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31st ECIS 2023: Kristiansan, Norway
- Margunn Aanestad, Stefan Klein, Monideepa Tarafdar, Shengnan Han, Sven Laumer, Isabel Ramos:
31st European Conference on Information Systems - Co-creating Sustainable Digital Futures, ECIS 2023, Kristiansan, Norway, June 11-16, 2023. 2023
ECIS 2023 Panels
- Lena Hylving, Dina Koutsikouri, Ojelanki K. Ngwenyama, Marigo Raftopoulos, Frantz Rowe, Olgerta Tona:
Human flourishing in the Digital Era - What Responsibility does/Should is Research(ERS) have? - Ana Paula dos Santos Tavares, Edgar Whitley, Liv Marte Nordhaug, Johan Sæbø, Malavika Raghavan, PK Senyo, Silvia Masiero:
Digital Public Goods and vulnerable populations. - Bastian Wurm, Michael Wessel, Monica Chiarini Tremblay, Michel Avital, Philipp Hukal, Iris A. Junglas:
Digital Trace Data Research in Information Systems: Opportunities and Challenges.
ECIS 2023 Research-in-Progress Papers
- Pragyan Thapa, Devinder Thapa, Øystein Sæbø:
A Critical Perspective on Quantification of Development in ICT4D. - Konstantin Garidis, Dominik Augenstein, Alexander Rossmann:
Acting like a Startup - Using Corporate Startup Structures to Manage the Digital Transformation. - Lara Riefle, Sebastian Alamo Alonso, Mauricio Jungnitz, Alexander Rothmaier, Henrik Wiegand, Ricardo Herrera, Carina Benz:
Adaptive Conversational Agents: Exploring the Effect of Individualized Design on User Experience. - Hwee-Joo Kam, John D'Arcy:
A DevOps Perspective: the Impact of Role Transitions on Software Security Continuity. - Yves Vanderbeken, Tim Huygh, Laury Bollen, Remko W. Helms:
Adopting the digital platform model for citizen services - proposed waves towards a government platform organization. - Nils Messerschmidt, Jana Gundlach, Annika Baumann:
A Look Through a Broken Window: The Relationship Between Disorder and Toxicity on Social Networking Sites. - Barbara Buljat Raymond:
Applying Emerging Innovations for Sustainable Future: Augmented Reality for Environmental Communication. - Yisheng Li, Ravi Vatrapu, Morteza Zihayat:
A Systematic Review of Computational Methods in and Research Taxonomy of homophily in Information Systems. - Thomas Zimmermann, Ulrich Kalscheuer, Denise Fischer-Kreer:
A text-based measure for digital innovation - uncovering digital innovation and its impact on firm performance. - Simon Hemmrich:
Business Reputation Systems based on Blockchain Technology - a Risky Advance. - Jin Hu, Daning Hu, Xuan Yang, Michael Chau:
Can Firms Improve Performance through External Contributions to their Open-Source Software Projects? - Silke Weißenfels, Karolin Eva Kappler, Stefan Smolnik:
Caring about Employees' Health@Work - Understanding Health Beliefs and the Use of Digital Health Interventions. - Alexander Baumeister, Sascha Hägele:
Confidence Matters: a simulation-based stability Analysis of Algorithmic Stablecoins. - Giuseppe Daniele Ibello, Barney Tan, Zixiu Guo, Carmen Leong:
Contemporary Clinical Decision Support Systems: a Preliminary Review and Research Agenda. - Niklas Korte, Lea Püchel, Tobias Brandt:
Crises as Drivers for Digital Innovation in the Public Sector: Insights from CoViD-19. - Peter Hamm:
Cryptocurrencies, Stablecoins and Central Bank Digital Currencies: the Impact of Trust and Perceived Risk. - Rahel Jana Gubser, Matthias Schulte-Althoff, Nils Heinemann, Jörg Pohle, Daniel Fürstenau:
Data Governance Strategies for Data Platforms - a Multiple Case Study in Nursing Care. - Montijn Renard van de Ven, Paola Lara Machado, Dominik Augenstein, Alexia Athanasopoulou, Banu Aysolmaz, Oktay Türetken:
Defining Key Performance indicators for Business Models: Design Principles for a method and Tool Support. - Sven Scheu, Florian Kuhlmeier, Lisa Müller, Ivo Benke:
Designing Amsl - a Mobile Digital Assistant for Self-regulated Learning. - Luis Meierkort, Frauke Hellweg, Bernd Hellingrath:
Designing a procedure Model to Develop a Prescriptive Maturity Model. - Yiliao Song, Tingru Cui, Feng Liu:
Designing Fair AI Systems: How Explanation specificity Influences Users’ Perceived Fairness and Trusting Intentions. - Alice Minet, Stefan Raff, Daniel Wentzel:
Design Thinking in Digital Environments. - Philipp Fukas, Oliver Thomas:
Developing a Reference Model for Artificial Intelligence Management. - Evelyn Ng, Barney Tan, Robert M. Davison, Jingzhu Hong, Louie Wong:
Developing Guanxi through Social Media: User Archetypes and Influencing Factors. - Stefan Kambiz Behfar:
Development Strategy and Management of AI-based Vulnerability Detection Applications in Enterprise Software Environment. - Tuba Bakici, Agata Mirowska, Jbid Arsenyan:
Digital Frugality for Managerial Tasks: Three-way Interaction Effects of Redundancy of Software on Techno-stressors. - Ana Paula dos Santos Tavares, Silvia Masiero:
Digital Identity and Social Protection Programs: Leaving no One behind? - Anita Neumannová, Edward Bernroider, Nikolaus Obwegeser:
Digital Operational Resilience: The Role of Non-routine Responses in Crisis Situations. - Joschka Andreas Hüllmann, Lorena Göritz, Simon Hagen, Jan Heinrich Beinke, Oliver Thomas:
Digital Transformation in Automotive: Drivers of Effective Sales Behaviors During Servitization at a German Car Manufacturer. - Cintia Ebner Melchiori, Bruno Sanches, Manuela Cortez da Cunha Cruz, Eduardo Henrique Diniz, Maria Alexandra Cunha:
"Digital Welfare and Vulnerable Citizens: a literature Review". - Nina Melanie Mølgaard, Marco Hubert, Sascha Steinmann, René Riedl:
Disturbing Distractions: Investigating the im-PACT of Digital and non-Digital Distractions on Task Performance. - Catarina Neves, Tiago Oliveira:
Drivers and Outcomes of Sustainable Technologies: a mixed-Methods Study of 4 EU Countries. - Xiaoye Li, Jiancheng Wang, Aaron Cheng, Qian Fang:
E-Commerce Live Streaming and Local Entrepreneurship: the Role of Government Officials' Participation. - Shahper Richter, Alexander Richter:
Educating, Evaluating, Advising, and Entertaining - Digital Influencers and their Narratives. - Yorgo Bejjani:
Enabling Value co-creation with customers through Artificial Intelligence: A case study approach. - Ehsan Dabiran, Samira Farivar, Fang Wang, Gerald G. Grant:
Engaging with Virtual Influencers: a Netnography Study. - Sharon Geeling, Irwin Brown:
Ethics Research in the Context of Social Media. - Paola Lara Machado, Montijn Renard van de Ven, Banu Aysolmaz, Alexia Athanasopoulou, Oktay Türetken:
Exploring Business Process Design Alternatives through a Business Model Lens. - Fatema Zaghloul, Alessio Maria Braccini:
Exploring Tensions in Collaboration among Public Sector Organisations on Shared IT Infrastructure Projects. - Veriko Ichkiti, Zhewei Zhang, Joe Nandhakumar:
Exploring the Interplay between AI Algorithms, Doctor, and Patient in the Healthcare Context. - Peyman Toreini, Sina Mohazzeb Jahromi:
Exploring the usage of Mixed Reality Dashboards in Business Intelligence and Analytics. - Nikola Levkov, Mijalche Santa, Bojan Kitanovikj:
Exploring Virtual Influencers' potential to Reduce interethnic Intolerance in Online youth Communication. - Edona Elshan, Dominic Germann, Ernestine Dickhaut, Mahei Manhei Li:
Faster, Cheaper, Better? Analyzing How low Code Development Platforms drive Bottom-up Innovation. - Alexander Kocur, Sünje Clausen, Lennart Hofeditz, Felix Brünker, Jennifer Fromm, Stefan Stieglitz:
Fighting False Information - Designing a Conversational Agent for Public Sector Organizations. - Eva Ritz:
Getting into Flow!? Enhance Flow-like Experiences and Learning Performance through Personalized Learning Activities. - Scarlett Koster, Andrew Jay Isaak:
Giving Neurotic Entrepreneurs Money to Save the World? An Analysis of U.S. Equity Crowdfunding Projects. - Yujuan Zheng, Saonee Sarker, Nicklas Holmberg, Wei Huang:
How does Enterprise Social Media (ESM) Influence Newcomers' Socialization: a Multilevel Perspective. - Jiamei Sun, Dongming Xu, Stan Karanasios:
How parts Connect to whole in Building Digital Generativity in Digital Platform Ecosystems. - Xintao Qian, Yulin Fang:
How Social cues Work in the Context of Livestreaming E-Commerce? - Haoyan Li, Michael Chau:
Human-AI Collaboration in Content Moderation: The Effects of Information Cues and Time Constraints. - Ella Kolkowska, Ewa Soja, Piotr Soja:
Intergenerational Tensions in ICT Adoption for Independent and healthy ageing: Preliminary Insights from a Value-Focused Thinking Study in Poland and Sweden. - Stefan Raff, Daniel Wentzel:
Intrusive Smart Home Assistants: an Exploratory Study and Scale Development. - Anika Nissen, Mareen Wienand, Reinhard Schütte:
I See no Fun in Enterprise Systems: an Exploratory Study on the First Impression Usability and User Experience. - Pouria Akbarighatar, Ilias O. Pappas, Polyxeni Vassilakopoulou:
Justice as Fairness: a Hierarchical Framework of responsible AI Principles. - Florian Laux, Martin Poniatowski, Dennis Kundisch:
May I have Your Attention, please? - the Interaction between Attention Screening and Reputation on Crowdworking Platforms. - Salih Tutun, Anol Bhattacherjee, Kazim Topuz, Ali Tosyali, Gorden Li:
Mdscan: an Explainable Artificial Intelligence Artifact for Mental Health Screening. - Linda Weigl, Tom Barbereau, Johannes Sedlmeir, Liudmila Zavolokina:
Mediating the tension between Data Sharing and Privacy: the Case of DMA and GDPR. - Tristan Gleich, Sofia Schöbel, Andreas Janson:
Meetings at Digital Workplaces - an Experimental Approach to Analyze Group Attachment and Organizational Commitment in Digital Worlds. - Huilin Gao, Evelyn Ng, Bingjie Deng, Michael Chau:
More or Less Prejudice? A Study on Real-Time Volunteer Apps for Visually Impaired People. - Peter Kowalczyk, Marco Röder, Frédéric Thiesse:
Nudging Creativity in Digital Marketing with Generative Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Limitations. - Daniel Erik Brylla, Gianfranco Walsh:
Nudging Towards Sustainable Delivery Options: First Insights From an Experimental Study. - Lars Andraschko, Philipp Wunderlich, Saonee Sarker, Daniel J. Veit:
On the Role of Smartness in Helping Consumers Create Sustainable Outcomes. - Abhinav Shrivastava, Humza Naseer, Booi Kam, Yee Ling Boo, Kok-Leong Ong:
Operationalising Analytics for Action: A Conceptual Framework Linking Embedded Analytics with Decision-Making Agility. - Christina Wagner, Manuel Trenz, Chee-Wee Tan, Daniel Veit:
Perceived Privacy Violations through Unauthorized secondary Use - Diving into Users' Perceptions and responses. - Marco Di Maria, David Walter, Thorsten Schoormann, Ralf Knackstedt:
Practical Support for Unlearning â€" a Systematic Review to Organize the field. - Benjamin Schaefer, Lasse Wrobel:
Requirements for Distributed Ledger Technology Implementations: a Perspective on DLT Enabled Business Models in Cooperative Relationships. - Marius Müller, Michael Knop, Christian Rester:
Shedding light on Resilience in Nursing: the Influence of Digital Technology Use in Clinical Care on Nurses' Sense of Coherence. - Christopher Funke, Caroline Rothert-Schnell, Gianfranco Walsh, Federico Mangiò, Giuseppe Pedeliento, Ikuo Takahashi:
Short Digital stress Scale - Psychometric Properties and Cross-Cultural Validation. - Florian Johannsen:
Situational Roadmap Development for Business Process Improvement via a Modeling Tool. - Tim Alvaro Ockenga, Stefan Hirschmeier, Philipp Gabriel Mazur, Detlef Schoder:
Smart Agriculture: Suitable crops for Autonomous Selective Harvesting. - Anna Hupe, Ulrich Bretschneider:
Smarter Crowdwork by Applying Smart Contracts? - Chang-Chien Liao, Chih-Hung Peng, Hsin-Lu Chang:
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Innovation in the Context of Software Industry: a Resource Orchestration Perspective. - Dennis Benner, Sofia Schöbel:
Stay with me - Conversational Churn Prevention in Digital subscription Service. - Fabian Schäfer, Eleftherios Patrikis, Felix Wortmann:
Strategic Data Privacy Positions: an Exploratory Analysis of Forbes Global 2000 Companies. - Rasmus Ulfsnes, Marius Mikalsen, Tor Thorsrud Sporsem, Morten Hatling:
Technology for Knowledge Work: a Relational Perspective. - Martin Richthammer, Thomas Widjaja:
The effect of regulatory Measures on Individual Data Disclosure: a Country Comparison. - Yasser Al Helaly, Gurpreet Dhillon, Tiago Oliveira:
The Impact of Online Advertisment Personalization and Transparency on Individual Defensive responses and Engagment. - Carolina Polito, Cristina Alaimo:
THE POLITICS OF BIOMETRIC TECHNOLOGIES: Borders control and the making of data citizens in Africa. - Bonny Brandenburger, Julia Brüsch, Maximilian Voigt, Magnus Busch:
Towards an Open Hardware Prototype Process Model for Long-Term Sustainability. - Nicole Maria Namyslo, Dominik Jung:
Towards Designing Robo-Advisory to Promote Consensus Efficient Group Decision-Making in New Types of Economic Scenarios. - Peter Eli-Friis Nielsen, Magnus Rotvit Perlt Hansen, Mads Hougaard:
Towards SME growth: RPA as an Intervention Technology in Action Design Research. - Carolina Castro Rodriguez, Jyoti Choudrie:
Understanding and Exploring Techno-Eustress: a Study of the UK and Spain. - Maleen Stachon, Frederik Möller, Tobias Guggenberger, Martin Tomczyk, Jan-Luca Henning:
Understanding Data Trusts. - Bobby T. K. So, Christy M. K. Cheung:
Understanding Sexual Harassment in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games: Crime Opportunity and Affordance Perspectives. - Vincent Beermann, Annamina Rieder:
Using Algorithmic Nudges to Save Energy and water: a Proposal for a longitudinal field Experiment. - David A. Eccles, Sherah Kurnia, Nicholas Geard, Tilman Dingler:
Using Transaction Cost Economics Safeguarding to Reduce the diffusion of Disinformation on Social Media. - Maryam Heidari, Geraldine Torrisi, Sebastian Binnewies:
Value Co-Creation in the IT Service Ecosystem. - Stan Karanasios, Bikesh Raj Upreti, Federico Iannacci:
When is a Goal a Goal? Addressing Equivocality with Technology. - Andreas Göldi, Roman Rietsche:
Whereto for Automated Coaching Conversation: Structured Intervention or adaptive Generation?
ECIS 2023 Research Papers
- Marc-Fabian Körner, Anne Michaelis, Sophie Spazierer, Jens Strüker:
Accelerating sustainability in companies: A taxonomy of information systems for corporate carbon risk management. - Jan-Hendrik Schmidt, Sebastian Clemens Bartsch, Martin Adam, Alexander Benlian:
Accountability incongruence and its effects on AI Developers' Job Satisfaction. - Alexander Moltubakk Kempton, Elena Parmiggiani, Polyxeni Vassilakopoulou:
Accountability in Managing Artificial Intelligence: State of the Art and a way forward for Information Systems Research. - Johanne Thunes, Alexander Moltubakk Kempton:
Achieving digital transformation in the public sector through targeted insourcing. - Malte Hellmeier, Franziska von Scherenberg:
A Delimitation of Data Sovereignty from Digital and Technological Sovereignty. - Cecilie Caroline Falch, Oliver Krancher:
Adoption Management: A Review of the Benefits Management and the Adoption Literature. - Adeline Frenzel-Piasentin, Moritz Tobias Bruckner, Christina Wagner:
A Flow-Oriented Process Model of Social Media Services Use. - Kirill Sadovnikov, Robbert Sweijen, Jan Martijn E. M. van der Werf, Inge van de Weerd:
A Framework to Assess the Suitability of low-Code for BPM. - Casandra Grundstrom, Pooja Mohanty, Elena Parmiggiani:
Ai uncertainty in Expert Decision-Making: a Qualitative Evidence synthesis. - Felix Hirsch, Armin Alizadeh, Martin Wiener, W. Alec Cram:
Algorithmic Control in Platform and Traditional Work Settings: An Updated Conceptual Framework. - Franziska Friedrich, Thomas Kreuzer, Felicitas Kuch:
A Match Made in Heaven? Empowering effects of Business Process Management and Digital Innovation Capabilities. - Katsiaryna Lashkevich, Fredrik Milani, Nadiia Danylyshyn:
Analysis templates for identifying improvement opportunities with process mining. - Fulya Acikgoz, AbdelSalam H. Busalim, Theo Lynn:
Antecedents of Information Adoption of Sharing Mobile Social Commerce Experience: The Mediation Role of Trust. - Theresa Pfaff, Ilja Nastjuk, Tizian Matschak:
Applying Dispositional, Situational, and Organizational Risk Propensity to Technology Threat Avoidance Theory - A tripartite View. - Jonathan Brock, Bernd Löhr, Katharina Brennig, Thilo Seger, Christian Bartelheimer, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu:
A process mining maturity model: Enabling organizations to assess and improve their process mining activities. - Prashant Kumar Choudhary, Anjali Kaushik:
Architecture and Design of National Digital Identity Platforms. - Anne Kristin Sortehaug Ajer, Egil Øvrelid:
Architecture Work: modes of Architecting in Large-Scale Infrastructures. - Johannes Damarowsky, Stephan Kuehnel, Martin Böhmer, Stefan Sackmann:
A Reference Architecture for a Workflow Management System Front End Designed for Augmented Reality Headsets. - Savindu Herath Pathirannehelage, Jóhann G. Jóhannsson, Yash Raj Shrestha, Georg von Krogh:
Artificial Intelligence-Augmented Decision Making in supply Chain Monitoring: an Action Design Research Study. - Daniel Konadl, Janik Wörner, Lucas Luttner, Susanne Leist:
Artificial Intelligence in Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems - a literature-based Assessment and Implications of Different Conversation phases and Contexts. - Ricarda Schlimbach, Charlotte Windolf, Susanne Robra-Bissantz:
A Service Perspective on Designing Learning Companions as Bonding and Mindful Time Managers in Further Education. - Oliver A. Vetter, Maren F. Mehler, Peter Buxmann:
As Much Art as Science - Examining the Realization of Business Models Driven by Machine Learning Through a Dynamic Capabilities Perspective. - Lemai Nguyen, Michael Lane, Kaushalya Nallaperuma, Emre Deniz:
A Socio-Ecological-Technical Perspective: How has Information Systems Contributed to Solving the Sustainability Problem. - Pablo Weingart, Thiemo Wambsganss, Matthias Söllner:
A taxonomy for deriving business insights from user-generated content. - Maria Hoffmann Jensen, Peter Axel Nielsen, John Stouby Persson:
Benefits from Big Data Analytics Projects: A Critical System Heuristics Approach to Boundary Judgements. - Sandra Zilker, Sven Weinzierl, Patrick Zschech, Mathias Kraus, Martin Matzner:
Best of Both Worlds: Combining Predictive Power with Interpretable and Explainable Results for Patient Pathway Prediction. - Tobias Kölbel, Katrin Joussen, Christof Weinhardt:
Between Hype, Hope, and Reality: A Lifecycle-Driven Perspective on Non-Fungible Token. - Jonas Gunklach, Katharina Jacob, Sven Michalczyk:
Beyond Dashboards? Designing Data Stories for Effective Use in Business Intelligence and Analytics. - Daniel Richter, Christopher Robin Praas, Jürgen Anke:
Beyond Paper and Plastic: A Meta-Model for Credential Use and Governance. - Nadine Ostern, Craig Furneaux, Michael Rosemann:
Blockchain for Charity: Trust-Related Affordances in the Charity Sector. - Scott Russpatrick, Pamod Amarakoon, Calle Hedberg:
Bounce Forward Resilience Attributes: Information System Strengthening in Response to Crisis. - Annalena Lorson, Christian Dremel, Falk Uebernickel:
Building Adaptive Capacity for Volatile Business Environments: A Longitudinal Study of the Establishment of a Digital Innovation Unit. - Sampsa Suvivuo, Tapani Rinta-Kahila, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen:
Building and Sustaining Communities in Online Labour Platforms. - Kristina Kusanke, Jennifer Kendziorra, Sonja Pilgenroeder, Teresa Christmann-Schwaab, Till J. Winkler:
Building Digital Leadership in the Public Sector - a literature Review.