Software - Practice and Experience, Volume 41

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Volume 41, Number 1, January 2011

Volume 41, Number 2, February 2011

Tool Building in Formal Methods: Extended Papers from WS-TBFM 2010

Volume 41, Number 3, March 2011

Research Articles

Volume 41, Number 4, April 2011

Research Articles

Volume 41, Number 5, April 2011

Practical Aspects of Search-Based Software Engineering

Volume 41, Number 6, May 2011

Research Articles

Volume 41, Number 7, June 2011

Volume 41, Number 8, July 2011

Agile Product Line Engineering

Volume 41, Number 9, August 2011

Focus on Agile Software Development

Volume 41, Number 10, September 2011

QSIC 2010: Extended papers from the 10th International Conference on Quality Software Editorials Special Issue Papers Research Articles Special Issue Papers

Volume 41, Number 11, October 2011

Volume 41, Number 12, November / December 2011

Component and service-oriented distributed embedded real-time systems: Extended papers from ISORC 2010 Editorials Special Issue Papers