International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS)

Venue statistics

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      Venue Information

      • has part: Workshop on Business and IT Alignment (BITA)
      • has part: Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contract Technologies (BSCT)
      • has part: International Workshop on Transforming the Digital Customer Experience (DigEx)
      • has part: International Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Integrated Social CRM (iCRM )
      • has part: Workshop on Quality of Open Data (QOD)

      24th BIS 2021: Hannover, Germany

      23rd BIS 2020: Colorado Springs, CO, USA

      22nd BIS 2019: Seville, Spain

      21st BIS 2018: Berlin, Germany

      20th BIS 2017: Poznań, Poland

      19th BIS 2016: Leipzig, Germany

      18th BIS 2015: Poznań, Poland

      17th BIS 2014: Larnaca, Cyprus

      16th BIS 2013: Poznań, Poland

      15th BIS 2012: Vilnius, Lithuania

      14th BIS 2011: Poznan, Poland

      13th BIS 2010: Berlin, Germany

      12th BIS 2009: Poznan, Poland

      11th BIS 2008: Innsbruck, Austria

      10th BIS 2007: Poznan, Poland

      9th BIS 2006: Klagenfurt, Austria

      8th BIS 2005: Posnán, Poland

      7th BIS 2004: Poznán, Poland

      6th BIS 2003: Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

      5th BIS 2002: Poznan, Poland

      4th BIS 2000: Poznan, Poland

      3rd BIS 1999: Poznan, Poland