining Content-Based Auto-Taggers with Decision-Fusion. 705-710 - Bo Xie, Wei Bian, Dacheng Tao, Parag Chordia:
Music Tagging with Regularized Logistic Regression. 711-716 - Chris Sanden, John Z. Zhang:
An Empirical Study of Multi-Label Classifiers for Music Tag Annotation. 717-722 - Katherine Ellis, Emanuele Coviello, Gert R. G. Lanckriet:
Semantic Annotation and Retrieval of Music using a Bag of Systems Representation. 723-728 - Philippe Hamel, Simon Lemieux, Yoshua Bengio, Douglas Eck:
Temporal Pooling and Multiscale Learning for Automatic Annotation and Ranking of Music Audio. 729-734 - Mark Mann, Trevor J. Cox, Francis F. Li:
Music Mood Classification of Television Theme Tunes. 735-740 - Sam Davies, Penelope Allen, Mark Mann, Trevor J. Cox:
Musical Moods: A Mass Participation Experiment for Affective Classification of Music. 741-746 - Yonatan Vaizman, Roni Y. Granot, Gert R. G. Lanckriet:
Modeling Dynamic Patterns for Emotional Content in Music. 747-752 - Rafael Cabredo, Roberto Sebastian Legaspi, Masayuki Numao:
Identifying Emotion Segments in Music by Discovering Motifs in Physiological Data. 753-758 - Björn W. Schuller, Felix Weninger, Johannes Dorfner:
Multi-Modal Non-Prototypical Music Mood Analysis in Continuous Space: Reliability and Performances. 759-764 - Xing Wang, Xiaoou Chen, Deshun Yang, Yuqian Wu:
Music Emotion Classification of Chinese Songs based on Lyrics Using TF*IDF and Rhyme. 765-770 - Christopher Bennett, Richard McNeer, Colby Leider:
Urgency Analysis of Audible Alarms in The Operating Room. 771-776 - Erik M. Schmidt, Youngmoo E. Kim:
Modeling Musical Emotion Dynamics with Conditional Random Fields. 777-782 - Matt McVicar, Tim Freeman, Tijl De Bie:
Mining the Correlation between Lyrical and Audio Features and the Emergence of Mood. 783-788 - Xiao Hu, Bei Yu:
Exploring The Relationship Between Mood and Creativity in Rock Lyrics. 789-794