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CBMS 2006: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
- 19th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2006), 22-23 June 2006, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. IEEE Computer Society 2006, ISBN 978-0-7695-2517-4
- Preface.
- Keynote Speaker Biography.
- Keynote Speech Topic.
- Steering and Organizing Committees.
- Program and Review Committee.
- Special Track Chairs.
- Area Chairs.
- Special Track Program Committee and Reviewers.
GS-1 Software Systems in Medicine
- Shuang Luan, Chao Wang, Danny Z. Chen, Xiaobo Sharon Hu
A Leaf Sequencing Software for Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy. 3-8 - Dirk Krechel, Markus Hartbauer, Kerstin Maximini:
LENUS - The Hospital Content Management System. 9-14 - Yavuz Tor, Richard H. Fowler, Charles A. Harlow, Chaitanya Jasti, Zhixiang Chen:
Distributed Biomedical Database for Public Health Research. 15-20 - Duncan Clarke, Adrian Park:
Active-RFID System Accuracy and Its Implications for Clinical Applications. 21-26 - Brian S. Tani, Tiago Nobrega, Thiago R. dos Santos, Aldo von Wangenheim
Generic Visualization and Manipulation Framework for Three-Dimensional Medical Environments. 27-31 - Ying-Hsu Chen, Shu-Ling Hsiao, Yu-Chia Hsu:
A Study of Community Care Platform Architecture. 32-36 - Ping Chen, Rakesh M. Verma
A Query-Based Medical Information Summarization System Using Ontology Knowledge. 37-42 - Jean-Baptiste Fasquel, Guillaume Brocker, Johan Moreau
, Vincent Agnus, Nicolas Papier, Christophe Koehl, Luc Soler, Jacques Marescaux:
A Modular and Evolutive Software for Patient Modeling Using Components, Design Patterns and a Formal XML-Based Component Management System. 43-50
GS-10 Medical Databases and Information Systems
- Seung-won Hwang:
Optimizing Ranked Retrieval over Categorical Attributes. 51-56 - Ammon Christiansen, D. J. Lee:
Relevance Feedback Query Refinement for PDF Medical Journal Articles. 57-62 - Mark Slaymaker
, Andrew Simpson
, Michael Brady, David Gavaghan
, Fiona Reddington, Phil Quirke:
A Prototype Infrastructure for the Secure Aggregation of Imaging and Pathology Data for Colorectal Cancer Care. 63-68 - Natarajan Chandrashekar, Muralidhar Gautam, K. S. Srinivas, J. Vijayananda:
Design Considerations for a Reusable Medical Database. 69-74 - Rahul Singh, Elinor Velasquez, Preet Vijayant, Emmanuel R. Yera:
FreeFlowDB: Storage, Querying and Interacting with Structure-Activity Information from High-Throughput Drug Discovery. 75-80 - John R. Geddes
, Clare E. Mackay
, Sharon Lloyd, Andrew Simpson
, David J. Power, Douglas Russell, Mila Katzarova, Martin Rossor
, Nick C. Fox, Jonathon Fletcher, Derek L. G. Hill, Kate McLeish, Joseph V. Hajnal, Stephen M. Lawrie, Dominic Job, Andrew M. McIntosh
, Joanna M. Wardlaw, Peter Sandercock, Jeb Palmer, Dave Perry, Rob Procter, Jenny Ure, Philip Bath
, Graham Watson:
The Challenges of Developing a Collaborative Data and Compute Grid for Neurosciences. 81-86 - Mahmoud Barhamgi
, Djamal Benslimane, Pierre-Antoine Champin:
A Framework for Data and Web Services Semantic Mediation in Peer-to-Peer Based Medical Information Systems. 87-92 - Antonio da Luz, Daniel D. Abdala, Aldo von Wangenheim
, Eros Comunello
Analyzing DICOM and non-DICOM Features in Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval: A Multi-Layer Approach. 93-98 - Tzu-Hsiang Yang, Po-Hsun Cheng, C. H. Yang, Feipei Lai, C. L. Chen, Hsiu-Hui Lee, Kai-Ping Hsu, Chi-Huang Chen, Ching-Ting Tan
, Yeali S. Sun:
A Scalable Multi-tier Architecture for the National Taiwan University Hospital Information System based on HL7 Standard. 99-104 - Xiaoqian Xu, Dah-Jye Lee, Sameer K. Antani
, L. Rodney Long:
Pre-Indexing for Fast Partial Shape Matching of Vertebrae Images. 105-110 - Hyoil Han, Yoori Choi, Yoo Myung Choi, Xiaohua Zhou, Ari D. Brooks:
A Generic Framework: From Clinical Notes to Electronic Medical Records. 111-118
GS-11 Web-Based Delivery of Medical Information
- Danzhou Liu, Kien A. Hua, Kiminobu Sugaya:
A Framework for Web-Based Interactive Applications of High-Resolution 3D Medical Image Data. 119-124 - Masashi Nakagawa, Kazunori Nozaki, Shinji Shimojo
Web-Based Distributed Simulation and Data Management Services for Medical Applications. 125-130 - Yunli Wang
Automatic Recognition of Text Difficulty from Consumers Health Information. 131-136 - Sudarshan S. Chawathe:
Tracking Changes in Healthcare Documents. 137-142 - Sek-Kwong Poon, Roberto A. Rocha, Guilherme Del Fiol
Rapid Answer Retrieval from Clinical Practice Guidelines at the Point of Care. 143-150
GS-12 Hand-held Computing Applications in Medicine
- Miren I. Bagüés, Jesús Bermúdez, Alfredo Burgos, Alfredo Goñi
, Arantza Illarramendi
, Jimena Rodríguez, Alberto Tablado:
An Innovative System that Runs on a PDA for a Continuous Monitoring of People. 151-156 - Peter Leijdekkers, Valérie Gay
Personal Heart Monitoring System Using Smart Phones To Detect Life Threatening Arrhythmias. 157-164
GS-13 Intelligent Biomedical Knowledge Discovery
- Tsang-Hsiang Cheng, Chih-Ping Wei, Vincent S. Tseng:
Feature Selection for Medical Data Mining: Comparisons of Expert Judgment and Automatic Approaches. 165-170 - Vadim Astakhov, Amarnath Gupta, Jeffrey S. Grethe
, Edward Ross, David Little, Aylin Yilmaz, Xufei Qian, Simone Santini
, Maryann E. Martone, Mark H. Ellisman:
Semantically Based Data Integration Environment for Biomedical Research. 171-176 - Vincent S. Tseng, Lien-Chin Chen, Yao-Dung Hsieh:
Discovering Gene Clusters via Integrated Analysis on Time-Series and Group-Comparative Microarray Datasets. 177-182 - Jirí Kléma
, Arnaud Soulet, Bruno Crémilleux, Sylvain Blachon, Olivier Gandrillon:
Mining Plausible Patterns from Genomic Data. 183-190
GS-2 Computer Aided Diagnosis
- Klaus H. Fritzsche
, Aldo von Wangenheim
, Rüdiger Dillmann, Roland Unterhinninghofen:
Automated MRI-Based Quantification of the Cerebral Atrophy Providing Diagnostic Information on Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease. 191-196 - Muhammad S. Hassan, Peter J. Bentley, Malcolm Galloway:
Support Vector Machines for Computer Assisted Diagnostic Neuropathology. 191-196 - Chien-Cheng Lee, Sz-Han Chen, Hong-Ming Tsai, Pau-Choo Chung, Yu-Chun Chiang:
Discrimination of Liver Diseases from CT Images Based on Gabor Filters. 203-206 - Zeeshan Syed, Daniel Leeds, Dorothy Curtis, John V. Guttag:
Audio-Visual Tools for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Cardiac Disorders. 207-212 - Soontharee Koompairojn, Kien A. Hua, Chutima Bhadrakom:
Automatic Classification System for Lumbar Spine X-ray Images. 213-218 - Paolo Soda
, Giulio Iannello
A Multi-Expert System to Classify Fluorescent Intensity in Antinuclear Autoantibodies Testing. 219-224 - Diego D. B. Carvalho, Thiago R. dos Santos, Aldo von Wangenheim
Measuring Arterial Diameters for Surgery Assistance, Patient Customized Endovascular Prosthesis Design and Post-Surgery Evaluation. 225-230 - Abhijeet Jadhav, Swapna Banerjee, P. K. Dutta, Ranjan Rashmi Paul
, Mousumi Pal
, P. Banerjee, K. Chaudhuri, Jyotirmoy Chatterjee:
Quantitative Analysis of Histopathological Features of Precancerous Lesion and Condition Using Image Processing Technique. 231-236 - Lisheng Xu
, Kuanquan Wang, Lu Wang, Naimin Li:
Pulse Contour Variability Before and After Exercise. 237-240 - Ching-Fen Jiang, De-Kai Chen, Yuan-Si Li, Jheng-Long Kuo:
Development of a Computer-Aided Tool for Evaluation and Training in 3D Spatial Cognitive Function. 241-244 - Yu Ma, Yuanyuan Wang, Xiaodong Cai, Weiqi Wang, Yuqi Zhang, Shubao Chen:
A Noninvasive Auto-Estimation System for Hemodynamic Parameters of Pulmonary Circulation. 245-252
GS-3 Knowledge-Based Systems
- Timothy P. Hanna, Roberto A. Rocha, Nathan C. Hulse, Guilherme Del Fiol
, Richard L. Bradshaw:
Maintaining the Integrity of Links Between Assets within a Clinical Knowledge Repository. 253-258 - Elba M. Quirino, Fábio Paraguaçu, George M. C. Souza:
An Aid System to the Medical Diagnosis of Patients with Neurological Problems. 259-263 - Martin J. O'Connor, Ravi D. Shankar, Amar K. Das:
An Ontology-Driven Mediator for Querying Time-Oriented Biomedical Data. 264-269 - Ravi D. Shankar, Susana B. Martins, Martin J. O'Connor, David B. Parrish, Amar K. Das:
Knowledge-Based System for Managing Complex Clinical Trials. 270-278
GS-4 Decision Support Systems
- Markos G. Tsipouras
, Themis P. Exarchos, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis, Anna P. Kotsia, Aikaterinh Naka, Lampros K. Michalis:
A Decision Support System for the Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease. 279-284 - Md Mahmudur Rahman, Bipin C. Desai, Prabir Bhattacharya:
Image Retrieval-Based Decision Support System for Dermatoscopic Images. 285-290 - Li Ma, Abdul Wahab
, Chai Quek
A Modified Generalized RBF Model with EM-based Learning Algorithm for Medical Applications. 291-296 - Monica H. Ou, Geoff A. W. West, Mihai M. Lazarescu
, Chris Clay:
Telederm: Enhancing Dermatological Diagnosis for Rural and Remote Communities. 297-302 - Mike Rees, Jitesh Dineschandra:
Risk Stratification in Assessing Risk in Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery. 303-308 - Petra Povalej
, Mateja Verlic, Peter Kokol
, José L. Sánchez, José F. Sigut
Identifying Lymphoma in Microscopy Images with Classificational Cellular Automata. 309-314 - Abdul Wahab
, Y. K. Kong, Hiok Chai Quek
Model Reference Adaptive Control on Glucose for the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. 315-320 - Reza Sherafat Kazemzadeh, Kamran Sartipi
Incoporating Data Mining Applications into Clinical Guildelines. 321-328
GS-5 Medical Devices with Embedded Computers
- Venumadhav Korampally, Shantanu Bhattacharya
, Yuanfang Gao, Sheila A. Grant, Steven B. Kleiboeker, Keshab Gangopadhyay, Jinglu Tan, Shubhra Gangopadhyay:
Optimization of Fabrication Process for a PDMS-SOG-Silicon Based PCR Micro Chip through System Identification Techniques. 329-334 - Kara E. Bliley, Daniel J. Schwab, David R. Holmes III, Paul H. Kane, James A. Levine, Erik S. Daniel, Barry K. Gilbert:
Design of a Compact System Using a MEMS Accelerometer to Measure Body Posture and Ambulation. 335-340
GS-6 Signal and Image Processing in Medicine
- Bodhisatwa Mazumdar, Aman Mediratta, Joydeep Bhattacharyya, Swapna Banerjee:
A Real Time Speckle Noise Cleaning Filter for Ultrasound Images. 341-346 - Evaggelos C. Karvounis
, Markos G. Tsipouras
, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis, Katerina K. Naka
A Method for Fetal Heart Rate Extraction Based on Time-Frequency Analysis. 347 - Ferran Prados
, Anton Bardera
, Mateu Sbert
, Imma Boada
, Miquel Feixas
A Monte Carlo-Based Fiber Tracking Algorithm using Diffusion Tensor MRI. 353-358 - Tetsuya Satos, Norihiro Abe, Kazuaki Tanaka, Yoshimasa Kinoshita, Shoujie He:
Toward Developing Multiple Organs and Diseases Diagnosing Intellectual System referring to Knowledge Base and CT Images. 359-364 - Daniel D. Abdala, Aldo von Wangenheim
Measurement of Relative Brain Atrophy in Neurodegenerative Diseases. 365-370 - Stephen Paul Linder, Suzanne Wendelken:
Using the Morphology of the Photoplethysmogram Envelope to Automatically Detect Hypovolemia. 371 - Charles Scott, Elisa H. Barney Smith:
An Unsupervised Fluoroscopic Analysis of Knee Joint Kinematics. 377 - Ti-Cheng Lu, Ching-Fen Jiang, Shuh-Ping Sun, Ching-Jung Wu:
Interactive Image Registration as a Positioning Verification Tool for Radiation Treatment Planning. 381-385 - Paolo Soda
, Amelia Rigon, Antonella Afeltra, Giulio Iannello
Automatic Acquisition of Immunofluorescence Images: Algorithms and Evaluation. 386-390 - Suzanne Wendelken, Stephen Paul Linder, Sue McGrath:
A Preliminary Study of Respiratory Variations in the Photoplethysmogram during Lower Body Negative Pressure. 391-395 - Guozheng Yan, Banghua Yang, Shuo Chen, Rongguo Yan:
Pattern Recognition Using Hybrid Optimization for a Robot Controlled by Human Thoughts. 396-400 - Chih-Hua Huang, Ching-Fen Jiang, Wen-Hsu Sung:
Medical Image Registration and Fusion with 3D CT and MR Data of Head. 401-404 - Daniel Smutek
, Akinobu Shimizu, Ludvík Tesar, Hidefumi Kobatake, Shigeru Nawano, Stepán Svacina
Automatic Internal Medicine Diagnostics Using Statistical Imaging Methods. 405-412
GS-7 Medical Image Segmentation
- Elisa Ficarra
, Enrico Macii, Giovanni De Micheli, Luca Benini
Computer-Aided Evaluation of Protein Expression in Pathological Tissue Images. 413-418 - Marek Franaszek, Ronald M. Summers:
Asymmetric Affinity in Fuzzy Connectedness Segmentation for Oral Contrast-Enhances CT Colonography. 419-423 - Katia Estabridis, Rui J. P. de Figueiredo:
Blood Vessel Detection via a Multi-window Parameter Transform. 424-429 - Eamonn Brankin, Paul J. McCullagh
, Norman D. Black, William Patton, Alyson Muldrew:
The Optimisation of Thresholding Techniques for the Identification of Choroidal Neovascular Membranes in Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration. 430-435 - Shu-Yen Wan
, Chian-Hung Hou:
Synergy of Symmetric Region Grow and Active Contour in Reconstruction of a 3D Rat. 436-441 - Chia-Chi Teng, Linda G. Shapiro, Ira Kalet:
Automatic Segmentation of Neck CT Images. 442-445 - Esmeraldo dos Santos Filho, Yoshifumi Saijo, Tomoyuki Yambe, Akira Tanaka, Makoto Yoshizawa:
Segmentation of Calcification Regions in Intravascular Ultrasound Images by Adaptive Thresholding. 446-454
GS-8 Medical Intelligence and Data Warehousing
- Vojtech Huser, Roberto A. Rocha, Brent C. James:
Use of Workflow Technology Tools to Analyze Medical Data. 455-460 - Hyoil Han, Han C. Ryoo, Herbert Patrick:
An Infrastructure of Stream Data Mining, Fusion and Management for Monitored Patients. 461-468
GS-9 Network and Telemedicine Systems
- Lee Momtahan, Andrew Simpson
Switched Lightpaths for e-Health Applications: a Feasibility Study. 469-472 - Shaosheng Dai, Yue Zhang:
A Wireless Physiological Multi-parameter Monitoring System Based on Mobile Communication Networks. 473-478 - Aoife Deery, Desmond Chambers, Denis Moriarty, Elizabeth Connolly, Gerard Lyons:
Clinical Trials of a Wireless LAN Based Patient Monitoring System. 479-484 - Carlos Oberdan Rolim
, Fernando Luiz Koch, Marcos Dias de Assunção
, Carlos Becker Westphall
Towards a Grid of Sensors for Telemedicine. 485-490 - Daniel D. Abdala, Martin Prüsse, André Germano Regert, Aldo von Wangenheim
Application Protocol for a DICOM Real Time Collaborative System. 490-494 - Rafael Simon Maia, Aldo von Wangenheim
, Luiz Felipe de Souza Nobre:
A Statewide Telemedicine Network for Public Health in Brazil. 495-500 - Upkar Varshney:
Enhancing Wireless Patient Monitoring by Integrating Stored and Live Patient Information. 501-506 - Joshua Proulx, Ryan Clifford, Sarah Sorensen, Dah-Jye Lee, James K. Archibald:
Development and Evaluation of a Bluetooth EKG Monitoring Sensor. 507-511 - Upkar Varshney:
Addressing Un-cooperation of Routers in Wireless Patient Monitoring. 512-517 - Bridget Kane
, Saturnino Luz
Probing the Use and Value of Video for Multi-Disciplinary Medical Teams in Teleconference. 518-523 - Michel Treins, Olivier Curé, Gabriella Salzano:
On the Interest of Using HL7 CDA Release 2 for the Exchange of Annotated Medical Documents. 524-532
ST-1 Bioinformatics and Its Medical Applications
- Haiying Wang
, Huiru Zheng
, Francisco Azuaje:
Computational Approaches to Supporting Large-Scale Analysis of Photoreceptor-Enriched Gene Expression. 533-538 - Nadia Bolshakova, Anton Zamolotskikh, Padraig Cunningham
Comparison of the Data-based and Gene Ontology-Based Approaches to Cluster Validation Methods for Gene Microarrays. 539-543 - Fulvia Ferrazzi
, Paola Sebastiani
, Isaac S. Kohane, Marco Ramoni, Riccardo Bellazzi
Dynamic Bayesian Networks in Modelling Cellular Systems: a Critical Appraisal on Simulated Data. 544-549 - Shakti Gupta, Eric Aslakson, Suzanne D. Vernon:
Identifying a Central Nervous System Perturbation that Explains Peripheral Hypocortisolism by Modeling the HPA Axis. 550-554 - Rafal Kustra, Adam Zagdanski
Incorporating Gene Ontology in Clustering Gene Expression Data. 555-563
ST-10 Temporal Pattern Discovery in Biomedicine
- Ronen Tal-Botzer, Nir Hadaya, Rachel S. Levy-Drummer, Ariel Feiglin, David H. Shalom, Avidan U. Neumann:
Biomathematics Oriented Machine Learning System for Reconstructing Temporal Profiles of Biological or Clinical Markers. 563-568 - Rui Zhang, Parvathi Chundi:
Using Time Decompositions to Analyze PubMed Abstracts. 569-576
ST-11 Ontologies for Biomedical Systems
- Illhoi Yoo, Xiaohua Hu:
Biomedical Ontology MeSH Improves Document Clustering Qualify on MEDLINE Articles: A Comparison Study. 577-582 - Mary E. Dolan, Judith A. Blake
Using Ontology Visualization to Coordinate Cross-species Functional Annotation for Human Disease Genes. 583-587 - Amandeep S. Sidhu
, Tharam S. Dillon, Elizabeth Chang
Advances in Protein Ontology Project. 588-592 - Robert Minchin, Fábio Porto, Christelle Vangenot
, Sven Hartmann:
Symptoms Ontology for Mapping Diagnostic Knowledge Systems. 593-598 - Ramez Elmasri, Feng Ji, Jack Fu, Yiming Zhang, Zoe Raja:
Extending EER Modeling Concepts for Biological Data. 599-604 - Andreas Kupfer, Silke Eckstein, Karl Neumann, Brigitte Mathiak:
A Coevolution Approach for Database Schemas and Related Ontologies. 605-610 - Guang-Lei Song, Yu Qian, Ying Liu, Kang Zhang:
Oasis: A Mapping and Integration Framework for Biomedical Ontologies. 611-616 - Farookh Khadeer Hussain, Amandeep S. Sidhu
, Tharam S. Dillon, Elizabeth Chang
Engineering Trustworthy Ontologies: Case Study of Protein Ontology. 617-622
ST-12 Advances in Medical Simulation
- Gregory A. Thompson, Robert G. Morrison
, Keith J. Holyoak
, Terry K. Clark:
Evaluation of an Online Analogical Patient Simulation Program. 623-628 - Anand P. Santhanam, Cali M. Fidopiastis, Paul Davenport, Katja Langen, Sanford L. Meeks
, Jannick P. Rolland:
Real-Time Simulation and Visualization of Subject-Specific 3D Lung Dynamics. 629-634 - Yi-Je Lim, John Hu, Chu-Yin Chang, Neil Tardella:
Soft Tissue Deformation and Cutting Simulation for the Multimodal Surgery Training. 635-640 - James Anderson, Alok Chaturvedi
, Mike Cibulskis:
Modeling the Health of Refugee Camps: An Agent-Based Computational Approach. 641-645 - Eduardo S. Barriga, Stephen R. Russell
, Michael D. Abràmoff
, Robert Brittain, Russell Waymire, Anne Edwards, Richard Engstrom, Bert Davis, Peter Soliz:
A Training System for Photodynamic Therapy using Modeling and Simulation. 646-652
ST-13 Bioinformatics Visualization in 3D
- Kay C. Wiese, Christina Eicher:
Graph Drawing Tools for Bioinformatics Research: An Overview. 653-658 - Kay C. Wiese, Edward Glen:
jViz.Rna - An Interactive Graphical Tool for Visualizing RNA Secondary Structure Including Pseudoknots. 659-664