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ISCA PDCS 2001: Richardson, Texas, USA
- Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha:
Proceedings of the ISCA 14th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, August 8-10, 2001, Richardson, Texas, USA. ISCA 2001, ISBN 1-880843-39-0
- Michihiro Koibuchi, Akiya Jouraku, Akira Funahashi, Hideharu Amano:
MMLRU Selection Function: An Output Selection Function on Adaptive Routing. PDCS 2001: 1-6 - Jie Wu:
Optimal Broadcasting in Injured Hypercubes Using Directed Safety Levels. PDCS 2001: 7-12 - Nen-Chung Wang, Tzung-Shi Chen, Chih-Ping Chu:
Improving Tree-Based Multicasting for Wormhole Switch-Based Networks. PDCS 2001: 13-18 - Justin T. Rough, Andrzej M. Goscinski:
A Group Communications Facility for Reliable Computing on Clusters. PDCS 2001: 19-24 - Jie Wu, Li Sheng:
Deadlock-Free Prefix Multicasting in Irregular Networks. PDCS 2001: 25-30 - Jyh-Ming Huang, Ted C. Yang:
Multidestination Multicast Communication Based on Hierarchical Block Rings. PDCS 2001: 31-36
Distributed Systems I
- Craig Sullivan, Michael Jurczyk:
Bandwidth Learning in Distributed Networking Environments for Global Information Dissemination. PDCS 2001: 37-42 - Heri Ramampiaro, Mads Nygård:
CAGISTrans: A Transactional Framework for Cooperative Work. PDCS 2001: 43-50 - Yuguang Tu, Yin Wu, B. Prabhakaran:
A Scalable Web Hosting Framework. PDCS 2001: 51-56 - Sub Ramakrishnan:
Object-Oriented Simulation and GA. PDCS 2001: 57-61 - Nelson S. Rosa, Paulo Roberto Freire Cunha, George R. Ribeiro-Justo:
On the Treatment of Non-Functional Properties of Dynamic Distributed Software Architectures. PDCS 2001: 62-67 - Walter Dosch:
Order-Theoretic Refinement of Infinite Stream Behaviours. PDCS 2001: 68-74
Instruction-level Parallelism & Scheduling
- Youfeng Wu, Utpal Banerjee, Yong-Fong Lee:
Calculation of Load Invalidation Rates for Data Speculation. PDCS 2001: 75-82 - Tom Way, Ben Breech, Wei Du, Veselin Stoyanov, Lori L. Pollock:
Using Path-spectra-based Cloning in Region-based Optimization for Instruction-Level Parallelism. PDCS 2001: 83-90 - Ruijian Zhang, Willis K. King, Manhong Guo:
Performance Evaluation of a Hybrid Branch Prediction Method Using Switch-Counter. PDCS 2001: 91-96 - Zhigang Jin, Nelson L. Passos, Virgil Andronache:
Branch Prediction of Conditional Nested Loops through an Address Queue. PDCS 2001: 97-102 - Timothy W. O'Neil, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha:
On Retiming Synchronous Data-Flow Graphs. PDCS 2001: 103-108 - Laurent George, Soumaya Kamoun, Pascale Minet:
First Come First Served: Some Results for Real-Time Scheduling. PDCS 2001: 109-116
- Chae-Gon Yoo, Sung Hwan Lee, Chi-Jung Hwang:
Object Extraction from Random Background Using Stereo Matching. PDCS 2001: 117-120 - Jiann-Shu Lee:
A Computational Approach to Junction Detection. PDCS 2001: 121-125 - Dong Uk Cho, Young Lae J. Bae:
Effective Ownership Protection in Multimedia Contents. PDCS 2001: 126-129
Distributed Systems II
- Yan Huang, Yann-Hang Lee:
Concurrency Control Protocol for Broadcast-based Transaction Processing and Correctness Proof. PDCS 2001: 130-135 - Jun Ge, Boon Kwang Kin, Valdis Berzins:
A Software Agent Framework for Distributed Applications. PDCS 2001: 136-141 - Jinsong Ouyang, Akhil Sahai, Vijay Machiraju:
An Approach to Optimistic Commit and Transparent Compensation for E-Service Transactions. PDCS 2001: 142-149 - Arturo I. Concepcion, Koping Wang:
Spider II: A Component-Based Distributed Computing System. PDCS 2001: 150-156 - Chuanshan Gao, Liangxiu Han, Zhiwei Cen, Chunbo Chu:
A New Multifractal Traffic Model Based on the Wavelet Transform. PDCS 2001: 157-162 - Tahany A. Fergany, Amany M. Sarhan:
Restructuring Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Software for Pipeline Environment. PDCS 2001: 163-170
Network Security and Ad Hoc Networks
- Stefano Basagni:
Proving Lower Bounds for Distributed Ad Hoc Broadcast. PDCS 2001: 171-176 - András Faragó, Violet R. Syrotiuk:
Algorithmic Problems in Power-Controlled Ad Hoc Networks. PDCS 2001: 177-182 - M. M. McMahon, Howard A. Sholl, Reda A. Ammar:
Proposed Structure of a Network Security System Using Dynamic Authentication. PDCS 2001: 183-189 - David D. McGann, Yoonhee Kim, Roy Czernikowski, James E. Heliotis:
Adaptive Virtual Protocol Stacks for Intrusion Detection Applications. PDCS 2001: 190-195
Implementation of DSP and Communication Systems I
- Muhammad Sohail Sadiq, Shoab Ahmed Khan:
Scheduling of Digital Signal Processing Algorithms on StarCore VLIW DSP. PDCS 2001: 196-199 - Partha Mukherjee:
Robust Design of a W-CDMA Digital Modem for Tolerance to System Clock Glitches. PDCS 2001: 200-205 - Chang Nian Zhang, W. K. Chou, Nuannuan Zhang, Jiesheng Xie:
A DSP Based POD Implementation for High Speed Multimedia Communication. PDCS 2001: 206-210
Compiling and Optimization Techniques
- Kleanthis Psarris, Konstantinos Kyriakopoulos:
Measuring the Accuracy and Efficiency of the Data Dependence Tests. PDCS 2001: 211-218 - Kenneth G. Ricks, John M. Weirs, B. Earl Wells:
SADL: Simulation Architecture Description Language Kenneth. PDCS 2001: 219-224 - Xin Li, Valerie E. Taylor:
System Buffer Size Requirements: An Application's Perspective. PDCS 2001: 225-232 - Mi-Sook Kim, Reda A. Ammar, Howard A. Sholl:
Scheduling Parallel Processes in Fork-Join Structures with a Limited Number of Processors. PDCS 2001: 233-239 - Toshinori Sato, Itsujiro Arita:
Tolerating Transient Faults through an Instruction Reissue Mechanism. PDCS 2001: 240-247 - Tsung-Chuan Huang, Slo-Li Chu:
A Comprehensive Statement-Based Analysis System for Tightly-Coupled Heterogeneous Environments. PDCS 2001: 248-253
Distributed and Intelligent Information I
- James N. K. Liu, Jane You:
On Web-mining for Internet Shopping. PDCS 2001: 254-259 - Kirk Scott:
Multi-Dimensional Mapping and Selection Queries on Relational Database Tuples. PDCS 2001: 260-265 - Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy, Ibrahim Zeid:
A Mobile Agent Architecture to enable Enterprise Information Access for Mobile Devices. PDCS 2001: 266-271 - Alain Becam, Maryvonne Miquel, Robert Laurini:
Yehudi: An Orchestrated System for the Interoperability of Urban Data and Models. PDCS 2001: 272-277 - Christophe Nicolle, Jean-Claude Simon:
Modeling Cooperation of Information Systems. PDCS 2001: 278-283
Quality of Service
- Shin-Jer Yang:
Performance-Based Evaluation of the Ethernet Network with QoS Parameters. PDCS 2001: 284-288 - Ravi Bhagavathula, S. Moosa, R. Rajamoni, Ravi Pendse:
Optimum Nrm Values for ERICA and EFCI Schemes in ATM. PDCS 2001: 289-294 - Mansoor Alam, Carl Weisfelder, Min Song:
A Study of Parallel Monitoring Algorithm in ATM Network Admission Control. PDCS 2001: 295-301
- Ravi Bhagavathula, M. Shende, Ravi Pendse:
Object Oriented Router Simulator. PDCS 2001: 302-307 - Mansoor Alam, Shravan K. Vallala, Min Song:
Comparison of Various TCP Implementations in a Congested Network. PDCS 2001: 308-314 - Bin Xiao, Qingfeng Zhuge, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha:
Efficient Update of Shortest Path Algorithms for Network Routing. PDCS 2001: 315-320 - Kuoling Fang, Hee Yong Youn, Hyunseung Choo, Chansu Yu:
Evaluation of Proactive Congestion Control on RED Gateway. PDCS 2001: 321-326 - Biao Chen, Jianping Wang:
Optimal Wavelength Assignment for Multicast in WDM Networks. PDCS 2001: 327-334 - Ravi Bhagavathula, Kafi Hassan, Firasath Ali, Mehdi Abbasi, Ravi Pendse:
VoIP using Fragmentation and Interleaving over Slow WAN Links. PDCS 2001: 335-338
Parallel Architectures
- Yung-Chung Wu, Jong-Jiann Shieh:
A Multiple Blocks Fetch Engine for High Performance Superscalar Processors. PDCS 2001: 339-344 - Rong Lin:
Inner Product Processor Designs Using High-Performance, Non-Binary Logic Circuits. PDCS 2001: 345-350 - Roger D. Chamberlain, Mark A. Franklin, Abhijit Mahajan:
VLSI Photonic Ring Interconnect for Embedded Multicomputers: Architecture and Performance. PDCS 2001: 351-358 - Yi Pan, Jennifer Seitzer, James P. Buckley:
An Embedded Architecture for Efficient Cycle Mining in Database and Knowledge Base Systems. PDCS 2001: 359-234 - Krishna M. Kavi, Joseph Arul, Roberto Giorgi:
Performance Evaluation of a Non-Blocking Multithreaded Architecture for Embedded, Real-Time and DSP Applications. PDCS 2001: 365-371 - Mourad Elhadef, Béchir el Ayeb:
Self-Diagnosis of Multiprocessor Systems Under Generalized Comparison Model. PDCS 2001: 372-379
Performance Evaluation and Modeling Tools I
- Dieter Kranzlmüller:
Using Sequential Debuggers for Parallel Programs. PDCS 2001: 380-386 - Magnus Broberg, Lars Lundberg, Håkan Grahn:
An Allocation Strategy Using Shadow-processors and Simulation Technique. PDCS 2001: 387-394 - Lu Tong, Carl Bruggeman, Brett C. Tjaden, Hong Chen, Lonnie R. Welch:
Specification and Modeling of Network Resources in Dynamic, Distributed Real-time System. PDCS 2001: 395-400 - Sherif A. Elfayoumy, James H. Graham:
An Agent-based Architecture for Performance Tuning: Parallel Discrete-event Simulations Case Study. PDCS 2001: 401-406 - David B. Pierce, Diane T. Rover:
Multiple Abstraction Level Performance Data Mining. PDCS 2001: 407-413
- Sujata Banerjee, Panos K. Chrysanthis, A. Deshpande:
Scalable Performance through Cooperative Data Shipping. PDCS 2001: 414-421 - Susheel Jalali, Sivarama P. Dandamudi:
Pipelined Hash Joins Using Network of Workstations. PDCS 2001: 422-429 - Sa Lin, Les L. Miller, Hsine-Jen Tsai, Jian Xu:
Integrating a Heterogeneous Distributed Data Environment with a Database Specific Ontology. PDCS 2001: 430-435
Mobile Networks
- Mostafa I. H. Abd-El-Barr, Salman A. Khan:
A Hybrid Scheme for Tolerating Mobile Support Station Failures. PDCS 2001: 436-441 - Shivakant Mishra, Peng Xie:
Communication and Synchronization Models in Mobile Agent-Based Computing Systems. PDCS 2001: 442-447 - Chyi-Ren Dow, Jong-Shin Chen:
Maximizing the Traffic-Carrying Capacity of Cellular Radio Systems Based on an Efficient Distributed Channel Re-assignment Algorithm for FCA Strategies. PDCS 2001: 448-453
Performance Evaluation and Modeling Tools II
- Chyi-Ren Dow, Jong-Shin Chen:
Performance Evaluation of Channel Allocation Strategies for PCS Systems Using SimPCS. PDCS 2001: 454-459 - Kevin S. London, Jack J. Dongarra, Shirley Moore, Philip Mucci, Keith Seymour, T. Spencer:
End-user Tools for Application Performance Analysis Using Hardware Counters. PDCS 2001: 460-465 - Nouredine Melab, Laurent Deruelle, Mourad Bouneffa:
A Platform for Instrumentation-based Profiling of Distributed Bytecode Applications. PDCS 2001: 466-471
Parallel Algorithms
- Ranette H. Halverson, Richard P. Simpson, Tao Wang:
Using Parallel Evolving Methods to Discover New Shellsort Sequences. PDCS 2001: 472-477 - Fouad B. Chedid:
A Parallel Time/Processor Tradeoff T.P=O(n^(log M)/M) for the Subset-Sum Problem. PDCS 2001: 478-481 - Laurence Tianruo Yang, Man Lin:
The Parallel Waveform IBiCG Technique for Transient Simulation of Semiconductor Devices. PDCS 2001: 482-489
Implementation of DSP and Communication Systems II
- Yingtao Jiang, Yuke Wang, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha:
Distributed Scaling Algorithm for FFT Computation Using Fixed-Point Arithmetic. PDCS 2001: 490-495 - Won-Ho Lee, Hyun-Sung Kim, Kee-Young Yoo:
Area Efficient Architecture for Multiplication and Squaring in GF(2^m) using Irreducible AOP. PDCS 2001: 496-499 - Keon-Jik Lee, Kee-Won Kim, Kee-Young Yoo:
Digit Serial-In-Serial-Out Systolic Multiplier for Montogomery's Algorithm. PDCS 2001: 500-504
Distributed and Intelligent Information Systems II
- Sungjoon Park, Young-Kuk Kim, Juyoun Kim:
Development of a Personalized Virtual Shopping Mall System in Distributed Heterogeneous Environment. PDCS 2001: 505-510 - Kokou Yétongnon, Djamal Benslimane, Souad Chraibi:
An Information Agent Based Distributed Query Processing. PDCS 2001: 511-516 - Mourad Bouneffa, Laurent Deruelle, Nouredine Melab:
On Implementing Information System and Databases Interoperability with XML. PDCS 2001: 517-522 - Yakham Ndiaye, Aly Wane Diene, Witold Litwin, Tore Risch:
AMOS-SDDS: A Scalable Distributed Data Manager for Windows Multicomputers. PDCS 2001: 523-

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