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ICCS 2007: Beijing, China
- Yong Shi, G. Dick van Albada, Jack J. Dongarra, Peter M. A. Sloot:
Computational Science - ICCS 2007, 7th International Conference, Beijing, China, May 27 - 30, 2007, Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4488, Springer 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-72585-5 - Jeong-Hee Cha, Gye-Young Kim, Hyung-Il Choi:
Resolving Occlusion Method of Virtual Object in Simulation Using Snake and Picking Algorithm. 1-8 - Helen Hong, Seongjin Park:
Graphics Hardware-Based Level-Set Method for Interactive Segmentation and Visualization. 9-16 - Li Liu, Caiming Zhang, Frank Cheng:
Parameterization of Quadrilateral Meshes. 17-24 - Pan Xiang, Chen Qi Hua, Fang Xin Gang, Zheng Bo Chuan:
Pose Insensitive 3D Retrieval by Poisson Shape Histogram. 25-32 - Zhixun Su
, Xiaojie Zhou, Xiuping Liu, Fengshan Liu, Xiquan Shi:
Point-Sampled Surface Simulation Based on Mass-Spring System. 33-40 - Benyue Su
, Jieqing Tan:
Sweeping Surface Generated by a Class of Generalized Quasi-cubic Interpolation Spline. 41-48 - Erkan Ülker
, Veysi Isler
An Artificial Immune System Approach for B-Spline Surface Approximation Problem. 49-56 - Jun Yang, Zhengning Wang, Changqian Zhu, Qiang Peng:
Implicit Surface Reconstruction from Scattered Point Data with Noise. 57-64 - Vladimir V. Savchenko, Maria Savchenko, Olga Egorova, Ichiro Hagiwara:
The Shannon Entropy-Based Node Placement for Enrichment and Simplification of Meshes. 65-72 - Sungyeol Lee, Haeyoung Lee:
Parameterization of 3D Surface Patches by Straightest Distances. 73-80 - Young-Suk Shin:
Facial Expression Recognition Based on Emotion Dimensions on Manifold Learning. 81-88 - Andrés Iglesias
, Francisco Luengo:
AI Framework for Decision Modeling in Behavioral Animation of Virtual Avatars. 89-96 - Tian-yang Lv, Guobao Liu, Jiming Pang, Zhengxuan Wang:
Studies on Shape Feature Combination and Efficient Categorization of 3D Models. 97-104 - Jaume Rigau, Miquel Feixas, Mateu Sbert
A Generalised-Mutual-Information-Based Oracle for Hierarchical Radiosity. 105-113 - Youngsup Park, Sanghyun Seo, YongJae Gi, Hanna Song, Kyunghyun Yoon:
Rendering Technique for Colored Paper Mosaic. 114-121 - Nam-Kyung Lee, Nakhoon Baek, Kwan Woo Ryu:
Real-Time Simulation of Surface Gravity Ocean Waves Based on the TMA Spectrum. 122-129 - Caiming Zhang, Ji Xiuhua, Liu Hui:
Determining Knots with Quadratic Polynomial Precision. 130-137 - Eduardo J. Álvarez, Celso Campos, Silvana Gómez Meire
, Ricardo Quirós, Joaquín Huerta, Michael Gould:
Interactive Cartoon Rendering and Sketching of Clouds and Smoke. 138-145 - Wei Liu, Yuanjun He:
Spherical Binary Images Matching. 146-149 - Sun-Hee Song, Seung-Moon Jeong, Gi Taek Hur, Sang-Dong Ra:
Dynamic Data Path Prediction in Network Virtual Environment. 150-153 - Kwan-Hee Yoo, Jong-Sung Ha, Jae-Soo Yoo:
Modeling Inlay/Onlay Prostheses with Mesh Deformation Techniques. 154-157 - Aybars Ugur, Tahir Emre Kalayci
Automatic Generation of Virtual Computer Rooms on the Internet Using X3D. 158-161 - Sanghyun Seo, Hochang Lee, HyunChul Nah, Kyunghyun Yoon:
Stained Glass Rendering with Smooth Tile Boundary. 162-165 - Jorge Flórez, Mateu Sbert
, Miguel Ángel Sainz, Josep Vehí
Guaranteed Adaptive Antialiasing Using Interval Arithmetic. 166-169 - Seth J. Chandler:
Restricted Non-cooperative Games. 170-177 - Masayoshi Sekiguchi, Masataka Kaneko, Yuuki Tadokoro
, Satoshi Yamashita, Setsuo Takato:
A New Application of CAS to LaTeX Plottings. 178-185 - Ali Yazici, Ziya Karakaya
JMathNorm: A Database Normalization Tool Using Mathematica. 186-193 - Andrés Iglesias
, Robert Ipanaqué, R. T. Urbina:
Symbolic Manipulation of Bspline Basis Functions with Mathematica. 194-202 - Haiduke Sarafian, Nenette Sarafian:
Rotating Capacitor and a Transient Electric Network. 203-210 - Akemi Gálvez:
Numerical-Symbolic Matlab Program for the Analysis of Three-Dimensional Chaotic Systems. 211-218 - Piotr S. Szczepaniak
, Ryszard A. Walentynski
Safety of Recreational Water Slides: Numerical Estimation of the Trajectory, Velocities and Accelerations of Motion of the Users. 219-226 - Francisco Botana
, Miguel A. Abánades, Jesús Escribano:
Computing Locus Equations for Standard Dynamic Geometry Environments. 227-234 - Andrés Iglesias
, Sinan Kapçak:
Symbolic Computation of Petri Nets. 235-242 - Deguchi Hiroaki:
Dynaput: Dynamic Input Manipulations for 2D Structures of Mathematical Expressions. 243-250 - Xin Li, Marc Moreno Maza, Éric Schost:
On the Virtues of Generic Programming for Symbolic Computation. 251-258 - Algimantas Cepulkauskas, Regina Kulvietiene, Genadijus Kulvietis, Jurate Mikucioniene:
Semi-analytical Approach for Analyzing Vibro-Impact Systems. 259-262 - Mohamed H. Zaki, Ghiath Al Sammane, Sofiène Tahar:
Formal Verification of Analog and Mixed Signal Designs in Mathematica. 263-267 - Changbo Chen, François Lemaire, Marc Moreno Maza, Wei Pan, Yuzhen Xie:
Efficient Computations of Irredundant Triangular Decompositions with the RegularChains Library. 268-271 - Francesco Frigerio, Luciano Montanari:
Characterisation of the Surfactant Shell Stabilising Calcium Carbonate Dispersions in Overbased Detergent Additives: Molecular Modelling and Spin-Probe-ESR Studies. 272-279 - Xin Yue, Jijun Zhao, Jieshan Qiu:
Hydrogen Adsorption and Penetration of Cx (x=58-62) Fullerenes with Defects. 280-287 - M. Ramalingam, K. Ramasami, Ponnambalam Venuvanalingam, J. Swaminathan:
Ab Initio and DFT Investigations of the Mechanistic Pathway of Singlet Bromocarbenes Insertion into C-H Bonds of Methane and Ethane. 288-295 - Ponnadurai Ramasami:
Theoretical Gas Phase Study of the Gauche and Trans Conformers of 1-Bromo-2-Chloroethane and Solvent Effects. 296-303 - José Rildo de Oliveira Queiroz, Geraldo Magela e Silva:
Dynamics Simulation of Conducting Polymer Interchain Interaction Effects on Polaron Transition. 304-311 - Alfredo Mayall Simas, Ricardo Oliveira Freire, Gerd Bruno Rocha:
Cerium (III) Complexes Modeling with Sparkle/PM3. 312-318 - Miao Sun, Ben Niu, Jingping Zhang:
The Design of Blue Emitting Materials Based on Spirosilabifluorene Derivatives. 319-326 - Hongqi Ai, Xian Peng, Yun Li, Chong Zhang:
Regulative Effect of Water Molecules on the Switches of Guanine-Cytosine (GC) Watson-Crick Pair. 327-330 - Ruihai Cui, Jingping Zhang:
Energy Partitioning Analysis of the Chemical Bonds in mer -Mq3 (M = AlIII, GaIII, InIII, TlIII). 331-334 - I. Noorbatcha, B. Arifin, S. M. Zain:
Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Studies of Six-Center Bond Exchange Reactions Among Halogen and Halogen Halide Molecules. 335-338 - Kyungsook Han, Byungkyu Park:
Comparative Analysis of the Interaction Networks of HIV-1 and Human Proteins. 339-346 - Mi Ryung Han, Hee-Joon Chung, Jihun Kim, Dong-Young Noh, Ju Han Kim:
Protein Classification from Protein-Domain and Gene-Ontology Annotation Information Using Formal Concept Analysis. 347-354 - Lingxi Peng, Yinqiao Peng, XiaoJie Liu, Caiming Liu, Jinquan Zeng, Feixian Sun, Zhengtian Lu:
A Supervised Classifier Based on Artificial Immune System. 355-362 - Xiaojing Wang, Wu Wei, Siyuan Zheng, Zhi-Wei Cao, Yixue Li:
Ab-origin: An Improved Tool of Heavy Chain Rearrangement Analysis for Human Immunoglobulin. 363-369 - Juan Frausto Solís
, E. F. Román, David Romero, Xavier Soberon
, Ernesto Liñán-García:
Analytically Tuned Simulated Annealing Applied to the Protein Folding Problem. 370-377 - Deyu Zhou, Yulan He, Chee Keong Kwoh:
Training the Hidden Vector State Model from Un-annotated Corpus. 378-385 - John Sanford, John Baumgardner, Wes Brewer, Paul Gibson, Walter ReMine:
Using Computer Simulation to Understand Mutation Accumulation Dynamics and Genetic Load. 386-392 - Keyuan Jiang:
An Object Model Based Repository for Biological Pathways Using XML Database Technology. 393-396 - Xiaomei Li:
Protein Folding Simulation with New Move Set in 3D Lattice Model. 397-400 - Meihong Zhu, Yong Shi, Aihua Li
, Jing He:
A Dynamic Committee Scheme on Multiple-Criteria Linear Programming Classification Method. 401-408 - Yaohui Chai, Aihua Li
, Yong Shi, Jing He, Keliang Zhang:
Kimberlites Identification by Classification Methods. 409-414 - R. Lord, Fang Fang, F. Bervoets, Cornelis W. Oosterlee:
A Fast Method for Pricing Early-Exercise Options with the FFT. 415-422 - Lean Yu, Kin Keung Lai, Shouyang Wang
Neural-Network-Based Fuzzy Group Forecasting with Application to Foreign Exchange Rates Prediction. 423-430 - Liwei Wei, Jianping Li, Zhenyu Chen
Credit Risk Evaluation Using Support Vector Machine with Mixture of Kernel. 431-438 - Egidijus Merkevicius, Gintautas Garsva, Rimvydas Simutis:
Neuro-discriminate Model for the Forecasting of Changes of Companies Financial Standings on the Basis of Self-organizing Maps. 439-446 - Masato Koda:
A New Computing Method for Greeks Using Stochastic Sensitivity Analysis. 447-454 - Wei Huang, Kin Keung Lai, Shouyang Wang
Application of Neural Networks for Foreign Exchange Rates Forecasting with Noise Reduction. 455-461 - David L. Olson, Helen M. Moshkovich, Alexander I. Mechitov:
An Experiment with Fuzzy Sets in Data Mining. 462-469 - Yachen Lin:
An Application of Component-Wise Iterative Optimization to Feed-Forward Neural Networks. 470-477 - Fanjun Meng, Jianping Li, Lijun Gao:
ERM-POT Method for Quantifying Operational Risk for Chinese Commercial Banks. 478-481 - Defu Zhang, Qingshan Chen, Lijun Wei:
Building Behavior Scoring Model Using Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machines. 482-485 - Kin Keung Lai, Lean Yu, Shouyang Wang, Wei Huang:
An Intelligent CRM System for Identifying High-Risk Customers: An Ensemble Data Mining Approach. 486-489 - Zhiwang Zhang, Yong Shi:
The Characteristic Analysis of Web User Clusters Based on Frequent Browsing Patterns. 490-493 - Kin Keung Lai, Ligang Zhou, Lean Yu:
A Two-Phase Model Based on SVM and Conjoint Analysis for Credit Scoring. 494-498 - Peng Zhang, Juliang Zhang, Yong Shi:
A New Multi-Criteria Quadratic-Programming Linear Classification Model for VIP E-Mail Analysis. 499-502 - Nargess Memarsadeghi
, David M. Mount
Efficient Implementation of an Optimal Interpolator for Large Spatial Data Sets. 503-510 - Dong-Suk Hong, Hong-Koo Kang, Dong-Oh Kim, Ki-Joon Han:
Development of an Efficient Conversion System for GML Documents. 511-514 - Chan-Min Ahn, Jae-Hyun You, Ju-Hong Lee, Deok-Hwan Kim:
Effective Spatial Characterization System Using Density-Based Clustering. 515-522 - Peng Liu, Dingsheng Liu, Fang Huang:
MTF Measurement Based on Interactive Live-Wire Edge Extraction. 523-530 - Haibin Sun:
Research on Technologies of Spatial Configuration Information Retrieval. 531-537 - Yong Xue, Lei Zheng, Ying Luo, Jianping Guo
, Wei Wan, Wei Wei, Ying Wang:
Modelbase System in Remote Sensing Information Analysis and Service Grid Node. 538-541 - Victor Sousa Lobo, Fernando Bação, Miguel Loureiro:
Density Based Fuzzy Membership Functions in the Context of Geocomputation. 542-549 - Yaolong Zhao, Yuji Murayama
A New Method to Model Neighborhood Interaction in Cellular Automata-Based Urban Geosimulation. 550-557 - Andrzej Bielecki
, Tomasz Danek
, Janusz Jagodzinski, Marek Wojdyla:
Artificial Neural Networks Application to Calculate Parameter Values in the Magnetotelluric Method. 558-561 - Seung-Jun Cha
, Yun-Young Hwang, Yoon-Seop Chang, Kyung-Ok Kim, Kyu-Chul Lee:
Integrating Ajax into GIS Web Services for Performance Enhancement. 562-568 - Jianping Guo
, Yong Xue, Ying Wang, Yincui Hu, Jianqin Wang, Ying Luo, Shaobo Zhong, Wei Wan, Lei Zheng, Guoyin Cai:
Aerosol Optical Thickness Retrieval over Land from MODIS Data on Remote Sensing Information Service Grid Node. 569-576 - Insoon Jo, Hyuck Han, Heon Young Yeom, Ohkyoung Kwon:
Universal Execution of Parallel Processes: Penetrating NATs over the Grid. 577-584 - Cristian Dittamo, Antonio Cisternino, Marco Danelutto
Parallelization of C# Programs Through Annotations. 585-592 - Thierry Gautier, Jean-Louis Roch, Frédéric Wagner:
Fine Grain Distributed Implementation of a Dataflow Language with Provable Performances. 593-600 - Kazuhiko Kakehi, Kiminori Matsuzaki, Kento Emoto:
Efficient Parallel Tree Reductions on Distributed Memory Environments. 601-608 - Kiminori Matsuzaki:
Efficient Implementation of Tree Accumulations on Distributed-Memory Parallel Computers. 609-616 - Abdallah Al Zain, Kevin Hammond, Philip W. Trinder, Steve Linton, Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Marco Costanti:
SymGrid-Par: Designing a Framework for Executing Computational Algebra Systems on Computational Grids. 617-624 - Fragiskos Kyriakopoulos, Stefan Thurner:
Directed Network Representation of Discrete Dynamical Maps. 625-632 - Zoran Levnajic, Bosiljka Tadic:
Dynamical Patterns in Scalefree Trees of Coupled 2D Chaotic Maps. 633-640 - Milovan Suvakov, Bosiljka Tadic:
Simulation of the Electron Tunneling Paths in Networks of Nano-particle Films. 641-648 - Makoto Uchida, Susumu Shirayama:
Classification of Networks Using Network Functions. 649-656 - Xin Liu, Deyi Li, Shuliang Wang, Zhiwei Tao:
Effective Algorithm for Detecting Community Structure in Complex Networks Based on GA and Clustering. 657-664 - Seok-Lae Lee, Inkyung Jeun, Joo-Seok Song:
Mixed Key Management Using Hamming Distance for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. 665-672 - Wu-Hong Tsai, Yuan-Sun Chu:
An Integrated Approach for QoS-Aware Multicast Tree Maintenance. 673-680 - Ruliang Xiao, Shengqun Tang:
A Categorial Context with Default Reasoning Approach to Heterogeneous Ontology Integration. 681-688 - Wen Zhou, Zongtian Liu, Yan Zhao:
An Interval Lattice Model for Grid Resource Searching. 689-695 - Jung-Min Kim, Hyun-Sook Chung:
Topic Maps Matching Computation Based on Composite Matchers. 696-703 - Jason J. Jung, GeunSik Jo:
Social Mediation for Collective Intelligence in a Large Multi-agent Communities: A Case Study of AnnotGrid. 704-711 - Óscar Corcho, Pinar Alper, Paolo Missier
, Sean Bechhofer
, Carole A. Goble, Wei Xing:
Metadata Management in S-OGSA. 712-719 - Dongwon Jeong, Yixin Jing, Doo-Kwon Baik:
Access Control Model Based on RDB Security Policy for OWL Ontology. 720-727 - Jinguang Gu:
Semantic Fusion for Query Processing in Grid Environment. 728-735 - Lina Fang, Shengqun Tang, Ruliang Xiao, Ling Li, Youwei Xu, Yang Xu, Xinguo Deng, Weiqing Chen:
SOF: A Slight Ontology Framework Based on Meta-modeling for Change Management. 736-743 - Ronan Jamieson, Adrian Haffegee, Priscilla Ramsamy, Vassil Alexandrov:
Data Forest: A Collaborative Version. 744-751 - Christoph Anthes
, Alexander Wilhelm, Roland Landertshamer, Helmut Bressler, Jens Volkert:
Net'O'Drom- An Example for the Development of Networked Immersive VR Applications. 752-759 - Christiand, Jungwon Yoon:
Intelligent Assembly/Disassembly System with a Haptic Device for Aircraft Parts Maintenance. 760-767 - Priscilla Ramsamy, Adrian Haffegee, Vassil Alexandrov:
Generic Control Interface for Networked Haptic Virtual Environments. 768-775 - Christoph Anthes
, Roland Landertshamer, Jens Volkert:
Physically-Based Interaction for Networked Virtual Environments. 776-783 - Christian Engelmann
, Hong Ong, Stephen L. Scott:
Middleware in Modern High Performance Computing System Architectures. 784-791 - Florian Urmetzer, Vassil Alexandrov:
Usability Evaluation in Task Orientated Collaborative Environments. 792-798 - Gustavo Zurita
, Nelson Baloian
, Felipe Baytelman, Antonio Farias:
Developing Motivating Collaborative Learning Through Participatory Simulations. 799-807 - Li Jin, Zhengding Lu:
A Novel Secure Interoperation System. 808-814 - Karl Fürlinger, Michael Gerndt, Jack J. Dongarra:
Scalability Analysis of the SPEC OpenMP Benchmarks on Large-Scale Shared Memory Multiprocessors. 815-822 - Michael Kluge, Wolfgang E. Nagel:
Analysis of Linux Scheduling with VAMPIR. 823-830 - Jie Tao, Thomas Dressler, Wolfgang Karl:
An Interactive Graphical Environment for Code Optimization. 831-838 - Matthias Jurenz, Ronny Brendel, Andreas Knüpfer, Matthias S. Müller
, Wolfgang E. Nagel:
Memory Allocation Tracing with VampirTrace. 839-846 - Michael Gerndt, Edmond Kereku:
Automatic Memory Access Analysis with Periscope. 847-854 - Kuodi Jian:
A Regressive Problem Solver That Uses Knowledgelet. 855-863 - Bartlomiej Sniezynski:
Resource Management in a Multi-agent System by Means of Reinforcement Learning and Supervised Rule Learning. 864-871 - Jaroslaw Kozlak:
Learning in Cooperating Agents Environment as a Method of Solving Transport Problems and Limiting the Effects of Crisis Situations. 872-879