ISIT 2009: Seoul, Korea

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Finite Precision Compressive Sensing

Relay Channel: Capacity and Bounds I

Multiple Descriptions

Combinatorial Properties of LDPC Codes I

Space-Time Coding I

Network Coding and Capacity I

Sequences and Correlation I

Information Measures

Compressive Sensing and Applications

Relay Channel: Capacity and Bounds II

Lossless Compression

Combinatorial Properties of LDPC Codes II


Network Coding and Capacity II

Sequences and Correlation II

Information Inequalities

Matrix Completion and Compressive Sensing

Bi-Directional Relaying

Source Coding

LDPC Decoding I

Feedback in Wireless Communication

Network Coding and Decoding

Sequences and Applications

Estimation I

Sparse Recovery I

Decode-Forward Relaying

Random-Process Compression

Analysis of LDPC Codes I

Wireless Channels

Cognitive Radio and Capacity