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34th ICSE 2012: Zurich, Switzerland
- Martin Glinz, Gail C. Murphy, Mauro Pezzè:
34th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2012, June 2-9, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland. IEEE Computer Society 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1067-3
Technical Research
Fault Handling
- Claire Le Goues
, Michael Dewey-Vogt, Stephanie Forrest
, Westley Weimer:
A systematic study of automated program repair: Fixing 55 out of 105 bugs for $8 each. 3-13 - Jian Zhou, Hongyu Zhang
, David Lo
Where should the bugs be fixed? More accurate information retrieval-based bug localization based on bug reports. 14-24 - Jifeng Xuan
, He Jiang, Zhilei Ren, Weiqin Zou:
Developer prioritization in bug repositories. 25-35 - Francisco Servant
, James A. Jones:
WhoseFault: Automatic developer-to-fault assignment through fault localization. 36-46
Code Generation and Recovery
- Barthélémy Dagenais, Martin P. Robillard:
Recovering traceability links between an API and its learning resources. 47-57 - Yingfei Xiong
, Arnaud Hubaux, Steven She, Krzysztof Czarnecki:
Generating range fixes for software configuration. 58-68 - Anh Tuan Nguyen, Tung Thanh Nguyen
, Hoan Anh Nguyen, Ahmed Tamrawi, Hung Viet Nguyen, Jafar M. Al-Kofahi, Tien N. Nguyen:
Graph-based pattern-oriented, context-sensitive source code completion. 69-79 - Fan Long, Vijay Ganesh
, Michael Carbin, Stelios Sidiroglou, Martin C. Rinard:
Automatic input rectification. 80-90
Empirical Studies of Development
- Narayan Ramasubbu
, Rajesh Krishna Balan:
Overcoming the challenges in cost estimation for distributed software projects. 91-101 - Ding Yuan, Soyeon Park, Yuanyuan Zhou:
Characterizing logging practices in open-source software. 102-112 - Mathieu Lavallée
, Pierre N. Robillard:
The impacts of software process improvement on developers: A systematic review. 113-122 - Victor Pankratius, Felix Schmidt, Gilda Garretón:
Combining functional and imperative programming for multicore software: An empirical study evaluating Scala and Java. 123-133
Performance Analysis
- Dacong Yan, Guoqing Xu, Atanas Rountev:
Uncovering performance problems in Java applications with reference propagation profiling. 134-144 - Shi Han, Yingnong Dang, Song Ge, Dongmei Zhang, Tao Xie:
Performance debugging in the large via mining millions of stack traces. 145-155 - Mark Grechanik
, Chen Fu, Qing Xie:
Automatically finding performance problems with feedback-directed learning software testing. 156-166 - Norbert Siegmund, Sergiy S. Kolesnikov, Christian Kästner
, Sven Apel
, Don S. Batory, Marko Rosenmüller, Gunter Saake:
Predicting performance via automated feature-interaction detection. 167-177
Defect Prediction
- Gordon Fraser, Andrea Arcuri:
Sound empirical evidence in software testing. 178-188 - Fayola Peters, Tim Menzies:
Privacy and utility for defect prediction: Experiments with MORPH. 189-199 - Hideaki Hata
, Osamu Mizuno
, Tohru Kikuno:
Bug prediction based on fine-grained module histories. 200-210
- Xi Ge, Quinton L. DuBose, Emerson R. Murphy-Hill:
Reconciling manual and automatic refactoring. 211-221 - Stephen R. Foster, William G. Griswold
, Sorin Lerner:
WitchDoctor: IDE support for real-time auto-completion of refactorings. 222-232 - Mohsen Vakilian, Nicholas Chen, Stas Negara, Balaji Ambresh Rajkumar, Brian P. Bailey, Ralph E. Johnson:
Use, disuse, and misuse of automated refactorings. 233-243
Human Aspects of Development
- Michaela Greiler, Arie van Deursen
, Margaret-Anne D. Storey:
Test confessions: A study of testing practices for plug-in systems. 244-254 - Tobias Roehm, Rebecca Tiarks, Rainer Koschke, Walid Maalej:
How do professional developers comprehend software? 255-265 - Ekwa Duala-Ekoko, Martin P. Robillard:
Asking and answering questions about unfamiliar APIs: An exploratory study. 266-276
Bug Detection
- Hesam Samimi, Max Schäfer
, Shay Artzi, Todd D. Millstein, Frank Tip, Laurie J. Hendren:
Automated repair of HTML generation errors in PHP applications using string constraint solving. 277-287 - Michael Pradel, Thomas R. Gross:
Leveraging test generation and specification mining for automated bug detection without false positives. 288-298 - Peng Liu, Charles Zhang:
Axis: Automatically fixing atomicity violations through solving control constraints. 299-309 - Jingyue Li, Michael D. Ernst:
CBCD: Cloned buggy code detector. 310-320
Multiversion Software
- Sagi Ifrah, David H. Lorenz:
Crosscutting revision control system. 321-330 - Katsuro Inoue, Yusuke Sasaki, Pei Xia, Yuki Manabe:
Where does this code come from and where does it go? - Integrated code history tracker for open source systems. 331-341 - Mário Luís Guimarães
, António Rito Silva
Improving early detection of software merge conflicts. 342-352 - Sichen Meng, Xiaoyin Wang
, Lu Zhang, Hong Mei:
A history-based matching approach to identification of framework evolution. 353-363
Similarity and Classification
- Collin McMillan, Mark Grechanik
, Denys Poshyvanyk
Detecting similar software applications. 364-374 - Alberto Bacchelli, Tommaso Dal Sasso, Marco D'Ambros, Michele Lanza:
Content classification of development emails. 375-385 - Yuan Tian, Julia Lawall, David Lo
Identifying Linux bug fixing patches. 386-396 - Lucia, David Lo
, Lingxiao Jiang
, Aditya Budi:
Active refinement of clone anomaly reports. 397-407
Analysis for Evolution
- Ali Mesbah
, Shabnam Mirshokraie:
Automated analysis of CSS rules to support style maintenance. 408-418 - Pamela Bhattacharya, Marios Iliofotou, Iulian Neamtiu, Michalis Faloutsos
Graph-based analysis and prediction for software evolution. 419-429 - Malcom Gethers, Bogdan Dit, Huzefa H. Kagdi, Denys Poshyvanyk
Integrated impact analysis for managing software changes. 430-440 - Felienne Hermans
, Martin Pinzger, Arie van Deursen
Detecting and visualizing inter-worksheet smells in spreadsheets. 441-451
- Mariano Ceccato
, Alessandro Marchetto
, Leonardo Mariani
, Cu D. Nguyen, Paolo Tonella
An empirical study about the effectiveness of debugging when random test cases are used. 452-462 - Ross Gore, Paul F. Reynolds Jr.:
Reducing confounding bias in predicate-level statistical debugging metrics. 463-473 - Wei Jin, Alessandro Orso:
BugRedux: Reproducing field failures for in-house debugging. 474-484 - Jorge Ressia, Alexandre Bergel, Oscar Nierstrasz
Object-centric debugging. 485-495
Human Aspects of Process
- Laura Plonka, Helen Sharp
, Janet van der Linden
Disengagement in pair programming: Does it matter? 496-506 - John Downs, Beryl Plimmer, John G. Hosking
Ambient awareness of build status in collocated software teams. 507-517 - Minghui Zhou, Audris Mockus
What make long term contributors: Willingness and opportunity in OSS community. 518-528 - Otávio Augusto Lazzarini Lemos
, Fabiano Cutigi Ferrari, Fábio Fagundes Silveira
, Alessandro Garcia:
Development of auxiliary functions: Should you be agile? An empirical assessment of pair programming and test-first programming. 529-539
- Yijun Yu
, Yu Lin, Zhenjiang Hu, Soichiro Hidaka, Hiroyuki Kato, Lionel Montrieux:
Maintaining invariant traceability through bidirectional transformations. 540-550 - Robert Reicherdt, Sabine Glesner:
Slicing MATLAB Simulink models. 551-561 - Ali Razavi, Kostas Kontogiannis:
Partial evaluation of model transformations. 562-572 - Michalis Famelis, Rick Salay, Marsha Chechik:
Partial models: Towards modeling and reasoning with uncertainty. 573-583
Concurrency and Exceptions
- Yunhui Zheng, Xiangyu Zhang:
Static detection of resource contention problems in server-side scripts. 584-594 - Pingyu Zhang, Sebastian G. Elbaum:
Amplifying tests to validate exception handling code. 595-605 - Yan Cai, W. K. Chan
MagicFuzzer: Scalable deadlock detection for large-scale applications. 606-616
Software Architecture
- Koen Yskout
, Riccardo Scandariato, Wouter Joosen:
Does organizing security patterns focus architectural choices? 617-627 - Yongjie Zheng, Richard N. Taylor:
Enhancing architecture-implementation conformance with change management and support for behavioral mapping. 628-638 - Mehdi Mirakhorli, Yonghee Shin, Jane Cleland-Huang, Murat Çinar:
A tactic-centric approach for automating traceability of quality concerns. 639-649
Formal Verification
- Ahmed Tamrawi, Hoan Anh Nguyen, Hung Viet Nguyen, Tien N. Nguyen:
Build code analysis with symbolic evaluation. 650-660 - Dharini Balasubramaniam
, Christopher Jefferson
, Lars Kotthoff
, Ian Miguel
, Peter Nightingale
An automated approach to generating efficient constraint solvers. 661-671 - Maxime Cordy, Andreas Classen, Gilles Perrouin
, Pierre-Yves Schobbens
, Patrick Heymans, Axel Legay:
Simulation-based abstractions for software product-line model checking. 672-682
Invariant Generation
- ThanhVu Nguyen, Deepak Kapur, Westley Weimer, Stephanie Forrest
Using dynamic analysis to discover polynomial and array invariants. 683-693 - Myoungkyu Song, Eli Tilevich
Metadata invariants: Checking and inferring metadata coding conventions. 694-704 - Dalal Alrajeh, Jeff Kramer, Axel van Lamsweerde, Alessandra Russo
, Sebastián Uchitel
Generating obstacle conditions for requirements completeness. 705-715
Regression Testing
- Paul Dan Marinescu, Cristian Cadar
make test-zesti: A symbolic execution solution for improving regression testing. 716-726 - Adrian Nistor, Qingzhou Luo, Michael Pradel, Thomas R. Gross, Darko Marinov:
Ballerina: Automatic generation and clustering of efficient random unit tests for multithreaded code. 727-737 - Dan Hao
, Lu Zhang, Xingxia Wu, Hong Mei, Gregg Rothermel:
On-demand test suite reduction. 738-748
Software Vulnerability
- Anders Møller
, Mathias Schwarz:
Automated detection of client-state manipulation vulnerabilities. 749-759 - Will Dietz, Peng Li, John Regehr, Vikram S. Adve:
Understanding integer overflow in C/C++. 760-770 - Muhammad Shahzad, Muhammad Zubair Shafiq, Alex X. Liu:
A large scale exploratory analysis of software vulnerability life cycles. 771-781
API Learning
- Raymond P. L. Buse, Westley Weimer:
Synthesizing API usage examples. 782-792 - Stefan Henß, Martin Monperrus
, Mira Mezini:
Semi-automatically extracting FAQs to improve accessibility of software development knowledge. 793-803 - Gias Uddin, Barthélémy Dagenais, Martin P. Robillard:
Temporal analysis of API usage concepts. 804-814 - Rahul Pandita, Xusheng Xiao
, Hao Zhong
, Tao Xie, Stephen Oney, Amit M. Paradkar:
Inferring method specifications from natural language API descriptions. 815-825
Code Recommenders
- Cheng Zhang, Juyuan Yang, Yi Zhang, Jing Fan, Xin Zhang
, Jianjun Zhao, Peizhao Ou:
Automatic parameter recommendation for practical API usage. 826-836 - Abram Hindle, Earl T. Barr
, Zhendong Su
, Mark Gabel, Premkumar T. Devanbu
On the naturalness of software. 837-847 - Collin McMillan, Negar Hariri, Denys Poshyvanyk
, Jane Cleland-Huang, Bamshad Mobasher
Recommending source code for use in rapid software prototypes. 848-858 - Cyrus Omar
, YoungSeok Yoon
, Thomas D. LaToza, Brad A. Myers:
Active code completion. 859-869
Test Automation
- Matt Staats, Gregory Gay, Mats Per Erik Heimdahl:
Automated oracle creation support, or: How I learned to stop worrying about fault propagation and love mutation testing. 870-880 - Suresh Thummalapenta, Saurabh Sinha
, Nimit Singhania, Satish Chandra:
Automating test automation. 881-891 - Jinguo Zhou, Xiao Xiao
, Charles Zhang:
Stride: Search-based deterministic replay in polynomial time via bounded linkage. 892-902 - Charles Song, Adam A. Porter, Jeffrey S. Foster:
iTree: Efficiently discovering high-coverage configurations using interaction trees. 903-913
Validation of Specification
- Sandeep Kumar, Siau-Cheng Khoo, Abhik Roychoudhury
, David Lo
Inferring class level specifications for distributed systems. 914-924 - Michael Pradel, Ciera Jaspan, Jonathan Aldrich
, Thomas R. Gross:
Statically checking API protocol conformance with mined multi-object specifications. 925-935 - Carlo Ghezzi, Andrea Mocci
Behavioral validation of JFSL specifications through model synthesis. 936-946 - Muath Alkhalaf, Tevfik Bultan, Jose L. Gallegos:
Verifying client-side input validation functions using string analysis. 947-957
- Saskia Sassen:
Digital formations of the powerful and the powerless (Keynote). 961 - Frank-Dieter Clesle:
Supporting sustainability with software - An industrial perspective (Keynote). 962 - Jeff Kramer:
Whither software architecture? (Keynote). 963
Software Engineering in Practice
Services and Analytics
- Clovis Chapman:
Towards a federated cloud ecosystem (Invited industrial talk). 967 - Domenico Bianculli
, Carlo Ghezzi, Cesare Pautasso, Patrick Senti:
Specification patterns from research to industry: A case study in service-based applications. 968-976 - Tarmo Ploom, Stefan Scheit, Axel Glaser:
Methodology for migration of long running process instances in a global large scale BPM environment in Credit Suisse's SOA landscape. 977-986 - Raymond P. L. Buse, Thomas Zimmermann:
Information needs for software development analytics. 987-996
Mini-Tutorial: Software Analytics
- Dongmei Zhang, Tao Xie:
Software analytics in practice: Mini tutorial. 997
Invited Industrial Experts
- Keith Braithwaite:
Software as an engineering material: How the affordances of programming have changed and what to do about it (Invited industrial talk). 998 - Eberhard Wolff:
Software architecture - What does it mean in industry? (Invited industrial talk). 999 - Tom Sprenger:
How software engineering can benefit from traditional industries - A practical experience report (Invited industrial talk). 1000
Formal Methods
- Wolfram Schulte:
Ten years of automated code analysis at Microsoft (Invited industrial talk). 1001 - June Andronick, D. Ross Jeffery, Gerwin Klein
, Rafal Kolanski, Mark Staples, He Zhang, Liming Zhu
Large-scale formal verification in practice: A process perspective. 1002-1011 - Futoshi Iwama, Taiga Nakamura, Hironori Takeuchi:
Constructing parser for industrial software specifications containing formal and natural language description. 1012-1021 - Marie-Aude Esteve, Joost-Pieter Katoen
, Viet Yen Nguyen, Bart Postma, Yuri Yushtein:
Formal correctness, safety, dependability, and performance analysis of a satellite. 1022-1031
Goldfish Bowl Panel: Software Development Analytics
- Tim Menzies, Thomas Zimmermann:
Goldfish bowl panel: Software development analytics. 1032-1033
- Jonathan Bnayahu, Maayan Goldstein, Mordechai Nisenson, Yahalomit Simionovici:
Making sense of healthcare benefits. 1034-1043 - Renato Lima Novais, Camila Nunes, Caio A. N. Lima, Elder Cirilo, Francisco Dantas, Alessandro Garcia, Manoel G. Mendonça
On the proactive and interactive visualization for feature evolution comprehension: An industrial investigation. 1044-1053 - Boya Sun, Gang Shu, Andy Podgurski, Brian Robinson:
Extending static analysis by mining project-specific rules. 1054-1063
- Robert DeLine, Andrew Bragdon, Kael Rowan, Jens Jacobsen, Steven P. Reiss:
Debugger Canvas: Industrial experience with the code bubbles paradigm. 1064-1073 - Thomas Zimmermann, Nachiappan Nagappan, Philip J. Guo, Brendan Murphy:
Characterizing and predicting which bugs get reopened. 1074-1083 - Yingnong Dang, Rongxin Wu
, Hongyu Zhang
, Dongmei Zhang, Peter Nobel:
ReBucket: A method for clustering duplicate crash reports based on call stack similarity. 1084-1093
Case Studies
- Alberto Sillitti, Giancarlo Succi
, Jelena Vlasenko:
Understanding the impact of Pair Programming on developers attention: A case study on a large industrial experimentation. 1094-1101 - Sebastian Eder, Maximilian Junker, Elmar Jürgens, Benedikt Hauptmann, Rudolf Vaas, Karl-Heinz Prommer:
How much does unused code matter for maintenance? 1102-1111 - Emilia Mendes:
Using knowledge elicitation to improve Web effort estimation: Lessons from six industrial case studies. 1112-1121
- John Penix:
Large-scale test automation in the cloud (Invited industrial talk). 1122 - Nicolas Devos, Christophe Ponsard, Jean-Christophe Deprez
, Renaud Bauvin, Benedicte Moriau, Guy Anckaerts:
Efficient reuse of domain-specific test knowledge: An industrial case in the smart card domain. 1123-1132 - Stefan Wagner
, Klaus Lochmann, Lars Heinemann, Michael Kläs, Adam Trendowicz, Reinhold Plösch, Andreas Seidl, Andreas Goeb, Jonathan Streit
The Quamoco product quality modelling and assessment approach. 1133-1142 - Yunho Kim, Moonzoo Kim, Young Joo Kim, Yoonkyu Jang:
Industrial application of concolic testing approach: A case study on libexif by using CREST-BV and KLEE. 1143-1152