ICSE 2019: Montreal, QC, Canada

SPARQL queries 

Refine list

showing all ?? records

Automated program repair 1

Mining of software properties and patterns

Security 1

Static analysis

Continuous integration

Debugging and fault localization

DevOps and logging

Security 2

Test generation

Agile development

Analysis and verification

Mobile apps

Model-based software engineering

Program comprehension and reuse

SE datasets, research infrastructure, and methodology

Studying developers

Test selection and prioritization


Software analytics

Tool taxonomy and adoption

Unit testing

Automated repair 2

Crowdsourced knowledge and feedback


Requirements engineering for mass-market software

Trends and challenges in SE


Defect prediction

Developer biases and trust


Machine learning in static analysis

Mining software changes and patterns

Software product lines

API analysis

Crowdsourcing in software engineering

Human factors



Specifications and models


Code reviews

Configuration and optimization

Energy consumption in mobile apps

Program transformations

Reverse engineering

Software documentation

Software quality

Testing and analysis: domain-specific approaches