ICNC-FSKD 2019, Volume 1, Kunming, China

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Natural Computation: Theory and Algorithms - Deep Learning and Feedforward Neural Networks

Natural Computation: Theory and Algorithms - Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms

Natural Computation: Theory and Algorithms - Nonlinear Phenomena, Chaos, Complex Networks and Systems

Natural Computation: Theory and Algorithms - Other Topics in Natural Computation Theory and Algorithms

Natural Computation Applications: Natural Computation in Pattern Recognition and Diagnostics

Natural Computation Applications: Natural Computation in Signal Processing and Multimedia

Natural Computation Applications: Other Natural Computation Applications

Fuzzy Theory and Algorithms: Fuzzy Theory and Models

Fuzzy Theory and Algorithms: Soft Computing and Granular Computation

Fuzzy Applications: Fuzzy Pattern Recognition and Diagnostics

Fuzzy Applications: Fuzzy Optimization, Design, and Modeling

Fuzzy Applications: Uncertainty Management

Fuzzy Applications: Other Fuzzy Applications